The Adventures of the Null Kitsune: Lilith

Chapter 12: The sorting hat~.

— P.O.V Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived —


“Better be… Gryffindor!!”

I couldn’t help the shy smile that bloomed on my face when the hat exclaimed the name of my house. I won’t lie and say the massive cheers I got from the table didn't help to uplift my mood.

With a slightly goofy smile, I quickly made my way over to the house table and sat down between Hermione and Ron. Smiling at them both, we all turned our attention back to the sorting hat as the next student was called to be sorted.

I quickly stole a glance at the head table that had all the teachers, and I caught Professor Dumbledore smiling at me, with what I could swear was a twinkle in his eyes. I noticed another teacher looking at me intently, and he gave me the chills for some reason.

I mentally shook my head to ignore the creepy man and turned my full attention to the sorting ceremony. However, before Professor McGonagall could call for the next student, the massive doors to the great hall were suddenly and harshly opened. A lanky, and frankly miserable-looking, man quickly made his way into the hall with an alarming amount of haste for someone of his apparent age.

Professor McGonagall had a frown on her face as she looked at the man while asking, “Mr. Filch? What-”

Her question was quickly interrupted by the man however as he said, “They are here.”

Tilting my head I heard Ron ask me, “Any idea what he’s talking about?”

I shook my head as I said, “None. Hermione?”

She just shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. She was about to say something when the sudden scraping of several chairs from the Professor’s table echoed out. Most of the teachers had stood up in what looked like a bit of a panic.

Professor Dumbledore looked at Professor McGonagall with a complicated expression for a few moments before he said, “Please continue, Professor McGonagall. I shall go and meet our esteemed guests and lead them here.”

Before he could take a single step though, a new voice that sounded like a gentle summer breeze and bell chimes said, “That will not be necessary, human~.”

All at once, every single person turned towards the origin of the voice and simply stared at the source. In the opened doorway stood two girls. Before I could truly appreciate their looks, a large gasp could be heard from Hermione, “Merlin’s pants! That is a Kitsune!”

Myself, Ron and a few other housemates looked at her in confusion. While I wanted to know what a Kitsune is, I also wanted to know why she suddenly brought someone's pants into it. Noticing everyone staring at her, she blushed a little before explaining, “A Kitsune is a legendary magical creature! They are briefly mentioned in the book ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’. They are said to live on their very own continent that their queen made! And are exceptionally powerful witches!”

I frowned as I looked back at the duo still standing in the doorway while I thought, ‘Why is her race in a book called Fantastic Beasts? They are like us, no? Not like a dog or something…’

Nearly the entire hall was still in a trance as they gazed at the girls when Professor McGonagall quickly made her way over to them. She gave a light bow before saying, “Welcome to Hogwarts Princess Zenon and Lady Dragon.”

My eyes widened as I whispered to myself, “A real-life princess!”

The now-named Kitsune gave a gentle smile to the Professor before she said, “Thank you for the welcome, human~. You have me at a disadvantage, for I know not your name.”

The Professor smiled back and said, “My name is Minerva McGonagall, Princess Zenon. Please address me however you wish.”

The princess was looking around the large hall with a noticeable amount of boredom on her face before she looked back at the woman and said, “You may call me Lady Lilith~. And my close friend here would like for you to call her Lady Ophis. And as we will be attending your school and you are a teacher here, I will address you as Professor McGonagall~.”

With the same smile on her face, the Professor said, “Very well, Lady Lilith. We are currently sorting the first years into their houses. Would you like to partake in the ceremony? Regardless of the house you are assigned, we have arranged proper quarters for yourself and Lady Ophis.”

Lilith smiled and said, “Yes, Ophis and I will take part. It looks entertaining at the very least~.”

The small girl next to her simply nodded her head softly but did not say anything. Professor McGonagall nodded her head with the same smile and asked, “Then, would you please line up with the first years?”

Lilith hummed while nodding her head, and the two girls soundlessly joined the end of the small line of students. However, just as the Professor was about to call the next student, she was once again interrupted. This time, however, a large portal suddenly opened above our table and two people fell through.

The two women crashed hard onto the large wooden table, and both groaned in pain. All of us had scampered away from the table by this point and Ron whispered, “Blimey! It’s another Kitsune!”

When the two women started to collect themselves and stand up, however, my eyes bulged out of their sockets in sheer shock at what the mature-looking woman was wearing! Or rather, lack of wearing! She was practically naked!!!

We were all broken out of our stunned state when the new Kitsune used one of her extremely soft-looking tails to pick up a bowl of soup that was not there before and flung it at the scantily clad woman. The soup flew faster than I could realistically follow with my eyes and crashed against the woman's face, breaking into a million and one pieces. Sadly for Hermione though, she was in the splash zone, literally, and got covered from head to toe with a much larger volume of soup than I would have expected from such a bowl.

The new Kitsune then suddenly stilled and said, “Wait… Hogwarts aga–”

Even though she was hit in the face with a large loaf of bread, she seemed to have stilled when she eyed Lilith. Who had a very scary smile on her face at the moment? No, that wasn’t a smile. I’ve seen my Aunt Petunia look at Uncle Vernon a few times with that same smile, and he always looked like he would crap his pants and immediately did what he was told. I always secretly enjoyed those moments when he was forced to sweat more.

Lilith continued to give the two unknown women that chilling smile for a few more moments before she said, “Now now~. You already appeared in this world. Off you go. I don't appreciate my entertainment being interrupted~.

She then lifted her right hand, and a soft finger snap rang out. The two women were now gone, and I suddenly found myself back to my original position. I looked around confused, and quickly noticed that Hermione was even all dry and clean again!

A large sigh from Lilith drew my attention back to her as she said, “Such rambunctious daughters I have, hmm Ophis~?”

The girl nodded and simply said, “Hn, very. Cute though.”

Lilith smiled as she gave a head pat to the smaller girl and said, “Very cute~. Now, let’s continue with the play~!”

She once again snapped her fingers and I just noticed that I had been the only one moving. Looking back at her with wide eyes, she gave me a subtle wink and then turned her attention back to the sorting hat.

I felt Ron nudge me light as she said, “Why so wide-eyed, mate? Interested?”

I shook my head and answered, “No, it's… nothing. Never mind, not important.”

I frowned as that was not what I was trying to say at all. Hermione noticed my frown and asked, “Are you sure you’re okay, Harry?”

I felt my body nod as it answered, “Yeah, I am a brilliant Hermione. Just taken aback I guess. It’s all so new to me, you know?”

She smiled while giving a nod before saying, “Yeah, I completely understand that!”

We then turned back to the sorting ceremony, but I was downright confused and more than a little frightened. I looked at Lilith, and she used one of her tails to make the shushing motion and gave me another wink.

On this day, I learned that magic could be just as horrifying as it was… well, magical. And that Lilith, no, Lady Lilith was a very scary girl!


— P.O.V. change Lilith Zenon —


I couldn’t help the soft snicker that escaped my lips as I felt the storm of emotions coming from Harry. Feeling a soft tug on my sleeve, I turned to look at Ophis as she softly asked, “Left, his memories?”

Smiling at her attentiveness I answered, “Indeed~. I think it’d be more fun with him remembering everything, and him alone.”

Ophis simply nodded her head but didn’t let go of holding my sleeve. I could tell she was already missing her prized resting place on my shoulder. I decided to give her another head pat for being such a good girl. While she didn’t smile, she did close her eyes in obvious contentment and pushed a little into my palm. Such a cute little dragon~.

Several minutes of head patting later, it was finally the start of our turn to be sorted. As I walked over to the dinky little stool I simply scoffed. With a flick of my wrist, it morphed into an extremely comfortable and luxuriously looking chair (See: Throne). The primary colours were black and purple, with a few pink highlights here and there. You could say it was a chair fit for a queen~.

As I gracefully sat down I said, “You will not be putting such a drab and ugly item on my head, oh no~.” And with a snap of my fingers, I morphed the hat into a cute little fox-themed hair clip.

Glancing at the stunned woman and sentient hat, I waved off their concern and said, “Stop worrying so much~. I will turn him back.”

Minerva just stood there, not moving. I wasn’t interested in why Minerva.exe seemed to have shut down, so I just gently took hold of the new clip and mentally attached it to my front bangs. And since I didn’t want this thing even attempting to look into my mind, I took us into a white non-space.

Before me stood the soul fragment of one Godric Gryffindor. Well, it’s been so long, that the fragment has become its own entity so that line of thinking was more or less wrong.

The pale blue transparent man looked around in shock for several moments before he looked at me and asked, “Where are we, Miss…?”

Conjuring a copy of the same chair from before, I sat down and answered, “We’re on a different plane. I think the original inhabitant calls it “The White Hot Room” or something~? We could ask her, but she seems too terrified to appear at the moment. It’s so nice of her to give us some privacy~.

Smiling at “nothing” in the corner of the room, I turned my attention back to the soul before me as I continued, “As for who I am, I am Lilith~. You will address me as Lady Lilith. To answer your next question, we are here because I didn’t want to break Hogwarts' little toy hat by having you attempt to read my mind.

Noticing his clear confusion, I expanded on the subject, “Be honoured, mortal~. Be honoured and behold the tiniest of fragments of my power.

Releasing an insignificant amount of my presence on him, caused him to shift colours from blue to almost the same shade of white as the room around us. Speaking of the room, it was shuttering and groaning from the minuscule amount of pressure I was releasing.

Reaffirming my hold on my power the room calmed down again, and the soul who did not need to breathe collapsed on all fours to the floor with a loud thud and started to heave heavily. I giggled softly and said, “Why, look at that. Scared white as a ghost indeed it seems~.

The little mortal tried to stand but ended up failing horribly and falling flat on his ass. He looked up at me with pure terror in his eyes as he scratched out, “W-w-who a-a-are..? No, w-w-w-what are you?!”

Giving him a soft smile, I rested my chin on my left hand as I answered, “Something that you can not even begin to fathom, mortal. Now, for the reason we are here~. You will declare that I will be sorted into Ravenclaw. And for my very close friend who will be next, well. I am sure you will agree she belongs in the Hufflepuff house~.

With a snap of my fingers, I send him some memories of how Ophis would change and act in the “canon” timeline of the DxD world. While the soul was still horrified, he did still end up nodding his head in agreement. While Ophis doesn’t fully match Hufflepuff, no one truly matches the house's main traits. No one can, as you can’t limit the mortals like that.

I internally smirked as I thought, ‘Well, I could limit them like that~.’

Turning my attention back to the soul I said, “I will give you a boon for your cooperation~. While I can very easily make you, that is boring. Dull~.

The man's head snapped to me, and I could already see the all-too-familiar greed starting to overshadow the fear in his eyes, “What… What kind of boon?”

I simply shrugged my shoulders and answered, “Whatever you desire~.

With hope now colouring his greed he asked, “Can you give me a body?”

With a Cheshire smile, I answered, “Easily~. But, as Hogwarts will still need you, I will limit it. On nights when the moon is clear, you will transform from a hat to a man~.

He frowned slightly as he said, “That sounds an awful lot like a werewolf.”

With a soft chuckle, I said, “It does, doesn’t it~? But you are not a werewolf, have no fear.

With a sly inner smile, I thought, ‘You’ll be a werehat after all~.’

Adjusting my position to the right side, I added, “When you first transform, why not converse with Dumble-to-many-names~? Maybe he’ll let you travel the world when they do not require your skills.

Slowly, he began to nod his head until he eventually said, “Yeah, yeah, that can work. Thank you, Lady Lilith!”

Smiling at him, I simply snapped my fingers to return him to reality. I, however, glanced one last time at the little bird trying to make itself as small as possible in the distance. With the same Cheshire smile, I snapped my fingers again. As I vanished, a slip of paper replaced where I was and slowly floated down to the “floor.”

On said paper read the words, “One free full mind cleansing.”

Returning to reality, I heard the cute hair clip bellow out, “Better be… Ravenclaw!”

Beckoning Ophis with my hand to the chair (throne) I thought, ‘And so begins our adventure here~. I hope that flaming chicken likes the coupon I left for her. Whether or not she has the balls to use it however remains to be seen~.’

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud shout, “Better be… Hufflepuff!”

Ophis stood up, took off the hair clip and placed it on the chair. As she stepped away, both morphed back into their original appearances. Looking at Minerva I said, “You may take us to our quarters now~.”

She finally snapped out of her stunned-like state, and gave a quick nod while saying, “Then, if you will follow me please.”

As the three of us left the completely silent food hall I thought, ‘Who should I mess with first~.’

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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