The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 21 – Sick?

"-and... send. Now it's your problem, Ichigo."

Closing my laptop, I get up and do a couple of stretches, my body cracking with every movement.

Jeez, I really was at it for a while, huh?

But now with my low-quality album demos done, it won't be my problem until Ichigo makes me do it again in the studio, professionally this time.

And then there are those guys he recommended...

I should probably meet them before recording together, right?

Kenzo and Yuto Kamiya, a pair of brothers that do drums and guitar respectively, and then Tatsuya Nakai on the bass.

All three of them are extremely skilled musicians who are in a cover band, or rather, were in a cover band, before their lead singer went solo.

Great at recordings and live performances, their only hang-up is that they suck at songwriting.

Which is where I come in.

Or rather, my past life memories do.

Anyway, Ichigo already got them signed to a contract along with me after meeting them, so we're a band now.


Although I really wish he let me meet them beforehand, I'll trust my boss for now.

Now, other than meeting those three, there's still naming our band and the album I just sent Ichigo, but that can wait for later.

"Uuu~ Cassius~ Feed me~"

Sighing inwardly, I look over to Ai who was currently sleeping on the couch while wrapped up in a blanket.

It's been a week since our pool day, and we were able to fulfill my fantasy of doing her in her idol costume.

Just remembering that night brings a smile to my face.

Good times...


Oh, yeah, nearly spaced out there.

"What do you want, sweetie? We don't have too much right now." I ask gently.

Her nose scrunching up in disapproval, Ai then voices her request.


Popsicle it is.

"Alright, just give me a second."

Whether it was due to her packed schedule, or just bad luck, Ai had gotten a small cold, and while I could always heal her with solar magic, she adamantly refused, citing that 'natural processes should happen naturally' or something.

"Hehe, thanks Cassius~"

Although I think she just wanted to be spoiled.

Well, I'm not complaining.

She deserves a break like this once in a while, and the cold medicine put her in a state of, well, perpetual cuteness.


Very cute indeed.

Taking out the promised popsicle from the freezer, I make my way back to Ai before feeding it to her.

"Thanks, honey~"

"Of course."

She then wraps her mouth around the treat, giving me a view that is oddly... lewd.

No, down boy, down! Not the time!

This Ai is pure and adorable, so rid yourself of impure thoughts, Cassius!


Looking down at Ai, I see her lips curled into a goofy smile while a trail of drool mixed with melted popsicle drips down her cheek.

"What is it?" I respond while wiping up her mess.

"Umm, can we get married~?"



What the fu-

Okay, calm down. 

This is probably just her being out of it, but still... It's not like I haven't thought of it, you know?

I mean, most people back in Aspia married at 15, so with me being 18 and unmarried, I'm technically a late bloomer in my old world.

"We can talk about this later, Ai."

Special move: deflect and move on.

"No! I wanna know now~!"

Well, never-fucking-mind then.


Looking into her eyes, I see the same haze that's been there all morning, but past that, and past the subtle curiosity, there's a bit of... fear.

Well, not like I need to keep it a secret anyway.

"Of course, we can, Ai. I'd love to. Just... let's have this conversation later."

Preferably when you're not high off your ass on cold medication.


Her face lights up with a smile as she starts humming while rocking her toes side to side.

Uh, she changed her tune pretty fast.

"But, Cassius~? Whose last name will we use?" Ai asks.

"Well, yours of course. Besides, 'Anemoi' isn't even my own last name."

"Huh?" She says in confusion.

Oh yeah, I never told her about that, did I?

"Yeah, well, only nobles get last names, and 'Anemoi' is just the last name given to every royal servant coming from commoner blood. Though, it can't get passed on to your children like nobles, not that it matters now..." I say thinking of Lili and everyone I left behind.

Shaking my head free of such frivolous thoughts, I give Ai a beaming smile.

"Besides, Cassius Hoshino sounds pretty nice, doesn't it?"

Her cheeks flush as she stares at me in wonder before breaking out into a gentle smile that is brimming with love.

I can't help but be entranced by such a sight, and as I slowly lower my mouth to cover hers...

"Ai? Cassius? We're coming in!"

Fuck you, Ichigo.

Separating with a huff, I turn to see Ichigo walking in with Ruby and Aqua in tow.

Since I had stayed at home with Ai, Miyako and Ichigo were the ones to take the kids to and from preschool today.

But damn, what terrible timing.

Ruby quickly kicks off her shoes before running over to her mother and giving her a hug, burying her face into Ai's stomach.

"Mama, are you feeling better?" Ruby asks. 

"Ah, you're home~! Aqua, come give Mama a hug too~"

Grumbling under his breath, Aqua also reaches over to hug Ai.

"I love you, Aqua, Ruby~"

With Ai's sweet words, Ruby's smile grows wider while Aqua's cheeks grow redder.

"Love you too, Mama!" 

"You too, Ai." 

Ai's eyebrows twitch.

"It's 'Mama', Aqua." She says.

Releasing a sigh, Aqua complies with her demand.

"L-Love you too, M-Mama..."

Yes, another small change in the Hoshino household.

Ai's been really adamant about Aqua calling her 'Mama' rather than her name, and after some initial struggles, Aqua bent to Ai's will.

Although he still blushed each time he did it... but I guess it adds to his charm.

While no one comes close to your mother, I swear once you reach that age I'll teach you how to snag any girl around, my dear step-son!

Well, that's something for the future.

"Are you guys hungry?"

Seeing all three of their faces light up at my question, I make my way over to the front door.

I guess it's time for me to show off my cooking skills, after going out and getting some groceries that is.

----- Ai POV -----

My cold had gone away around lunchtime, and while the cold medication made me groggy, it wasn't something I couldn't handle.

Not that I'd ever tell Cassius that.

After all, I love it when he pampers me~

"Ai, are you feeling any better?"

Looking over to the president, I narrow my eyes as I try to weigh the benefits of abandoning my act.

"Haa, yeah... I'm okie-dokie!"

Giving him a thumbs up and a wink, the president's eyes twitch as he realizes I have been playing Cassius this whole time.

"Tsk. You damn idol."

Massaging his temples, he then sits across from me on the couch.

Oh, it seems like a serious talk, huh?

"So, we got a spot for an upcoming concert." He says seriously.

"Uh, okay president. But what's special about that?" I ask.

"What's special, is that this will be the biggest venue B-Komachi's been in to date!"

His cheeks flush while his hands clench in excitement.

"Almost... we're almost there. To finally performing at the Tokyo Dome!"

Ah, yes, there was that...

After my attack and subsequently finding love, I took a look back at my idol career.

After all, I no longer needed it in an attempt to turn my lies into reality, as I already have everything I want... and I now know love isn't so simple that it can be forced into existence like that.

But it's still fun, definitely fun.

To give my fans smiles, to dance around and act cute to the roar of the crowd waving their red glowsticks.

And it's especially enjoyable how my idol act and costume gets Cassius so excited.

But... I can't help but think back to what I said when I was bleeding out near the front door.

How I wanted to see Aqua and Ruby's entrance ceremony, introduce myself as their mom with Cassius next to me as their dad and my loving husband.

I want to watch them grow up, with Aqua becoming the best actor he can be while Ruby becomes an amazing idol... and I want to be a part of it!

Truly, be a part of their life, not like I am right now, keeping everything hidden behind a veil of secrecy and sending Miyako and Cassius to take them everywhere.

I want to look at the adults they'll become and think 'Yes, I raised those two, and oh how proud I am of them'.

Compared to that? My desire to keep being an idol, it's... trivial.

But seeing how excited the president is, and the animated face of Miyako next to him... I don't want to disappoint them either.

After all, they were the ones to light my path to my babies and my Cassius.

Alright, it's decided!

Once B-Komachi performs at the Tokyo Dome concert they've dreamt about... I'll quit being an idol.

Hmm, maybe acting will be next?

The few roles I've done have gone pretty well.

I also like music, so maybe I can try that?

Or I could just be a cute housewife for Cassius to come home to.

But he works from home as well...

Well, thoughts for later.

I should also ask the president about what Cassius and I have been talking about.

Not the marriage thing, although I'm super duper excited that Cassius wants that too!

But rather, something he brought up a few days ago.

With my current address possibly being out there to the public, the addition of Cassius to the household, as well as Aqua and Ruby growing older...

"President, that reminds me." I say.

"What is it, Ai?"

Bringing my finger to rest against my cheek, I give him an upward glance with fluttering eyelashes. 

This always helps me when asking for something difficult like this.

"Cassius and I... we're thinking about moving."

The president pauses at my words before bringing his hand to his face and releasing a large sigh.

"Haa, of course you are... You two are so much work, you know that?" He says.

"But we're worth it, aren't we president~"

Giving him a smug smirk, he releases yet another sigh.

"Fine, whatever, we can talk about that later. I'm leaving before you tell me something else to add to my stress. I'll email you your schedule for next week."

"Bye, president~!"

With him and Miyako closing the door behind them on their way out, I'm left alone with my thoughts, save for my two babies who are glued to the TV.

"Aqua! That's age-restricted!?"

"It's just an anime, Ruby, calm down." Aqua responds to his sister.

Hearing the bickering of my two children, I can't help but grow a wide smile.

Yeah, while I'll continue growing B-Komachi, maybe I'll calm down with my extra jobs.

After all, now with Cassius with us, money isn't as big of a problem.

And I really, really don't wanna miss anything about these two growing up.

"Hey guys, I'm back! Oh, did Ichigo and Miyako leave?"

Cassius enters, as I lean back into the couch.

Hmm, should I keep up my sick act?

I mean, he's been taking care of me all day, I'm starting to feel bad...

"What's this, Aqua?" Cassius asks.

"It's just a show, apparently too hardcore for my child-like self." Aqua responds with a pout.

"'Child-like'... you're three, Aqua. Anyways, what is it called?" Cassius asks.

Aqua then shows him the show's name, which happens to be 'Fight against Titan'.

Oh yeah! That's the new anime Meimei was talking about!

"...Uhh, okay."

Why does Cassius seem so... weirded out?

"What's wrong, honey?" I ask.

"N-Nothing, just... yeah, nothing."


"Anyways, I'll get started on dinner now."

Cassius then makes his way to the kitchen, eyes still obviously clouded in confusion.

I wonder what's wrong?

----- Cassius POV -----

What the fuck is 'Fight against Titan'?

Is this what that god meant by little details being changed?

Know what? I'm just gonna ignore that.

...And also ignore the fact a three-year-old was trying to watch it.

Pre-heating the oven, I think back to the two classes I had looked into for Ruby.

Dancing and singing, perfect for an idol-in-training like her.

The only problem is that most would not accept a three-year-old, with five being the earliest one can join.

Makes sense, Ruby being way more mature for her age is the only reason I was looking to sign her up.

Just imagining trying to get a bunch of regular toddlers to coordinate like that... ugh, it sends a shiver down my spine.

But I did find two places, well, actually the same place with both classes.

'A performing arts studio', I believe they called it.

Wonderful reviews, the only issue was the location.

Well, Ai and I were looking to move anyway, so we'll take that into account.

----- 2 Weeks Later -----

It was time.

Finally, the fruits of my labour would be reaped... and my journey would begin.

Well, that's just me being dramatic.

Today would be the first recording of our first album, as just a couple of days ago, I met Kenzo, Yuto, and Tatsuya for the first time.

The three were good guys, and we hit it off very well, I think I could even call them friends.

Though, apparently Yuto had followed some of my fighting career, so that was... odd, to say the least.

With his various questions, I implemented the stellar tactic that always worked in the royal court of Aspia.

Just smile and wave.

His brother, Kenzo, also decided on the name for our first album, 'Cherry Popper'.

I... don't think he understands the connotations of that in English, but I never really cared about the name anyway.

Plus, it was pretty funny how distant Ichigo's gaze got when I told him.

"Oy, Cassius! You're here! Let's get this party started!"

Sighing at Kenzo's enthusiasm, I readjust the strap of my guitar before following him inside.

It's album-making time!

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