The business girl who was reborn on campus was 18 years old

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: 036, the appearance of Tang Heping

Author: After the incident MACHINE TRANSLATION

An unfamiliar phone number.


Gu Ming suddenly got up. Before she came, she had made a distress call according to doctor Ye’s instructions. Wait, she even seemed to have called the police!

Thinking of this, Gu Ming immediately squatted down and hid behind the car.

Damn it, there were surveillance cameras in the underground garage She had sneaked in. Moreover, when she entered, the place was surrounded by thick fog. There was definitely no video of her entering. Not to mention, one of the two people at the scene was dead and one was injured. If anyone saw her here, she would be in trouble!

Gu Ming refused to answer the call.

After a while, her phone rang again. It was as if Gu Ming would not stop until she answered the call.

Gu Ming could not answer the call. She lowered her voice and asked, “who is it? ”

A Lazy Voice came from the other side, “it’s me. Have you arrived? Where is Doctor Ye? Why don’t I see him? ”

Gu Ming lowered her body even lower, “go straight inside. There is a Red Ferrari. Doctor Ye and teacher Huang are lying on the left side of it. You can see them when you come in. I’ll leave them to you. I still have something to do. I’ll hang up now. ”

Since this person surnamed Tang was here, doctor Ye would definitely be fine. She did not need to stay here to avoid getting into trouble.

“wait… ”

Gu Ming did not wait for that person to say anything. She hung up the phone and turned it off. She carried the big black bag on her back and bent over to stay away from the scene of the incident.

Gu Ming asked the little black cat, “how are we going to get out now? ”

The little black cat was a little puzzled. “Why can’t we go out openly? We’re not bad people. We even helped to chase away the ghost spirit! ” The little black cat felt that it was on the side of justice!

Gu Ming patted the little black cat’s head She said, “if we are discovered, then we are suspects. We have no way to prove how we got in, and because of the bewitching array, the surveillance cameras can’t record US saving people. This way, we won’t be able to get rid of the suspicion. Teacher Huang is dead, and this is already considered a murder case “I have an exam in two days, and I can’t be involved in such trouble! ”

The little black cat’s beard shook, and it was obvious that it did not quite understand the rules of this world.

Gu Ming concluded, “if we are discovered, they will lock us up. ”

The little black cat finally understood. It widened its eyes in fear.

Gu Ming smoothed its fur and whispered, “so, we have to leave quietly. We can not be discovered. Do you have any good ideas? ”

The little black cat pondered for a moment, then looked at Gu Ming and shook its head. It was injured and could not use many skills.

Gu Ming was disappointed.

At this moment, the elevator rang. Two people came down from the elevator and pressed the car keys. The car next to Gu Ming suddenly rang. She was delighted. There was an idea!

A young couple walked over, opened the car door, got into the car, and started the car. Gu Ming got under the car before they got into the car and followed the car out of the underground garage.

On the other side.

Tang heping looked at the phone that was hung up and felt a little helpless. He called again, but the other party’s phone was already switched off.

Operator, I should go find ye Qing first. He walked quickly inside. Not long after, he did find ye Qing beside a Red Ferrari. However, there was a woman beside ye Qing.

He frowned.

As he got closer, he smelled the stench of a corpse. It came from the woman. Who was this woman?

Tang Heping did not know how Ye Qing was. He squatted down and put his finger between doctor Ye’s nose. He was ready to check if doctor Ye was still alive.

Just then, the sound of a police car came from outside.

The police arrived. However, only three people came. They received a report and thought it was a normal robbery. They did not expect to find out that it was an extremely bad murder when they came to the scene!

The three police officers took out their guns and pointed them at Tang Heping’s head. They said coldly, “don’t move. Put Your hands on the back of your head. Lean against the wall and squat down. ”

Tang Heping stood up and turned to look at the three police officers. He smiled and said, “hello, I’m Tang Heping. I’m one of you. ” After he said that, he took out a document from his pocket and was about to hand it to the three police officers, but he did not expect that.. He was stopped. “I told you not to move. You don’t understand, do you? Who knows if the evidence is real or fake? There are many people who have fake documents now. It looks like it’s real. ”

These three were obviously newcomers.

Tang heping could not be bothered to waste his breath on them. He pointed at Doctor Ye and said, “this one is still breathing. Hurry up and send him to the hospital. ”

Two policemen looked at Tang Heping. The other one dialed the emergency number first and then called his superior. “boss, this isn’t a robbery… ”

An angry voice came from the other side. “It’s not a robbery? Someone reported a fake case? ”

The young policeman hurriedly said, “No, it’s a murder case. One was killed and one was injured. There was also a suspect who was caught on the spot. This suspect wanted to pretend to be a policeman, but we saw through him. Oh, he said his name is Tang Heping… “. … Yes, yes, yes. I got it. I’ll release him immediately “… okay, okay. I’ll definitely apologize to him.”

The police officer hung up the phone and looked at Tang heping with a livid face. Then, he said to his other two companions, “this is brother Tang. Quickly put down your guns. Don’t point them at your heads. We’re on the same side. It’s a misunderstanding. It’s all a misunderstanding. ”

The police officer trotted to Tang Heping’s side, took out a cigarette, and handed it to Tang Heping. He said politely, “brother Tang, I’m sorry. This is a misunderstanding. Don’t take it to heart. ”

Tang heping took the cigarette and said with a faint smile, “now you know how to call me brother? ”

The three police officers apologized to Tang heping. Tang Heping’s face turned stiff and he said, “alright, don’t worry about such a small matter. The most important issue now is this murder case. When will the forensic doctor come? Oh right, check the identity of the deceased… ”


Gu Ming successfully met up with Zhang Jin and Xing Hu.

Zhang Jin was frowning. They had run to all the hospitals in Hua city, but they couldn’t find his body. Where did he go?

Gu Ming said, “since he’s not in the hospital, he’s either hidden or buried. ”

After she finished, she looked at the two of them. “You’ve been looking for him all night. Are you uncomfortable under the Sun? ” It seemed that ghosts were afraid of the Sun.

Xing Hu lowered his head to look at his feet, and then it faded a little. He said in panic, “my feet, my feet… ”

Zhang Jin looked at Xing Hu’s feet. Xing Hu’s big feet had turned into a shadow. Then, he looked at his feet again. They were completely fine!

He was under the Sun, and there was a small tree above Xing Hu’s head. Why was Xing Hu weaker than him?

The little black cat told Gu Ming, “let them hide in the big black bag. “.

Gu Ming: “They are so big. Can they hide in here? “?

The little black cat: “No problem. They are souls. They are only a few kilograms. The big black bag can fit them. “.

Because they were on the street, the little black cat did not dare to speak in human language. If they were found out, they would be sent directly to the research institute.

After hearing the little black cat’s words, Gu Ming pretended to take something and opened the Zipper of the big black bag. Then, she whispered to the two of them, “quickly get in. ” It was summer now, and the sun was poisonous.

Now that they were on the street, they had to be careful.

Xing Hu and Zhang Jin got into the big black bag. Gu Ming took a look and then zipped the big black bag.

Gu Ming thought while carrying the bag. She had not applied for leave yet. Initially, she wanted to ask Doctor Ye for a note, but something happened to doctor Ye, so this matter was definitely ruined. Right, Lord Yu’s bank card had not been returned yet, so she had to find an opportunity to return it There was also Zhang Jin’s body. Now that Zhang Jin and Xing Hu could not see the sun, she could only come and look for him!

There were so many things to do!

She was so hungry. Eating was the most important thing in the world. Other things should wait until she was full. How could she work if she was not full?

Gu Ming found a noodle shop nearby and ordered a bowl of vegetarian noodles.

While she was eating the noodles, someone changed the channel and switched to the news channel. “We interrupt with a piece of news. Just now, a major murder case happened in our city. What is even more bizarre is that the victim’s body disappeared for no reason while he was being sent to the hospital… ”

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