The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Octagonal Heaven-swallowing Formation

In the fierce battle, Ninth Heaven Condor and “Eight Devils in the Mountains” had arranged a large formation to get rid of their strong enemy Xiao Tianlong.

The power of this formation was amazing with powerful demon skills, which was called “Octagonal Heaven-swallowing Formation”. From its name, we could know that this formation was so tough to deal with and could not underestimate it.

Ninth Heaven Condor recruited King of the Mountains and his brothers. They worked together to study this formation. After more than a year, they finally refine this formation with power like this.

In this campaign, he was full of confidence because of the support of this formation. He tried to get rid of his enemy Xiao Tianlong at this time, occupying Tianyue Country to lay the foundation for dominating the whole world.

Since the situation became more terrible and the battle unpredictably changed, Xiao Tianlong did not feel confident in his mind and was scared of it.

This demon formation was so broad and grand with amazing momentum. it was rare to see.

The imperial master knew that this must be Ninth Heaven Condor’s ace card. The demon skills were horrible and the situation was worrying. He did not know whether he could reverse the crisis and turn the tide, allowing the people and the country to pass over the difficulties.

In the thick demon air, the nine monsters showed out their fierce appearance, which was like a huge black monster with nine heads, looking at the eight sides fiercely.

This formation was extremely horrible. King of the Mountains and his brother stood by their own sides firmly, while Ninth Heaven Condor was standing at the center position, controlling the whole formation to attack the opponent.

In the Octagonal Heaven-swallowing Formation, tiger demon Saint of the Forest and lion demon King of the Mountains stood by the east and west respectively, eagle demon Flying God and leopard demon Wind through Mountains held the south and north, bear demon Black Whirlwind and wolf demon Howling Monster were at the southeast and northwest, and python demon Green Dragon and dog demon Wind Ghost were at the southwest and northeast.

The eight monsters were holding their own position and supporting each other. There was no place to break in.

With the support of the eight brothers’ demon skills, Ninth Heaven Condor’s attack became more powerful. The power now was totally different from the one he activated alone.

Xiao Tianlong was surprised to see the Octagonal Heaven-swallowing Formation was so powerful and felt a pressure he had never experienced before. He predicted that the situation would be urgent and it was too horrible to imagine the consequences.

For a moment, the horrible formation was rushing towards Xiao Tianlong with horrible imposing manner, which was like the destruction of the mortal. It was unstoppable and nothing left when it passed by.

The situation was urgent while the demon skills were shocking. The imperial master had no way to retreat but had to fight with his best. He was praying to reverse the crisis and save the country and people from suffering.

The situation on the battlefield was extremely horrible. Xiao Tianlong knew it was just a beautiful fantasy. It seemed that their country would be destroyed in the end.

He was not afraid of death, not to mention that it had reached the time of life and death. He was worried about the country and the people. He felt heartbroken and terrified of the horrible ending.

Seeing the monsters were manipulating the demon formation and rushing towards the city, Xiao Tianlong could only make up his mind fighting with his best to the end.

He hoped that he could step out of danger with blood. It did not matter even if both sides were hurt. Only if the country survived, it would be a gratifying ending.

Zhang Yunyan was worried and predicted that the situation was not good. It was hard to tell whether she would die or not. She did not know whether she could go back home, so she felt really worried.

She had no way to retreat, but tried her best to help the imperial master to resist the group of monsters. She would stay with the country to the end.

What Xiao Tianlong was worried about finally happened. He just fought against the nine monsters, so he could feel how powerful the Octagonal Heaven-swallowing Formation was. The power of this demon formation was beyond his imagination and it was difficult to resist.

The imperial master was nervous and nearly broke out. He could only do his best to make every effort to fight.

Despite this, he still felt the pressure he had never experienced before. He could not hold for long just his cultivation and skills. He must be defeated soon and die unfortunately.

He knew he did not have the ability to defeat strong enemies. The end of failure was inevitable. He was very anxious and sad.

Xiao Tianlong had already put life and death aside. It did not matter whether he would die or not. However, his death would have no good for the consequences of his country. On the contrary, it would bring greater misfortunes—the country would be broken and people would be in great suffering.

When finding that the country would be devastated and countless soldiers and civilians would be buried in the war, he could do nothing and felt deeply desperate.

At the moment of the country’s destroy, Xiao Tianlong thought of the first prince who was stranded in the alienated world. He would be the last hope of Tianyue Country.

However, as he died, the last piece of hope of this country would become bubbles.

The emperor and the queen originally had two sons. The first prince had already titled as the crown prince, but now he was stranded in the alienated world thousands of years later. The second prince led the soldiers to resist the enemy of invasion.

A few days ago, the second prince’ follower came to report that the second prince had died on the battlefield. The future of the country could only set on the first prince.

Xiao Tianlong secretly lamented that the country’s destroy was an inevitable result and a coming reality. No one had the ability to reverse it.

Because of his death, no one could control the Tongtian Precious Carriage, so the first prince would become a traveler in the alienated world and could not return to his motherland. The Tianyue Country would never have the day of revival.

Xiao Tianlong remembered the emperor’s orders to him and the other ministers. He felt heartbroken.

The emperor repeatedly ordered them that the imperial master must lead the other ministers to retreat instead of protecting the imperial palace when meeting great danger. Then, they could find the first prince back to reinvigorate the country and take revenge.

Now that the two sides had been fighting against each other, how could he escape for his own life when finding the country was in distress?

To say at least, it was too difficult for him to escape. Ninth Heaven Condor and his fellow would not give up this wonderful opportunity. If they did not get rid of this strong enemy on the hegemony road, how could they be willing to give up?

Facing the fierce attack from the group of monsters, Xiao Tianlong was too difficult to hold on. He had no ability to save himself and might die with the country.

He knew his life did not belong to himself alone, but also belong to Tianyue Country. He could not die so easily. Otherwise, the first prince would stay at the alienated world and Tianyue Country would be completely destroyed.

Thinking of this, the imperial master suffered a heartache. His tears flowed down. He felt deeply helpless and lamented.

Xiao Tianlong thought of Zhang Yunyan, the friend coming with him from the alienated world. He had no way to send her back. He was really sorry for this good friend between generations.

At this moment, he could not protect himself and had no time to care about Zhang Yunyan. He hoped that this friend could survive in this battle and live a peaceful life in this alienated world, which could a blessing in misfortune.

Although it was hard for Xiao Tianlong to resist the Octagonal Heaven-swallowing Formation, he could not give up to let the enemy take attack casually. He needed to fight to the end and insist on until he totally fell down.

The war had reached the cruelest level, while the demon intent was unstoppable and advanced step by step.

In the retreat, Xiao Tianlong was still insisting on and activating his skills to resist.

The situation was disadvantageous and the consequences would be cruel. It seemed that he would lose in this battle. Not only Xiao Tianlong knew how terrible the situation of battle was, but also the soldiers of Tianyue Country and Zhang Yunyan also figured out clearly. They had to admit and accept this painful ending.

The soldiers were unable to help the imperial master and had no ability to reverse the situation of this battle. All of them were worried and anxious.

Ninth Heaven Condor and “Eight Devils in the Mountains” were excited to find they were nearly to win, so they started to attack their opponents harder. These monsters hoped to kill Xiao Tianlong immediately, and then broke into the city, laying a solid foundation for their unified hegemony.

The beasts screamed more fiercely and were eager to try to prey the enemies on the opposite side.

Zhang Yunyan showed out a worried expression and was anxious in her mind. She lost all her confidence. She knew that Nothing much could be done about it now for Tianyue Country and she might die in this unfamiliar world. She could not return to her home.

She needed to say goodbye to her hometown, to her relatives and friends, and to her dead relatives.

Yunyan felt deeply upset. On this extremely cruel battlefield, her friend between generations could not guarantee his own life. Following his death, the country must be destroyed and the people would be in great suffering. The situation would be extremely terrible.

Zhang Yunyan had already fallen in a desperate situation and just had a ten percent chance to survive. Even if she could survive, she had no chance to return to her own time.

She was desperate because she must stay in the alienated world and became a stranger who was missing her home, or she might become a ghost who was missing home deeply.

All those uncompleted vows for her life would turn into bubbles. There was no hope.

Zhang Yunyan found Xiao Tianlong was still struggling to fight against the enemy and felt painful and desperate for the failing destiny of the imperial master.

At the same time, she was also moved and motivated by the formidable and tenacious fighting spirit of this friend between generations. A will of fighting showed out of the emotions of pain and desperate.

Yunyan’s fate had been closely tied with Tianyue Country, so she could not change or reverse the fate to become a traveler in this alienated world.

Despite the tragic future, she could not turn a blind eye to the war in front of her. She could not give up or escape alone, but needed to sacrifice for the war of justice.

She had been experienced so many challenges since she was young, and survived in those tough and dangerous situations, forming her a personality of persistence. It would not change her whole life.

Whether in her own time or in the alienated world, she was still the same person.

Facing the horrible formation and the failing situation, Zhang Yunyan still kept her strong spirit of resistance, showing out her character of persistence.

She had a determined mind and would fight to the end as the imperial master. Even if she lost her life, it would be a tragic but wonderful life with a perfect ending.

Although Zhang Yunyan was trying to fight against the monsters to the end, she was also shocked by the cruel reality. The demon formation was horrible and the ending was miserable. She was so painful and desperate.

She was about to say goodbye to her relatives and friends, to her homeland, to the souls of her relatives, and to Xiao Tianlong, the friend between generations in front of her.

She would end her life in this Tianyue Country thousands of years ago. Everything in both two eras with thousands of years time interval would turn into bubbles…

The fight was fierce and the situation was dangerous, so it was inevitable for Xiao Tianlong to be defeated.

Zhang Yunyan had been trapped in the situation and felt very worried. He could not help the imperial master but could only look at her friend to die on the battlefield.

She was very angry. This was a peace-loving country. People were eager to live in peace and harmony. Why would they experience such a bad fate?

Ninth Heaven Condor and the other monsters were rampant and killing people. The emperor of Yingtian Country was the crime of this battle and a ferocious tyrant. Why did heaven not punish him, but let them succeed?

Heaven treated people unfair in her own era, so did here!

Zhang Yunyan thought of her whole life and felt upset. She had been begging everywhere since she was young and struggled to survive in the years of suffering.

After growing up, she also experienced toughly. Not mention anything else, she could not revenge for her parents several times.

How could her life be with so many disasters? Why could not she realize her lifetime vows?

At this moment, Yunyan felt that she might die with Xiao Tianlong and lost everything, including her own life.

She hated the tyrant who led his army to invade this country, so as to the monsters who killed people.

She was screaming in her mind that heaven treated them unfair in her own era, so did in this era. How could it treat such an honest and kind woman like this?

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