The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 13

Refrigerator completion and rewards


Place the dragonstone nucleus over the vault and drain blood with a knife.

The blood-giving dragonstone nucleus glows and the effect is incorporated into the library as a pillar of light.

Blood becomes a hardware that supports hardening dragonstones and can be used as a dragonstone tool if you tame it for a while.

Dragonstone basically never breaks, but tools often break.

So dragonstone artisans don’t get eaten up, and blueprints are expensive… is Lana trying to sell blueprints for a high price knowing that much?

You didn’t know about Dragonstone?

“F, Fran! Why the fingers!

“What? Huh?

“Chi, chi, you’re bleeding! What shall we do! Bond cream…… no! Disinfect with water first!?”

“Hey, take it easy, Lana. Lick this much and it’ll heal.”

“What are you talking about! Or why blood!? I didn’t hear it was such a scary system!

“Yep, yep…”

Where the hell were you until just now…!?

“And anyway, with a handkerchief…”

“Ugh! Yes……! Say it! Wash it with water and leave it alone and it’ll heal!

“Nah! But I’m still bleeding!

“Oh, calm down, you two and Mo. I’ll give you wound pills, La.”

… and, hands… hands, grabbed.

Chi, little… warm… whoa…!

Leggles handed me a cut wound medicine from the carriage.

When I thank you and apply it, I gently tie it with gauze.

Lana trembles when she sees it.

I thought so, but you didn’t know how to make dragonstone tools, did you?

“So, what happens now?

“… um, you had a hugely complex effect engraved on you. And I can’t believe it… medium-sized dragonstones don’t usually carve that many complex effects.”

“Huh? Really? Sure, it was a little tight, but it wasn’t enough.”

“!? Huh…”

“? What?

Did Mr. Glyce look at you with a huge eye?

Before asking back, Mr. Coolow’s men are gathering to say they were interested in us doing something at the garden.

“Something, the building beam”

Is that a dragonstone tool?

“But it’s a box, right?

“Oh, he said something about a revolution… what exactly happens? Hey, it’s time you told me, lady.”

“Oh, yeah, yeah. Is it time for something that works?

“Well, if it works well…”

Pako, and the lid…… no, now I’m going to open the door.

A little cold air flowed and the perimeter solidified.

During that beat.

Leggles, the first to move, puts his hand in the fridge and opens his eyes.

“Liar, yadda, cold y……!

“The freeze Lana was saying? made it possible to do it at the bottom. Cold air at the bottom, a structure that allows you to cool the two upper steps. What do you say, you look good like this?

“! You really put on the freezer too!? Wow! Fran, you’re a real genius!



“Oh, hey, why are you angry when I complimented you?

“Oh, no, I’m not mad at you. I think a little bug was flying.”

“Huh! No way mosquitoes!?”

“Uh, yeah, what is it, a”?

… Absolutely.

My face is loose and I can see it very well.

Go back, go back.

I wonder if I’ll go back if I rub my face.

“Ha! Ko, Kohon! Come on! I wonder, Mr. Leggles. Product name ‘Fridge’! Vegetables, fruits, raw meat, milk! Just keep it in here and you can drastically slow it down! And what a freezer the bottom step is! We’ve frozen food to allow for more long-term storage! This is groundbreaking!

“And incredible wa… yeah, sure… an extraordinarily cooler wa than putting it in an underground warehouse…! Oh my god no…!? I can’t believe I made a box to cool things down! The idea is genius. Wah! Plus, the technology that makes it possible with medium-sized dragonstones! Awesome! Great wa!

“Eight hundred gold coins for blueprints! And if you’re going to sell it, I’m going to have you pay 10% a month for it. I wonder.”

“Buy wa! Motyron!”

“You’re lying!?”


Oh, I was surprised to think I’d lose my back!

Yes, no, I’m not!

“Wait, wait, wait! This is a prototype!? Hey, wait a month! If I keep using it and it’s flawed, I’m in trouble! Sometimes dragonstone tools can break because they can’t stand the power of dragonstone if they become vessels… well, that would be such a defective product!?”

“Oh, really?


“Oh, yeah, that does happen, sir. Ahem, I can’t believe how nice things have been for a month! I almost sold it to the castle.”

“And a castle…!

Seriously, the one that was dangerous !

What a ploy, you golimacho onee…!

I mean, Mr. Coolow and Mr. Glyce are solidifying with their eyes peeled off.

And the other craftsmen.

Hey, what is it?

“This guy, I’m flabbergasted…… can’t believe ‘Arsedios’ has these dragonstone tools gobbled up?

and Mr. Coolow staring into the fridge as he stroked his chin.

No way, I shrug my shoulders.

I didn’t even think about it until Lana told me.

“… Ki, Ki, you’re coming, but you said you were a former nobleman? This, this, this… I can’t even…!


What are you talking about, active dragonstone artisan?

I learned the effects on Dragonstone when Allefalds told me I had no choice but to try and make mistakes.

So to what extent did you really grow hair in amateurs, of, should?

But Mr. Glyce is visibly wolfish, and Mr. Coolow and the craftsmen kind of started twirling.

Huh… what?

“Hire! Eufranchen, let’s work at our Chamber of Commerce W!

“Yes, no! I have the right to sell Fran’s inventions! Hey, Fran!

“Oh, yeah.”

I don’t know, but Lana’s right. It’s fine.

Either that or Lana is cute as she spreads her hands in front of Leggles and slides them with her crab crotch.

Princess Wang, I’m supposed to be educated as a duke’s wife, but I still have my doubts as to why I can do that.

“Kuh! Then Eufranchen’s inventions, claiming priority takeover rights wa!

“Allow it!


… and two hands together.

Just me?

Am I the only one who can’t keep up with these two Nori?

Because I look around and it’s pocan…… oh, yeah, good. It doesn’t look like I’m the only one.

“So, for now, as promised, are you going to tell our brother the dryer’s blueprint today, La? Brother.”

“Huh! …………. Yes, no, yeah… Les, Leggles, I don’t think so, but you’re not gonna buy the blueprints and let me do it, are you? I can’t do this…! I can’t carve the one I just saw into a medium-sized dragon stone! It has to be a big dragonstone class!


No, well, it’s definitely a little tight to carve into a medium-sized dragonstone, but not so much that you can’t, huh?

Mr. Glyce is a professional dragonstone maker, isn’t he?

Why aren’t you so sure?

… By and large, large dragonstone classes are not so easily in the hands of ordinary people.

Wouldn’t it be in circulation for a chamber of commerce dealing with ordinary people?

“Oh, yeah, Noh, brother? Large dragon stones are just what Atashi is now. So it’s hard to get, yo?

Look, I knew it.



“Fran, okay? You’ve been making things worse than you think.”

“… uh… no, I’m getting a little upset with my head…,… eh? Sure, it was tight to make a dragonstone nucleus in the fridge… but isn’t that how anyone can do that much for an artisan?

“I’m going to bust you!? You can’t possibly decide to carve such a precise and detailed effect on a medium-sized dragon stone!? Ku, ku! You’re telling me this is noble talent! My, my ten years of training, you little bastard. Ooh!

“Hey, brother! Please calm down, yo! It’s okay, is your brother properly recognized by his master as one person, La! Ne!?”

It was crunchy.

Unexpectedly stops on one foot.

But I… what have I never been able to do, even artisans?

You’re lying, aren’t you?

Doya face who is somehow good at looking at Lana.

Yes, no, why?

“Please calm down. Dryer blueprints aren’t that complicated! Right, Fran?”

“Oh, oh… better than the fridge…”


Ugh, suck, I got stared up.

This is scary……

Let’s just hand over the blueprints and get them to remember.

You should be able to see from the blueprints that it’s not hard, yeah.

“Uh, here’s the blueprint.”

“… did it better than the fridge… So, temperature control? Reduce the burden on tools (items)!?, then this is stupid… such an effect…! Or is it possible!? Damn, sure, this effect will improve the retention of the item extraordinarily!… Huh! This is it! Even wind pressure adjustment effects!? Such finesse…”

… There is?

“As it were, well, if that’s about it… even me for sure… So, Leggles, do you have a medium dragon stone to carve this in?

“Oh? I hear it’s a small dragon stone, right?

“Yes, this is for small dragonstones… duh…”


Pong, and Lana slapped me on the shoulder.

………… guessed.

I see.

Was I… doing something unusual?


Lana whispers.

The Allefalds are my, this normal, level realm called ‘genius’ for free, so that they can devour it too! He said he was using it.

He wanted you to know that.

“How’s that? Okay? That Allefalds have used your time and talents without paying any compensation. Shit, you’re not a nobleman.”


You must be noble, too.

Me too, though.

And I wonder why Puffy and you get angry.

“… yeah, well, I don’t really feel it yet…. I think I got it.”

“Yes!? Good for you! Because I’m not like the Allefalds, am I? I’ll pay you the right amount of money!

“… hmm?

“What’s that reaction!?”

Reward…… Reward hey.

He told me he had such a gift, and he was puffy and angry at me for something.

– Nothing else, you do.

Oh, that’s enough, I think.

I didn’t do it for them, and they were “for the woman I like,” so I know what it’s like.

I don’t like your attitude, but it’s something you’ve given up on before.

I don’t have to work for them anymore.

Really, there’s nothing in me, empty…

Still, I want something like this because those guys made a trial and error in “For A Woman I Like”.

I think she’d be happy with something like this.

Somewhere I envied you suggesting that.

Now I… and from now on I… can make what you want for you, just for you.

I had that talent.

That you could tell me nothing else. [M]

“No, yeah. You already got it. Reward.”

“Huh? I haven’t got the money yet, so I haven’t given it to you, have I?

“Hehe, I won’t tell you”

“Ha!? What the hell is that!

It’s going to make me care, and this is my self-satisfaction.

I can’t replace it with gold or anything.

That’s why I already got it.

Because I actually already got it.

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