The Breeding Goblin Has Reincarnated

Arc 1 Is Over, And My Honest Thoughts.

Yeah… I had a lot of ideas that I may write but not on a consistent schedule from now on. You may wonder why because writing consistently = more readers… Well, this is less a novel and just me venting in a very linguistic way.

Some write for fun, I write some stuff because I’m in a bad mood and find this sort of fucked up stuff as letting off some steam. Now… the main event of this author’s note will be ruining immersion.

Let me spoil the future of this smut for you (so I can deal with less of those who held expectations of this being a ‘good novel’). Like I wrote in my prologue, I write this shit with one hand anyway.

So, what happens to the goblin MC?

The raped women group gets split into three groups: Mark Addicts, Delusional Pregnant Women, and those who had enough mental fortitude to move past the horrors they had gone through.

The latter being the biggest group.

Those pregnant want to give birth to someone like Fill because he saved them and they can’t accept reality if they don’t at least try to believe their children will be similar. They attach themselves to Seria (Fill’s mother) because she is the biggest example of what they want.

Those addicted to the Indulgent Mark are fewer but they have zero self-preservation instincts. Throwing all their bad feelings into the mark in return for more pleasure. Letting go of their minds.

They gravitate to the cow woman’s sadism.

The elf, Silvia, leads the group that wants to reconnect with society. She hunts and helps them regain their strength from before getting captured. Helping them overcome their past to move forward.

Fill initially acts nice to gain their trust.

After getting enough from Seria, he rapes her and uses his ‘Carnal Charm’ illusion on her to manipulate her perception of what’s happening. Making her believe the group sacrificed her to keep their marks.

He manipulates her into thinking that he may be twisted, but he truly love her (a lie to gain trust). Planting genuine good emotions within her despite the horrible things he does to her all the time.

Basically, he says to her: “you can fix me”.

Seria falls for his schemes and her class evolves into a cult priestess. This is the point she starts spreading her faith to the other pregnant women and taking advantage of their weakness for his sake.

Truly believing he is an Angel in disguise.

A cult with him as their god is born,

The mark addicts and those wanting to reconnect with society are affected by this change, but the event of outsiders coming to eliminate the goblins that were alive before happens before they can act.

Fill and the cow women convince the others to not completely leave themselves vulnerable. They seduce the adventurers that came and ask for their cooperation in helping them return to society. Following the cow woman’s commands, the mark addicts are used as temptation for them to ‘stay close’.

One of the adventurers is a knight who sees something suspicious going on. He finds Fill and tries to kill him, but is ambushed by the cultists hiding in the cave and framed for assaulting them.

Being seduced by easy sex, the leader of the group misunderstood the knight’s intentions and didn’t believe him when he said there was a demon in the cave. It seemed more like the knight was lustful.

Because the party’s leader got attached to the women, he ends up killing the knight in anger. He expected a harsh reaction from the women, but they acted like he was a saviour protecting them.

Fill infiltrates a town in this way.

The cultists keep him hidden by hiding his appearance and keeping him out of sight. They get new clothes and the elf girl gets more attached to the group. Is suspicious of Fill but has no justification.

The cow woman ends up being his greatest ally. She simply likes hurting people and indulging herself. A very simple person that could be kept in line easily. Even if it’s only temporarily.

The story from there is exactly as you’d expect. He expands his sex cult’s influence within human society, finds the demon king’s daughter (who can control all monsters including him via her divine authority) and works with her to take over humanity by acting as her strategist.

The ending of this novel is him finally bringing out his lover via ‘Twin Evolution’ by splitting himself into two. One houses his lover who calls herself ‘Sissy’ (because why not add incest in smut) and remembers why she named him ‘Fill’.

Spoiler: It’s because she wants him to fill her up.

The story ends with his offspring and the demon queen taking control of humanity via fucking them. Half-breeds of human and monster still under the demon queen’s absolute authority over monsters.

It elevates her to the level of being a god and she protects him from that point on (because at this point of the story any female that has ever met him, including her, is part of his crazy sex cult).

You’re welcome for the spoilers. 

See you if I ever decide to update this story (might be tomorrow, a month, or when I feel like it).

Have a wonderful reading experience.

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