The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 6

Chapter 5: Slytherin Castle

Life aboard the Isabella was pleasant for Lockhart, and he could always find someone willing to listen to his story among the noisy crowd.

Not long after boarding the ship, the whole ship was attracted by Lockhart, while Moriarty asked the crew for a pen and a lot of old newspapers, and then plunged into the inner cabin.

Except that Lockhart brought in three meals a day, he didn’t see anyone and didn’t go out.

Five days later, Moriarty called Lockhart: “For you!”

He threw a large stack of old newspapers at Lockhart.

Lockhart opened them and saw that the newspaper was full of beautiful black lace letters, and he read the title seriously: “With Slytherin in Eastern Tibet!”

“Master!” Lockhart’s neck turned red with excitement: “I thought you were just talking, but I didn’t expect you to actually publish a book for me!”

“From now on, you have to improve your mood, Lockhart.” Moriarty said, “No matter where you are, no matter what happens, you have to stay calm, such as this book…”

Moriarty looked at Lockhart seriously: “Do you know what kind of shock this book will cause once it is released?

From England, to France, Germany…you will become a household name in the entire European magic circle, then America and Africa! ”

And I, Salazar’s last blood relative, will also enter the public eye. ”

Lockhart, immersed in the prospect described by Moriarty, smiled silly.

“Oh master, that’s really good. I’ve seen us waving to the wizards together under the flash, and we’re sure to make the headlines of the Daily Prophet!”

“Wrong, you’re the only one waving to the wizards! You’re the only one who makes headlines! People will find you transformed from a writer to an excavator!”

Moriarty stared at Lockhart with eagle-like eyes: “This is very important, Lockhart.

Look into my eyes, you want people to think that you have a brilliant eye, that you discovered me! Brought back the descendants of Slytherin for the UK! ”

Lockhart swallowed his saliva, he understood the meaning behind these words, he frowned: “Master, I understand, but I have to tell you one thing, I’m not sure if this will affect you s plan.”

He explained: “The Foley family among the twenty-eight pure-blood families is my partner. In other words, my works are operated, marketed, and sold by the Foley family.”

Lockhart spread his hands and shook his head helplessly: “We earn four or six cents, I am four, and the Foley family six. There is no way, as long as the book-related business is inseparable from the Foley family, my four I’m still fighting for it…”

Moriarty pondered for a moment and patted Lockhart on the shoulder.

“We’ll talk about the Foley family when we get home. What you need to do is to improve your character and improve your image! Think about how to make yourself the favorite look of wizards.”

Moriarty had to go back to the castle to see what good things Salazar had left before he could formulate a plan for the pure-blood family.

After another five days, the ship passed the English Channel and arrived in England.

Moriarty kept taking Lockhart to Bristol.

“Merlin, Salazar Slytherin came to Bristol after leaving Hogwarts! In England! People thought he left Europe!”

Lockhart was like a general returning from victory, and he continued to do so until he reached his destination.

“Master?” Lockhart looked at the endless plain, not even the shadow of the castle. He didn’t understand why Moriarty stopped.

“There must be an extremely powerful concealment spell in addition to the expelling Muggle spell. But that won’t trouble me, Lockhart, back off.”

Moriarty searched for the relevant memory in his brain. He pointed his staff directly in front of him and said in snake language, “Talk to me – Slytherin!”

Although it wasn’t the first time he heard it, Lockhart was horrified.

Moriarty seemed to be talking to Salazar’s undead: “Open your eyes to death, close your eyes to the future! Every angel has a past, and every demon has a future!”

A dazzling silver light shot into the front from the top of the staff, Moriarty and Lockhart were instantly swept away by a huge force, and there was a hissing sound in their ears, like 10,000 snakes hissing in their ears. .

“Oh, this is really bad,” Lockhart got up from the ground clutching his butt. He felt himself falling, “Master, are you alright.”

Lockhart wanted to help Moriarty, but heard him say, “We’re here, there’s no doubt this is Slytherin Castle.”

Lockhart heard a trace of excitement, which was rare for Moriarty, and he hurriedly raised his head to look at the castle.

“Oh! Oh—” Lockhart covered his mouth, wanting to say something but couldn’t.

The main body of the castle is made of granite, with purple agate inlaid outside, staring into the distance like magic eyes.

The exterior of the castle has been enchanted, silver and green, it looks like a rising magic palace under the sunlight during the day, and a circling giant snake at night.

Although it is a Gothic style, there are many towers, fortresses, stone bridges, city walls, and outer forts.

Compared with the noble manor, it is more like a battle fortress.

Of course, the castle has a Salazar Slytherin style everywhere, and the walls built of gold ore are polished as pure and shiny as glass.

A silver stone road that could accommodate four carriages abreast led from the bottom of Moriarty’s feet to the gate.

There is a large lawn on both sides of the stone road, and then the lush oak forests surround the lawn and the city wall like a knight’s order.

There is a large lake behind the castle, and there is a faint sound of water flowing.

The Slytherin logo is printed on the gates, walls, roofs… It makes the castle solemn and solemn.

“Okay Lockhart, look at yourself, we’re in.” Moriarty said with a smile, he was very satisfied with the castle.

There was a sudden “pop” in the air, and a goblin emerged out of thin air outside the gate.

He was wearing a black robe, with pointed and long ears and a very protruding pointed nose, his grayish-yellow skin was full of folds, and his long hair was dragged to the ground.

What caught Moriarty’s particular attention was the goblin’s golden shackles.

“Respected descendant of Slytherin—cough cough.” The goblin coughed violently as soon as he opened his mouth. When he mentioned “Slytherin”, Moriarty saw a hint of malice in his black eyes.

“I haven’t spoken to anyone for at least nine hundred years!” The goblin hoarsely looked at Moriarty: “Then, you are a descendant of Salazar Slytherin…except Salazarius No one can find this place except for the curse for his descendants.”

The goblin knelt down reluctantly: “Follow Salazar’s order, the goblin Inge will be loyal to you from beginning to end!”

“Take me in.” Moriarty knew that there was another bizarre story hidden behind Ingo, but he first had to receive Salazar’s intellectual heritage.

“Please give me the key.” Ingo stretched out his hands.

Moriarty put the golden key in Ingo’s hand, Ingo stood up and opened the door with the key.

The moment the door opened, Moriarty received a prompt from the system: “It is detected that the host has acquired the ownership of Slytherin Castle, and ten exploration draws will be awarded.”

A large group of house elves ran out of the castle. They eagerly came to Moriarty and applauded: “This day has finally come, welcome the descendants of Slytherin!”

Ingo explained in a timely manner: “They are responsible for the care, cleaning, and diet of the entire castle. Salazar cast a permanent spell on them, preventing them from leaving the entire castle.”

“You are not allowed to call your master by his first name!” One of the leading house-elf pointed at Ingo, his long nose trembling with anger, and said to Moriarty, “Ingo is a bad fellow, and he has been a bad fellow all day since his master left. You’re talking bad about your master.”

Ingo was obviously accustomed to the complaints of house-elves, at least for more than nine hundred years, but he couldn’t ignore Moriarty’s opinion.

“I don’t want to hide it from you, but I was caught by Salazar.” Ingo shook his shackles, “I witnessed Salazar create this castle, so I also couldn’t leave the castle.”

“My name is Moriarty Slytherin, you will call me Master in the future, I have no interest in your past now,” Moriarty’s tone was unquestionable: “I am interested in Salazar ancestors. legacy.”

“I’ll show you, young master! My name is Luke, let’s go to the master’s bedroom first.”

The house-elf Luke led the way as if taking credit, and Moriarty walked into the castle, surrounded by Lockhart and Ingo.

The outside of the castle is not too gorgeous, but the hall is magnificent. Twelve silver-white giant columns support the first floor. The milky white walls and the white carpet covering the floor make the hall look bright.

There are portraits, banners, sculptures, rune pictures hanging one after another on the wall, simple and ancient.

On both sides of each ancient one is embedded a gem or emerald.

Strangely, with the color of the gemstone, the orientation of the embedded wall is also different.

There was a large golden clock on the wall opposite the gate. Moriarty looked at the time, it was a quarter to twelve.

The Slytherin logo was embroidered on the carpet, and Lockhart climbed on it at once: “Oh Merlin, this must be the work of the elves! Only they can make it by hand.”

“Compared to exquisite carpets, ancient carvings, and expensive furniture…” Moriarty swept the and finally fixed his gaze on the two columns of candles.

“There is magic between these candles with the thickness of an ordinary person’s arm and the gems in all directions. I think that the ancestors must have deliberately arranged them in this way. This should be a magic circle.”

Ingo stared at Moriarty, fearful of Moriarty’s talent and acumen, he muttered, “Another Slytherin monster!”

He sighed: “Okay, Master, you’re right, but I want to add that this is a space magic circle, and his presence provides light for the entire castle.”

Lockhart seemed to have found inspiration, and quickly wrote them down.

Ingo had a hint of showing off, he raised his face: “Actually, the castle uses a lot of space magic circles, the young master’s spell has opened the magic circle into the castle territory, and space teleportation will send you here.

Don’t worry about the snake language from the teleportation array, it is a symbol of the first unblocking, and no one has been here for nearly a thousand years. ”

Lockhart clapped his hands and said happily: “Aha~ the heritage of a thousand-year-old pure-blood family! It is richer and more luxurious than any pure-blood in the UK. I think even the entire European family can’t compare to the young master’s castle! ”

Ingo’s face suddenly turned: “All of these are the wealth of fairies!”

Moriarty looked at Ingo playfully: “It seems that your status among fairies is not low.”

Ingo turned his head to one side, unwilling to speak.

Luke said loudly as if to attack Ingo: “My esteemed young master, let’s go, everything in the master’s bedroom remains the same!”

Moriarty nodded and followed Luke for a long time to find Salazar’s bedroom, which was still exquisite and luxurious, but Moriarty didn’t look at it, but caught a glimpse of a notebook on the desk.

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