The Adventurous Gamer Ninja – Daichi Hekima.

Chapter 309 – The New Player On The Board

Leaf village Training Ground 3

The real Daichi looked at the quest box that appeared in front of him.

[Quest created - Raid Orochimaru's Lab.]


[You have entered the Land of Rice Fields. Orochimaru has developed many hideouts and bases which comprises several laboratories. Your task is to find and infiltrate as many of them as you can while trying to keep your identity a secret.]



Infiltrate Orochimaru's main base of operations.

Collect at least 5 items of great value.

Infiltrate as many hideouts as possible and gather intelligence.

Don't let your true identity be discovered.



10000 Exp for successful infiltration of the main base.

5000 Exp each for collecting items of great value.

2500 Exp (For each additional hideout infiltrated)

1000 Exp each for items collected.

Increase in reputation to people who know your deeds.

Increased chances of Completing the quest 'Seek the Hidden Truth of the Necklace'.

Increased chances of rescuing Tsunade Senju and Shizune Kato.



Great hostility between you and Orochimaru.

Attack of Akatsuki.

Slightly increased tension between you and the Hidden Leaf Village.

Possible death of Kensei Yasaji and Abduction of Aiko.


[This quest has been accepted by your Shadow clone]

Daichi slowly exhaled as he looked at the last sentence in the quest box. 'This isn't the first time my clone was able to accept a quest. But all those were simple ones comparable to D Rank missions. Now… Invading an enemy lair and completing this mission… I just hope everything goes according to plan.'

Daichi analysed the conditions for the quest completions and the rewards but when he saw the consequences of failure a small frown formed on his face.

'In the quest description and the conditions it's given that I have to keep my identity a secret. So that could be the main trigger for the quest failure.'

Daichi looked at each of the failure consequences given and tried to form a reason for why they appeared.

'If I fail the quest and someone finds me out it's natural that Orochimaru would be angry with me. But the Akatsuki's attack… That means there is a good chance they already have their eyes on me. The death of old man Kensei and Aiko's abduction might have something to do with them. So if I get caught during this mission or my identity is exposed then Orochimaru, Akatsuki and the world would come to know what I attempted. Akatsuki would definitely raise my threat level and the Hokage and the Leaf village would also be wary of me. My presence in Orochimaru's base would definitely be a red flag. I'm sure my clone has already thought about all this the moment he saw the quest.'

As Daichi worked the reasons and the consequences of his actions in case of failure, a smile slowly came to face.

'It's a good thing I've already decided to create 'that' identity. It's going to come in handy for the next few years. He has a mysterious aura around him and there wasn't much information known about him before I died and came to this world. He's someone who doesn't exist here so it's perfect. His identity will buy me some time.'

Daichi looked up and saw the shallow moonlight coming through the clouds. He closed his eyes and leaned back on the tree. 'Good luck 'me'. This is our point of no return.'


Land of Sound aka Land of Rice Paddies.

A tall figure with a green cloak that completely shrouded his body was standing in the darkness of the forest that surrounded a small entrance to an underground building. His presence was completely invisible to all creatures of the night.

When the clouds above moved and moonlight hit the area where the figure was standing on, the only thing that was visible aside from the cloak was a mask. The figure had a stylized dragon mask that featured a blend of deep black and red colour that completely obscured his face.

'Orochimaru's main base. Finally, I'm here. I'll raid this base first. It's their headquarters. So I'm sure that jutsu and those blood samples will be here. I need to get them before I move on to the others.'

The tall figure sensed all the life forms around and nodded to himself. 'All that time carefully studying the several routes into and out of this country really came in handy. It only took me a little over seven hours to get here from the capital. Still, now it'll take me a few more to complete this in stealth mode. I just have to work patiently. I was able to use the invisibility cloak sparingly so if any problem arises, I'll have that as a backup plan.'

The tall figure was the second identity Daichi created to move around unimpeded in the world. During his training with the blonde Sannin Daichi learned her special transformation technique. He used it to create a new special identity. One that has no connection to himself and one that Daichi can use to accomplish his many goals.

The disguised Daichi looked at the base entrance in front of him and recalled all the information he learned from Amachi. 'The mission to the Land of Sea and the encounter at the Demon Island lab has gained me so much valuable intelligence. Orochimaru would no doubt have strengthened his hideout but I have a good idea of where everything is.'

Without wasting another second the figure disappeared from his position. Not a single leaf moved as the figure made his way inside the building.

Daichi recalled the structure of the hideout from Amachi's description. The Gamer ninja used Mana and found three strong Mana signatures in the main hideout.

'One of them is on the uppermost floor. The other two are on the east side. None of them have strong enough chakra to be Orochimaru or Tsunade. Damn.'

The boy briefly hoped that his teacher was here but he knew it was a false hope. He softly sighed and moved forward with his plan.

'If I remember right then Orochimaru kept his lab on the east side while his library was on the west side of the building.'

The first objective was Orochimaru's collection of forbidden jutsu. As Daichi moved through the corridors and hallways he detected and avoided all the traps and seals that were carefully placed. The gamer ninja was completely invisible thanks to his Mana skills. As he moved forward through the long halls, Daichi's sharp eyes noticed several spiders hidden in the upper corner and edges.

His Mana told him these creatures were far more intelligent than normal spiders. He also noticed the numerous spider webs in the most inconspicuous places.

'To someone else these would just look like ordinary webs but I'm sure. These are connected to the spiders and they all have a master. Hmm… It looks like Kidomaru is here. But there is someone who has an even higher chakra than him. So I'm guessing the one on the top is Kimimaro. The third one must be Jirobo or Tayuya. I'm betting it's the former.'

The boy was careful with each step and kept a close watch on the position of all the creatures near him and the three people in the building. He avoided the traps and made his way to Orochimaru's study as quickly as he could without alerting anyone.

'Damn. It's a good thing I mastered sealing jutsu. Otherwise this wouldn't have been so easy. Orochimaru is paranoid as heck.'

Daichi opened the door and closed it behind him as he entered a large room. The room was engulfed in darkness but in a few moments Daichi raised his fingertips and small flames could be seen driving away the darkness.

'What is with bad guys and dark lairs? Are they afraid of the light or something?'

Needing more visibility, the boy took a torch from his scroll and turned it on to find the room full of scrolls and books.

He read the titles of several of the scrolls and a grin formed behind the mask.

'Forbidden ninjutsu, curse seal, body modification techniques, slave control seals, soul transfer technique, sealing jutsu, multiple ninjutsu. Yes! I hit the jackpot.'

Daichi looked at the various scrolls and immediately used his Observe skill.


[Human Puppet Technique]

[Used by Sasori initially, this technique converts human bodies into puppets, preserving their unique abilities. Orochimaru's interest in immortality and the human body and its limits, makes this technique a subject of study.]

Daichi looked at the brief information shown and he knew what was looking for would be here. 'Sasori was once Orochimaru's partner. So of course he'd know about Sasori's modification techniques.'

[Cursed Seal Research]

[Orochimaru's own creation. These seals tap into the user's body, granting them significant power at the risk of their health or autonomy. These notes contain detailed research on the curse seal used on various test subjects.]

'I'm definitely making a copy of this. That will come in handy in the future.'

[Twin Snakes Mutual Death Technique]

[A suicidal technique that kills both the user and the target. While Orochimaru seeks immortality, understanding such techniques was within his interest to either counter them or manipulate their principles for his gain.]

[Creation Rebirth and Strength of a Hundred Seals] (Imperfect)

[These techniques were originally developed from understanding Tsunade' jutsu that grant immense healing powers at the cost of the user's life force. Orochimaru, with his experiments on the human body and quest for immortality, studied these techniques closely. Due to incomplete data, high chakra control needed and poor results Orochimaru discontinued the study of this jutsu.]

Daichi's eyes behind the mask slightly narrowed as he looked at this information. 'So this bastard tried to replicate Tsunade sensei's technique huh. Too bad. Without sensei's help even I would have had trouble creating that technique.'

[Eight Gates Technique](Imperfect)

[This technique is extremely dangerous as it grants temporary, immense power at the cost of severe damage to the user's body, or even death. Orochimaru's interest in human limits made this an area of study but after discovering the damaging side effects to the human body, he discontinued his research into this technique]

As Daichi looked through the information he suddenly sensed movement of the other two in the building. Daichi concentrated and after a few seconds let out a breath of relief. 'It looks like those two are moving outside and guarding the perimeter. A little too late for that guys.'

Daichi turned his attention back to the blue system messages.

[Chimera Technique]

[A technique that allows the user to combine different plants and animals into a single entity. Orochimaru has shown interest in this technique of creating unique and powerful beings. Throughout the years he has improved his skill with this research.]

'I'm guessing he's used this to create the poison. Orochimaru must have improved this technique and used the product to infect Jin.'

Daichi kept going and looked through information boxes on various other ninjutsu and techniques.

[Documentation of Failed Experiments]

[Orochimaru documented his failures just as meticulously as he documented his successes. These notes provided insight into the limits of what can be achieved with ninjutsu and the costs of pushing those boundaries and were used to further his various future experiments.]

[Books on Ninja History and Lore]

[Collections of texts detailing the history of the ninja world, the great wars, the founding of the ninja villages, and the tales of legendary figures such as the Sage of the Six Paths, the previous Kages from different villages.]

'I'll have to take these two as well. Orochimaru has travelled the world. He must have amassed a vast amount of intelligence. I can use that when I travel the world.'

[Medical Ninjutsu Texts]

[Advanced medical texts, including forbidden knowledge on body modification, regeneration techniques, and ways to prolong life or cheat death, reflecting his interest in immortality.]

The more information his observe showed him the more Daichi decided that he was going to take all the information here with him. He turned his attention to the next information that appeared and his eyes sharpened.

[Sealing Jutsu Information]

[Scrolls detailing various sealing techniques, possibly including those capable of sealing away tailed beasts or creating barriers and cursed seals.]

[Notes on the Tailed Beasts]

[Information on the tailed beasts, their jinchuriki, and methods for capturing and controlling them, reflecting Orochimaru's interest in their immense power.]

'Hell yes. I knew it. Orochimaru even had something like this.'

[Research on Nature Transformations]

[Detailed studies on all five basic nature transformations (Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Water) and the more rare and advanced forms such as Ice, Lava, and Wood Release, including attempts to artificially bestow these abilities on others.]

'Come on. Where is it?'. The gamer ninja looked around and used his 'observe' skill on various items. As he took in the large information he suddenly came upon a small snake statue on the side of the shelf. He used 'observe' and then grinned seeing the information.

'Another hidden room. Should have expected that at this point.'

Daichi pulled on the snake statue and it acted like a lever. A moment later the walls at the other side of the room parted and torches in that space lit up.

The disguised Daichi kept an eye on the single person other than him present and noticed that he didn't move from his spot. The boy sighed and moved to the new open space and looked at the scrolls present.


[Soul Transfer Jutsu]

[A jutsu that allows the user to transfer their soul into another body. Orochimaru uses a variant of this technique to extend his life by moving between different host bodies.]

[Summoning - Impure World Reincarnation]

[A Reanimation Jutsu, which Orochimaru refined and used to summon historical figures and enemies for his purposes. The souls that are in the pure realm are forcefully taken and binded with a living human body and will be under the command of the summoner.]

The grin on Daichi's face widened as he looked at one of the most powerful jutsu in the world. 'Jackpot!'

At this moment something spoiled his good mood. He sensed Kimimaro's chakra moving and slowly making its way down the building and coming towards his location.

The grin vanished and a frown was on Daichi's face. 'Damn it. Does he know I'm here? Did I trigger something?... Whatever the case, if he causes trouble I'll have to end him.'

Author's Note;

If you enjoy my story then please take a moment to review and rate. A thumbs up always helps. 

And if you are interested in reading ahead, then checkout my patreon site. I’ve uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there...


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