The Ascension

Chapter 70 – Naughty Bear


Elena climbed up the thickest tree she could find, and was surprised to find out that her fingers could easily grip the tree and not slip. She practically walked up the tree, and moved her hands up the side of the trunk.

"Master." Elena whispered. She was a bit worried, but at the same time, she felt a warmth begin to heat her blood. Like a stone bear, when it came to battle, their wild nature would often take over, and rush into battle when they didn't have a chance to win.

"Rrr." Elena bared her teeth as soon as she saw the boar. Her Master stared the boar down, and lowered herself several inches in her stance, ready to dash forward.

When the boar charged, Elena growled low in her throat, and held out her hand. She imagined stone spears rising from the ground. While her control was negligible, a few three to four inch stone spikes rose up along the path.

"Reeeee!" The boar had run in a straight line, right for Aila, and stepped right on those hardened stone spikes. Aila grinned, as she could feel the earth elements gather, and dashed forward.

She didn't intend to drive the beast backwards, as she had done that before.  Instead, her path was alongside and out of reach of its tusks.  Her sword gouged a deep gash in the hide and ribs of the boar as the blade  parted flesh, bone, and tendon.  Her speed and power surpassed the boar's ability to resist damage.

Aila stopped, turned, and examined her foe. The front left and rear left legs were severed by her sword.

"Huh. Did I aim for the knees and not the ribs?" Aila tilted her head, and realized that the boar had risen up due to the spikes on the ground. She grinned, and looked towards the tree.

"Oh, little bear. Come on down. It's time for some battle experience."


* * *


Elena felt the heat of her Master's body behind her, as she helped her to grip her sword. She had to firmly hold herself back, or the wild nature of earth that she shared with a stone bear would take over. She might turn and try mount her Master like she did the night before, or she may bite and attack her. While in this haze, it was difficult to discern the difference between real lust, and a battle lust.

"Hold your sword like this." Aila said. She had witnessed how mercenaries held their swords in this world, but she remembered a few online shows where real bladesmen held their swords in a certain way. The mercenaries held their blades down low until certain they were in a fight, then held them partially up. That meant the blade could only be lifted in one direction.

"You want your blade to be held in the way you will use it, especially when using it on a beast. On a human, it's different. You have to plan, but for a beast, you don't have to block with the blade. You have to attack." Elena nodded, felt some fear, but also grew increasingly warm, and wanted to fight.

"If a beast is charging, use the trees to block. Don't stay right in its path. If it's down, get out of its sight and attack where it can not see. There is no glory to be won. It's survival." Aila said. "Now, we are in its line of sight. What do you do? Do you rush in, where it can bite you? Or do you go around where it can not move its head and gore you?"

"What is the right answer, Master?" Elena asked, even as her vision turned red at the edges. She was on the verge of a wild rage.

"Don't wait for the beast to heal. Don't wait for it to recover, get ready, or move. If you see it, and it doesn't see you, attack. If it sees you, do not run right at it. Move so that its attack will miss, but you can still slash." Aila smiled. "Calm, little bear. Run like you are going passed, and as you pass, run the sword along its side."

Elena did as she said, but she found it difficult to hold onto her calm state and obey. She ran at the boar, and immediately saw what her Master meant. The boar turned to lower its head, and lift it again to gore her with those large tusks.

Elena smiled as she listened. She growled as she ran passed, and out of range, but lifted her sword to slide along the ribs. She saw sparks as she passed.

"Reeee!" The boar cried out in pain. When Elena turned around, her Master was already at her side.

"Good girl. Climb onto my back. I'm going to finish it from here, and I want you to feel the movement of earth elements so you can understand how it happens." Elena watched her Master lower herself down onto one knee, so she climbed onto her back, and laid her head on her shoulder.

"Now feel." Aila put her bare hand on the ground.


* * *


Aila felt Elena's teeth on her shoulder, and felt the skin break. She knew what her little bear felt, and how it was difficult to control her emotions.

"Grrrrr!" Elena growled and looked up. As soon as she saw her Master's eyes, her haze immediately lifted. She opened her mouth, and whined a little.

"Little bear." The voice was ragged, and before Elena could do anything, she was swiftly moved from Aila's back, right to the trunk of a tree. "Naughty girl." Aila bared her teeth, pulled up Elena's shirt, and lightly bit her modest chest.

The soft whine she had on her lips faded, and the haze she had just felt came back upon her. Her belly heated up, as did her chest, and between her thighs.

Another soft growl came out of Elena's mouth, and she once again lowered her mouth to Aila's shoulder.

With her new stone core, and a shared wild nature, Elena entered a heat. She bit her Master on the shoulder, and sank in her teeth again. She held on firmly while her Master's hands roamed all over her body, and eventually settled on her crevice.

With intimate pressure, she pushed her little bear over the edge so that she could release her fog.

"This is not the place to work this out of your system." She growled. Elena was weakened by her climax, so she didn't feel herself get placed on the boar, and tied to its back.

When she came back around, she was back on her own bed.

"Master!" Ellie came running. "What's wrong with Elena?"

"She's in heat. Go grab Kaala. Her flame affinity should work well with Elena's more wild nature." She looked over at Ivadra. She crooked her finger, but didn't have to. The pheromones Elena emitted made her take notice. Soon, Elena was sandwiched between the bold Ivadra who went into a wild lust, and Kaala who had more experience.

Ellie watched with wide eyes as her sister bit and growled at both women. She ravaged them, ravished them, and put so many scratches and bite marks on their skin, by the end, all three were exhausted by Elena's hunger.

"Ellie, you'll need to get stronger, and drink more spring water every day." Aila said as she flooded the three with life elemental essence to help heal them.

"Why, Master?"

"You need to grow stronger to balance out your sister's hunger. Only your water element can overwhelm her." She lightly pinched Kaala's lovely rump. "These two seem to get her more inflamed." She leaned down.

"Kaala. We have your pork for your business." She whispered in her ear. Kaala murmured softly, but Elena held her down, gripped her hip, and put her mouth over Kaala's plump breast.

Her two upper canines sank into the areola of Kaala's breast, and she softly sucked on her nipple. She used her teeth to hold onto the older woman so she couldn't get away. She only had a small core, barely considered a rank one, so the only outward signs of her heritage were elongated upper canines.

"Fine. Later." Kaala said as she held Elena to her chest. "Naughty bear."


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