The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

60. Diversion.

"Good evening, your Highness! It's a fortunate coincidence that we have met today!" Knys bowed politely, making me sigh.

"Don't sweeten me here, Knys. Why are you here?" I moved towards the masked inspection hole to check what damages the goblin assault had already made.

"I wanted to see how on Earth these goblins managed to get this close, my King!"

"Tunnels. They dug tunnels, Knys." I sighed, but the Orc Guild Master raised his hand.

"With all due respect, my King, they could hide that from you, but not from us!" All gathered adventurers laughed. "It's one of the must-have skills in our world, my King- Detect Hostile. Warren, where are you? Oh, there. Warren here over-invested in this skill and can detect everything in a dozen kilometre radius."

"So they were not hostile?" I asked, rubbing my chin.

"Impossible. Goblins are hostile even to each other. But I think I figured it out. They are just too weak to trigger Warren." Knys proudly smiled.


"They are too weak to be considered a threat."

"Hmm..." There might be something to his theory.

My Legionaries arrived with new arrows and stones when the entire gatehouse suddenly trembled. I looked outside and saw a large earth wyrm biting on the enchanted stone of my gatehouse.

"Okay... This is getting ridiculous." I raised my hand and swiftly waved it up and down.

Two loud thumps echoed throughout the room we were in when the broken drawbridge dropped on the goblins and the earth wyrm. It cut it in half and killed a few dozen goblins.

"Like flies..." I snorted in contempt. "All right, I am going to test your theory, Knys. Right now, I am mounting five diversion teams. In a few moments, I'm sending them outside. It's going to get hot in here in a moment, so you better go check if your asses are not on the secondary defence lines."

"Yes, sir!"


I teleported to the west gate where Galahad was preparing a small diversion party to create an opening for my Hussars. Knys could be right: low-level goblins could have sneaked here undetected. Fortunately, the gatekeepers sealed Avalon at the first sign of trouble. With a satisfied smile, I gazed upon the cavalry ranks; horses waited in anticipation of the incoming battle and their raiders were waiting with their long lances raised. Over a thousand heavy cavalry were waiting for my order... And I hesitated. The army that besieged Avalon did little to no progress- only one gate was attacked and others were just kept under watch by a few thousand strong detachments.

"Arani!" I called for my storm eagle scion.

"My King?" He replied in my mind long before he landed on the top of the gatehouse.

"What do you think about this goblin army?"

"It's an insult, my King. We should crush it and move to crush the Goblin Dungeon vermin!" The large eagle used an enchanted stone on the rampart to sharpen his impressive beak.

"Take the shadow wolves and prepare a counter-offensive. You will capture a foothold from which we will mount an assault."

When Arani flew away, I was still looking at the distant goblin camp, thinking about the ridiculous situation we were currently in. Knys is right; compared to the last assault, this army has only numbers...

"THIS IS DIVERSION!" I yelled suddenly and teleported to the war room.


I was looking at the wall map, trying to understand what was going on. But why? What possibility do they, or whoever is pulling the strings, want to achieve? It was the only way I could rationalize this rather doomed siege attempt, as I had run out of other ideas. Hmmm...

"Darlings?!" I yelled across the room without even turning around. "What if we are not the real target? What else could it be?"

After a moment, three women came closer to me, with their bodyguard entourage, and looked at the map as well. A single cohort was enough to seriously push the goblin camps guarding the gate, which fed my paranoia and furthermore steeled my resolve to not use cavalry during this battle.

"Amber..." Luna raised her voice when she was pointing to something on the map.

They were discussing the subject in hushed voices for about half an hour and I was able to focus on Avalon's defences. I must learn new ways of warfare. So far, I fight and lead my forces using the experience from my previous life, and despite the fact I do not exactly remember much of it, anything military-related is clear as day. But that way of war is not exactly valid in the world defined by the levels and magic. This siege being a very good example- no matter how big the enemy army is, their levels are low. Technically, that was the case in my old world as well- less experienced soldiers couldn't compete against veterans, but here and now this is even more prominent.

I rubbed my temples, trying to properly time the meeting of cohorts that flanked the goblin army besieging the north gate. I need to prepare to simply crush them between three side attacks and hopefully repel that invasion attempt. Despite the huge level differences, my losses were significant, but at least now I knew why. Among low-level goblins that make up a core of an invading army, there were plenty of high-level archers and mages that could fight with and kill my soldiers. I smiled to myself; at least this battle showed me the weak side of my battle doctrine. Thanks to this, I can be better.

"Theon! DEMESNE!" Amber yelled at me, pointing at the map.

"Demesne?" I turned around surprised and closed my eyes...


Two fenrirs laughed as they trampled fairly powerful goblins and hob-goblins. They allowed themselves a bit of flexibility with their orders and left four shadow wolves to guard this puny and very pretentious core. The fifth shadow wolf was right now on her way to Avalon, but it would be a few hours until she reached it. Shame that not every shadow wolf was as fast as Mr Fluffles and Marie, but that was the benefit of having a master. The local wolves were just struggling to safeguard their own spawners while goblins pushed deeper and deeper into the manor, ruining and demolishing anything on their way. The fenrir blinked a few times, surprised when he heard the voice of his Master in his mind.

"My King!" He howled in excitement and ripped a large hobgoblin in half. "The message reached you?"

"No. But the Queens figured out you might be in trouble. So... How bad is it?"

"We will probably be overrun in the next hour and so." The large wolf replied, unleashing an intimidating howl. "But on the bright side, my King, we will be spared a long trip back when goblins kill us."

"Unfortunately, I can send you only thoughts and prayers..." King Theon sighed. "Could you go to Core Demesne and tell her she is on her own?"

"I will be there in the moment!"

The fenrir turned around and dashed towards the Wolf Manor Dungeon core chamber. On his way, he killed quite a few high-level goblins, but he was not enthusiastic about the perspective of being killed by them.

That was very insulting in a way.


Demesne reevaluated her feelings about Theon's minions. If not for them, she would have already been killed or dominated. Unfortunately for her, the shadow wolves that guard her inner sanctum ignored all her cries for help or an audience with their master. One of the fenrirs returned to the chamber when she tried to desperately find anything in the evolution options to give her any hope of survival. The ice-cold eyes of the white-furred wolf looked at the statue that held her soul.

"Avalon is besieged by a swarm of low-level goblins and before I can send anything to you, I have to clean this mess."

She tried to scream and beg for anything- just a few more fenrirs or maybe a scion, but to no avail, without Hrulf she was voiceless. Her pride and overconfidence made her send him to battle to dispatch this green skin horde, but there were too many of them and he died. The hours would pass for him to respawn and she doubted she would be alive that long.

"Avalon denizens on the spot are allowed to use full of their power in your defence, but I doubt that will change much." The fenrir continued, unaware of her panicked chain of thoughts.

She quickly looked at all options she had. Maybe she didn't have a voice, but for sure she had the determination to survive.


By accepting her vows, you become the master and gain a vassal. Your denizens can freely travel through your vassal's domains as if it was a part of your domain. You can tax your vassal and demand a tithe. Your vassals have to follow your rules and respect your orders. In return, you have to aid them during crises.

I scratched my head and sighed. "Which part of I can't spare you anything did you not understand?"

By accepting this contract, you will become the supreme Master against which the servant can not rebel. They will be put under multiple vows and geasa to prevent them from taking any harmful actions against their master and themselves. Once accepted, this contract allows the master to effectively take full control over the all servant's assets and vassals.

Hmmm... Interesting. I can accept both options but...

"Luna... Demesne wants to become my servant, and she has forfeited everything to me." I told without opening my eyes, still watching at the wolf statue that was… well, her. "Once I accept that, will I be able to use my mana and build something on her grounds?"

"I... Give me a second!"

My fenrir looked around and I saw the rest of the rather plain big room. It was maybe ten meters long but its irregular shape made it hard to estimate its width properly, however, it was big enough to be called spacious. A few windows on the other side of the room let inside a dimmed evening light, casting fantastic shadows on the opposite wall. But this room had only one loot box. No other furniture and not a single decoration...

"Theon... I received the answer. Once you accept her plea, she will be reduced to nothing more than your servant, even your scions will surpass her in might and status. She is very desperate, Theon." Luna lowered her voice when she was speaking her last sentence. "But it may actually benefit you, my Love. You can use her as the powerful overseer or even the city or fortress core, which will further allow you to expand your influence."

I grimly smiled. Oh, how desperate you have to be to come to me.

"I, Theon of Avalon, the Righteous Dungeon, heard your plea. Will you, Demesne, the Wolf Manor Dungeon, swear to be my faithful servant?" I spoke aloud and my fenrir echoed faithfully every word and imitated the tone of my voice.

… yes... The echo of a voice sounded somewhere in the distance, and I felt how my conscience stretched far away from Avalon.

"Do you swear to follow my rules, my wishes, and follow every command?"

... Yes... The voice was closer and more distinct.

"I put the geas upon you, Demesne the Wolf Manor Dungeon. You may not betray me, you may not harm anyone under my protection, and you may not refrain from acting if you encounter anyone who wishes to harm me or anyone under my protection. Under the power of the System, these transgressions will be punishable by death! Do you swear!?"

Demesne the Wolf Manor Dungeon is trying to resist geas... ... ....


Demesne the Wolf Manor Dungeon is now bound by geas. Any violation of geas will be reported to the holder of power. Theon of Avalon held full authority over the eventual execution.

"Yes, I swear!" The terrified shout of a young woman sounded as if she cried to me from a few dozen meters away.

"Then I, Theon of Avalon, the Righteous Dungeon, recognize you, Demesne, the Wolf Manor Dungeon as my servant and vassal. Be diligent and faithful and you will live. Betray me and die. Do you accept me as your Master and your King?"

"Yes, my King!" The timid and trembling voice was as if she was right in front of me.

I smiled grimly and opened my eyes, cutting the connection between me and my faithful wolf. I turned around right in time to see Ragnar, Bjorn, Verni, Vernon, Ian and Aurora enter the room. They all were wearing magic armours and had equally impressive weapons in their hands. All four Dwarves were wearing heavy plate armours and held big axes or heavy-looking war hammers in their hands. They smiled slightly at me seeing my smirk. Ian saluted me, resting a large crossbow on his shoulder. I almost chuckled when he put on his large hat completing his Van Helsing cosplay. The last one was Aurora, nervous and a little uncertain- she was wearing a relatively light mix of chainmail and dragon skin armour that extended to her long tail. She held in her arms a healer staff with a beautifully cut emerald that shined with soft green light.

"Galahad, you are taking command over the defence of Avalon until I return." I ordered and sent a mental order to my scion.

"My Beautiful Darlings, I'm going to return home very soon." I went towards Ragnar, who smiled and took out a marvellous longsword from his ring of holding and threw it my way.

I laughed, changing my king robes to battle gear. Half plate armour, or more precisely a black cuirass with sapphire blue details and gold ryngraphs, my arms and legs were covered with the mix of chainmail and dragon skin armour that formed into the shape of a duster jacket..

"But... Theon?!" Amber was surprised. "What do you even plan to do?"

"A little field trip, my Darling." I raised my new sword towards Ragnar, who chuckled hoarsely and raised his monstrous war hammer with one hand to gently touch it to my sword. All others joined with laughter and I winked towards my Queens. "They have no fucking idea just exactly whom they pissed off..."

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