The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Come to the Alienated World

Zhang Yunyan was deeply shocked by the magical Tongtian Precious Carriage and was very impressed.

She suddenly remembered a sentence that Black Killer had said. Her mind was down and she sighed in her mind.

The Black Bear Demon claimed that there were two “unprecedented and unique” treasures in this cave. He said they had not belonged to him yet, but he could use them.

It seemed that the two treasures in the monster’s words were Tongtian Precious Carriage and soul-absorbing vase. The two treasures did not belong to Black Killer, but he could use the soul-absorbing vase to collect the souls of his opponents.

Zhang Yunyan felt it was horrible that Black Killer even used such a precious treasure to hurt people. This treasure was tarnished when used by the monster.

For this, she felt very sad for those walking dead who had lost their souls. She hoped that all those souls could return to their flesh as soon as possible.

Looking at the Tongtian Precious Carriage, Xiao Tianlong sighed. “This is the most important national treasure of Tianyue Country and an unprecedented artifact. This successful creation must be unprecedented.”

In this regard, Zhang Yunyan was convinced that this Tongtian Precious Carriage was an unprecedented treasure from ancient times to the present.

In her own era thousands of years later, she had not seen this or heard about it. Even in the future, there would not be such an unimaginable treasure.

The imperial master sighed and said, “The Tongtian Precious Carriage’s structure is so complex while its content is so magical. I can’t find a word to describe its mystery. It has absorbed quite a lot of intent from heaven and earth and the essence of sun and moon. The ancestors of all the generations have put all of their wisdom and efforts in it, so it’s really powerful. Every aspect of it is unparalleled while the magic inside is unimaginable. I really could not find a suitable word to describe it.”

Zhang Yunyan was impressed. This Tongtian Precious Carriage was an incomparable treasure. It was incredible. Although she could not believe it was a truth, she had to admit the reality in front of her.

Looking at the Tongtian Precious Carriage in the light mask, she felt deeply shocked. She was surprised by this unprecedented treasure.

It was not a fairy tale. She was sitting on such an incredible treasure indeed to experience this magical thing by herself. Her experience was too magical—time-travel thousands of years to the ancient era.

She was convinced by the imperial master’s words and felt excited.

The ground was wild and there were full of people. She was just a little name in this bog world. She had not expected that she would have such an unexpected experience and time-travel to this alienated world thousands of years ago. She was lucky and could not imagine.

Zhang Yunyan was impressed, but the doubts in her mind were difficult to eliminate.

She looked at the magical Tongtian Precious Carriage and asked, “Imperial master, what kind of materials is made of Tongtian Precious Carriage? Why is this so smooth and bright? I don’t understand the patterns on it. What do they mean?”

Xiao Tianlong sighed. “According to the predecessors, the production and composition of the Tongtian Precious Carriage were all from our founder. As for the materials, how those patterns were carved, and what’s the meaning, I could not tell you clearly. This treasure had been refined by each generation. No matter the materials or the patterns and meanings are all changed greatly. And even the quality was changed. Therefore, I could not find a clear way to explain it.”

Noticing that even the creator of the Tongtian Precious Carriage could not know it clearly, Zhang Yunyan thought this treasure was so extraordinary and mysterious.

Xiao Tianlong was touched. “It’s not just one person’s hard work to refine this Tongtian Precious Carriage, or a few people could create it and master it. With the efforts and accumulation of all the generations, it could be completed in the end. Therefore, nobody could know the content clearly and has no way to totally master it, including me. With the hard work of the predecessors, this Tongtian Precious Carriage could be created. It’s a product of chance and inevitability.”

Zhang Yunyan was deeply touched. This magical treasure was extremely complex and even no one could solve a puzzle after another in it.

Looking at the Tongtian Precious Carriage, the imperial master showed out a serious expression on his face. “Although my founder had a great idea in the refining process of Tongtian Precious Carriage, the process is always changing and could not be on the same method, so he could not predict today’s results. The structure, content, and even the style are not the original ideas of my founder. During the refining process, the predecessors of each generation added their own experience and ideas into it and corrected the wrong parts all the time. With the accumulative experience, the Tongtian Precious Carriage can have this total change in the quality and have such a good result. My founder could not expect that this carriage could be refined like this, neither could the other predecessors of the past. I’m also surprised for its magic. Before the success, I have never dreamed about it.”

Zhang Yunyan sighed in her mind. Without the painstaking research and unremitting refinement of the ancient high-ranking people, this treasure could not be completed. It was not easy to get such a magical treasure. Although they had paid countless hardships and blood lessons, it was worthy.

Looking at Tongtian Precious Carriage, Xiao Tianlong sighed again. “From now on, there would be no other treasure like this no matter in any era or country. I and even my future inheritors could not create out something like this. With the magical research and deployment of my founder and the unremitting efforts and revisions of the predecessors in the past generations, this unprecedented treasure could be completed. It’s not exaggerating to say no matter how valuable it is.”

Zhang Yunyan deeply agreed with his words. She had never heard of this kind of magical treasure even if in her era thousands of years later.

She was excited to ride on this magical Tongtian Precious Carriage to experience incredible time-travel, which temporarily covered up her anxiety for away from home.

Following Xiao Tianlong to get out of Tongtian Hole, Zhang Yunyan saw some guarded and patrolling soldiers.

Everyone was a sturdy man, who was arrogant, strong, and powerful, showing murderous killing intent.

Yunyan slightly frowned and felt a little bit nervous.

Xiao Tianlong had noticed Yunyan’s changes and smiled faintly. He told her that all these soldiers belonged to Tianyue Country, who were full-time guards of Tongtian Hole and Tongtian Precious Carriage.

This was a very important place. It was about the destiny of the country. No outsiders could get close to this place or let alone let them know the secrets. Therefore, it must be strictly guarded.

All these soldiers were carefully selected, who were all patriotic and loving our country. They were dedicated to their duties and strictly guarded this place.

The soldiers noticed it was Xiao Tianlong who had not returned for a few years. They were unexpected and pleasant, showing out their respects.

This cave was very large, no less than the Black Tiger Cave. Hundreds of soldiers were guarding there. They were on their own duties and well-organized.

Getting to the outside of Tongtian Hole, Zhang Yunyan took a few deep breaths, feeling fresh and pleasant.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, she felt the sky was even bluer and the clouds were even purer. Blue sky, white clouds, mountains, forests, rivers, birds, and beasts… everything was fine.

This was the land thousands of years ago. Zhang Yunyan was both excited and surprised. She was also amazed at this magical journey.

Here, mountains surrounded, forests dense, mountains and rocks standing, ancient trees towering, all of these formed a rare forest in the mountains.

Zhang Yunyan looked around and felt nothing abnormal. She thought those mountains and forests were not different from her own era.

The location of Tongtian Hole was also nothing special to compare with the surrounding forests. It hid secretly and was difficult to find.

Zhang Yunyan murmured, “Although it’s an important place of this country, it seems not to be different from the surrounding area. It is very secret.”

Xiao Tianlong left his hometown for more than three years. Now, he saw the mountains and rivers of the motherland. He felt affectionate and his face was full of infatuation.

He looked around while talking, “Yes, such an important place could not be exposed and must be strictly guarded. Within a few dozen miles, there are still many soldiers who are secretly guarding all the time. They will not allow any outsider to come inside.”

Zhang Yunyan was surprised again. She did not find the hidden soldiers in the inspection. She secretly admired that the defense here was so strict that she could not see any signs. The imperial master was really an expert at army arrangement.

Looking at the sun in the west, she asked, “Imperial master, how far is it from the capital of Tianyue Country? How long will it take?”

Xiao Tianlong answered, “It’s not too far. We can arrive there by carriage for more than two hours.”

The imperial master ordered the guards to arrange a carriage for them and simply asked about the domestic situation. It said that the country was secure and peaceful for these few years. His anxiety was eased.

He took a few words and then left with Zhang Yunyan and others.

On the way, Zhang Yunyan remembered Iron Egg and the first prince who still stayed at the Black Tiger Cave. She was deeply anxious and sighed from time to time.

She was puzzled. Why did Xiao Tianlong and the first prince come to her era? With such extraordinary skills, how could they be caught by Black Killer and experienced such an unfortunate period?

Yunyan thought again and again and still asked about this matter. She realized the truth after the imperial master’s explanation.

Xiao Tianlong told Zhang Yunyan that three years ago, he wanted to ride the Tongtian Precious Carriage alone after it was successfully created.

This carriage was just created out and it was the first time to be activated. He hoped to see how it worked and how effective it was, so he could understand and master this precious treasure better.

In addition, he wanted to go to the future era to search for treasures. If possible, he could have some chances to learn some magical skills and improve his ability, so that he could serve the country in a better way.

Hearing this, the first prince gained great interest. He also hoped to experience this unprecedented and magical travel by himself and the magical power of the national treasure, to see what the future world looked like.

In order to go with the imperial master, he tried his best to persuade the queen and the king and also pleaded with the imperial master. He insisted to go with him and finally made it.

Before leaving, the king and the queen had been sending the two to Tongtian Hole and said goodbye with tears. They hoped that everything would be fine and they could come back soon. They also had deep worries and hopes.

Although Tongtian Precious Carriage was magical, it was the first time for them to ride it. Nobody could make sure it was safe.

The monarch and the ministers did not know whether there would be an accident and always worried about the safety of the two. They prayed for a safe return.

In order to prevent dangers, Xiao Tianlong and the first prince took another national treasure with them, the soul-absorbing vase.

They boarded on Tongtian Precious Carriage and made a final inspection. Then, they turned the control button and randomly select a future time and space. In the end, they arrived at Zhang Yunyan’s era.

The Tongtian Precious Carriage was running smoothly. The place they have chosen was right the place where Black Killer’s cave located.

Three years ago, the complex cave was still a deserted place. Nobody was there and it was not a cave of a monster, and even Black Killer was not there.

Xiao Tianlong and the first prince saw the cave was wide and huge, while this place was deserted. It was really a good place for them to hide. They were satisfied and decided to live there.

Since then, the two considered this place as their home in this era. They would always go out for observing the situations, experiencing the folk customs, and meeting the experts with extraordinary skills. They hoped to gain something useful.

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