The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 7 – Date

"So you already recorded your first song?"

"Yeah, but it still doesn't sound good when I listen to it."

"Hmm, well, when we record for our albums, we have to use a big padded room for the vocals. Maybe you just don't have the right stuff?"

"Probably. Here, catch."

Throwing over a water bottle, Ai flicks her hair back before gulping down the water.

I wish I was that bottle-

No! Bad hormones!

"Haa! Thanks, Cassius!"

"Y-Yeah, no problem."

Averting my eyes, I sit down under the shade as I drink from my water bottle.

We were on one of our everyday morning runs, or rather, the break we have midway through at the convenience store.

Damn, if I wasn't running the way back, I would've taken the chance to grab some snacks.

"So, today's one of your free days, right? Are you planning anything?"

Sliding down next to me, she pulls out her phone, seemingly checking her schedule.

"Well, after I get home I have a short modelling job, but after that I'm free. Why the curiosity? Did you want to ask me on a date? Cassius~"

My face grew itchy at her teasing.

"N-Not necessarily a date. I know that you have a pretty packed schedule, and with your kids, it's tough for you to do anything for fun, so maybe I could watch over the kids, or we could do something like the aquarium yesterday."

Not a date, nope.

"O-Oh. I see. I'll ask the kids when I get home, but thank you, Cassius."

"No problem."

Falling into a comfortable silence, we rest under the shade for a while longer, hearing the hum of morning traffic.

At least, that's until Ai pops up to her feet.

"Well, no time to waste Cassius! Let's see what my sweet babies want to do!"

"Alright, I'm getting up. Also, you should probably not blurt out your secret to the world."


Her cheeks burning red, she tips down her cap to cover her face.

As I thought, she is much cuter without her facade up.

Although not constantly peppy, her reactions are much more genuine, and when she gets excited or happy, her eyes shine with an enticing glow, captivating me each time.

To most people, the difference between her genuine happiness and fake would be minimal, if they could notice at all.

But for me, one who was trained since a child to see through such lies, the difference is jarring.

Smiling to myself, I start our journey back home.

----- Ai POV -----

"I'm back~!"

Opening my door, I'm greeted by the lovely sight of my two babies on the couch with Miyako typing on her laptop beside them.

"Mama! Welcome back!"

"How was your run, Ai?"

"Never mind that! Come give Mama a hug~!"

Running up to them, I'm surprised when even Ruby holds her hands out to stop me.

"No way! Mama's too sweaty!"

"Aww~ But Mama's gonna be sad without her morning hug."

Seeing my sweet daughter's reluctance wane, I move in for the kill before being interrupted by Miyako.

"Don't manipulate your children like that. Also, you need to get showered before the shoot, which we leave for in an hour by the way."

"Mou, but I wanted to ask my babies where to go for today~!"

Raising her head, Miyako gives me a questioning face.

"What do you mean? You know that I have today for myself. Oh, did Cassius offer to take them?"

Smiling at her, I raise my finger before imitating Cassius.

"Mhm! He was like, 'You're busy with your packed schedule and kids, so you can't do much fun. I could watch over the kids for you or take us on another trip like the aquarium!'."

At my words, I see Miyako's face turn into a frown.

Oh? Did I do something wrong?

"Anyway, I'll go take my shower now~. Why don't you two look at some places to visit, alright~?"

Giving them a wink, I make my way to the bathroom.

----- Aqua POV -----

After watching Ai enter the bathroom, I lower my head while thinking about what she said, or rather, what Cassius said.

He was right, of course he was, Ai had been busy juggling idol work, training, odd jobs like photo shoots...

All that while also dealing with us two, her kids.

And she was still only 19!

With no friends or time, she had never gone shopping, gone on a trip, nothing.

She had done nothing for fun ever since turning 16, no, realistically since she was 12 when her idol career started.

The realization almost made me sick.

In fact, I was surprised she hadn't broken down yet.

While it was her choice to throw away a 'normal' life by being an idol, and it was also her choice to have us, she still deserved to have fun on her own.

"Haa... damn it. Even after I forced Ichigo to give me today off every week."

Looking over at Miyako, I can tell she is in a similar state of guilt.

"Hmm? What's wrong you two?"

My sister tilted her head in confusion.

Seriously? Does she not understand?

Didn't she say she was an adult in her past life?

"Really Ruby? Think, when is the last time Ai had time for herself?"

Scratching her head, she squints her eyes while searching her memories.

"I, guess she hasn't. But doesn't she have fun with us?"

It seems my sister is an idiot.

Or maybe her biological age has lowered her initial mental intelligence?

"Ruby, even if she does, everyone needs some time alone, or at least, time without having responsibilities, which would be us."

Oh, she's pouting now, great.

"Hmph, fine! Then I guess I'll accept Cassius watching us, only because he got me Octa!"

So she decided to name her octopus plushy Octa.

Yeah, her biological age is definitely getting to her.

Or maybe she was lying about her past age?

It would fit the bill.

"Not exactly."

Miyako then butts in.

"Ai can't exactly go anywhere alone, considering her status, and as much as I loathe to accept it, she and Cassius obviously like each other."


It seems my sister needs me to spell it out for her.

"So, we're going to make Ai go on a date."

----- Cassius POV -----

Getting out of the shower, I'm about to make some breakfast before hearing someone at my door.

Did Ai already get her answer from the kids?

Opening the door, I'm greeted by a young woman with long, strawberry-blonde hair.

"Ah, good morning. You're... Miyako, I believe?"

"Indeed, nice to officially meet you Cassius Anemoi. I've heard a lot about you from Ai."

I see.

Why does hearing that make me feel so good?

"Nice to meet you too, did you want to come in?"

"No need, I was just going to ask you for a favour, though I doubt it will sound like one."


"Take Ai out somewhere."

"Like on a date?"

"Like on a date."

Umm, I'm very lost right now.

"Uhh, I didn't think you would approve of anything like that, as her manager and all. And don't the kids need someone to watch them?"

"I'll be watching the kids. And while my husband and I are Ai's managers, we are also her legal guardians. You brought up a good point about her not having any fun, especially with the increased jobs she has gotten, so I'll leave it to you."

Oh, I guess my words could be taken that way.

"Uh, sure, I'll find a good activity. Does Ai know about this?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure she'll accept. Just be sure that her identity does not get found out, and prepare a cover story if she does so that if worst comes to worst, it won't lead to a giant scandal."

Well, I would be lying if I hadn't thought of date ideas, even with my... hesitation still present.

Hmm, considering my past in this world, as well as my fame... if I go to one of those, yeah that would work.

"We could go somewhere related to exercise. Then the cover story could be I'm training her? Being an idol and a model, she would need to stay active right?"

"Hmm, and you would be a prime candidate to be a trainer... yes, that's good. So? What ideas did you have?"

"Umm, either swimming or rock climbing, but I could always do more research."

"Not swimming, we could never keep her disguise up. Rock climbing is good though. Anyways, I'll be heading back now."

Seeing her parting figure, I remember another thing I had been putting off.

"Oh wait, before you go! I was wondering if I could talk to your president about helping me out."

Turning back to me with a frown, she responds.

"I'm not sure what an idol management company like ours could help you with. Are you looking to come out of retirement?"

"Umm, no, I was looking to get into music. My recording is... not amazing, and you have experience with B-Komachi's albums, right?"

Showing surprise for a moment, she quickly calms her expression.

"Ai did talk about your talent. Well, I'll ask Ichigo to meet you, he's shown interest in signing you considering your fame and what you know."

"Ah, thank you. Well, see you later."

"Same to you."

Closing the door, I look back into my apartment.

So, that just happened.

I guess I'm going on a date with Ai, for real this time.

...though it felt really weird for who is essentially her mom to invite me.

Well, whatever, if I'm doing this, I'll give it my best.

Now, she said swimming was a no-go, but rock climbing was good...

Time to do some research!

----- Ai POV - 3 Hours Later -----

"Ah~ Man, I can't believe I needed to sit for that long~! That's totally unfair, don't you think so, president~?"

"Haa, that was easy compared to what most models do. Be glad that it wasn't very hot today. Well, here you are."

"Okay, see you later president~!"

Hopping out of the car, I make my way up the stairs and into my apartment, not greeted by the usual 'Mama!' from Ruby.

"They're both asleep if you're wondering."

Looking over to Miyako, whose laying down on the couch, my lips curl into a smile.

"I guess they still need their midday naps, huh~?"

"Indeed. You should get changed, Cassius will be coming over shortly."

Feeling my face heat up, I give her a nod before heading to my room.

There was that, wasn't there.

A date.

I hadn't been on a date in nearly four years, and even then, it was only a couple of cafe visits before Hikaru and I eventually broke up.

So my experience is... lacking.

But it'd be fine, right?

We always have a good time together, and we've already gone to karaoke alone, so it'll be a-okay!


Gah! Cassius, you meanie!

Making me nervous like this!

Haa. Well, Miyako said that we'd do something active, right?

I should take a shower first though.

----- Cassius POV -----

Calming my nerves, I bring my fist up to the door before knocking a few times.

Not long after, the door opens to reveal Ai, dressed in a tank top and sports shorts, with an unzipped track jacket over her shoulders.

Wow, paired with her hair still wet from a shower, she looks absolutely stunning.

"Hey, Cassius~!"



'Yo'? Really, me?

Distracting her from my less-than-stellar greeting, I continue.

"Well, let's get going. There are not many people at this time, so even if your disguise isn't great, you shouldn't get noticed."

Closing the door behind her, she puts on her usual cap and sunglasses before skipping over to my side and grabbing my hand.

"Is that so? Miyako only said you'd be taking me somewhere that could be written off as training. So? What's the plan?"

"Rock climbing. Have you been?"

"Nope! But that sounds fun, have you done it before?"

"Yeah, but my experience has been more... nature-like. Not indoors like the one we're going to."

Before I had solar magic and I could leap up buildings and cliffs with a single enhanced jump, climbing was integral to my training.

I wonder how it'll go? This time I would be using modern equipment after all.

"Well, let's go!"

----- 1 Hour Later -----

"And those are the basics. You guys ok by yourselves?"

"We'll manage. Thank you."

"No problem. You two have fun!"

The... trainer? Employee? Yeah, employee.

The employee then gave us a wave goodbye after giving us the rundown on the facility, the rules, and how to get attached to the ropes with our gear.

I then turned toward Ai, who still had her hat on, but was unfortunately not allowed to wear her sunglasses.

"Well, you wanna go first?"

"Mhm! Seeing you crawl up like that got me pumped!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Anyway, it's good that it's so barren today. And none of the people here strike me as the 'idol otaku' type."

"Anyone can be an idol fan! But you're right, it seems the people here are too busy to notice anyway."

Looking at the surroundings, I see that one guy has climbed to the top of his course and-


Why is he wearing a bird mask?

Know what? I don't even want to know.

And the more distractions, the better, so I'll just take that eccentric guy as a blessing.

"Well, come on, you're already hooked up to this one, so might as well do it."

Pumping her fist, she grabs onto the first two coloured rocks before leaping up.

Continuing to crawl up the wall, she eventually reaches the part where the wall juts outward.

I wonder how she'll do on this-


Oh, she fell.

Acting on instincts, I leap up below her, grabbing onto the wall with one hand and my feet while catching her in my free arm.

While this is absolutely not the time, I can't help but notice how... soft she is.

Looking down at her face which is now inches apart from mine, Ai's cheeks begin to turn red as she averts her eyes.

"U-Umm, t-thank you for catching me, but I think the harness would have kept me safe?"


Yeah, that is a thing.

"S-Sorry, it was instincts. I'll let you down now."

Not receiving an answer, I notice her arm is now wrapped around my neck, making me feel... things.


"Huh!? Oh, yeah, I'll go down now."

Releasing her, she slowly descends before touching down on the soft pad a meter below, further emphasizing the pointlessness of my 'rescue'.

Haa, let's try not to do that again.

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