The Café Between Worlds

Chapter 19: The Echo of Regrets

Rengoku’s voice was strained as he spoke. “wait- I just remember... I want to know... if Muzan...if he is, the demon responsible for so much suffering, is dead? Did we win? And… my family—my father and brother—are they alive?”

Kazuha placed a comforting hand on Rengoku’s arm. “We’ll do everything we can to find out. Please, tell us about your regrets.”

Rengoku’s eyes were shadowed with sorrow. “My greatest regret is not being a better role model for my brother. I wish I could have shown him more, given him the guidance he needed. I feel like I failed him.”

The weight of Rengoku’s regrets seemed to deepen Ren’s connection with him. As Ren listened, he felt an unusual sensation—a sharp pang of pain that coursed through him, as if he were sharing in Rengoku’s suffering. His focus intensified, and the room began to shimmer, distorting around them.

Kazuha noticed the change in Ren’s demeanor. “Ren, are you alright? You look like you’re in pain.”

Ren tried to smile, but the pain was evident in his expression. “I’m fine. Just… feeling a stronger connection. Let’s see if we can help Rengoku.”

The café’s familiar surroundings began to dissolve, replaced by a swirling, dreamlike world. They were transported to Rengoku’s world, witnessing scenes of intense battles and moments of personal sorrow. The vision was both vivid and haunting, showing the depths of Rengoku’s struggles.

Ren felt the emotional weight of each scene, and with each passing moment, the pain intensified. The final battle with Akaza was particularly excruciating. Rengoku fought valiantly, his strength evident in every strike, but the scene was fraught with the agony of his injuries and the relentless assault of the demon.

As the vision unfolded, Ren tried to focus on finding answers for Rengoku. He concentrated on connecting with the timeline, searching for a way to determine Muzan’s fate and the well-being of Rengoku’s family. The process was draining, and Ren’s discomfort grew more pronounced.

Kazuha watched Ren with growing concern. “Ren, you don’t look well. Is there anything I can do to help?”

Ren gritted his teeth, his face pale and sweaty. “Just… give me a moment. I need to find the information Rengoku needs.”

Ren concentrated on the connection, searching for glimpses of Muzan’s defeat and the well-being of Rengoku’s family. The vision revealed the aftermath of the battle and the safety of Rengoku’s family, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil.

Finally, the vision began to fade, and the café’s familiar surroundings reappeared. Ren felt a heavy, oppressive sensation settle over him. The connection had left him drained and weakened, the once vibrant energy now replaced by a profound sense of exhaustion.

Kazuha rushed to Ren’s side, her face etched with worry. “Ren, you look terrible. What’s happening? Are you okay?”

Ren struggled to maintain his composure. “I… I saw Muzan. It looks like he’s been defeated, but the experience took a lot out of me. The connection is stronger than ever, but it’s also… draining.”

Rengoku approached, his expression a mix of gratitude and concern. “Thank you for helping me. I now know that my family is alive and that Muzan is no longer a threat. Your efforts mean more than I can express.”

Ren managed a faint smile. “I’m glad we could help. It’s just… the connection between worlds is more intense than I expected. It’s taking a toll on me.”

Kazuha helped Ren to a nearby chair, her concern evident. “You need to rest, Ren. We can handle things here while you recover.”

Ren nodded weakly, feeling the weight of exhaustion pressing down on him. “Thank you, Kazuha. I’ll be okay. Just need a moment to recover.”

Rengoku took one last look around the café, his expression softened by the sense of closure he had found. “I’ll be leaving now. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m at peace knowing my family is safe and that Muzan is gone.”

As Rengoku departed, Kazuha stayed close to Ren, her worry palpable. “You’ve pushed yourself too hard, Ren. You need to be careful. This ability of yours… it’s powerful, but it’s also dangerous.”

Ren sighed, feeling the weight of his powers. “I know. It’s just… I want to help as many souls as I can. But I need to find a balance, so I don’t become a burden myself.”

Kazuha nodded, her eyes filled with determination. “We’ll figure this out together. For now, focus on resting and regaining your strength. We’ll continue to support the souls who come to us, but your well-being is just as important.”

As Ren rested, Kazuha took on the responsibilities of the café, ensuring that it remained a place of comfort and solace. Ren’s mind was filled with thoughts of the powerful connection he had experienced and the toll it had taken on him. He knew he needed to understand and control his abilities better to avoid further harm.

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