The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 23

Tea Party

“Heh, you had it remodeled in a good way!

“Isn’t it? Yeah, I’ll give you some bread first. This is it! It’s wheat bread made of wheat!

“” Ooh. “”

Before the two of them take their seats, two morning baked wheat breads are offered.

The same thing was in a pile of paper bags.

And Lana pours tea from the teapot into the teacup.

I put that on the saucer and offered it.

“My tea hasn’t been harvested yet, so I’m sorry about the cheap tea leaves.”

“Oh no! Nah, it’s kind of like a really aristocratic tea party…!

“Mother, too much”


I’m kind of nervous, Mr. Laurent.

I offer cookies from the cupboard on a side by side.

And Lana says, “This is a prototype,” and puts a chiffon cake with raw cream on the table.

Mr. Laurent’s eyes shine so brilliantly that he has never seen them.

“Nice……! It’s like a noble tea party……!

“” Yes, no, no “”

Said it couldn’t compare to a noble tea party.

I guess from the civilian population there is no culture of drinking and eating during the day, which is the time to work tea and sweets.

So, is that what it’s like to give you a taste of that today or so?

If Lana and I meet each other in the face, maybe we’re thinking the same thing.

“This is a treat called chiffon cake. This is the first time I’ve made it, so I’m not sure…… can you let me know what you think?

“Well! What a stylish treat!

“Looks delicious! I know who the smell is!?”

“Well, it was super hard to make.”

“Try jamming if you like. Berries and mamalades, whoever you like.”


…… Mr. Laurent Mucha sparkles.

You’re more of a maiden than a mother, aren’t you?

Me and Lana get to our seats, too, tear the bread, put on the jam and eat.

Yeah, the wheat bread is delicious today, too.

If you change the flavor with jam like this, you’ll never get tired of it, and the wheat bread is universal, right?

“Yes, I’ll take it”

“Here you go!

Wazz and Mr. Laurent also tear the bread, put the jam on and carry it to their mouths.

The moment I put them in my mouth, their faces were visibly welcoming.

I see flower gardens all around me, but hallucinations?

“Soft! And something sweet! When you jam it, the flavor changes and it tastes delicious too! Yummy! Wow, yummy!

Vocabulary is dead.

“It’s really delicious……! Similar to bread fleas, but fluffy and fluffy, hey, I don’t know what to say…… yeah, something’s already, really just delicious!

Mr. Laurent’s vocabulary is dead, too.

“How about a chiffon cake?

“… I’ll try it too.”


Strange faceted Lana.

I also cut the cake into bite sizes with a fork and put it in my mouth.

No cream first.

No, but… I was surprised at the time I was dividing it with a fork.

Too, too soft……!


I was surprised again when I put it in my mouth.

Ah, ah… I put all that sugar in it…!

Just a little sweet, that’s all!?

But if you chew it, it’s too fuzzy… oh, I’m finally starting to feel the twitchy sweetness.

But not a little too fluffy?

What’s this, what’s this!

This is vocabulary dying!

“Su, wow”

“What’s that feeling…”

“Too fluffy… something, I can’t keep up with my vocabulary…”

“Oh, yeah? Did you try the cream on?


Lana recommends it, and I try the raw cream on it.


“Huh! Hey, what, that face! What’s wrong!?”

“…………… Ah, too sweet and disgusting in my mouth…”

“Wasn’t it sweet!?”

Drink tea.

So my mouth was a little refreshed, but I held my mouth by accident.

No, this… isn’t a little too sweet?

No cream is just fine for me.

… for my brothers, I guess this is about as good as it gets.

“… to some extent fine, but this seemed a little impossible”

“Were you challenging your limits? What are you doing, at all… Sometimes you do weird things, Fran.”

“I can’t help it, I’ve given you sweet things to my brothers, so I didn’t know how sweet I was going to be okay”

“… brother, speaking of which, are there many”

“Oh, sort of. But you’re better than me, so I’m not helping my dad with his work by now.”


Re-drink the tea.

Um, still a little, sweetness in my mouth… let’s not add cream.

Just cream, I’ll put it in my mouth to try.

Yeah, if it’s just cream… I can do it alone.

Together, it sucks with the sweetness synergy.

“Yummy…… sweet…… glad you’re alive!

“Nnnnnnnn ! Sweet…… wow, soft, fluffy, yummy, cake, yummy……! Sweet! Fluffy!

… and parents and children in front of them are still dying of vocabulary.

No, I know how you feel.

Chiffon cake kills vocabulary.


“What about Lana? You’ve become the ideal chiffon cake?

“Yeah, I was more successful than I thought!

That’s more than anything.

and Lana cut the rest of the chiffon cake at the table and offered it in front of her parents and kids when she put it in another paper bag as well.

“If you don’t mind, to Mr. Nadle,”

“Are you sure?!?”

“Yeah, because Fran seems surprisingly sweet no. Besides, I really made it today on an experimental basis. I’d like to make some more improvements.”

“This is so delicious, it still tastes so good”

Mr. Laurent, you’re no longer the same person…

Oh, by the way, Mr. Nadle is Mr. Laurent’s husband and Wazz’s father.

I have a bad back and can’t work as I think, and Mr. Laurent and Wazz mainly work at the livestock store.

It’ll be a lot of work, but it’s tough.

“Speaking of which, why is Mr. Nadle having a terrible back pain?

“Dr. Melinna diagnosed me with a tight back.”

Dr. Melinna.

She’s a young woman who’s a pharmacist in “The Town of Exi”.

He was originally a scholar in the Wang capital, but he stayed close to “Blue Dragon Arcedios” for research purposes because of the abundance of herbs of different kinds from the Wang capital.

Perhaps there are a lot of slightly special plants under the influence of two guardian dragons.

Well, I’m not sure… he’s definitely a weird guy.

“Tight hips! It’s tough, I know!

… Has Lana ever done this before?

I can’t believe I agree so fiercely with fisting.

“Tightening your lower back is caused by tightness in the muscles around your lower back, so you should exercise your lower back.”

“Exercise of the hips?

“Yeah. After lying on the bed, he bends his legs, stands on his knees, and moves those knees to the right, left and right, and the muscles around his hips loosen up. It works for his hips,” he said.


“Give it a try”

“Yeah, I’ll tell my husband.”

I also know Lana is weird.

And the chiffon cake, isn’t it too soft?

No, seriously.

After I drop them off going home with a hawky, happy look, I ask Lana about the characteristics and functionality of the ‘hand mixer’ and draw the blueprints for now.

The wood was then shredded, shaped and the remaining iron beaten with a hammer for processing.

Um, well, for now…… would this be what the tools look like?

When I asked Lana, she slapped me in the hand and said, “Yes, yes!” They said, “so they fit.

And then carve the effects on the small dragonstone as shown in the blueprint, and it’s done.

Place the dragonstone nucleus under the handles and drain the blood.

“What, early!? You already made it!?”

“I decided I needed this as soon as I could.”

“… (That was pretty hard to mix)”

Something turned a raw, warm smile on me, but I wondered if I would actually move next.

When I asked Lana, she slapped her hand gladly.

“Make and set aside raw cream! I’ll make the cake tomorrow!

“Oh, again?

“Now it’s another cake! Pancakes, shortcakes, crepes…”

Aren’t crêpes cakes?

I’m not going in there because it sounds fun.

“Shoe cream, waffles, pound cakes, scones, pies, pudding, madraines, tarts, macarons, ice cream…”

Don’t stop.


“Chocolate is fancy, isn’t it? One of the specialties of neighboring ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’. I know it’s easy to get here, but I hear merchants over there only sell to nobles.”

“Oh yeah!?”


This country, ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ and our country of origin ‘Blue Dragon Arcegios’ and another country adjacent to it…… ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’.

As the name suggests, Black Dragon is the land of the Guardian Dragon.

Iron, coal, coffee and cocoa beans are specialties, importing wood from ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ and processing it into charcoal for export.

Well, overall, ‘black’ and ‘blackish’ are famous.

By the way, the “Black Dragon Braczilios” people get awfully angry when they bring Evil Dragon and Guardian Dragon Braczilios together.

Well, I can’t help it.

And that country is famous for its stubbornness.

Since this is near the border adjacent to both ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ and ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’, the Leggles will be willing to extend their hands to both countries once they have consolidated their ground with ‘Green Dragon Sergios’.

Great location.

“… then…”


“You mean you have to grow it from cocoa…?


Zero willing to give up……?

“Chocolate can come from a cocoa, can’t it? Should I smoke cocoa? Coffee goes hand in hand with how you make it, right?

“… hey I’m that far too…”

“I need to find out how to make chocolate……!

What if this is our ranch where cocoa beans are also produced?

Like making chocolate from cocoa beans?


Well, okay.

If Lana wants……

I’ll check it out, too.

If coffee and method are the same, when making dragonstone tools to roast coffee beans, you just need to be able to apply them.

Oh, do I have to make a lot more?

“I’ll bring the cattle back to the cabin for now.”

“Well, I’ll help!


Oh, can you help me with the shrew too?

That’s a shepherd dog.

“Sa, will you make all sorts again tomorrow ”

“Me too! I’ll start making sweets tomorrow! Looks like the chiffon cake didn’t fit Fran…”

That’s not true, it was delicious.

“Hmm… but you don’t like sweet, do you?

“No, I didn’t think I was good either.”

Maybe I’m just not used to eating.

And, can we get over it when we follow up and it’s sweet stuff on parade?

Asked himself, he looked up at the sky that was blushing because he thought it was’ tight ‘.

“You don’t have to! It’s okay! Because I’ll definitely make you a treat that will satisfy Fran too!

“Oh, yeah…”

“I want to make it a menu to serve at the ranch cafe. You should have a menu like that for people who don’t like sweets.”

“… remarks that do not seem aristocratic”

“It’s okay, I’m not a nobleman anymore. I’ve been able to sort things out a lot more calmly lately.”

“… organizing?

What are you talking about?

Put the cattle and sheep in the cowshed, replace Lucy’s water and add hay to the feed box.

Lucy’s feeling a little excited today with more fellows to be grazed together.

Watch Lana as she brushes and calms down.

“Memories of previous life. It’s a lifetime for each person… it’s been a little hard to sort out.”

“Uh… Was I?

“Yeah, but I’ve been settling down lately. Me in my previous life and me so far. And me now.”

I didn’t realize.

If you tell me…,… No, it’s what’s in Lana’s head.

I wouldn’t have been able to do anything.

… but it must have been tough.

Yeah, me, I’m not helping anything.

“Don’t worry!… uh, something…”

“No, I don’t know… it’s been a long time since I’ve laughed so much every day, even since my last life. Was I, after all, not a nobleman fit for sex? I can’t believe I’m more fun to move than to use people. I feel like my company’s guts are staining my soul…”


Shh, shh, shh.

“You’re happy to be free to live.”

“…………………… yeah, you do”

I agree with that from the bottom of my heart.

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