The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

62. Trap.

Amber looked at the war maps. She saw a new part of the Righteous Dungeon rapidly showing on the static map of the Cridian Kingdom on the wall, while the table map showed only Avalon. She was fully focused on the battle at the gate; that's why she looked more at the model map on the table. It obediently zoomed on the exact spot she wanted, and she could see they were winning this battle but the goblins tried to destroy the gates, anyway.

"These vermin have already lost, but they still try to go forward..." Irene tapped on her lips and hummed something under her breath. She was deep in thought when the map showed a new wave of attackers pouring out from the tunnels. "Galahad?"

"Yes, my Queen?" The skeleton general voice was calm when he looked at her.

"How do these new goblin reinforcements change the situation?"

"These are just two or three thousand of a bit more specialised monsters, but they can't possibly change the tide of this battle, my Queen. Additionally, the King authorised the usage of the second numbered legion if needed. Legio II Ferrata and the Praetorian Guards will ensure your safety, my Queens, and safeguard our victory even if something unexpected would occur. The goblins alone can't rival the might of Avalon."

"Thank you, Galahad."

"Are you worried about Theon, Irene?" Luna asked silently.

"A bit... I'm a little concerned about what kind of souvenir he might bring home from his trip..."


Ragnar was puffing and moaning when Bjorn helped him to fall back, chuckling all the while. I was looking at them, barely holding my own laughter, and because of that, I was missing my shots at sparse goblin archers. They reached Aurora's medical corner behind a reinforced barricade and his loud, painful moan was too much.

"Pfff... Ha... *ekhem*" I coughed to mask my laughter, but the loud cries of our legendary master blacksmith were too much for us all. We started laughing, even Aurora, who was tending to his self-inflicted wound. "I mean, good job back there."

"Hold still, Mister Ragnar!" She somehow managed to say between her giggles.

"Yes... Yes... Laugh at me all you want..." He was lying on the ground, but he was laughing at himself.

"I mean, Ragnar...what were you even trying to do?" I asked, finally killing that archer on the fifth try.

"I saw this troll and you see, your Highness, I was in the perfect spot to kill it. I raised my hammer, and I planned to unleash my skill. Argh! That hurt..." He took off his helmet and went to rub a bump on his head, only to receive a gentle wrist slap from Aurora.

"Don't touch that! Leave the healing to me, all right? Healing hands!"

"Ooooohhhh! Thank you..." He moaned once more when the gentle hands of Aurora started messaging his scalp. She used her healing skill to soothe his pain. "I tripped, okay?"

"You tripped and hit your hot-head with your dumb-ass big hammer!" Laughed Bjorn, who used this occasion to drink some water before returning to the battle.

"Shut up... Oooohhh!" Everyone laughed.

"Ragnar... That would be the stupidest death ever! Imagine your gravestone!" Ian wiped his laugh tears and added with an overdramatic voice. "Here lies Ragnar! The Legendary Master Blacksmith level 94. He tripped over a goblin and was crushed to death by his own hammer."

"Shut...ooohhhh...up!" Ragnar laughed.

We almost cleared the most persistent and strongest parts of the goblin army that managed to fight their way here through the wolves. Goblins, to be honest, were weak- like, seriously, what the fuck? To kill one level 50 wolf, ten level 50 goblins were needed for that, and even then, more than half of them would die. The groups of five wolves could kill even fifty, or sixty, goblins without much trouble. Goblin shamans were at best a minor inconvenience, but their archers were a whole different story. They were small and sneaky bastards that used arrows dipped in their feces. Not only were they quite good snipers, but their disgusting arrows could cause very serious infections. Since their arrows were unable to pierce our barriers, we were safe, but the archers were still annoying.


Arani was carrying in his talons two of the largest fenrirs who joked they were the biggest rabbits in the world. Arani laughed as well when he finally dropped them directly over the Goblin Dungeon. He watched them free falling towards their target, with their tongues hanging out of their mouths. The fifty storm eagles dropped greater wolves and fenrirs a few hundred metres above their targets, and watched in amusement when the wolves deployed this strange thing called a parachute.


The Goblin Dungeon Core’s plans were basically destroyed by that stinky, mortal-loving upstart. His perfect plan somehow had been seen through and not only his army was beaten, but now he had just a few hundred of his strongest goblins to defend himself. Some of the goblin archers left behind to guard the entrance to the underground goblin palace started panicking and pointing to the sky. He used the eyes of the goblin scout and was in shock as he saw enormously large wolves flying. Wolves don't fly! What madness is this?!


I laughed when I checked on Arani's forces and saw the first-ever paratrooper wolves squadron in history. This was the stupidest and yet only option to maximise the effectiveness of his relatively small forces. I poked the connection link between me and my wolves; who were having the time of their life. They can only be compared to the dogs who are travelling with their heads outside the windows on a highway. I already can sense their excitement and happiness: "one more time" through the link. Arani and his eagles started casting bolts of lightning towards the goblins that banded in front of the dungeon's entrance, illuminating the early night.

The remaining goblins here and in Avalon hesitated and stopped in their tracks. Probably they received panicked orders to retreat and return as fast as possible from their master. But my forces blocked their retreat options.

"Haha. I got you, you fucker!" I coldly laughed when the goblins rushed in a panic to return to their lair, only to be killed by my forces that stepped on their toes in pursuit. "GG!"

The goblins were in full retreat; they amassed at the tunnel entrance and quickly moved inside where they were stuck. The tunnel was partially blocked by the thick webbing of death-weaving spiders and partially collapsed. When the goblins reached the dead end, the trap was ready to be sprung. The entire construction trembled and with the roar of an angry titan, the collapsing earth buried every single one of them. They were dead or at least trapped underground for long enough so they couldn't help the Goblin Dungeon's defenders.

"My King?" Demesne asked with a very strange voice. "Is it over?"

"Indeed. These few dozen Goblins that are roaming around shouldn't be a huge problem for your wolves."

"Thank you!" She screamed with an over-excited voice, but she very quickly paused and added. "The upkeep for the rebuild you asked, my King, will be significant! I'm afraid it's about one-hundred-thousand of mana points monthly!"

"That's it? Then get to work immediately." I smiled and prepared to leave.

"But the enchanted stone is insanely expensive!" Demesne tried to protest.

"Oh, don't worry. I have a few dozens of tons of it in the warehouse ready to use. Getting more will be no problem. Oh! Demesne, I built my Legionaries spawner, so very soon you will have some skeletons to help you build the fortifications. In a few days, Bjorn and Vernon will drop by to see the progress."


The Goblin Dungeon was in a panic- the entrance was captured by the wolves and eagles. It was insane that this upstart had two specialized spawners of such a level, but the terrifying thing was its scion. He was an insanely powerful storm eagle and no matter what kind of goblin he threw at it, they were killed almost instantly. He also lost contact with the army that was sent to deal with the Wolf Manor Dungeon, which was concerning... Oh, no! He realized that most of them were killed and now they were respawning. However, thanks to this, he could use mana to respawn his most elite warriors.

Maybe not everything was lost.


"Darlings! I'm home!"

"Already? That was quick..." Amber smiled and pointed at the miniature. "Your diversion attack on the Goblin Dungeon was very successful. The goblins started retreating about...half an hour ago?"

"Sweetheart, that's not a diversion anymore." I grinned and pointed towards the large cavalry unit that was moving fast towards Arani. They used the shadow realm, so hopefully, they remain undetected. "Hussars can fight even without their horses. Once they reinforce the *pfffff* paratrooper wolves, they should be able to hold until the last three centuriea of Fulminata arrive there. Hmmm..."

"What is that, hmmm?" Luna looked at me with suspicion. "What happened?"

"Where are those priests from the capital? I totally forgot about them." I looked at Galahad, who just shrugged.

I focused on Jester to see what he was doing, and I started laughing uncontrollably. The spy party from the capital was still in the dungeon, but they were so sleep deprived they just gave up on their life. Jester, however, decided that he was not done with them yet and he still tormented them. He had turned bullying into an artform- the head priest's face had a painted pink moustache and his previously snow-white robe, now dirty because of days in the snow and dirt, had been covered in vibrant green and pink stripes. The rest of them weren't looking any better than him, either. The level of humiliation was insane but to be honest, I was proud- no wounds other than emotional damage.

"Okay... Seems like Jester is still playing with them. I guess we can kick them out in the morning."

"You forgot about the spies?" Amber looked at me with disapproval.

"Maybe that's not the best way to say that, but...kind of? I mean- I focused on other things..." I tried to defend myself.

I felt the cold gaze of Amber, Irene and Luna directed right at me. Maybe I really need a secretary? Hmmm... I shouldn't discard that idea outright. I think it's worth considering- I mean, now I have two places to take care of...

"Theon?" Amber yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Sorry..."

"My Ladies, please go to sleep. The Flower Girls can use the guest bedroom on the first floor". All the girls in the war room were yawning, and I felt a bit bad for them. "I will take care of things here... But I don't think I'll return before morning."

"In that case, we will take Lilly, Rose, Iris, Dahlia and Lanka with us," Amber smirked and nodded slowly. "We can have a girl's evening."

"Okay..." I said and blinked a few times.

Sometimes I have no clue what Amber is planning, and the thought crossed my mind once again when they vanished from the war room. I shook my head and focused on the battle.


Arani was sitting on top of the large boulder in front of the dungeon entrance, feeling stupid. Two hussars held in their iron grip a high-level goblin. It was looking around with surprise and poorly hidden fear.

"I'm not some pigeon!" Arani screamed and looked very intensely at the captured goblin general. "So you better talk! Why have you attacked us?"


"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Arani waved with his large wing, casting lightning that cracked a nearby large tree in half.


"Listen here, you little green shit!" Arani leaned over the small monster, dwarfing it a few times. The monster tried to break free, but he couldn't move even a little. Suddenly it went limp for a moment and when he raised his head again, it clearly was not the same creature. "I want to parley!"

"Hooo? You want to parley? You?!"

"Yes! Please! You must listen to me!" The voice was desperate.

Arani tilted his head, and he looked at the creature. His gaze was cold, as small sparks of electricity danced on his feathers, sometimes cracking loudly, turning to ash anything they hit.

"Speak." The deep and pure voice of Theon's eagle was full of pride, but without patience.

"I want you to stop attacking me..."

"No. You are not in the position to request anything, vermin!" Arani's voice was even colder than the air surrounding them. "Why have you attacked us!?"

"I did nothing wrong!" The voice angrily growled.

"Then I have nothing more to discuss."

"Wait! Wai... ARGH!" The cavalry sabre sticking from the heart of a goblin very quickly ended the failed negotiation.

"You can only surrender and beg for forgiveness, but remember that all goblins must be destroyed."

The goblin general gasped and turned to dust with absolute shock and fear on his face. Arani looked begrudgingly at the pile of dust and then at the entrance to the dungeon.

"First pigeon. Now bat. It's humiliating..."

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