The Banished Son of a Nobleman Falls in Love at First Sight with a Barbaric Young Lady from the Frontier

Chapter 4

Episode 4: The Second Prince’s Rebuke

The steady sound of footsteps echoed loudly from the back of the entrance, supported by white pillars.

A cool, tall shadow stretched out into the hall, passing by a huge, symmetrically arranged vase of flowers.

“What’s the fuss about?”

The one who asked this in a stern tone was a strikingly handsome young man, as if he had just stepped out of a painting.

With his cool blue eyes and a slender, high nose, he radiated an elegance that was impossible to ignore. His pristine white formal attire sparkled with an array of medals, giving him an air of authority.

Luke quickly bowed, and the others hurriedly followed suit.

“His Highness the Second Prince…”

Approaching with a serious expression, the current king’s second son was none other than Rüdiger Franz Perleburg, the kingdom’s second prince and half-brother to the crown prince—a handsome young man by all standards.

“To announce the cancellation of the engagement at a national festival…”

With a sharp glance around the spacious venue, Rüdiger pressed his long fingers against his temples in disbelief.

“Do they somehow think this royal family-hosted party is some kind of special stage just for them?”

Today’s banquet, held annually in celebration of the summer solstice and the founding of the kingdom, took place in the grand hall of the palace.

If the venue had been a party hosted by the house of Cleve or Valten, things might have been different. But making a public spectacle of privately breaking off an engagement in the royal palace and strutting about, as if excitedly impeaching an individual, is behavior that screams ‘entitlement’ and utterly lacks decorum.

“Whether they wish to enter into an engagement or break it off, it should be a private matter between the two families. I find it utterly incomprehensible to draw attention and take joy in doing so amidst a sea of onlookers.”

Rüdiger’s piercing glare silenced the previously jovial atmosphere, transforming it into an icy tension.

Then he directed his fierce gaze at Matthias, his younger brother.

“It seems you are the ringleader in this, Matthias August Valten.”

“Th-the ringleader?! I’m no criminal…”

“Someone causing a ruckus in the royal palace without proper authorization—is there truly any distinction from being a criminal?”

Rüdiger pressed on relentlessly. As displeasure marked his handsome features, the weight of his beauty only increased with his sternness.

“Who gave you permission to make a private engagement announcement in such a place? If you have an explanation, I would like to hear it.”

Matthias, as well as the other nobles who had been excited mere moments earlier, fell into a stifling silence, faces glistening with cold sweat.

“Countess Cleve. I don’t mind if you wish to explain yourself.”

Natalia, when singled out, trembled and backed away, hiding behind Matthias.

“I… I didn’t do anything… P-please forgive me, Your Highness…”

Instead of stepping up to defend her, Matthias shrank back even further, his confidence evaporating.

The lovers, having just pledged their eternal love to one another, now shielded each other in a painfully awkward display, completely at a loss for words.

“──His Highness the Second Prince.”

Taking the initiative, Luke stepped forward in place of his timid younger brother and flustered former fiancée.

Luke, completely unaware of the events that had transpired—at least, if he had been warned beforehand, he certainly would have done his utmost to prevent the fiasco—felt the urge to choke on his own words.

He surely must have told them that breaking off the engagement was acceptable, but only at home, and absolutely not in the royal palace, not when they clearly lacked the awareness of their own positions.

Yet here they were, parading the outrageous announcement for all to see.

Though unwillingly, Luke found himself implicated in this broken engagement.

Ignoring the situation entirely was not an option, nor could he decide to remain silent—either choice would leave him with a sour taste and a nagging conscience.

“Everything is as Your Highness says. I am sorry.”

“Luke Valten. I am not blaming you. Or perhaps you have an excuse for your brother’s incompetence?”

Luke shook his head politely, lowering it even further in deference.

“No. There is nothing to excuse. It is only reasonable that Your Highness would be displeased. I sincerely apologize for causing disruption and tarnishing a national celebration.”

And yet, Luke lifted his gaze, locking eyes with Rüdiger’s handsome visage.

“But to me, this is nothing but a scandal; for them, it is a new engagement. Might you consider overlooking this incident for today, bearing in mind it is a joyous occasion?”

“Overlook it simply because it is a joyous occasion, you say?”

“Indeed. I deeply apologize.”

Rüdiger’s lips, sculpted like those of a statue, pressed tightly together.

The “young son” who had just suffered the humiliation of a public engagement cancellation was not merely seeking to absolve his own disgrace.

He did not call for punishment against his unfaithful former fiancée or her brother, nor did he attempt to ride the wave of the prince’s rebuke to exact any kind of revenge.

Steadfastly, he offered nothing but an honest apology and bowed his head, trying to shield them both.

(To refer to the engagement of those who betrayed him as… a joyous occasion…)

As Rüdiger prepared to speak again, any words of condemnation vanished from his lips.

“Let us spare Luke Valten the trouble of this ordeal, just this once.”

He stated succinctly before casting one last frosty glance down at Matthias, his sharp eyes glinting.

“But don’t let it happen again. Remember that.”

In place of his silent brother, Luke responded clearly and bowed deeply.

Just as Rüdiger disappeared from view, the atmosphere shifted.

It was as if a clock that had been suspended suddenly began to tick again, and Matthias and Natalia embraced tightly.

“Oh Matthias! I was frightened…”

“It’s alright, Natalia. I’ll protect you.”

Oh, the irony—he’d just failed to do that, hadn’t he?

Though tempted to voice his woes, both of them opted to pretend they hadn’t witnessed Luke’s encounter with the prince, instead showering each other with praises.

As an older brother, Luke felt a twinge of emptiness, but if this was what they desired, he could live with it. He understood well enough that asking for gratitude would only result in further humiliation, so he chose to let it be.

“Such a haughty attitude is too much! Even though Prince Rüdiger is still a prince, he is the second prince and won’t inherit the throne!”

“Exactly! He’s not even the king’s legitimate son, strutting about flaunting his power…It’s outrageous!”

Rüdiger’s mother was indeed a favorite mistress of the king but not the queen.

Regardless, Rüdiger was undeniably a son of the king, endowed with the rights of inheritance as a prince. It would be folly to belittle him compared to a countess’s daughter or a baron’s son; as infuriating as they might find him, criticism must be navigated carefully.

“Matthias, hold your tongue. Such words may be construed as an insult to His Highness.”

Luke admonished firmly, while Matthias released a theatrical sigh.

“It seems you side with those not born of the rightful lineage, dear brother. You might think you’re sympathizing with the downtrodden, but His Highness surely isn’t so lowly as to merit your pity.”

“How did we reach this point? Just how far are you willing to cross the line with your rudeness?”

They were simply not on the same wavelength.

A headache throbbed at Luke’s temples as he sighed deeply.

Rather than listing every insult directed at him, he wished desperately for Matthias to at least acknowledge how they had narrowly escaped the prince’s ire.

As much as Matthias was an older brother, it seemed, in his eyes, a “young son” warranted no gratitude whatsoever. Frustration bubbled within Luke, as he felt utterly exasperated.


Finally releasing a pent-up tension, Luke looked up at the high ceiling as if he had just remembered how to breathe.

It had been an incredibly draining time.

Yet, today—the day of unending bad luck—was far from over.

Just the thought of what awaited him back home sent his head spinning with pain.

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