The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.92. The Eve of the Exam

"Haaa! Haaa! Haaa! Finally!"

Kaya wiped her sweat and smiled as she raised her hands in the air!

"I'm getting out of this swamp!!"

Several turtles looked over at her, causing her to freeze.


The turtles sank back into the water as Kaya sighed.

She had to get out of here, but not without her son.

'Who knows what that crazy turtle will teach him if he stays.'

Kaya quickly rushed over to the large tree surrounded by turtles and found the shell of Gendo.

*Knock Knock*

She knocked on the shell gently and waited for him to wake up.

"Huh? Is it dinner time already?"

"Not yet, old timer. Where's Goro and my son?"

Gendo turned to Kaya and tilted his head.

"Hmmm? Weren't you suppose to help Goro today? I heard him say something about the Storm technique."

Kaya's face grew stern as she swiftly looked around for his shell in the distance.

After a few glances, she realized it was near the edge of the swamp and grit her teeth!

He was doing it again!



She flickered away as Gendo shook his head.

"My my. Those two always liven up the place when they're together. If only they didn't fight so much."

*Ssssha Ssssha*


A large wasp flew overhead of Gendo before he shot it down with a tiny jet of water.

He slowly swam over and devoured it with one gulp before slipping back into the water.

'Well, time to go to sleep again.'


"Goro-san? Are you sure I can learn this technique?"

Goro smiled at him as he turned his head.

"Yeah! No problem! All you gotta do is listen to my instructions. It'll be super easy!"

'Yeah, I doubt that. This is the fourth time you tried to teach me. I wonder how far we'll get this time?'

Hii sighed and prepared himself.

Goro had tried to teach him this technique several times, but Kaya stopped him at every point.

He didn't even hear the basics of it yet, so he couldn't say he wasn't curious about it.

It was Kaya's famous technique, yet he never saw her use it.

"All you have to do is mix our chakras a little and-"

"You turtle bastard! Stop trying to teach him!"


Kaya flickered in front of Goro with a menacing face.

Goro couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Seriously? How is he suppose to take over after you if he doesn't learn the technique?"

"He's not taking over after me!"

"Why not?! He has the talent!"

"I will not let him get persuaded to bring you out again!"

The two argued with each other as Hii looked on with a somber face.

'Ignored again,huh?'

Hii decided to stop minding them and clenched his hands.

'Did I manage to gain more control over myself? I'm not craving a fight anymore. I should go test it when we get home.'

Hii jumped down from Goro's shell as he looked at the two argue.

He focused on Goro's new beard.

Goro's long beard had been shortened by a few feet, thanks to his training.

'Glad that counted as a cut. It was still hard to do though...'

Hii looked over at his right shoulder and stroked his wolf seal.

It glowed lightly as he touched it, as if growling to his call.


Kaya and Goro both turned away from each other as they were done with their arguing.

"Umm. Mom? Goro-san?"


The two looked at each other with disgust as they synchronized their response.

"Can you tell me why I was so aggressive before we started training?"

Goro looked over at Kaya with a smug grin.

"Tch! Go ahead then."


Goro turned back to Hii and smiled.

"You see, the energy in those seals will affect your mind if they are imbalanced. I was surprised at first that you hadn't exploded already from the pressure, but it looks like your body was used to it."

Goro's face grew serious as he looked at Hii.

"This state, however, can't last for too long."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll need to get those two energies under your control. I can tell you now that they've become balanced again thanks to you using equal amounts of their energy, but you have to be in control. Your energy will have to dominate the other two. You can't let them be dominant and against each other."

Hii's face grew stern as he heard that solution. It wasn't going to be easy to beat two Bijus in an energy contest.

"Fortunately, the seals have something you can use to even the playing field."

"It does?!"

Goro nodded his head.


"What?! You want him to learn this too?!"

Kaya jumps in and hugs Hii as she glares at Goro.

Goro surprisingly shakes his head as he continues to explain.

"No. I don't think he's able to fully grasp our way of doing it. It's not compatible with the energy."

Goro focuses his gaze on the seals as he continues.

"Those seals hold Senjutsu and that bizarre chakra. Whatever energy you use has to be something similar in order to gain control over them. We've been watching how your body absorbs the chakra here to make sure you were comparable or not."


*Plop plop plop*

Hii suddenly noticed several shells of turtles popping up nearby as Goro continued.

"My children have kept an eye on you to make sure you don't go crazy again. Sadly, you can't seem to absorb our energy properly. Where did you get this energy anyway?"

Hii thinks for a moment before answering.

"...My family. They're wolf Bijuus."


Goro looks over at Kaya who nods her head.

"There are two of them."


Goro thinks for a moment before shaking his head.

"I'll need some time to figure out how you can achieve dominance. In the meantime, just try to keep the use of the seals the same if you have to. Don't let the energy consume you."

"I understand."

Hii nodded his head.

"I'm going to go practice some more."

"Don't take too long! We're finally leaving today!"


Hii smiled at Kaya's enthusiasm as he flickered off to his practice area.

Kaya's smile turned serious as she turned to Goro once he left.

"Why can't he learn your Senjutsu? It's safer than the others."

Goro sighed as his body sank into the water, blowing bubbles before he answered.

"It's because our energy isn't compatible with it. His energy is wild and untamed. Our energy is calm and serene. It doesn't mesh well together. He needs something that will have the same effect."

"What does?"

Goro shook his head.

"I don't know. Frogs have distinct Senjutsu. So does snakes and slugs. Their characteristics don't match. The only thing I can think of is he will have to make his own."

Kaya's face grew concerned at the thought.

"It's nearly impossible to do that! There aren't three holy lands for no reason. It takes time and possibly generations to do that!"

Goro shook his head as he turned to the direction Hii went to.

"He'll have to do it in record time then. That energy may be from friends, but it's not his friend. They're trying to consume each other and him in the process."


Goro turns over to her as a wicked smile graces his face.

"How about some practice yourself since you're gonna leave soon? I have some cousins I need to wake up. Haven't moved in years."


"Come on! I know you miss being in the heart of the Storm! Let's go wake up those old fogeys like we used to."

"....Haaa. Fine."


Goro grinned as rose out of the water.

"Sweet! The Storm is back, baby!"

"No we're not!"

Kaya protested, but still jumped on his shell as he started to head towards the giant shells.


"Whew! We're finally back!"

Kaya stretches her arms as the two appeared back at training ground 13.

Kaya finishes her stretches as they both breathe in the fresh air.

"Ah! It doesn't smell like moss and swamp stench anymore!"

"It is really good to be back."

"Let's get home. I'm sure the others are waiting."

The two make their way back home, greeting their family as they rest from their training.

Of course, the two kids had many questions.

"Mom! How big were the turtles!?"

"Why are you excited about the turtles?! They were big, okay?! As big as the house!"

"Cool! Could you ride them?!"

Moya was particularly interested in meeting the turtles, giving Kaya a headache.

'Ugh! Will the title actually pass down?!'

Hii smiled at his sister's enthusiasm, but he needed his Grandpa's help before it's too late.



"Can you help me maintain my blade? I think there was a fracture during my training."

Di nodded his head and wordlessly headed into the workshop.

Hii followed behind him as he brought his sword.

Di took the scabbard and pulled out the blade.

Nicks and cracks flowed through the weapon as his face frowned.

"You've swung it much harder than before."

"It's hard to control my new strength once I use my techniques. It's not mastered yet."

Di nodded his head and set to repair it.

"Be careful. The cracks run deep on the blade. I may not be able to fully repair it."

Hii nodded his head as he set to help him.

"It's fine if it breaks, but try to make sure it doesn't when you need it."

Hii nodded his head as he helped Di.


Night came quickly as the village began to bustle with energy.

The coming Chuunin Exams brought in many merchants and clients wanted to see the next generations level of skill.


Hii jumped on the roofs of the village, looking for someone.

"Where is he?"

*Shuu Shuu Shuu*

Continuing to search, Hii noticed a lot of ninja from other villages were coming for this Exam as well.

'Why are there so many foreign ninja here as well?'

Hii even noticed that most of the ninjas didn't even have any candidates from their village in the finals.


Hii looked around, noticing more Leaf ninja were around than usual as well.

He thought for a moment, then shook his head.

'It's above my grade to worry about that. Let's just find Senpai so we can challenge him again.'

"Ah. You're back."


*Shuu Shuu*

Hii turned around to find Hayate and a woman land behind him.


Hayate grinned, but suddenly covered his mouth.

*Cough Cough*

"Ugh! All this excitement makes me breathless."

"I don't think that's it, Senpai!"

"Geez! I told you to take it easy."

The woman shook her head, making her purple hair flicker back and forth as she patted his back.


Hii's hands began to glow green as he placed them on Hayate's chest.

Hayate's face started to take a healthier shade as he began to breathe easier.

"Thanks. I saw you were looking for me. Another match?"

Hii nodded his head.

"Yeah. I just came back from training. I wanted to see if I had improved any further."

Hayate nodded his head and turned to the woman next to him.

"Yugao. This kid is pretty good. You should test him out for me."

The woman smiled as she assessed Hii once more.

"I wonder if you really do have the skills."

Hii shivered slightly as he looked at the woman.

She wore casual clothes, but Hii could sense just a hint of her skill.

It wasn't much different from Hayate's at all! Maybe even better!

"I would also like to see how I fare against you."

Hayate chuckled as he could see the fire in Hii's eyes. 

"We should move this to a different area. Follow me."

Hii and Yugao nodded as they stopped staring at each other.

*Shuu Shuu Shuu*

The three headed off towards a nearby training ground, ready to test their mettle.


*Clang Clang Clang*

*Shuu Shuu*

"Haaa! Haaa!"

Hii found it hard to breathe as he tried to keep up with Yugao. 

Without his armor, he found it hard to keep up with her.

He had to try anyway.

He had to improve his base, just like Goro said.

'You have a lot of techniques, but you depend on them too much. You need to bring your base abilities up to par. Once you do that, your Jutsu will be even better and you'll have more resistance to that foreign energy. You have to be stronger both physically and mentally to master it.'

*Clang Clang*

Hii tried to keep up with Yugao with only his Body Flicker Jutsu.

He would personally lose if he used anything else.

He had to discipline himself this way to go further.

"Hahaha! You are pretty good, but is this all you can do?"

"Tch! I can do more!"

Hayate stood back as he analyzed Hii's progress.

He nodded his head as he felt Hii made a solid effort to improve.

'He's not using his cloak anymore. His skills have become a little sharper, and he's becoming better at hiding where he's slicing.'

Hayate smiled as he pulled out his sword.

'He'll reach our level in no time. Better make sure to grind out his weaknesses now while he's young.'

"Your enemy won't always play fair, Hii-kun. You have to be ready for stacked odds!"

Hii turned to him with a betrayed face! 

"You too?!"

"Prepare yourself!"

"Hahaha! This will be one of our more memorable dates."

Hii's face paled.

No wonder her blows were so heavy!

"You guys were on a date?! I'm so sorry!"

*Clang Clang*

Yugao shook her head as Hayate attacked Hii.

"Don't be. You made it better."


Hii limped his way down the road as he headed home.

'I need to be careful next time. Can't just ruin someone's evening like that.'

He couldn't truly say he did though with how happy Yugao was as they both wailed on him.

That wasn't the only problem he was dealing with.

'That feeling is here again.'

Hii clutched his chest as he looked at the ground.

The fury of being attacked.

The need to tear into his opponents.

The want to decimate his foes completely.

This hunger had begun to linger in his chest since he was 'given' his two seals.

The problem was it was getting stronger overtime.

It was never...truly abated.

The only time he felt some relief was in Goro's training.

The problem was he didn't remember doing anything special and no one seemed to remind him of it as well.

'Am I becoming more feral?'

Hii was starting to become scared.

Scared of what he could become.

Scared of what he might do.

Scared of who he could hurt.

"Don't be afraid."


Hii looked up to find a man leaning against the nearby building.

He wore a straw hat over his head as he seemed to blend in to the wall.

'Was...he talking to me?'

Hii looked around and noticed no one else seemed to notice the man as he played with a reed.

"A blade that has doubts will dull. Only a blade that's true to itself will cut down the opposition."


Hii turned to the man, now on guard as he felt a tingle down his spine.


This man was dangerous.

"No need to feel threatened. I'm not going to come at you. Yet, at least."


"You see, I envy you ninjas."

The man turned his head towards the Hokage Faces and shook his head.

"You guys respect those that have reached the top of your village. I did the same, and was cut down in fear."

The man chuckled under his breathe as he began to walk away. He pulled out a gourd from his belt and began to drink from it.

"I guess it's nights like these that make me reminisce."


The man began to walk off as he kept drinking from the gourd.

Hii watched him leave, but couldn't help asking him something.

"Where is your sword?"


The man stopped for a moment and turned towards Hii.


Immense killing intent fell on Hii, nearly bringing him to his knees as he stared at the man!

His eyes were brown, but they may as well have been black with how much malice he had in them.

"It broke. Like all my dreams, ambitions, and plans."

The man slowly turned his head back and continued walking.

"That's why no one will remember me. I will be another sorrowful tale buried in the sands of time. A curse now upon the warriors who live in this day and age. A curse who can only feed on the memory of others."

The man raised his gourd high to the moon in farewell.

"A curse to young warriors like you."

The man soon disappeared into the crowd as the hustle and bustle of the Chuunin Exams were in full effect.

Hii stood there, his palms sweating and his back drenched in sweat.

He couldn't fathom how to beat that man.

He couldn't fathom how many people he had cut down.

He could only feel the weight of his words like a hulking beast breathing on a young sprout of grass.

The worse thing about it all was that the hunger grew as the man left.


*Flip Flip Flip*



Shizuka shut the book up and laid on her bed.

'Am I ready?'

She looked over her palm as she extended her hand to the sealing.

Ink was covered all over her dainty fingers as she clenched her fist.

'Of course I'm ready! Ready to kick everyone's butts!'

She began to pump herself up as she thought of her new techniques.

'I've got brand new tricks up my sleeve now! They won't know what hit em!'

She sat up with a grin as she looked over at the massive scroll on her desk.

She contemplated for a moment before going over and slowly opening it again.

'Let's just make sure they're all drawn correctly one more time.'

This would be the third time she checked, but she couldn't help herself.

She had to make sure they were right.



Maka laid down on her bed, exhausted from her intensive training.

'I now know why Sasuke always feared her. She really is no joke.'

Maka thought back on Mikoto's chilling smile and shivered.

She was thankful, but she wasn't going to forget how strong she was anytime soon.

Still, her help made it easy for Maka to grow even stronger.

"Her Jutsu were impressive too. I can't let her down."

Maka smiled as she got up and stretched her body.

'I can't wait to see the look on Hii and Shizuka's faces. Hehehehe.' 

Maka couldn't help giggling at her new gaggle of Jutsu.

She was sure one of them would catch them off guard!



Deep in a dark cave near the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass.


A robed figure dropped near the entrance of the cave and began to head inside.

*Drip Drip*

Water dripped from the sides of the cave as the rocky interior gradually changed into a building.

*Clang Clang*

Ninjas practiced and attacked targets as the cloaked figure made their way past them.

Others checked equipment and went over plans.

Soon the figure came to a long hallway, adorned by torches and tile.

*Creak Creak*

The figure continued towards what looked like a body, hanging from a rope connected to the sealing.

"Kabuto. How are the preparations?"

Orochimaru suddenly appeared from one of the corners of the room, keeping his eyes on the hanging body with fascination.

The cloaked figure removed his cloak, revealing his white hair and glasses.

Kabuto turned to Orochimaru as he pushed his glasses up.

"The preparations are complete on our end, Orochimaru-sama. I believe the others have also made their preparations as well."

Orochimaru chuckled and nodded his head.

"Finally, I'll kill off the past. Completely this time and look towards the future."

Orochimaru smiled as he curiously turned to Kabuto.

"Kabuto. How long do you think he's been hanging there?"


Kabuto looked at the body of Aeon as he hung listlessly.

His brown hair hung softly as his expression looked peaceful.

Kabuto suddenly grew intrigued as he realized some things.

Aeon's body looked no different than the last time he saw him, but the rope leaving him in place had frays and tears along its stressed areas.

His eyes grew wide as he became perplexed.

"How is this possible?"

"Fufufufu. I knew you would see the contradiction. He's been up there since you left two months ago."


Kabuto looked at Aeon with a strange sensation of fear.

He didn't know how he did it, but he could still feel life coming from his body.



Orochimaru silently agreed as he watched with an ever increasing curiosity.

'I can't wait to dissect you thoroughly once we come back.'

Orochimaru smiled as he remembered his newest breakthroughs thanks to his new ally.

He hoped The Leaf would like his fun surprises. He knew he did.


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