The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 33 - Avoidable Mistake

In mere moments, the barren urban expanse before Thea transformed.

The once empty buildings morphed and moved to serve as havens for numerous mannequin targets, strategically positioned to test her shooting skills. The previously desolate streets were now teeming with moving targets, their movements erratic and unpredictable. Obstacles of all shapes and sizes sprang forth from the ground, providing her targets with cover while challenging her ability to find optimal shooting angles.

In the distance, a digital clock materialised, hovering in mid-air, its green neon digits stark against the grey urban backdrop. Its seconds would only start ticking down once she fired her first shot, thereby initiating the trial.

This new shooting range was a far cry from the previous ones she had used. It was specifically engineered for the trial, meticulously designed to test her proficiency, accuracy, and adaptability. The entire setup gave an impression of a real-life combat scenario, bringing a surge of exhilaration that made her heart pound in anticipation.

Furthermore, she quickly realised one additional peculiarity, that was entirely unlike any shooting range she had ever seen: Her position was right in its centre, instead of on an outside periphery.

As she looked around, she had to rotate her whole body to take in all the different targets, buildings and sightlines. With a slight frown, Thea thought to herself, ‘This is going to be more challenging than anticipated. Wasn’t exactly expecting to be placed right in the middle of everything, but, oh well, time to try my best…’

She spent the next couple of minutes coming up with a plan for the trial, in order to maximise her efficiency: Which targets to go for first, which ones to leave for later, when to move to change sightlines and when to reload her capacitors - her rifle was undoubtedly going to need the extra juice, after all.

Thea was hoping that the trial wasn’t going to throw any curve-balls her way by adding new targets mid-trial, raising obstacles or the like, as she finalised her rudimentary trial plan. She made the conscious decision to not use her Sensory Overdrive during the trial, as its short duration, followed by the inevitable backlash, would likely do more harm than good, as the trial was slated to last two whole minutes.

She had planned to keep the Ability for a potential last-second sprint, in the last few seconds of the trial, to rake up as many points as possible before the timer ultimately ran out.

Steadying herself with a series of deep, centering breaths, Thea drew the Gram up against her cheek. Her form stood motionless, resembling a statue frozen in time for a seemingly eternal moment. Then, with a startling jolt of energy, she sprang into action, her movements frighteningly fast and precise.

In a swift, fluid motion, Thea zeroed in on the closest target, her body pivoting with the grace of a predator locked onto its prey.

The neon-green digital clock embedded into the corner of her vision started ticking down the moment she squeezed the trigger and loosed her first shot.

The laser beam lanced out from the Gram's barrel, crossing the distance in a fraction of a second. The target, a humanoid mannequin clad in medium armour, jerked violently before falling over as the shot punched a clean hole through its visor, a silent testament to the raw power of the Gram. The satisfying chirp of a 'kill' registered on her interface, and without a moment's hesitation, she was already moving to the next target.

She spun, her outline blurring against the urban backdrop, and locked onto a distant target nested on a simulated rooftop. Anticipating the slightest hint of motion, as she had carefully observed the target during her preparations, she adjusted her aim minutely to lead it, and then fired. The shot traced a straight line across the digital landscape, embedding itself into the mannequin's helmet with deadly precision, registering another kill.

Next, a cluster of targets huddled behind a makeshift barricade drew her ire. With a quiet, steely determination, she increased the zoom on her scope with a flick of her thumb. She had identified a small gap in the barrier, timed her shot just right for the mannequins to line up in just the right way and released it. The laser beam flashed through the gap, striking the first mannequin square in the chest, sending it toppling backwards, before the beam continued through its lightly armoured body into the one behind it, successfully scoring a second kill.

Meanwhile, the digital clock relentlessly ticked away.

Thea, however, seemed unfazed. Her movements were methodical, calculated, each step a symphony of coordination and focus. Shots were fired in rapid succession, each one a stroke of deadly artistry that downed one or two targets after another. Her expression was one of intense concentration, a predatory gleam in her eyes as she systematically dismantled the simulation's challenges.

As she continued her deadly dance, she felt herself get more and more into the zone, a feeling of euphoria overcoming her that she hadn’t felt since the challenge trial more than two years ago. With the feeling intensifying, so did her speed and accuracy as she felt increasingly more confident in her shots, cutting down the time she spent on aiming more and more.

Then, Thea’s worst-case-scenario for the trial happened: Out of nowhere, additional barricades, obstacles and targets appeared, completely ruining her predetermined plan.

This did, however, not register for Thea’s conscious mind, as she continued reaping the digital lives of any and all mannequins in her sight.

In the simulated battlefield, Thea became an unstoppable force, each shot landing with ruthless precision, the red light of the lasers lancing through the air briefly illuminating her targets before extinguishing their existence. Her movements were fluid, her vision keen, as she flitted from one target to the next, efficiently decimating the mannequin population.

The sound of each laser blast echoed throughout the range, punctuated by the muted thumps of falling targets, again and again.

This continued until something astonishing began to occur, around half a minute before the end of the trial.

From an outsider's perspective, Thea's actions became nothing short of impossible. As if part of a choreographed play of death, her weapon swivelled to focus on seemingly empty spots in the shooting range, her trigger pulled even before the silhouette of a mannequin could fully materialise. As if defying the laws of reality, the brilliant laser beam would connect the moment the target appeared, immediately snuffing out its existence.

It was as if guided by an uncanny sense, an instinct that transcended the ordinary, making her lethal shots appear like predestined events in a timeline that only Thea herself could perceive.

At one point, she abruptly halted her motions, her body stiffening as her gaze shot upwards towards a nearby building’s windows. As though she had foreseen it, a mannequin suddenly descended from a previously concealed hatch in the ceiling of the room, only to be pierced by her laser the very instant it entered her line of fire.

In another instance, Thea stepped three steps to the side, seemingly for no reason, before firing off her Gram into an empty space, only for a mannequin to appear from behind an obstacle - which itself simply blinked out of existence - and get its head evaporated by the superheated laser.

Finally, in a climax to her extraordinary display, Thea suddenly turned around to aim her weapon at a seemingly random point on a tall, ruined building. Then, like a spectre materialising from thin air, a lightly armoured mannequin emerged from a hidden spot on the high ground, only to be instantly disintegrated by a well-placed beam from Thea's rifle.

Each of her actions, every one of her shots seemed to no longer be dictated by reactionary responses, but by a detailed script that only Thea was aware of.

Finally, as if an invisible director had called 'cut', the flurry of motion around Thea abruptly ceased. Mannequins, obstacles, and barriers vanished as the neon timer flickered to zero, signalling the end of the trial. The finality of the buzzer echoing in her mind jolted Thea from her focused trance, a harsh return to reality that made her stagger and buckle.

However, just as she was about to collapse onto the ground, a pair of sturdy arms swooped in to catch and steady her. "Steady now, Miss. Are you okay?" a male voice resonated with a hint of concern beside her.

Immediately after being caught, Thea took a moment to regain her bearings. As her vision cleared, she found herself staring at the worried face of the man who had supported her.

"Are you alright, Miss?" the man asked again, his brows furrowed in concern. His somewhat chubby cheeks were a stark contrast to the sharp, sculpted features of the marines Thea was accustomed to seeing. He seemed to be in his late thirties, perhaps even early forties. The slight paunch on his middle was apparent even through his loose fitting shirt. Though not out of shape, he was definitely not a military specimen.

The sight of the man, so starkly different from the usual individuals she encountered, caused Thea to blink in surprise. "I... I'm alright, thanks," she answered, slowly disentangling herself from his grasp. She steadied herself, patting away imaginary dust from her training suit.

A warm smile spread across the man's face, revealing a set of slightly stained teeth. "Good to hear. I have to say, that was quite the performance. Haven't seen something like that in years," he confessed, gesturing towards the now barren shooting range.

Thea felt a flush of pride at his praise. "Thank you, sir."

"Oh, no formalities needed, Miss," the man chuckled, offering his hand. "I'm Gavin, the manager of this deck’s 'Bullseye's Rifles'. Welcome to our humble store!

"I figured it was only right that I would introduce myself personally, considering your phenomenal performance in our trial. If you’d be available, I would like to talk to you a bit about the trial. Of course, there are going to be the promised prizes as well,” he added with a playful wink.

Feeling a twinge of curiosity, Thea nodded, accepting Gavin's offer. "I'd be glad to discuss the trial. I'm a little curious about how I performed myself."

Gavin's face broke into a grin, "Fantastic! Follow me, please." With that, he turned, leading her back towards the cosy, private lounge where she had previously perused the T2 armament catalogue. The space still held its laid-back atmosphere, a stark contrast to the simulated urban battlefield she had just left behind.

As they walked, Thea’s mind was abuzz with curiosity. She had felt incredibly focused during the trial, to the point she barely even remembered anything about it by now. Without any external frame of reference, she had no idea how she had actually performed.

Her gaze flickered briefly to the digital catalogue left on the coffee table. The images of the advanced weaponry, combined with the memory of her performance, made her heart pound with anticipation.

Gavin gestured her towards the comfortable leather couch, before moving to a small bar cart at the corner of the room. "Would you like a drink, Miss? Water, coffee, tea?" he asked, pouring himself a glass of amber liquid from a sleek bottle.

Thea shook her head politely, "No, thank you. I'm alright for now."

Satisfied with her answer, Gavin returned, carrying his drink and a digital tablet. He settled himself into the armchair across from Thea, a comfortable distance apart, and swiped on the screen of the device, bringing up a summary of the trial. His lips curled into an appreciative smile, causing Thea’s curiosity to spike even further.

"All right, Miss," he began, glancing up from the tablet to meet her expectant gaze. "Let's talk about your trial performance…

“First and foremost, let me congratulate you for your exceptional performance. You’ve come in first for anyone in your bracket, that being the Recruit-specific one. Not only did you come in first, however, but your performance utterly embarrassed the Recruits that came before, to the point we had to ask for official confirmation on your rank status, I will admit…” Gavin briefly gestured an apology to Thea, as if to apologise for doubting her, before continuing.

“You’ve performed to such an incredible degree, that you even broke into the Top 5 performances on the Private-ranked leaderboards. I had to double-check, because this hasn’t ever happened before, but nothing in the rules states that you can’t win prizes from leaderboards above your rank, if you perform well enough. As a result, you will both be getting the prizes for the #1 spot on the Recruit-ranked leaderboard, as well as the prizes for the #4 spot on the Private-ranked leaderboard.

“For, hopefully obvious, reasons however, we will not be mentioning the fact that you are a Recruit on the Private leaderboards. I hope that this outcome is acceptable to you, Miss?” Gavin concluded, his eyes seeking Thea's for affirmation.

Thea was momentarily stunned, her mind reeling from Gavin's revelations. Top spot in the Recruit bracket and fourth in the Private-ranked leaderboard? The news was more than she had dared hope for. She could feel a wide grin spreading across her face, a sense of pride swelling within her chest.

"I… Thank you, Gavin," she finally managed to say, her voice laced with awe and excitement. "I'm beyond pleased with the outcome. I never expected to perform so well. As for your suggestion... I find it more than satisfactory. Thank you for honouring my performance in such a manner."

Gavin's return smile was warm, echoing Thea's elation. "It's well-deserved, Miss," he affirmed. "I do have to wonder, however, are all of your kind similarly gifted, when it comes to shooting? You are the first Cyan I’ve had the honour of interacting with, so I am curious what your general training regiment entails, as a people.”

Caught off guard by Gavin's query, Thea blinked for a moment before responding. It wasn't an unusual question - she had faced similar ones during her years in the Undercity, and the last two years of Basic Training had been filled with such instances. Nonetheless, it was a reminder of the biases and misconceptions that people held, often born out of ignorance more than malice.

"Training regimen...," Thea began, her tone nonchalant. She was used to deflecting such inquiries and had grown adept at doing so. "It varies, I suppose. What works for me might not work for another Cyan, and vice versa. It's more about personal preference and adaptation than anything inherent, just like for anyone else, really. Aside from our eyes, we’re no different from other people, after all." She offered Gavin a warm smile, subtly guiding the conversation away from any stereotype without creating any friction.

Gavin nodded, seeming to understand her diplomatic sidestep, "Of course… It makes perfect sense that individual training would vary. My apologies if I came off as presumptuous." He flashed an apologetic smile, a brief moment of awkwardness hanging in the air before he swiftly moved the conversation along.

"Now, shall we proceed to the exciting part - your rewards?" Gavin asked, a warm cheerfulness returning to his demeanour. "For placing first on the Recruit-level leaderboard, you'll be credited 15,000 System Credits. In addition, you'll receive a 50%-off voucher for any one purchase made in our Tier-1 Technology deck store."

He paused, letting the news sink in, before continuing, "As for your achievement of fourth place on the Private-level leaderboard, typically, we would offer a similar voucher for the Tier-2 deck. Given your current access restrictions, however, we've decided to offer you a compromise: You may choose any sidearm of your choice from our Tier-1 selection, entirely free of charge. I hope that this arrangement is satisfactory?" He once again looked towards Thea, seeking her affirmative response.

With a nod of satisfaction, Thea replied, "That's more than fair, Gavin. Thank you."

"Excellent!" Gavin's smile broadened as he tapped on his tablet, executing a series of quick commands. A ping resounded inside of Thea's mind and she briefly checked the System notification that accompanied it.

[System]: 15,000 System Credits have been deposited to your profile from "Bullseye’s Rifles".

"Now, as for your vouchers," Gavin continued, reaching into a drawer to pull out a slip of advanced paper mesh, similar, albeit vastly less advanced, in texture and appearance to Thea's Tier-Up voucher. Handing it to her, he said, "This is your 50%-off voucher for any purchase in our store on the Tier-1 Technology deck."

He then went on to explain the next steps, "Our AI store clerks have been updated with your prizes. So, whenever you're ready, just let one of them know your chosen sidearm. They'll handle the rest."

Thea took the voucher, running her fingers over the intricately printed details, a smile spreading across her face. Not only did she win the trial, but she was walking away with substantial prizes as well! As she revelled in her triumph, a sudden realisation sparked a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Just for clarification," she began, her tone casual, "this voucher can be applied to any purchase made in this store, correct? Even if I were to decide on a Tier-0 weapon instead of a Tier-1?"

Slightly taken aback by the seemingly odd request, Gavin blinked a couple of times, before nodding as he replied, “Ah, yes, Miss. While I would advise against this course of action, it would work, as long as the purchase is made on the Tier-1 technology deck, inside of a ‘Bullseye’s Rifles’ location.”

"Excellent. Thank you, Gavin. I'm genuinely impressed with the service and variety offered by 'Bullseye’s Rifles'. Rest assured, this will be my go-to destination whenever I need new armaments," Thea adeptly masked her sly grin with a courteous nod.

With her query affirmed, she realised that she had identified a workaround regarding the voucher's restrictions. After all, her Tier-Up voucher permitted her to purchase any T2 weapon in this very store, despite being located on the Tier-1 technology deck...!

With her strategic revelation tucked away for later use, Thea watched as Gavin excused himself with a courteous nod and returned to his managerial duties, leaving her in the company of the familiar AI store clerk from before.

"Back again, Miss?" the AI clerk greeted her cheerfully, its digital face lighting up in a simulated smile. "I understand you're here to select your sidearm as part of your trial reward?"

Thea couldn't suppress a smile at the irony of the situation - moments ago, she had been scrutinising this very selection for what could be her future weapons. Now, she had the chance to pick any one of the sidearms listed, free of charge. Her eyes roamed across the expansive array of weapons, appreciating the luxury of the choice she had earned.

With a newfound sense of achievement, she set about exploring the options before her. After all, every detail mattered when it came to choosing her first sidearm - a potential companion in the many battles she was yet to face.

Fully engrossed in the variety of weaponry before her, Thea deliberated her choices. 'I've already set my sights on the laser-variant of the Gram,' she mused, 'which naturally inclines me towards a ballistic choice for my sidearm... SMGs, Shotguns, Pistols. Such a wealth of options...

‘Going back to my challenge trial, I definitely think a pistol would make the most sense. I’ll already be carrying around a DMR, an extremely heavy sniper with the Caliburn - assuming that I don’t go for a T2 armour, of course - as well as the glaive that Isabella recommended… I can’t exactly afford any more weapons that don’t fit into a simple holster at my side.

‘Going for ballistics means I’ll have to carry around extra ammunition, but pistol mags should be pretty small and light, so hopefully that won’t be a major problem. I should go for something with high capacity and very good penetrative power. Trying to stop somebody that’s close enough for me to need my pistol won’t really work unless I straight up kill them, I’d imagine…’

As Thea continued to scrutinise the selection before her, she requested an array of three different pistols that seemed to fit her criteria. She quickly tested all three pistols at the range, before returning to the back-room lounge once again.

Returning one of the pistols to the store clerk, having deemed it unsuitable for her needs, Thea focused her attention on the remaining two weapons arrayed before her.

'The 'Falsetto' boasts a 24-round mag, exceptional penetration for a pistol, and a reputation for reliability...It aligns very well with my requirements,' she thought.

'But the 'Icicle' proposes a unique potential with its unconventional ammunition...The sheer intimidation of its shard-like projectiles piercing through enemies like butter could serve as an effective deterrent...'

The 'Icicle', produced by Eclipse Firearms, had intrigued her during her tests. Much like the Vipermark, it utilised proprietary ammunition as opposed to standardised bullets. Its ammunition comprised sharp, elongated shards—resembling icicles, hence the name—measuring roughly 10mm in diameter and 6cm in length.

Thea pondered the unique firing mechanism of such an unusual projectile, but a cursory examination had yielded no answers. A thorough search on the galactic net would be necessary to quench her curiosity at a later date.

However, the Icicle's performance had exceeded her expectations—the shards displayed excellent penetrative capabilities against even medium armour, unless it was explicitly reinforced against ballistic projectiles.

She assessed the pros and cons. 'A 17-round mag, superior penetration to the 'Falsetto', but likely a dip in reliability. Given its proprietary nature, I'd be unable to perform any maintenance should the need arise...’

As she pondered the decision, she suddenly realised that she had spent way more time than initially anticipated inside the ‘Bullseye’s Rifles’. With a start, she quickly checked her wristband, only to realise that she was already running more than 15 minutes late on her rendezvous with Karania.

Making a split-second decision, Thea opted for the ‘Icicle’, arguing that it was unlikely she’d be using the sidearm much anyway, so the risk of it breaking was minimal to begin with. Having a sidearm that could pierce even medium armour however, was exceptionally valuable for her in emergency situations.

Relinquishing the OT-74 'Falsetto' back to the store clerk, Thea announced her decision, "I'll be taking the ICE-13 'Icicle' as my reward for my placement on the Private-ranked leaderboards."

"Understood, Miss," the AI acknowledged, the unseen mechanisms of its programming instantly updating her profile with the new licence. "Should you require additional prints for the convenience of Respawn Pods, these can be obtained from any System Store or 'Bullseye's Rifles' location in the future. Can I assist you with anything else today?"

Following the clerk’s actions, Thea heard the familiar ping in her mind and she checked the corresponding System message appear before her inner eye.

[System]: 1x [Full Licence: ICE-13 ‘Icicle’] has been granted to your profile from "Bullseye’s Rifles".

"Actually, there is one more thing," she responded to the AI, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "I'd like to purchase the X-27R-L ‘Gram’. Could you provide the price for that?"

"The X-27R-L ‘Gram’, in its base configuration, is categorised as a Tier-1 Designated Marksman Rifle. The price stands at 4,575 System Credits, which includes the precise setup you utilised during your shooting range trial," replied the AI Clerk, without skipping a beat.

"Interesting... I would like to proceed with purchasing it," Thea began, her gaze firm. "But I do have a few requests. I need a handstop compatible with the handrail that won't interfere with the existing bipod, an infrared laser designator to attach to the side rail, and an alternate scope capable of displaying infrared lasers. The manufacturer of the attachments doesn't matter to me. What would the total be?"

The AI promptly calculated, "With the selected attachments, the total cost would amount to 5,740 System Credits, Miss. The most expensive add-on being the modified scope, priced at 635 Credits."

Without batting an eye, Thea responded, "Please complete the purchase with those specifications." She was convinced that the extra expense was justifiable given the potential utility of the attachments.

Nodding briefly, the AI clerk punched information into a data-pad at unfathomable speed, which had appeared in its hands from nowhere, before handing it to Thea, “Please check over your order once more, and confirm the purchase via your biometrics, Miss.”

Checking the data-pad, Thea went over the listed articles once more.

[Full Licence: X-27R-L ‘Gram’ - 4,575 System Credits.]

[Infrared-capable Variable Zoom Scope for X-27R-L ‘Gram’ - 635 System Credits.]

[Handstop Attachment for X-27R-L ‘Gram’ - 290 System Credits.]

[Infrared Laser Attachment X-27R-L ‘Gram’ - 240 System Credits.]

[Total Price: 5,740 System Credits.]

[Accepting this transaction will automatically deduct the System Credits from your profile and grant the listed items to it.]

With a confident nod, being happy with her decisions, Thea confirmed her biometrics and heard a series of notification pings in her find.

[System]: 5,740 System Credits have been debited from your profile for your purchase at "Bullseye’s Rifles".

[System]: 1x [Full Licence: X-27R-L ‘Gram’] has been granted to your profile from "Bullseye’s Rifles".

[System]: 1x [Infrared-capable Variable Zoom Scope for X-27R-L ‘Gram’] has been granted to your profile from "Bullseye’s Rifles".

[System]: 1x [Handstop Attachment for X-27R-L ‘Gram’] has been granted to your profile from "Bullseye’s Rifles".

[System]: 1x [Infrared Laser Attachment X-27R-L ‘Gram’] has been granted to your profile from "Bullseye’s Rifles".

Finally equipped with her primary DMR and an unexpected bonus sidearm, Thea offered the AI clerk a swift farewell. With her acquisitions secure, she dashed through the Tier-1 Technology deck, her sights set on her meeting point with Karania.

After a brisk three-minute sprint, Thea reached Karania, who had been patiently waiting for her.

Panting heavily, Thea quickly apologised, "Kara, I'm so sorry... Got a little tied up in a shooting contest...thing. But hey, I won! Still, sorry for keeping you waiting." Her words were punctuated with deep breaths as she tried to regain her spent energy.

With an amused shake of her head, Karania responded, “I had a feeling it might be something of the sort… But you won? That's fantastic! Did you get any prizes?"

Thea couldn't help but radiate excitement as she replied, "Indeed! And even better than expected. I got a free sidearm, an interesting pistol named 'Icicle', and 15,000 System Credits! Plus, they gave me a 50% off voucher. If things work out, I might be able to combine it with my Tier-up voucher to get a Tier 2 weapon. Isn't that amazing, Kara?"

Murmuring under her breath, Karania sounded incredulous, "15,000 System Credits...? That's more than I started out with today..." Her quiet comment didn't escape Thea, thanks to her heightened perception.

"Wow, Thea! I can't wait to see you in action during the assessment," Karania admitted, her voice laced with genuine excitement. "By the way, did you buy anything else, or did you manage to secure your entire loadout for free?" She teased.

Picking up on Karania's subtle remark about her financial situation, Thea opted not to delve into it, especially as her friend hadn't openly addressed it.

"Well, I did decide to purchase a licence for the X-27R-L 'Gram'," Thea shared. "It's a laser-variant DMR, and a successor to the weapon I used in my initial challenge trial. So, I was thrilled to see it was available. I added a few attachments as well, for good measure. It was a bit on the pricier side at around 5,700 Credits, but I believe it's a worthy investment."

Karania's eyebrows shot up at Thea's explanation, and she stared at Thea for a few silent moments, causing Thea's anxiety to surge.

"Did... did I say something wrong?" Thea asked, growing slightly uncomfortable under her friend's scrutinising gaze.

"5,700 Credits? Did you buy the full licence for that weapon or something? Did you get scammed on the attachment prices?" Karania's voice was filled with disbelief.

With uncertainty in her voice, Thea replied, "Uh, yes? I got the full licence… Isn't that how you buy weapons?"

"Well..." Karania paused, seeming to search for words. "Most people opt for a partial licence, which lets them use the weapon in missions for a fee. It's a cheaper upfront cost, though over time it does add up. Kind of like renting. But you just went straight for the full licence, didn't you?" She shook her head again, still seemingly in disbelief.

Thea's response was a simple, "Oh." Realisation washed over her as she processed what Karania just said. She'd just spent a hefty sum on a weapon licence she could've obtained for a fraction of the cost.

"Let me guess, you didn't know about this, did you?" Karania playfully prodded. As Thea offered an embarrassed nod, Karania sighed, "You really should read the information packets that Corvus keeps sending us. He covered all this in his shopping guide, you know."

Thea felt somewhat exposed; she had admittedly been ignoring Corvus' lengthy information packets after the first few appeared to be merely recaps of what she already knew from the System 101 and similar sources.

Suddenly, a wave of dread washed over her, and she meekly asked Karania, "There... there wasn't an option to rent Abilities though, right?"

This question triggered a hearty laugh from Karania, who shook her head before replying, "No, don't worry. Abilities can only be bought outright, no discounts available. But do make a habit of checking Corvus' info packets in the future. His talent for gathering useful information is unparalleled, and it really can come in handy," she advised Thea, her tone half-teasing, half-serious.

In that moment, Thea was struck by another, even more significant, oversight. The sharp sound of a palm meeting face echoed through the street as she delivered a hearty facepalm.

"What's going on?" Karania asked, startled by Thea's sudden reaction.

"I... I made a big mistake, Kara," Thea muttered, grappling with her sudden realisation. "I bought a laser-based weapon as my mainstay." After this declaration, she merely lifted her right arm and projected a System window towards her friend.

[Active (Iron) - Penetrative Shot - Level 0]

Requirements: Ballistic, Ranged

Description: Allows the participant to use up a certain amount of Stamina and Focus in order to drastically increase the penetrative power of their shot(s). However, this augmented shot is incapable of penetrating materials beyond a predetermined tier.

Cost: 30 Stamina + 30 Focus - Factor: 5x - Maximum Material Tier: 1 - Effect Duration: 1 shot(s) or 1 second(s).

It took Karania only a moment to comprehend and discern the problem, after which she erupted into uncontrolled laughter. "Oh, Thea! That's what happens when you make decisions without consulting me!" she chortled.

Rubbing her forehead due to her clear oversight, Thea was left pondering how she could possibly level up the Ability if she couldn't utilise it with her primary weapon.

With her laughter gradually subsiding, Karania, her voice still tinged with amusement, nudged Thea forward. "Come on, let's go check out some armour before you succumb to complete despair. I have faith that you'll find a solution for this problem, Thea."

Following Thea's subdued nod of agreement, the pair set off towards the nearest armour outlet...

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