The cheating lord

Chapter 8

"Ding, the archer starts training, consuming 30 food, 20 ore, 10 gold.

Watching the soldiers come out of the shooting range one after another, Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction, the money was still not spent in vain.

Seeing two hunters with bows and arrows on their backs and a wolf hunter appear in front of him, Chen Mo directly clicked on his attribute bar,

"Scout Hunter." Level 1, loyalty 80

force, two-star and a half intelligence

, one-star

status, normal

skills, acuity (passive skills), the hunter's own strong vision, and the wolf's sensitive sense of smell can make it detect enemies in advance.

He is good at long-range shooting and various reconnaissance skills, but don't underestimate his melee ability, he will teach you how to be a man with his wolf hunting buddies next to him. "

This reconnaissance skill, if you bring it to the team, is simply a mobile radar, especially in encounters, and discovering the enemy in advance will give your own side a great advantage.

As for the archers, there is nothing outstanding about them, after all, they are at the same level as the swordsman.

"Archer, level 1. Loyalty 80

force, one-and-a-half

star intelligence, one-star

status, normal

good at shooting enemies at a distance, melee ability is somewhat weak. Regarding

the weak melee ability, Chen Mo did a test and asked the archers and swordsmen to fight, but after only a few moves, the archers were knocked to the ground, and it is estimated that this level is also the militia level.

So far, Chen Mo has a total of 21 soldiers, six wolf hunters and two heroes, plus Xiaobai.

In order to encourage the soldiers to be motivated, the hierarchy is indispensable, Chen Mo divided the soldiers into three teams. The first team consisted of four pikemen and three archers, and the captain was Wang Qi, which Chen Mo had promised. One team was assigned two archers, a hunter and three swordsmen, and the last team consisted of one hunter and six swordsmen. The wolf hunt is a single team, led by Xiaobai.

The people who led the team were two swordsmen, not because of how high their strength was, but because Angela tested them one by one and selected two people with certain command skills.

Among them, there is a swordsman named Sun Nan who has been promoted to level 3, and he also worked hard in the last battle, Chen Mo directly handed him the skill book of the big sword slash, and in the envious eyes of everyone, this swordsman Xi learned this seemingly not very good skill, and it is also a skill anyway.

"Soldiers, don't be too envious, as long as you work hard and perform well, the rewards in the future will naturally be indispensable to you.

Looking at the battle intent in the eyes of the soldiers, Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction, this is what he wants.

Looking at the soldiers who formed a phalanx in front of him, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little itchy, and secretly thought to himself, he would go to Qingshi Town tomorrow to sell the wolf skin.

When night fell, despite the redundant houses, Angela insisted on sleeping in the same room with Chen Mo in the name of protecting the lord, and Chen Mo followed her, just asking the villagers to buy a bed for her.

The next day, Chen Mo got up early, preparing to rush to Qingshi Town, this time to Qingshi Town, Chen Mo only brought four swordsmen and Angela, after all, it is someone's territory, and it is easy to cause unnecessary misunderstandings when he goes with a bunch of people.

In addition to wolf skins, Chen Mo also took a few villagers to pick up some hunting hares and pheasants to sell, according to the villagers, they used to use game to go to the town in exchange for food.

Starting from the village, it is only more than ten miles away from Qingshi Town, although there is no means of transportation, but with the strengthened body, it is not difficult to walk.

After walking for three hours, he finally saw the city wall of Qingshi Town, looking at the eight-meter-high city wall, reminiscent of the low fence of his territory, Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh, this is the gap.

"There are four soldiers guarding the gates, there are six archers on the front wall, it should be a shift change, there will be a gap in the middle, there are two watchtowers on both sides, one archer on each side, two gates, according to the proportion, this town should have about 200 soldiers, using the ...... of raiding

"Hmm, Angela, what are you muttering?"

Seeing Angela constantly looking at the walls of Bluestone Town, while still muttering quietly, Chen Mo felt a little hairy in his heart.

"Ah, nothing, just calculating the number of troops needed to capture this town.

Chen Mo broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn't expect Angela to be a war maniac. But it's not impossible to think about capturing Bluestone Town or something.

"Wait, you, aren't you from Qingshi Town?"

Two soldiers came out of the gate of the city wall and stopped Chen Mo and the others, after all, there are not many people in a town, and when they saw Chen Mo's faces, they stepped forward to interrogate.

A villager hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Big brothers, we are from a neighboring village and want to go into the town. The

villager skillfully pulled out a few silver coins and stuffed them into the guard, who weighed them and happily stuffed them into his arms.

"Go in, remember to pay the entrance fee. "

Do you still have to pay the money?" Chen Mo asked the villager in a low voice.

The villager turned his head sideways and whispered to Chen Mo: "Lord Lord, this is the rule, if you don't mean it, others won't even let the door in."

"And this rule?"

Chen Mo secretly sighed in his heart, as a good young man living in a socialist society, Chen Mo naturally expressed disdain for this kind of behavior...... Definitely not because of heartache money.

Seeing that the villagers had paid the entrance fee, the guards waved their hands to Chen Mo and the others, "Let's go in!" Finally

entered Qingshi Town, looking at the surrounding stone buildings and street vendors, I couldn't help but compare Qingshi Town with my own small village...... Chen Mo was directly depressed.

This bluestone town can also be regarded as prosperous, and it belongs to a combination of Chinese and Western, of course, this is according to the earth's saying.

Speaking of Qingshi Town, their mayor is also a talent, when he took over Qingshi Town, the town was still a depressed place, and in just five years, the prosperity of Qingshi Town has developed like a small city.

Chen Mo looked at the time, it was already close to noon, so he turned his head to Angela and the others and said, "Let's go have lunch first, are you hungry too?"

Hearing that the lord was going to eat, several simple villagers looked a little unnatural.

"Then, my lord, let's wait for you here!"

"What are you waiting for, let's eat together, I'm in for a treat."

Chen Mo hooked the shoulders of the two villagers, and it means that if you don't go, you won't give me face.

Chen Mo casually found a small restaurant, after all, Chen Mo is not rich now, and the gold on his body is only six points, which is converted to seven gold coins.

"Boss, come for four large bowls of stew, two plates of beef and a few side dishes.

After Chen Mo finished ordering, he turned back to the soldiers and villagers and said, "I still have to do things later, so don't drink." "

Not to mention the wine, just looking at so many good dishes, the simple villagers and swordsmen are drooling. After the dish was served, it was even more devoured, and I couldn't wait to eat the bowl too. As a general who has seen the world, although he doesn't have a cherry mouth or anything like that, he looks much better than the hungry ghosts of the villagers.

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