The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 44 - Marching Orders

As Alpha Squad advanced towards the first operational base for their stay on Nova Serene, Thea found herself instinctively taking stock of their current location—a lesson repeatedly drummed into her by James.

His words, always unchanged despite the countless times she'd had to listen to them, echoed in her mind: "No matter where you are, how you get there, or when you arrive, always assess the current situation and figure out how to get out of it first."

To the north, a Mediterranean-like forest spread across vast tracts of land. The UHF command had clearly seen this both as potential danger and opportunity, as a considerable portion of resources for the base had been allocated to fortify positions facing it.

To the east, the majestic peaks of the 'Elysian Range' soared into the sky, providing the operational base with natural protection against land-based attacks. It was here that the primary command and HQ-style buildings were to be established, including the field hospital, printing stations, and even the mission-critical respawn pods.

To the south lay expansive open plains adorned with knee-high flora, a beautiful sight if not for the evident scars of war marring the landscape. Large craters, scorched patches of earth, and scattered debris testified to the destruction already wrought by the first wave of the UHF's planetary assault, and there was vastly more yet to come.

Finally, far to the west, almost out of sight for Thea and Alpha Squad, loomed the silhouettes of Nova Tertius's massive skyscrapers. This was to be their objective in the weeks ahead: Infiltrating and securing strategic locations within, all while battling thousands of Stellar Republic soldiers.

Though Thea would be lying if she said she wasn't at least slightly daunted by the monumental task that lay before them, her eagerness to take action was palpable. It had been a long week since she had been thrust into this new world of the Allbright System, and she was more than ready to vent some pent-up energy on a mission as straightforward as this one: Get in. Shoot everything. Secure the area. Win.

With an involuntary grin, Thea shifted the weight of her backpack and stepped up next to Corvus. "So, where to, Squad Lead?" she asked, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Corvus glanced around, his gaze finally settling on the distant cityscape of Nova Tertius to the west. "Gotta figure that out inside. I was instructed to report to Legate Kuan once we made planetfall. He'll have our exact marching orders, I'd assume. But given the current lay of the land, I doubt we'll be charging straight at the city. We'd die trying." His eyes narrowed as he assessed the open plains that lay between the base and the city far past the horizon, which proved to be even more barren than the flora-overgrown region to the south.

"I assume we'll head either south or north, then make our way through the forest or plains towards the city, using whatever cover we can find. We're supposed to reach the city ahead of the main force, after all.

“We likely won't have the luxury of slowly advancing behind tanks, mechs, and the like." His tone was matter-of-fact, betraying no concern or uncertainty—a stark contrast to the somewhat nervous disposition he had displayed while still on the ship in orbit.

The change was very noticeable to Thea, and she found herself musing, 'Seems like the drop got Corvus into full-on work mode, huh? I'm definitely interested to see how he operates under more threatening scenarios.' Her eyes lingered briefly on her squad leader, mustering the subtle signs of his newfound confidence, before focusing back on the rapidly growing base ahead…

As Alpha Squad approached the gates of the forward operating base of the UHF, the complexity and scale of the makeshift stronghold began to unfold. It was hastily but expertly erected, and already teemed with a vast amount of activity that rivalled even the busy hangar bay they had left behind in orbit.

Smooth walls made of reinforced rock-crete, towering more than seven metres tall, formed a daunting and seemingly insurmountable perimeter around the base. These walls were studded with a diverse array of automated turrets, ranging from the standard laser and ballistic to even more advanced melter-type weaponry. Each of the turrets served as a constant, vigilant sentinel, poised to guard against any intrusion, their barrels continuously scanning the area around the base for potential threats.

Interspersed with these machine sentries, manned pillboxes equipped with formidable las- and plasma-cannons further fortified the defensive line. These larger weapons, manned by entire squads of marines, were designed to take on more substantially armoured threats.

Intrigued by the rapid development and construction of the base, Thea's mind started to wander. 'How are they erecting parts of the base so quickly? It's like they're building an entire fucking city within hours,' she wondered, astonished by the efficiency of the operation. The base itself was already sprouting several new structures, compared to when they had first landed mere minutes ago, each with a unique purpose, from additional command structures to supply depots and others.

Even as they walked, clearly marked construction crews were bustling about, laying foundations, and assembling prefabricated sections with a precision that was both mesmerising and intimidating. All the while, Drones buzzed overhead, transporting materials and light- and medium-type armoured vehicles rumbled past on patrol, or carrying personnel and materials to various destinations.

Just as Thea admired the sleek, perfectly angular armour plates of a light-type Rhino hovering past - clearly on its way to transport a large amount of prefabricated walls to a construction site - her attention was abruptly pulled away by the unmistakable sound of harsh orders being bellowed from a two-story building to their right.

"I don't give a single flying fuck why your company is understaffed! Get into that Emperor-forsaken forest and get us a foothold. We can't afford to be without eyes in there. Move it, Corporal! That's an order!"

The voice was filled with urgency and frustration, reflecting the high stakes of the situation and capturing the intense pressure that those in command roles within the base must be feeling.

Before Thea could even consider commenting on what they had just overheard, she noticed Corvus briefly close his eyes and take a deep, steadying breath.

'Oh no,' she thought to herself, a sinking feeling in her stomach, before Corvus's next words, positively dripping with sarcasm, confirmed her worries. "Looks like Legate Kuan is in a great mood today. This can only bode well for us and our upcoming marching orders," he remarked, gesturing towards the entrance of the building. "You guys wait here; I'll be right back out. Let's see where he wants us."

With that, he headed inside, leaving Thea and the rest of Alpha Squad behind.

Moments later, a frustrated-looking marine bearing the signs of experience in command emerged from the same building and strode past them with brisk steps, quietly muttering to himself.

Thanks to Thea's exceptional Perception, she had no trouble hearing the words of the exasperated corporal. “Establish a foothold in the forest with less than half a company… Sure thing, Legate! Why don’t I just capture Nova Tertius all by myself while I’m at it?! By the Emperor, this is madness!”

As the back of the corporal quickly disappeared behind another building towards the northern side of the base, Thea couldn’t help but smile.

It seemed that, no matter where you were or what you were doing, impossible tasks and the subsequent grumbling about those exact tasks were a universal constant within the UHF Marine Corps.

A mere two minutes later, Corvus reappeared from the command building, his face etched with a complex expression.

Isabella was the first to address him, asking, “What's wrong, Boss? That bad?”

Gesturing for the squad to follow, they started walking towards the northern part of the base before Corvus finally spoke. “Looks like we’ll be attached to the 32nd Mokarion Company. That rather brusque order we overheard coming in? That's ours now, too. We're to assist Corporal Phantoal in establishing a foothold inside the northern forest and then push through it to get to the city within the next week.”

He let out a brief sigh as they rounded the corner of a nearby building, his gaze fixed on the northern exit of the base. “I had really hoped for a more gradual start to this assessment, allowing us to ease into the intensity. Alas, the good Legate seems to have other plans. Let's go meet the Company that will be our allies for the coming week, shall we?”

Thea noticed that both Karania and Isabella appeared more than pleased with this unexpected development. Their eagerness to dive directly into the thick of action, rather than ease into a more gradual assignment, was more than apparent.

She even caught them sharing a knowing grin as they passed through the heavy plasteel gates of the compound, their eyes widening at the expansive forest to the north, which now lay fully within their view.

The forest itself was an utterly mesmerising sight to Thea, now that they were only a couple of kilometres away from it, unlike anything you could find on Lumiosia.

Tall, sinuous trees with bark resembling a blend of olive and azure shades reached skyward, their wide canopies casting mottled shadows on the forest floor. The undergrowth was dense and filled with vibrant, thick flora, some bearing brilliant blooms, while others glowed faintly as if bioluminescent.

A blend of fragrances from the forest, some sweet and others pungent, filled the air. These natural scents even overpowered the industrial and war-typical smells of the base behind her, such as the biting odour of different fuels or the muted fragrance of freshly erected rock-crete walls.

The constant hum of machinery, the clattering of tools, and the commanding shouts of officers organising their troops were all clear indicators that the UHF was investing heavily into this outpost’s success. Prefabricated structures were being erected at a remarkable pace, and Thea could only marvel at the efficiency and speed at which the UHF engineers worked.

Not far from the gate, several massive assemblies of marines, easily hundreds or even thousands strong each, were clearly preparing to venture into the forest to the north. Clad in battle armour and armed with a vast array of weaponry, they checked and rechecked their equipment, receiving final briefings from their commanding officers.

Exactly one of these assemblies seemed to be their target, as Corvus indicated for the squad to continue following him after a brief moment of orientation. He walked straight towards one of the smaller groups, comprised of maybe a couple hundred marines.

As they approached, Thea could make out a conversation amongst a group of marines near the front, closer to the base.

“You’re telling me Legate Kuan wants us to spearhead this mission with less than half a Company, Sirdus?!”

“Yes. Yes, he does. We’re supposed to get going immediately, so inform your squads. Prepare yourselves for some potentially gruesome fighting and long hours. We’ll need a proper defensive setup if we want to hold the forest with what we've been given.” Thea immediately recognized the voice of the second speaker as that of the frustrated Corporal they had briefly encountered in front of the command building.

Looking over at her squad leader, she realised that Corvus hadn’t yet spotted the Corporal, as he was carefully scanning the surrounding area for any signs of their contact person.

Quickening her pace to catch up with him, she pointed in the direction of Corporal Phantoal.

With an appreciative nod, Corvus signalled for the squad to trail behind him by a few steps as he quickened his pace to reach Corporal Phantoal before losing sight of him. The Corporal appeared to be in the process of getting his Company ready for deployment.

“Corporal Phantoal, my squad and I were attached to your Company by Legate Kuan to help with the foothold in the forest to the north. Where do you want us, and what do you want us to do?” Corvus immediately questioned, his demeanour strictly businesslike.

With a slight raise of his eyebrows, the Corporal assessed the squad for a brief moment before turning his attention towards Corvus and answering, “How benevolent of the good Legate to reinforce our Company with a whole squad. His generosity knows no bounds, clearly…”

Shaking his head as if to clear errant thoughts, he managed a terse smile across his scar-marred, dark skin. “Glad to have you with us. Emperor knows we can use any and all capable hands… You're attached to us, huh? What's your callsign, so I know what to refer to you as?”

“Sovereign Alpha,” Corvus immediately replied. Thea could swear she detected a slight hint of pride in his voice as he spoke.

“Sovereign Alpha? What kind of callsign is that...? Wait. You're Recruits? Alpha Squad?” The Corporal’s gaze washed over them once again, assessing them more intently than the first time, a clearly increased interest visible in his scrutiny. “I figured you had been scrambled by the drop and needed a new Company, but I see why the Legate wanted to attach you here then... So what exactly do you do? You got any specialty?”

Corvus briefly considered the question before answering, “We have a wide array of skills, but we're primarily equipped for scouting duties. We have a drone operator and a designated scout, along with corresponding support from an offensive and defensive heavy."

Corporal Phantoal's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he cupped his stubbled chin. Slowly, his face lit up with realisation, and he smiled, "Perfect. You might actually have been exactly what I needed. Stick with me for now; you'll be our eyes and ears once we enter the forest. The majority of our experienced scouts didn't make the drop. I trust that an Alpha Squad can do better than your run-of-the-mill Privates, yes?"

“Of course, sir. We will not disappoint,” Corvus responded immediately, his voice full of conviction. The Corporal didn't hesitate, moving away almost immediately. Corvus had to quicken his pace to keep up with the brisk stride, while motioning for the rest of the squad to follow them.

Without missing a beat, the Corporal began giving Corvus a rundown of their situation, “Our plans for the forest are quite simple: Dig in, push forward, repeat. We have no idea what exactly might be in that forest, as something inside of it seems to scramble our orbital imagery. Whether that’s a natural feature of the strange flora or one of the freaks rare technological breakthroughs, we don’t know.”

Abruptly, he barked an order at a nearby squad to “get their asses in gear before he skinned them himself,” the demand laced with a controlled urgency. He continued to lead them further into the assembled mass of marines, never breaking stride.

“We are to create a foothold for the reinforcements to take over, then push further towards the city. It will take us at least a week to get anywhere close to it if my estimates are anywhere near accurate. That’s assuming mild to moderate levels of resistance. We caught the enemy off guard with our planetary assault, so they’ve only had about a day or two to get their military in order. We shouldn’t run into too much trouble inside the forest, in theory. But we all know how little war cares about theory now, don’t we?” he chuckled with a deep, baritone rumble.

Taking advantage of the brief pause in Corporal Phantoal's speech, Thea scrutinised the man more intently.

His towering frame easily stood at around 210cm, muscular and solid, dwarfing even Isabella and Lucas. His dark skin was adorned with a web of scars that criss-crossed his face. These jagged marks were not the smoothed results of surgical repairs, but the rough remnants of field stitches and hasty medicae care.

His eyes, just a shade darker than his skin, were sharp and vigilant. They constantly surveyed the situation and the people around him, even though they were currently squeezed together in a hearty chuckle. The expression on his face and the physical attributes gave Thea the impression that she was encountering a male, darker-skinned version of Isabella.

However, his equipment told a different tale.

He was clad in a set of T1 medium armour, a sturdy and functional design that Thea recognized as the ‘Telarin’ design she had seen together with Karania during their shopping trip. It was known primarily for its balance of protection and modability. The armour's surface was scuffed and marked from previous engagements, and it bore the patches and repairs of ongoing use in the field. Clearly, the Corporal was not one to require a lot of reprints.

The most notable addition to his armour was an advanced communications module, clearly visible on one shoulder. This high-tech device was outfitted with various antennae and interfaces, denoting its capability to maintain multiple channels of communication simultaneously. It would enable the Corporal to coordinate with other units in real-time, undoubtedly a vital asset in the chaos of battle.

At his side hung a massive hand-cannon, its grip worn from use, similar to his armour, and its barrel gleaming with a menacing lustre. This particular firearm was far from standard issue, looking more like a hand-held artillery piece. It spoke of immense stopping power and was likely customised to suit the Corporal's preferences. The sheer size of the weapon gave a hint of the strength required to wield it effectively.

Surprisingly enough, Corporal Phantoal did not seem to be carrying a primary weapon or a melee weapon at the time. This was an unusual sight, especially for someone about to embark on a mission, and it prompted Thea to consider what it might signify.

Perhaps Phantoal's role was more strategic in nature, relying on his command and oversight rather than engaging in direct combat. Alternatively, she considered that it might simply be a manifestation of a level of confidence and mastery, where he felt his formidable hand-cannon alone was sufficient for any challenges he might face.

Of the two possibilities, she found herself leaning more towards the first, hoping that it was the correct interpretation.

In Thea's mind, confidence had no place in preparing oneself for a mission. James had taught her to believe in readiness, strategy, and taking all necessary precautions, rather than relying on sheer self-assurance.

Corporal Phantoal's choice, whether a tactical decision or a sign of confidence, was something she would keep an eye on as they moved forward. It would be a telltale sign of the leadership and strategy they could expect in the coming days.

"Now," the Corporal continued after his brief chuckle, "let's get this show on the road, shall we?"

"As you say, Corporal," Corvus acknowledged and gave Alpha Squad a sign to group up together.

Corporal Phantoal led them towards a relaxed figure who was leisurely resting on a nearby crate, with an air of nonchalance that belied his role in the upcoming mission.

"Staff-Sergeant Venn," Corporal Phantoal barked, his tone suddenly more formal, "meet the Sovereign's Alpha Squad, our eyes and ears in the forest."

Staff-Sergeant Venn's eyes flickered over them, a quick, assessing glance that missed nothing. Though shorter and leaner than the Corporal, he sat up on the crate with a fluid grace that spoke of experience and skill. His mouth twisted into a small, knowing smile as he nodded, "Welcome to the 32nd Mokarion Company, Alpha Squad. I hope you're up for a challenge."

"We're ready for whatever comes our way, Staff-Sergeant," Corvus replied, his voice steady.

"Good," Corporal Phantoal interjected, clapping his large hands together. "Then let's not waste any more time. The Company is ready to move out, Sergeant. I’ve checked with the other Corporals, and their Platoons are ready to go. Let's start pushing into that forest."

The Staff-Sargeant's eyes sharpened at the Corporal's words, his face split by a vicious grin, and he instantly pushed off the crate, his leisurely demeanour vanishing, as if it had never existed. "Good work, Sidus. Let’s get this party started," he responded crisply, before barking a series of orders towards the assembled Company.

“Listen up, 32nd! We’re to move into that forest, kill every freak we find, drink from their skulls and, if we’re not too busy kicking their dead, establish a foothold. You know the procedure: Dig in, move up, repeat,” he briefly let the chuckles of the assembled marines at his orders pass, before continuing.

“I know we’re understaffed, because some of our Company decided it was very smart to catch the flak and lasers with their drop-pods, but that’s nothing new to us now, is it? Let’s fuck ‘em up, do our jobs and get dug into that strange-ass forest over there,” he gestured in the general direction of the mesmerizing forest.

“Now then. 32nd, move out! Follow your Corporals, don’t make me regret bringing you to this deployment!”

With that, the ranks of the 32nd Mokarion Company burst into action, marines scrambling to grab gear, form up, and move out under the watchful eyes of their Corporals and the Staff-Sergeant himself. The earlier laughter was gone, replaced by an intensity and determination that resonated through the Company.

“You’re with me, Sovereign Alpha,” Corporal Phantoal remarked, before briskly heading towards the western-most end of the assembly. Alpha Squad did their best to keep pace, but Lucas especially had some trouble navigating the tightly packed Company of marines, due to his sheer size and the bulk of his equipment.

As they arrived at the west-hand side shortly after the Corporal had made it there, they were greeted by a fully equipped and ready-to-go Platoon comprised of five additional squads.

The marines stood tall, in neatly arranged rows by squad, their faces set with determination, gear meticulously organised and prepared. It was clear that the Corporal's influence permeated through every member of his command, instilling a disciplined readiness that was both reassuring and impressive.

“Seems like the Corporal keeps his men in line fairly well, huh?” Thea muttered to the rest of the squad, her eyes scanning the formidable display before her.

“No kidding,” Karania replied, her voice tinged with a certain level of awe.

Before anyone else could chime in, Corporal Phantoal's voice boomed out, addressing the assembled Platoon with authority and a hint of anticipation, “It’s showtime, ladies. I expect your highest level of attention when we get close to that Emperor-damned forest. Who knows what the freaks have prepared for us."

His eyes roamed over the disciplined ranks, pausing briefly as they landed on Alpha Squad, standing somewhat out of formation. An amused glint appeared in his eyes as he continued, “We also welcome Sovereign Alpha as an additional squad that will be attached to our Platoon for this mission. They’ll be our main scouting unit, so listen to them when they make a call.”

He gestured in the general direction of Alpha Squad, highlighting their presence. The members of the Platoon turned their heads, their gazes assessing the newcomers. There was no doubt that Alpha Squad appeared different, their stance more casual, not arranged in the rigid rows that marked the rest of the Platoon.

With a determined grin, Corporal Phantoal finally commanded, “Spear Platoon, move out!”

His voice rang clear and authoritative, and at once, the entire Platoon sprang into action, marching towards the northern forest with brisk and unified steps.

The neat rows seamlessly dissolved into smaller, more flexible formations of individual squads. The practised ease with which they made this transition spoke volumes about their training and readiness, reflecting a disciplined military force prepared to adapt to the challenges ahead - unmistakably a side-effect of the Corporal’s teachings.

With Spear Platoon's formation echoing in their minds, Alpha Squad quickly grouped together, sharing their impressions of the Company they had been attached to. The consensus was unanimous: “Pretty impressive.”

Corvus wasted no time, his voice crisp as he addressed their formation, eyes keen and focused. “Lucas, you lead. Get your shield ready. I have no idea what to expect near the forest or inside of it. Thea, right behind him. Please get us through this alive, alright?”

His orders were punctuated by a determined nod from Thea, who replied with a reassuring, “I’ve got this. Don’t worry.”

Internally, she was not quite as confident, but she’d do her absolute best to make sure she didn’t lead anyone into an ambush.

“Desmond, get a low-altitude scout drone ready and deploy it once we’re around a kilometre out from the forest. Maybe we can get some eyes-on whatever might be inside. Isabella and Karania, usual setup. I’ll be closer towards the eastern side, to make sure I can liaison with the rest of the Company appropriately.

"I'd prefer if none of us make any mistakes here. I don't know if it's been explained to you, but the commanding officer here must be quite something. He's a T1 Prime Staff-Sergeant, which in itself is a T2 Prime command rank. Means he must really know what he's doing..."

The squad responded with a chorus of affirmatives, a synchronised movement as they fell into their assigned positions and marched alongside Spear Platoon towards the mesmerising forest to the north.

Their march was marked by a distinct lack of conversation, as the oppressing feeling of the unknown, alien forest became more and more palpable, the closer they got.

Looking around, Thea saw that the rest of Spear Platoon had employed a similar formation as their own squad. Most squads seemed to have some kind of portable cover, be it a massive ballistic shield like Lucas or something more stationary, such as a hover-shield.

The hover-shields, in particular, caught Thea's attention. They were massive barricades made out of reinforced plasteel, placed on an anti-grav board to make it semi-mobile.

She had seen some of them before during Basic, but this was the first time she had seen them in action. They had a very low run-time, only lasting a couple of hours at a time, but their benefits far outweighed their cumbersome nature.

Hover-shields were designed to provide crucial pieces of cover to an advancing squad.

The way they floated allowed for mobility and control, while the sheer size and reinforced structure of the barricade granted protection against a wide array of weaponry.

In case of an all-out engagement, the squads could simply disable the anti-grav boards, letting the large barricades sink deep into the ground as fully functional cover. The concept was elegant in its simplicity and deadly in its execution.

As Thea studied the other squads employing them, she couldn't help but be impressed by the efficiency with which they were integrated into their formations. It was clear that hover-shields had been a long-standing addition to the Platoon’s tactics, as the squads that employed them seemed more than merely adept at using them; they moved with a fluidity and cohesion that only came with experience and extensive training.

Her contemplation was interrupted by a chime on her wristband, signalling that they were merely two kilometres out from the forest line. Returning her attention back to the mesmerising flora before her, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread. The towering trees and lush undergrowth that awaited them seemed to hide an untold number of secrets, and the unknown was always a breeding ground for fear.

'There are so many ways that this could go wrong… I swear, if there’s freaks in this first part, already waiting for us, I’ll—' before she could finish the thought, however, a massive pang in her chest signalled the first real test of their assessment…

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