The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Boy Leader’s Grass, Little Thirteen

“Bullshit, you didn’t hear the old bald guy say that the last big question Su Smoke made. ”

“Wow, I didn’t expect Su Yan to be a great chemistry contender. ”

“You see, our first class didn’t leave. ”

“Is Su Yan so good? You’re not stealing, are you? ”

The louder the discussion.

The chemistry teacher raised his hand and patted the table, indicating silence.

Then take the paper and stand on the podium.

“If you’re uncomfortable, make a full score paper. Let you go, too! ”

The whole place was quiet.

Chemistry teacher, sit on the chair and say,

“If you can’t do this, then be honest and do the right thing. ”

After that, the chemistry teacher looked at the paper with emotion and sat down and studied it carefully.

Besides, after leaving, Su smoke.

Little Flower Systems can’t help asking.

“Host, don’t you have a headache? ”


“Huh? Is it as simple for a host to do chemistry as thinking about what to eat? ”

Su Cigarette licked her lip corner and walked to the 10th class in the 2nd grade. She answered.

“Uh… maybe. ”

She didn’t find the questions difficult, basically she could do it at a glance.

My head hurts a little when I do the last question.

And then… it’s done.

After that, Su Yan made a noise.

“Xiaohua, how do I get to class 10 in second grade? ”

“Host, Class 10 is on the ground floor, you just go downstairs. ”

“Oh, okay. ”

Little Flower Systems can’t help asking.

“Host, have you figured out how to get close to Kang? ”

“What do you think I should do? ”

“According to the information I gathered, there are many ways for a girl to approach a boy, for example, knowing his preferences, making bento boxes, and suddenly appearing before him when he wanted to see you. Surprise him, etc. ”

Su Yan listened seriously.

Then the flower system concludes:

“Host, you start with rule number one. Ask him what he likes first. ”

It’s all over again.

“The host is good to him and desperate to be good to him. He naturally lays down his guard for the host! ”

The head of the system is said to be an experienced old fashion.

God knows it was the first time it came out when the system.

All experience is based on information gathered in the world.

After Su Yan listened, remember.


She responded nicely.

Walk to the door of Class 10 in the second grade.

Look out the window and know they’re in class.

When I thought about it, I grabbed the bag and stood in front of the classroom. This attitude was the same as when I first came to the school punishment station.

About twenty minutes later.

The bell rang after class.

Hurrah the boys and girls in student uniforms go out.

She looked seriously at the people who were afraid to miss it.

Until Cheng Xingyang hooked up with his fox puppy friend and walked out, he glanced at Su Smoke.

I stopped and watched her be quiet and quiet. I didn’t feel any lighter.

“To find Kang Yan? ”


She nodded.

“He’s in there, but… you’d better leave him alone now. ”

He got up very badly.

She looked inside and the class was gone.

Kang burned sitting in the most corner of the back, his head on the table, closed his eyes, his eyebrows locked, his face fell asleep impatiently.

Walk in.

Look how well he slept. Put his handbag on his desk.

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