The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 30 - Build Alterations

"The Sovereign has conveyed to me your prospective plans concerning your immediate development, with regards to your build. Could I confirm if this information is accurate?" Councillor Lumis initiated, extending a data-pad to Thea.

Taken aback by the detail of her build plan—information she had just shared with her squad mere moments ago—now meticulously documented on the data-pad, Thea responded with a nod and a respectful, “Yes, Ma’am,” to the perfect woman across from her.

"Splendid. According to this, you are primarily envisioning a Scout/Sniper role, signified by your substantial investment in Perception, Finesse, and Focus. Your remarkable perceptual capabilities to this point make this a highly valuable choice for your squad. An adept Scout is, after all, crucial for any top-tier squad," Councillor Lumis continued, launching straight into the matter at hand. It was clear that this woman had one singular focus: build strategy.

"While your current proposal of a 2/2/1 distribution for these attributes seems viable, I would like to propose some alternative perspectives. Bear in mind, these are simply possibilities for your consideration and not necessarily my personal recommendations, or that of the UHF. The aim here is to provide you with a broader range of options, aiding you to detect any possible inadequacies.

"Aligning your build with your individual personality and style is more crucial than striving for a 'perfect' build in terms of attributes. We learned this centuries ago and our stance remains unaltered. Nevertheless, I would advise you to contemplate these suggestions before finalising any decisions. Better to overthink your first steps than to stumble unknowingly into unforeseen circumstances."

With that, Councillor Lumis gestured into the space before her, materialising three holographic boxes resembling the System's interface. Yet, Thea noticed something distinct about these constructs—they didn't quite match the System's versions. While they looked exactly the same, something felt ‘off’ about them, whenever she imagined them as being genuine System boxes. It was as if there was some kind of intrinsic copy-proof element to the original System boxes, preventing fakes from being created and sold as the real deal.

As Thea focused her attention on the actual boxes and started reading, she quickly realised that they were examples of her potential builds at Level 10. Three entirely different setups, with a different focus for each. Out of those three however, one immediately stood out to her the most.

The box merely tagged ‘Option C’ showed her lineup as exclusively Perception and Resolve focused, with no points invested in any other Attribute whatsoever. Surprisingly enough, it did, however, show her Vitality and Recovery at a 3.00, despite not having any points invested in them. Curious about this option, due to its unique nature and surprising focus, Thea spoke up, addressing Councillor Lumis directly.

“Option C seems very lopsided, Ma’am. Is that really something you would recommend…? It also seems to have an error, as it lists my Vitality and Recovery at a 3.00, instead of my actual Attributes, is that intended…?”

If her question had been expected or not, Thea had no way of telling, as Councillor Lumis’ face betrayed no emotions whatsoever, despite Thea’s best attempts at catching any aberrant facial tells. The woman continued her perfectly cordial smile, her demeanour giving nothing away. She nodded graciously before replying.

"Excellent observation. As one might expect from an Alpha Squad member, you've honed in on the most unconventional option... There's a multitude of reasons why this seemingly lopsided strategy could be uniquely appropriate for you, particularly due to your extraordinary base Resolve. And when I say ‘extraordinary’, I mean it in the most profound sense.

“You're probably unaware of this fact, but your base Resolve of 5.97 is the second highest ever recorded among any integrated UHF member. Paired with your equally impressive Perception, you are uniquely positioned to achieve something unprecedented: Should you pursue Option C, you would have the rare opportunity to unlock the Psychic attribute before obtaining your first class.

"While the implications of this particular scenario remain uncharted, given our understanding of the Allbright System to date, it's plausible to speculate that you might receive a high-rarity Psyker class, possibly even accompanied by a high-rarity Accomplishment, should you decide to go down that route.

“This could give you unprecedented capabilities and benefits, setting you on a distinct path within the UHF, that no one has ever tread before. Yet… as exciting as this may sound, it is equally essential to remember that venturing into such unknown territory could present unique challenges or potential difficulties that are impossible for us to predict at this stage.

"Understandably, the UHF is prepared to fully support you in this endeavour, as steering you towards this path could potentially yield significant advantages for the entire UHF - if not solely from a knowledge-gathering standpoint. After all, a Tier 1 Psyker Class is a phenomenon we have neither seen nor experienced within the System.

"A segment of this support would entail assisting you in boosting your Vitality and Recovery attributes over the forthcoming months, with the goal of reaching the 3.00 baseline. It's universally recognized that beyond this threshold, further improvement of these attributes becomes substantially more demanding.

"However, I urge you not to harbour any misconceptions: The impending training will undoubtedly be excruciating, far surpassing any current conception you may hold. Despite this, enduring such intense training would be pivotal to unlocking your Psychic Attribute at Level 10, given that without this, you would lack the mandatory total of 30 Attribute points required for the unlock."

Thea sat quietly, her eyes wide, as she digested the enormity of Councillor Lumis' words.

The revelation about her Resolve being the second highest ever recorded within the UHF had hit her like a lightning bolt. She had been aware that 5.97 was exceptional, simply based on comparisons with the rest of Alpha Squad, but to hear that she had outperformed virtually every integrated member of the UHF, to date, was astonishing to put it lightly.

She found herself swamped by a torrent of emotions, struggling to categorize her response to this startling revelation - a blend of confusion, pride, and fear.

This opportunity to unlock a Psychic attribute, to possibly become a Tier 1 Psyker Class as her first class... It was both daunting and undeniably exciting to her. The prospects were tantalising, offering a path no one had ever taken before, with the potential for unparalleled capabilities and achievements. And yet, the unknown challenges lurking along that path also held a dark allure of their own.

Thea had always embraced unconventional builds in her cherished arcade games, whenever she deemed it worthwhile, proving her mettle as a trailblazer. The Freya Gambit was just one of countless instances where she had poured hours into strategizing, fine-tuning tactics, and perfecting movesets, all to create an optimised, theory-crafted approach that defied conventional wisdom.

However, two significant concerns gave her pause before she could wholeheartedly embrace Option C:

First, the forewarning of gruelling training — having already experienced the rigours of even marginal Vitality enhancement under Isabella’s tutelage — was enough to make her cautious.

Second, the potential to disappoint her squad weighed heavily on her. Her designated role as a Scout/Sniper heavily depended on Perception and Finesse, attributes necessary for graceful, stealthy movement and delivering crucial information to her squad under various scenarios.

Option C didn't directly contribute to these key Attributes. Rather, it required her to allocate a considerable portion of her available points into an Attribute that, quite frankly, would be irrelevant until she successfully unlocked the Psychic Attribute and the Psyker Class itself. This meant she would be hindering her own progress for the entire first year of her marine career, as Resolve held little to no relevance to her role as a Scout/Sniper in her squad.

The council room's ambient light reflected in her eyes, illuminating the depth of her thoughts. Slowly, she lifted her gaze to meet Lumis' ever-same content smile.

"Councillor Lumis," Thea began, her voice steady despite the turmoil of thoughts within her, "I appreciate the confidence that you and the UHF have placed in me. The opportunity before me is nothing short of incredible, and I'm flattered by the belief that I could potentially live up to such high expectations…"

Pausing, she cast a glance towards the holographic projection of the fake Allbright System boxes, its complex makeup a representation of the daunting decision before her. "However," she continued, her tone firmer now, "I cannot let my personal aspirations overshadow my responsibilities towards my team. As a Scout/Sniper, my role is crucial to the success of our missions, and I fear that Option C may detract from my capabilities in that regard. As I see it, right now, Perception and Finesse are what make a good Scout/Sniper. Choosing to go with the option presented would only fulfil half of that Attribute requirement, as Resolve does nothing in aiding me with my role.

“Unless there’s a hidden benefit to Resolve, I am not seeing, I feel apprehensive towards investing such a massive amount of my available points in it at this stage. I would never forgive myself if I ended up the weak link in Alpha Squad, as a result of choosing personal aspirations and intrigue over my responsibilities to my squad.”

As Thea finished speaking, Councillor Lumis sat quietly, her face remaining impassive as she processed Thea's concerns. After a moment, she leaned back in her chair, her eyes never leaving Thea's.

"Thea," she began, her tone composed but underlined with a persuasive edge, while a broader smile graced her face. "Your caution and your concern for your squad are not weaknesses. They are, indeed, some of the qualities that many a Marine can only strive towards. They are commendable, beyond a shadow of a doubt. However, let's consider this from a broader perspective."

She gestured towards the holographic projection of the Allbright System windows, which suddenly changed to portray a leaderboard, simply titled ‘Rog’an Prime Challenge Trial - #6,473’.

"Reflect upon your initial challenge trial, Thea, the very one that secured your position within the Alpha Squad. You didn't merely pass muster; you eclipsed expectations to an extent that stunned the highest ranks and sent shockwaves throughout the entire UHF, the implications of which you may not fully grasp as of yet.

"You exhibited an extraordinary propensity for adaptation and innovation, allowing you to conquer challenges in an unpredictable manner. This, Thea, is the quintessence of a trailblazer - one who doesn't merely tread the well-worn path, but blazes her own. A slight deficit in certain attribute percentages will not diminish this inherent trait within you. Even in a non-integrated state during the challenge trial, you managed to secure the 17th position on the overall leaderboard for Privates - a leaderboard typically dominated by Integrated UHF members with their first class fully realised.

"Consider this as well: the top 30 positions on this leaderboard are theoretically reserved for AI-generated benchmarks, designed to display the maximum potential for each role and build participating in the simulation. Yet, against all odds, you surpassed 13 of these AI-generated benchmarks with remarkable prowess. Do you genuinely believe that a minor Attribute shortfall would impede your ability to support the Alpha Squad in their inaugural assessment? I, for one, find such a notion hard to believe."

Thea’s eyes widened, the almost nonchalant revelation of her leaderboard placement echoing in her head, ‘They… They were benchmarks?!’

Before she could spiral further into her own thoughts however, Councillor Lumis continued, leaning forward in her chair, interrupting Thea’s train of thought expertly, "In the same vein, the Resolve Attribute isn't merely about how one can stand strong in the face of adversity. It's about the ability to adapt, to overcome, to press on when the path is uncertain. To see through the veils of impossibility and find a way forward. And this is where the hidden merit of Resolve comes into play."

Allowing a pause to underscore the importance of her following words, Lumis proceeded, "Unlocking the Psychic Attribute early may appear to deviate from your traditional path as a Scout/Sniper, but the prospective advantages are not to be underestimated. While undertaking the Psyker journey entails its own, unique set of challenges, it brings with it tremendous potential rewards: Notably, as a Psyker, you would acquire the distinctive capacity to sense other Psykers, a capability that could offer an incalculable strategic edge in the battlefield, especially for someone operating primarily in a Scout/Sniper role."

The Councillor's gaze, steady and unwavering, locked onto Thea's, her certainty resonating in the silence. "This wouldn't merely amplify your scouting abilities; it would introduce an entirely new dimension to your role. You would transcend beyond being merely a Scout/Sniper - you would be a Scout/Sniper wielding psychic prowess. This is an unprecedented possibility for a T1 Marine, and it could be instrumental in advancing not only your squad's capabilities, but also the broader strategic success of the UHF in this war."

She continued, her words calculated and impactful, "Most Factions would struggle to deploy anti-Psyker units before reaching T2, due to the rarity of individuals possessing an attribute composition similar to yours, conducive to early Psyker development. Even if they managed to unlock their Psychic Attribute before reaching the T2 threshold, they'd merely highlight themselves as potential targets to you, bereft of the substantial benefits intrinsic to a fully fledged Psyker with a Class, yet paradoxically radiating conspicuous psychic activity. As an adept Sniper, this would undoubtedly present an enticingly 'target-rich environment'."

Thea found herself both awed and disoriented by the Councillor's persuasive eloquence. The depth of Councillor Lumis' confidence and the compelling logic of her arguments felt like a tidal wave, crashing against the shore of her resolve. It was clear that Councillor Lumis was a seasoned diplomat, able to weave her words and ideas with precision and force.

Contrary to the Councillor, Thea had always found herself on shaky ground when navigating social exchanges. She was more comfortable with the straightforward nature of combat, the predictable dance of attack and defence, and the uncomplicated solitude of a sniper's post. Dealing with the subtle complexities and nuances of a well-delivered speech was not her forte, so she felt succinctly overrun by the eloquent delivery of the Councillor’s arguments.

Regardless of this fact however, she understood the weight of the Councillor's words.

Thea's inexperience with social nuances didn't render her incapable of comprehending the potential value and strategic advantage that early unlocking of the Psychic attribute could bring. The possibility of being a Psyker-Scout/Sniper hybrid was tantalising, a tantalisation intensified by Councillor Lumis' promise of a 'target-rich environment'.

For a moment, she closed her eyes, attempting to drown out the echoes of the Councillor’s speech in her mind. She knew she had to deliberate carefully, weighing her personal desires and the potential advantages against the risks. The path to becoming a Psyker was fraught with uncertainty and potentially life-threatening danger, if Professor Pierce’s warnings were anywhere close to reality.

Yet… the prospect of gaining an unprecedented edge over their adversaries was undeniably tempting…

A heavy silence descended upon the room, as Thea contemplated the implications of choosing the option presented to her by the experienced Councillor.

‘They were benchmarks, huh…? AI… Generated… Benchmarks. And I beat 13 of them, while not even integrated…?! Is that why my Attributes and Abilities seem so far removed from what appears to be the norm with the rest of Alpha Squad? It’s the System’s rewards for me beating theoretically impossible to beat benchmarks…?

‘If that is true… then Councillor Lumis definitely has a point. Missing out on a decent chunk of Finesse and Focus won’t impact my performance as much as I had thought, if the challenge trial is anything close to the assessment we will be facing at the end of the week…’

Opening her eyes again, Thea looked over to the window simply titled ‘Option C’, taking another, closer, look at the Attributes presented.

‘I would only be losing out around 120% worth of Attributes and only for the first ten Levels that it takes me to get the Psyker Class… They would drastically increase my Finesse and Focus, to 7.09 and 6.46 respectively, while bolstering up… maybe some Strength? 20% additional would come out to… 3.81, which is definitely nothing to sneeze at. That would help with the ever-increasing issue of my body not being able to keep up with my Perception…

‘But at the same time… Investing everything in Perception and Resolve instead, I’d end up with 10.56 and 11.94 respectively, which are absolutely massive, all things considered… That would allow me to spend most of my points from Level 11 onwards on Finesse and Focus either way, to make up for the increases I missed out on earlier, ultimately netting me the same result…

‘So all it really comes down to is this: Do I want to be the best possible Scout/Sniper right now, for the first assessment, or do I want to unlock a potential one-of-a-kind Class inside the UHF, while setting me on a new, unique path that nobody has ever tread before…? I mean… That’s not really fair to phrase it like that, is it…? It doesn’t really give me an option, after all…’

Quietly chuckling to herself, Thea realised one thing about herself in this situation: She had already been persuaded, from the outset.

After Councillor Lumis had mentioned the possibility of receiving a one-of-a-kind Class, with unknown, but guaranteed to be unique and powerful capabilities, Thea’s subconscious had, seemingly, made a decision immediately. After all, what self-respecting gamer and leaderboard enthusiast could possibly refuse such an enticing offer… even if it meant risking some things.

Shaking her head with amusement, she realised she hadn’t given much thought to Options A or B. But as she delved deeper into the mental calculations distinguishing the options, a discrepancy emerged.

'Wait a moment, Option C doesn’t actually unlock the Psychic Attribute, does it?' she questioned inwardly, double-checking her mental arithmetic.

'Even if I invested all possible points into Perception and Resolve, while pushing Vitality to 3.00, Option C only totals 29.81. That falls short of the required 30 total Attributes to unlock the Psychic Attribute,' Thea furrowed her brow.

'There’s no way Councillor Lumis overlooked this. What am I missing?' She pondered, scrutinising the poised, magnanimously smiling, woman in front of her for any hints. In the midst of her calculations and considerations, Thea suddenly became aware that she had fallen silent for over five minutes since Lumis's last remark.

Summoning her courage, she finally broke the silence. "Councillor Lumis," she began, her tone thoughtful. "I understand the potential benefits of Option C, but if I'm not mistaken, even after investing all possible points into Perception and Resolve and raising my Vitality to 3.00, I still fall short of the required total to unlock the Psychic Attribute. Am I missing something here?"

Councillor Lumis responded with a chuckle, a sound that seemed ethereal in its resonance to Thea. With a casual wave of her hands, the Councillor dispelled the holographic system boxes.

"You are indeed correct, Thea," she affirmed, her voice marked with a hint of approval. "Even with the best efforts on your part, you would narrowly miss the target set by Option C. But that's where the UHF’s offer of assistance comes into play. Alongside the training we'll offer to get your Vitality and Recovery Attributes up to par, we will also provide you with an exceptionally rare System Item."

As Councillor Lumis finished, she deftly projected a real, genuine, Allbright System window from her left hand. Displayed within it was an image of a substantial fruit, rivalling Thea's head in dimensions.

The fruit was enveloped by a unique, scaly shell that faintly radiated a luminescent glow, almost mirroring the shimmer of a distant star. Its scales danced with hues reminiscent of a sunset at the zenith of solstice, their shimmer ensnaring Thea's curiosity. Her mind was set into motion with a single, intrigued thought: 'There are Items too?! Just how many different things are in this System?!'

Yet, her internal turmoil was promptly curtailed by the Councillor's continued explanation.

Councillor Lumis continued, "This remarkable item is known as the 'Echoing Solstice Fruit'. According to our System Researchers, this extraordinary fruit is believed to be the material manifestation of a cosmic event, where a star at the zenith of its life cycle - its solstice, underwent a cataclysmic event of some kind. The echo of that event, capable of defying the constraints of space and time, materialised as this fruit. Typically, these are found scattered across the cosmos, often discovered on planets proximal to the relevant star, but the Allbright System has also been known to award them for certain notable Faction Accomplishments.

"The consumption of the fruit is said to mirror the transformative solstice of the star on its neighbouring planet, signifying a pivotal peak or shift in the lifecycle of the consumer - in this instance, providing a vital enhancement to your attributes.

“Specifically, this particular fruit has been identified to offer a substantial benefit to your Vitality, an aspect that the Sovereign has deemed your most pressing shortcoming as a potential Psyker.

“After all, we cannot risk jeopardising your well-being due to Psychic backlash during your nascent years as a Psyker, especially if we're going to invest such a crucial item in you."

Thea's eyes were, once again, widened with awe as she soaked in Lumis' explanation, her curiosity now thoroughly piqued. She remained silent for a moment, allowing herself to absorb the gravity of what was being offered to her.

After all, it was undoubtedly an exceedingly rare Item, considering that it could, supposedly, boost the Attributes of whoever consumed it. There was no possible scenario in which Thea could imagine the Allbright System handing these out like candy.

The implications of accepting this unique treasure were massive, and acknowledging them caused her to swallow hard. After a pause, she finally found her voice, "So, the effects of this fruit... Would it instantly enhance my Vitality? Is it a percentage increase? Or would it augment my Base Attribute...?"

Councillor Lumis nodded, her gaze steady on Thea. "Yes, the Echoing Solstice Fruit would cause an immediate surge in your Vitality, enough to push you over the threshold necessary to unlock the Psychic Attribute. In essence, it would amplify your base Attribute, by exactly 0.5 points, if consumed when you are at the 3.00 threshold. The higher your overall base Attribute past this threshold, the less effective the Item will become, when consumed.”

Thea couldn't help but grin slightly at the prospect, but decided to finally voice her doubts regardless, "It sounds like this fruit might just be the answer to my problem. I can't deny the advantage it would offer… But… Are you certain that I'm deserving of such extensive assistance...? This Item, I presume, must be a significant asset to the UHF, correct...?"

Councillor Lumis met Thea's gaze with an understanding smile. "Indeed, Thea, the Echoing Solstice Fruit is a considerable asset," she acknowledged, her voice firm yet warm. "However, it's not simply about the value of the Item itself. Its potential, when used in the right circumstances, is invaluable - and that is precisely what we see in you."

She gestured expansively around the room, her gaze unwavering. "The knowledge of potential T1 Psyker Classes could revolutionise our understanding and utilisation of the Allbright System as a whole. It could shift paradigms and redefine strategies, not just for us, but for all Factions and the war as a whole. This advancement in knowledge is a prize above any physical asset, even something as valuable as the Echoing Solstice Fruit."

Lumis leaned slightly forward, her eyes sparkling with earnest intensity. "And you, Thea, are uniquely qualified for this task. You possess the second highest recorded base Resolve in the history of our Faction. Not to mention having a second, 5+ base Attribute to boot, that is also required to unlock the Psychic Attribute. If we take both of those into account, you’re actually the first with such a high level of aptitude for what we want to achieve. You're not merely 'deserving' of this assistance. You are, in fact, the only candidate who can turn this possibility into a reality."

Thea absorbed Lumis' words, feeling their weight and truth. She was not merely being gifted a rare asset - she was being entrusted with a tremendous responsibility, a pivotal role in the evolution of their understanding of the Allbright System. She felt an undeniable surge of adrenaline, a thrill that coursed through her veins, igniting her heart.

Drawing a deep breath, Thea steeled herself, aware that she was on the cusp of making a decision that would indelibly shape her destiny going forward. She met Councillor Lumis' gaze, a token of her resolve, and declared, "I agree... I will choose Option C and strive to become a T1 Psyker, with the assistance of the UHF, in order to further our knowledge about the Allbright System as a whole."

She paused for a moment, her expression becoming one of determined earnestness. "However… I wish to seek advice on mitigating any potential drawbacks during the upcoming assessment. Given that I'll be investing my points into what will undoubtedly be a 'dormant' Attribute until I reach Level 10, I don't want to be a burden to my squad. Any guidance you could offer would be greatly appreciated."

With a nod of approval, accented by her usual, magnanimous smile, Councillor Lumis responded, "Your concern for your squad's performance during the assessment is both commendable and strategically sound. Though your contribution may not be as immediate or apparent with this choice, the long-term benefits will significantly outweigh any temporary limitations. However, there are still ways to optimise your role during this period."

She took a moment to seemingly gather her thoughts before continuing, "Focus on leveraging your existing strengths. Your unique Attribute composition already makes you an excellent Scout/Sniper - this will not change. Your Perception will continue to play a crucial role in spotting hidden threats and identifying advantageous terrain or tactical opportunities, especially as you will be improving it even more than originally intended. Similarly, your impressive base Finesse will ensure your effectiveness as a Sniper, whenever such an opportunity presents itself.

"Furthermore, you might consider acquiring some of the following Abilities from the System Store when possible. These should provide considerable support during the upcoming assessment and also prove beneficial throughout your career as a UHF Marine."

With a graceful gesture of her hand, a list of Ability names materialised in front of Thea, almost as if Councillor Lumis had anticipated this exact line of enquiry. Thea fleetingly considered whether every interaction during their discussion had been expertly premeditated by the immaculate woman before her.

However, she promptly dismissed these notions.

After all, only a mere handful of minutes had passed since she had unveiled her build plans to the rest of Alpha Squad. No human across the galaxy could feasibly choreograph a conversation with such precision to achieve preordained outcomes.

As Thea perused the list of Ability names, she found herself growing increasingly eager. Though many of them seemed relatively straightforward, two in particular instantly seized her attention.

The first was an Iron-Rank Active Ability aptly named "Penetrative Shot." While its designation hinted at an enhanced sniping capability, the absence of direct descriptions for these Abilities left room for speculation. Thea, however, found herself enthralled by the prospect of an Ability that would potentially augment her core sniping competencies.

She always had a fondness for foundational abilities in arcade games, and James's continuous insistence on the importance of honing one's basic skills reverberated in her mind, ‘You can never go wrong by improving your foundations. After all, anything you build on top of them can only benefit from more solid groundwork.’

Consequently, the possibility of soon acquiring such an Ability induced a thrill of anticipation within her.

Contrary to her own expectations, the second Ability that caught her interest was a Copper-Rank Active Ability named "Improved Sprint."

This appeared to be exactly what she needed—something to enhance her mobility. Any Ability that could boost her speed would undoubtedly secure a permanent spot in her Ability Slots. Given her current limitations with enhancing Strength, acquiring a basic Ability that could bridge the gap between her and her opponents or allies was something she found incredibly enticing.

She quickly committed the entire list of recommended Abilities to memory before responding to the patiently waiting Councillor. "Thank you, Councillor Lumis. This guidance will undoubtedly be invaluable!"

Lumis' lips curved up into a smile, nodding at Thea. "It was my pleasure, Recruit Thea. Remember, your journey as a UHF Marine and as a Psyker is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time, learn from your experiences, and most importantly: Rely on your squad. The bond you form with your comrades will often be your most reliable shield in the face of adversity.

Lumis gently inclined her head, her voice carrying a note of finality, "With our conversation coming to such a productive conclusion, I believe I've taken enough of your and your squad's time for today. It was a pleasure to have this discussion, and I'm confident it was as fruitful for you as it was for us. In the days ahead, you'll be contacted by the Sovereign regarding your new training regimen, particularly focusing on enhancing your Vitality and Recovery Attributes. Until then, your primary task is to familiarise yourself with the nuances of the Allbright System and strive to perform your utmost in the upcoming assessment.

"The UHF MC would hardly want one of its promising students, and notably a prospective first-of-her-kind T1 Psyker, to underperform. That would certainly cast an unfavourable light on us." A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she added, "You're dismissed, Recruit Thea. You may return to your quarters now."

Thea, having hung on every word that Lumis said, nodded her understanding. Rising from her seat, she briefly inclined her head, a subtle gesture of gratitude towards the Councillor. "Thank you, Councillor Lumis. I won't let the UHF down," she promised, her voice resonating with determination.

The decision she had made was massive, its implications extending far beyond what she could anticipate at the moment. Yet, she felt a new, driving sense of purpose within her. The prospect of becoming a T1 Psyker, of embarking on a path less tread, invigorated her. And with the UHF's support, she was confident that she could overcome the hurdles that lay ahead.

Walking back to her quarters, Thea replayed the entire conversation in her mind, every word, every hint of wisdom imparted by Councillor Lumis. There was much she had to process, but she couldn't help the thrill of anticipation that coursed through her veins.

Behind her, unbeknown to Thea herself, Councillor Lumis watched her retreating form, a sense of quiet anticipation mirrored in her eyes, before her body simply dissolved into a moat of light, just as Thea stepped through the door that brought her back to her quarters.

Once she had taken a few moments in her room to compose herself, Thea ventured back out to the common area where the dining table was situated. Her squadmates had evidently finished their sessions before her, and they were gathered around the table in a relaxed assembly.

She quickened her steps, eager to catch any lingering threads of conversation, and slid into a seat next to Karania. Corvus, upon noticing her arrival, met her gaze with a warm, friendly nod before he began to speak.

"Well, that certainly was an experience, wasn't it?" He started, his tone both mirthful and earnest. "I don't think any of us expected to be summoned for personalised counselling sessions like that. It's clear that the Sovereign has a vested interest in our progression, which is somewhat comforting, given the potential fallout of misallocated points in our builds."

As the conversation shifted, Corvus directed his attention specifically towards Thea, his expression brimming with genuine admiration. "Speaking of builds, Thea, you've truly outdone yourself. Councillor Lumis was extremely impressed with the recommendations you made for me. She provided a few pointers about possible Classes I might consider, but overall, she advised me to follow your counsel. The distribution of Attributes you suggested aligns closely with what the UHF MC deems as a viable choice for Squad Leaders. So, for that, I extend my gratitude. You did a fantastic job!" He finished, a trace of laughter lacing his words.

However, a wave of confusion swept over Thea's features. "Councillor Lumis…?" She echoed, her eyebrows drawing together. "You had your session with her too? But how could she counsel both of us simultaneously…?”

"No, it wasn't just you two." Karania chimed in, her voice tinged with a hint of intrigue. "I also had my consultation with Councillor Lumis."

Desmond followed suit with a casual shrug, "Same here."

"Me too," Lucas contributed, while Isabella mirrored his sentiment with a nod of agreement, indicating that she had also been counselled by Councillor Lumis.

The revelation hung in the air, each squad member exchanging puzzled glances. Thea blinked, trying to wrap her head around the enigma. "Wait, so Councillor Lumis managed to counsel all of us, at the same time? How is that even possible...?"

A shared silence filled the room, underlining the peculiarity of the situation. The Allbright System had its share of wonders and oddities, but the idea of a single person conducting simultaneous conversations with different individuals was baffling.

Though Thea was aware that the DDS could simulate consultations through its advanced AI capabilities - something she had experienced firsthand during her tutorial trial with the simulated Sergeant Selene - she found it hard to believe that such detailed, personalised counselling could be managed without a human touch. The depth of the advice, considering each individual's Attributes, Class choices, and potential Ability suggestions, seemed too nuanced and specific to be the product of artificial intelligence alone.

"It has to be a function of the Allbright System," Corvus finally broke the silence, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and respect. "Maybe it created instances of her consciousness for each of us. Or perhaps it's a high-tier Ability. Who knows?"

The rest of the squad nodded in agreement, quickly accepting the plausible theory. The Allbright System had already proven to be beyond their wildest imaginations, so a feat like this didn't seem entirely impossible. Furthermore, none of them wanted to truly investigate this occurrence. While intriguing, it was nowhere nearly as important or interesting as hearing about their fellow squad members' consultation results.

"Much like for Corvus, Councillor Lumis agreed with my attribute spread as well," Karania interjected, picking up the previous conversation thread with evident enthusiasm. "She provided a list of potential abilities I should look for during my system store visit tomorrow. Her advice is sure to be invaluable."

To everyone's surprise, Isabella was the next to contribute to the discussion, her eagerness to delve back into the conversation on builds quite apparent. "I had a similar experience. I received a few Class recommendations and some praise for Thea's suggested Attribute distribution, although there was a minor alteration proposed—shifting 0.5 weight from Stamina to Finesse. The Councillor pointed out that there are some enticing Classes that my current spread would just narrowly miss out on. Apparently, the Attribute requirements for those are particularly stringent..."

Lucas' calm voice chimed in next, his words steady and unambiguous. "I'm setting my sights on the 'Living Wall', a well-regarded T1 Class for defensive heavy-weights with a Vitality focus. Thea's attribute spread seems to fit the bill, so that works for me... I was also given a list of Abilities to watch out for."

Finally, it was Desmond's turn to speak up. "Same for me. Reviewed Class options, an Ability list, and an appraisal of the suggested Attribute spread. It's reassuring to have a Councillor take a second look, given that we can't necessarily expect a new Recruit to understand all the nuances of the System just yet. Nevertheless, it seems our Cyan here managed to hit the mark quite well."

As all eyes in the room settled on her, Thea let out a slow exhale, preparing to reveal the circumstances of her consultation. She had made the decision to be completely honest with her squad; after all, her build choices would inevitably influence their overall assessment performance. Moreover, their recent discussions about builds had fostered a sense of camaraderie among them, and she found herself valuing the budding trust between herself and the rest of the squad members - despite her lingering apprehension to truly let herself be vulnerable around them.

For the ensuing twenty minutes, Thea divulged the information she had gleaned from her consultation with Councillor Lumis. This included the revelation of System Items, her record-breaking base Resolve, and the UHF's intention to cultivate her as a T1 Psyker for research purposes.

Her squadmates remained quiet throughout her revelations, but their expressions and body language spoke volumes about their reactions to specific topics. The existence of System Items, in particular, elicited significant responses, and much like Thea herself, the rest of Alpha Squad seemed rather overwhelmed. Despite already feeling inundated with knowledge about the complexities of the Allbright System, it appeared there was an unfathomable reservoir of new information yet to be discovered.

As Thea's recounting gradually came to a close and a contemplative silence settled over the dining table, Corvus found his voice again.

"It appears we have an extraordinary squad in our midst," he began. "A melee specialist, a drone virtuoso, a 'Living Wall,' a superior battlefield surgeon, an unprecedented T1 Psyker in the making, and well, me. It's hard to imagine any obstacle we won't be able to overcome. I'm eager to see how the assessment will illuminate our capacity for teamwork and highlight the extraordinary capabilities we all possess…

“But until then, let’s continue to do our best! I hereby, officially, end our second squad meeting. Make sure to pick up some of those Abilities mentioned by Councillor Lumis as soon as possible. We’ll want to be certain about how they work, before we need to use them in the assessment... With that, have a good night, everyone!”

As they each bid goodnight, the members of the squad gradually retreated to their respective rooms. Just as Thea was about to cross the threshold of her own room, she was halted by Karania, her face glowing with anticipation.

"We're still on for our shopping expedition tomorrow, right? Without any scheduled classes, it seems the perfect opportunity to secure those Abilities and Equipment!"

Grinning, Thea responded, "Absolutely! Shopping with Kara tops my agenda for tomorrow! I'm especially eager to explore the range of technology available for purchase..." Her voice faded as her mind began envisioning an array of potential weapons, gadgets, and armour.

Karania laughed, "You and your love for tech... I'm personally more thrilled about the Abilities, but to each their own! I'll see you bright and early tomorrow, Thea! Good night!"

"Good night, Kara!" With a final wave, Thea disappeared behind her door. No sooner had she closed it than a wave of fatigue crashed over her, driving her to collapse into her bed.

As she lay there, her thoughts swirled: 'Such an eventful day... Is this what every integrated day will be like? This makes two consecutive days where I can barely keep my eyes open...'

As sleep rapidly consumed her, her mind clung to the highlights of the day, especially the joy of having formed two potential friendships. She cherished the nicknames now etched deeply into her memory, each a testament to the connections she had finally begun to foster with her squad members…

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