The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-23 The wicked Girlfriend

Jaina yawned and opened her eyes to see gentle lavender curls as Gisley's head rested below her chin. The woman was lying directly on top of her, acting like a blanket as she gently slept away.

“And here I thought you didn't need to sleep,” Jaina said softly as she went to wrap an arm around the woman only to discover Roric's was already there. She realized that she had her back to his chest, and he was holding both of them in place. She put her arm over his and settled in to enjoy being held when his nose brushed her cheek.

“Are you awake?” he whispered.

“I am,” she replied softly. “But our sex fairy is sound asleep.”

“She told me last night she could sleep when she wanted to,” he replied and looked to his right, where Evalynn and Chandice were snuggled together. “This is what I always wanted.”

“A harem?” Jaina teased.

“This moment, I mean,” he said. “To wake up and be surrounded by beautiful women sleeping quietly at my side.

“You have told me before,” Jaina said with took a deep breath. “And this is what I always wanted. To be your treasured pet, sleeping on your chest and in your arms.”

“How did we get here so fast?” Roric asked. “We didn’t think any of this would happen for years.”

“Maybe it was meant to be?” Jaina suggested as she started to bush Gisley’s hair. “I can’t believe how wonderful the others are.”

“Speaking of meant to be, how are we doing?” Roric asked. “We always said we would check in with each other and be honest about things.”

Jaina remembered the conversations where they talked about how they would check-in and make sure they were doing ok. It was so easy to talk about the fantasy when it was just a dream, but things might change now that they were actually doing it. She expressed that she was still content to be his slave girl and was particularly happy that she had sisters now. However, she admitted that she secretly harbored a fear that some of them might leave after the magic wore off.

“I worry about that too,” he whispered. “I really like Evalynn despite how we met, and I want her to stay.”

“I do, too,” Jaina said and looked at the ceiling. “But this life requires a strong heart, and she is so heavily based on the fantasy. What if the reality of it doesn't live up to her expectations?”

“We will have to talk to her about it and hope we can find some way to make her happy,” Roric said.

“It's funny how we never locked the collars,” Jaina said and turned her head to look at him. “We talked all the time about locking me right away, and now we trade them around like a toy.”

“They are a toy in a manner of speaking,” Roric suggested. “The collar greatly improves the reward of sex, and people want to experience it without having to serve a master.”

“I am sure there are some magical items that can help with that,” Jaina said and thought of Chandice's magical dildos.

“Probably, but it’s easy to put the collar on for an hour and have your fun,” Roric said as he pondered a thought. “I wonder if the visitors will consider that an abuse? They have changed game systems that were being abused before.”

“I wouldn't be surprised if they force people to lock the collar,” Jaina said after a moment. “But it isn't causing any harm.”

“I suppose not,” he agreed and put his snout close to her ear. “But, how are you doing? Are you ok sleeping with all these men?”

“I am more worried about you,” Jaina replied. “I know you said it wouldn't bother you, but the other day, you admitted you wanted to keep us to yourself. Are you having second thoughts about this? Just say so, and I will stop.”

“I am not having second thoughts,” Roric assured her. “I know you are mine, and you're being in this bed proves it. Still, I do think that I would like to keep you all to myself one day.”

“You say when and it happens,” Jaina promised. “I am here to be your pet, and I will do anything to make you happy.”

“I suppose it isn't bothering me because nobody has challenged my ownership of you,” Roric said. “If somebody were to claim you loved them instead of me, I would become very jealous.”

“Oh, Roric, if that ever happens, I will personally and publicly set them straight. I belong to you, and I always will,” Jaina replied and looked up. “But you know that many of my customers consider me their unofficial girlfriend. We talked about this before even setting foot in New Eden, and you told me it was alright to encourage them. I always tell them that so long as they know you come first and that they have to keep paying you, it will be alright.”

“That's fine,” Roric replied. “By paying me, they are acknowledging my dominance. It keeps my ego in check.”

“We are doing well then,” Jaina said.

“It looks as if we are,” he replied.

“Good,” Gisley said and lifted her head to smile at Jaina. “Because I want to stay with you two forever.”

“Oh, sweetheart,” Jaina said and rubbed her head. “I want you to stay too. But this might not be the life for you.”

“What choice do I have?” Gisley asked. “I am a prostitute, and I need you to help me play my class.”

“Speaking of that,” Roric said and rubbed her back. “I think we should stop with the dreams.”

“Why?” Jaina asked and looked over.

“Because I have to sell her dust to do it,” Roric said. “I didn't think of it until last night, but somebody might understand the dust enough to raise the alarm. We are putting Gisley in danger by advertising her power.”

“I didn't think of that either,” Jaina agreed. “It was better when she did it secretly at the inn. That way, nobody even knew it was happening.”

“Right, but we draw attention to it by selling even a small pinch,” Roric said. “Somebody will recognize what it is sooner or later, and that might lead to trouble.”

“But that means she has to start servicing customers directly,” Jaina said and looked into Gisley’s eyes. “You don’t have to if you’re not ready.”

“I want to try,” Gisley admitted. “Maybe I could try one or two tonight?”

“Pick somebody nice for her,” Jaina urged. “Don’t send her anyone who is just after a quick fuck.”

“That’s very hard to tell from a piece of paper,” Roric pointed out.

“Then I want to be there when she has her first few,” Jaina said. “So I can deal with troublemakers.”

“I have had sex before,” Gisley said as she smiled at Jaina.

“Yes, but not for money,” Jaina replied. “When money is involved, they can have expectations. I had one last night who came in with a chip on his shoulder, determined to fuck a whore. I don't want you dealing with one of those until you have some experience.”

“I don’t want that either,” Gisley agreed.

“Fine, let’s try one tonight, and you can sit with her for it,” Roric agreed.

They settled on the plan as the other two woke up and moved over to join the snuggle pile. Roric put his arms around them all, cradling them to his furry chest as he struggled not to cry out of joy. This dream of coming to New Eden seemed too far-fetched to believe, but now he was here, and four women clung to his chest. He found it difficult to attract women in the real world because he wasn't attractive. Yet here, as a gnoll, he had a harem. It didn't make sense, but he didn't care; he was happier than he had ever been. As if reading his mind, Jaina rubbed her cheek on his and whispered that she loved him.

An hour later, they finally parted to shuffle about the room and plan the day. Roric wanted to explore the city, and Chandice wanted to go shopping to buy a few things. Jaina remembered the earlier comment about Roric agreeing to let her wear something but Roric wouldn’t say what it was. However, he did have something to say that took her by surprise.

“Maybe you should wear something to cover up,” he suggested.

“You want me to wear clothes?” Jaina asked, somewhat surprised.

“I was thinking that people should have to pay to see you naked, so while we are in town, you should be covered, at least a little,” Roric replied.

Jaina shrugged and activated a skill that, thus far, she had no use for.

[lvl 10 Morphic power: Layering] Your skin can imitate clothing so closely that it will even ruffle in the wind or become wet.

With a slight shifting of her form, she was now in the black dress she danced in. She was still barefoot, and the slave cuffs were around her hands and ankles, but otherwise, she was clothed.

“That should do,” Roric said and took them to the common room to see what they had to eat. It was your typical meat and eggs kind of affair, but they did have an excellent bread and a jam similar to raspberry. After a short mean, they hit the streets with the girls riding on a magical disk while Roric carried Gisley on his shoulders again. For an hour, they wandered the street, looking at the various shops and talking to the occasional person. Chandice jumped off a few times to look in a few clothing stores but always returned to say they didn't have what she wanted.

Close to noon, the group was well down the street and just at the edge of a market square. Roric was talking to a man about where to buy magical items when suddenly three people approached the girls.

“Jaina,” Sergius said as he stepped close with his two friends just behind. “We, uh, wanted to thank you for last night.”

“All three of us did,” the dwarf added before shoving the gray man forward. “Isn't that right, Droslin?” The gray man looked timid as he nodded and made weak eye contact with Evalynn.

“I really appreciated what you did for us,” he said.

Evalynn jumped from the disk and walked up to the man, taking his hand in hers as she smiled gently.

“I am afraid you didn’t get a very good experience,” Evalynn said. “But if you come back tonight and put my name on the offer, I will give you another chance to experience everything I have.”

“I will be there,” he said with a nervous smile.

“Don't keep me waiting,” Evalynn replied and ran a finger under his chin. “I get so lonely sometimes.” She smiled and went back to the disc. Sergius approached Jaina and held out a handful of white flowers, nervously offering them to her.

“Well, thank you!” Jaina said and jumped down to take the flowers. She gave them a gentle sniff and then handed them to Chandice before turning back. She went right to his arms, planting a kiss before stroking the side of his face gently. “And what is my boyfriend doing today?”

“I was hoping you could, you know, do that thing you talked about,” he said and looked to a market stall that sold crystal urns. Behind the counter was a beautiful elf woman with flowing red hair and vivid green eyes. She smiled with a warm glow as she greeted a customer who asked to see one of her containers.

“Oh, is that her?” Jaina asked.

“Her name is Sathalis,” Sergius said. “I have tried to talk to her before, but I always make a fool of myself.”

“Well, let me go make her acquaintance and find an excuse to touch her,” Jaina said and turned to go to Roric. She interrupted him to explain her situation and what her plan was. Roric looked back to see Sergius looking timid but nodded and told her to go ahead.

Jaina walked past Sergius and stroked his cheek before heading to the stall where the elven woman was wiping a decorative blue vase.

“Hello,” Jaina said as she approached with a smile.

“Oh, good morning, fair lady,” Sathalis replied. “Can I interest you in some of my wares?”

“Perhaps,” Jaina said and looked at the one the woman was holding. “Can I see that one?”

The woman shrugged and held it out, so Jaina took it from her hands while being sure to touch her fingers. She held the vase up and looked over the fine artwork before leaning in to whisper.

“I want to let you in on a little secret,” Jaina said and feigned like they were talking about the vase. “You see that cat man over there?”

“You mean Sergius?” the woman asked. “What about him?”

“I happen to know he thinks the world of you,” Jaina said. “I hear him talking to his friends about how beautiful you are and how he wished he knew how to talk to you.”

“Well, somebody needs to train him because all he ever does is leer and make rude comments,” Sathalis replied.

“He told me about that,” Jaina said and put the vase down. “I am one of his friends, and he told me that he has made a fool of himself with you several times. He wishes he hadn't done that, and now he's too afraid to try again.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Sathalis said as she looked his way. “He always came off as a big jerk.”

“Oh, he was,” Jaina laughed. “But that was because he was so insecure. He's had a sort of understanding in the last few days, and it's really sobered him up.”

“Well, that's good to hear,” Sathalis said as she smiled. “Truth be told, I always thought he was rather handsome, but he act's like such a boy.”

“Do you think you could give him another chance?” Jaina asked. “I could arrange for him to meet you someplace.”

“Hmm,” Sathalis said as she tapped a foot. “I suppose I could give him another try. Tell you what, I will meet him tomorrow for dinner at the honey bee.”

“I am not familiar with that place,” Jaina admitted.

“It's a bakery sort of place that makes sweet cakes and treats,” Sathalis said. “Tell him I expect him as soon as the sun moves to twilight.”

Jaina thanked her and headed back with a smile before telling Sergius they were all set for tonight. He thanked her and waived as the disc moved off, and Chandice waved the flowers in her face.

“So now they are bringing you flowers?” Chandice asked.

“He was just being grateful,” Jaina replied as they moved across the market. Plenty of people took notice of the magic disc, and the women carried along with it. However, with Jaina fully dressed, it didn't warrant more than a glance and passed undisturbed. Roric eventually found a two-story shop with a magical sign that read the witch's broom in glowing letters.

They jumped down and dismissed the disc before going into a store full of magical things. Chandice was immediately taken by the wands, fawning over a display of them. The shopkeeper was a woman of odd proportions. She was tall and slender, with green skin and darker green hair. She had long pointy ears that stuck straight out and slight fangs protruding from her lower lip. She wore a red dress with white accents covered in blue, glowing symbols.

“What race is that?” Jaina whispered to Evalynn, who looked the woman up and down.

“Goblin, I think,” Evalynn replied.

“That’s a goblin?” Jaina said in disbelief.

“She has evolved to a high goblin or maybe even a hobgoblin,” Evalynn said and then looked around. “I am surprised she has a shop in this town.”

“Why is that?” Jaina asked.

“Goblins are monster players, and most towns won't tolerate their presence,” Evalynn said.

Jaina understood her point immediately as news of the hero and monster player conflicts reached even the outside world. It was far easier to reset a monster player than a hero one, and some players delighted in doing it. She had read accounts of towns hunting monsters for sport or making them fight in arenas where the loser was reset. It was a terrible sort of business, and one Jaina hoped to avoid. She was a monster player, after all, but there seemed to be something she and this woman had in common. So long as you were a pretty monster, the heroes didn't seem to mind.

Roric looked through a wall of potions and then went to a case full of little white statues. He perused several metal objects that looked like balls or cubes with strange letters. Eventually, Chandice joined Jaina and Evalynn as Gisley looked at a magical butterfly flying in a glass orb.

“So, did you buy a wand?” Jaina asked as she looked at a shelf of purple crystals.

“No, I have a better use for my money,” Chandice said and leaned into Jaina. “But she did know where I could find a store that sells what I need.”

“Do you plan to tell me what it is yet?” Jaina asked.

“You will see,” Chandice laughed and went to look at the butterfly with Gisley.

“I am not comfortable with that,” Jaina said as Evalynn nodded in agreement.

“Your girlfriend has something up her sleeve,” Evalynn said as she wondered what it was.

“Hmm, she said it was something for me to wear,” Jaina said and had a sudden thought. “You don’t think it’s a chastity belt?”

“Ha, that would be so cruel,” Evalynn laughed. “You can’t go three hours without having sex.”

“That’s why she might do it,” Jaina insisted.

“Then I suggest you be extra special nice to her,” Evalynn replied and picked up a small mirror. “You know she might take mercy on you.”

“Mercy, how?” Jaina asked.

“She might fill your holes with some of those magical toys before locking you in,” Evalynn teased.

Jaina went wide-eyed at the thought of having those toys deep in her flesh and unable to get them out. She wasn't sure how they worked but Chandice had assured her they vibrated at least. For all she knew, they moved or did other things to stimulate a woman, and while she would love to know, she didn't want them trapped inside.

“What does this do?” Roric asked as he held up a golden ring.

“Ah, that,” the woman said and came to his side. “That is a ring of defense. It adds to your armor, even if you are wearing nothing.”

“Hmm,” Roric replied as he looked at Gisley in her simple white dress. “Do you have something similar in a dress?”

“Of course,” the goblin woman said and led him to a wall of robes, cloaks, and dresses. She pulled out a black one with silver diamonds, explaining that it functioned like light armor.

“Do you have anything in white?” he asked.

The woman nodded and pulled out a dress that made Jaina smile. It was a tight wrap with no shoulders or arms and barely covered the chest. It squeezed the waist good and tight before ending at a tiny little skirt.

“Gisley, I want you to try this on,” Roric said and held it out to her. She looked up and accepted the gown with a blush as the woman took her to a back room. A minute later, she returned with her chest out and the curves of her body boldly showing in the tight outfit. The skirt barely reached the bottom of her rear, and if she bent over, people would see everything with ease.

“It’s a little short,” Gisley said as she pulled at the skirt.

“We will get you some underwear,” Roric said and told the woman he wanted the ring and the dress. He paid for the purchases and took them into the street with Gisley in her new outfit. When Roric put her on his shoulders, it was easy to see her delicate rear. Chandice walked beside him, giving directions as Jaina and Evalynn walked in the rear, wondering where they were going.

Two blocks down, they turned into a three-story building of stone with a statue of a naked woman right outside the door. The sign said silky things, and Chandice turned back to smile at Jaina before walking right in.

Roric set Gisley down and then went in with her, leaving Jaina and Evalynn to bring up the rear. Inside was a shop full of mannequins wearing dresses that left nothing to the imagination. There was lace on display everywhere with skirts that made Gisley's look long. A human woman with long black hair approached in a dress barely covering her assets.

“And what can I do for you today?” the woman asked as she looked at the girls.

“These three are prostitutes,” Chandice said and pointed to the others. “We need outfits that advertise what they are.”

“I see,” the woman said and looked them up and down. “I have something suitable for all three of them.”

“Good,” Chandice said and then pulled Jaina forward. “And I want this one a tight corset with matching gloves.”

“Of course,” the woman said with a nod. “I will make her look like the perfect fuck doll. She won’t even have to undress to service your customers.”

Jaina looked at Chandice aghast as the woman took her wrist and led her away. A few minutes later, she laced Jaina into a tight red corset with black trims laced like hearts. Her breasts were lifted high as if presenting them to the world while a tiny red ruffle at her hips accentuated her waist but covered nothing. Her rear was fully exposed and the ruffle split at the front to reveal her full pussy.

“I see she has slave cuffs on,” the woman said and took up two red bands. These were stretched over her arms nearly to her shoulders and then set in place. “These will cover her without having to remove them.” Suddenly the material stretched, and before Jaina could blink, her arms were covered in slick metallic red gloves. The woman had a similar band of black lace for each thigh, and a moment later, Jaina was standing in fancy silk stockings with a rose pattern on the top.

Jaina felt a strange rush of excitement to be dressed so sexily and yet with all the good parts still clear to see. The woman had done her job masterfully, and Jaina looked every bit like a prostitute.

“Those will never slip out of place,” the woman said and ran a hand up Jaina's thigh. “Now she looks like she's ready to fuck.”

“What do you have for the other two?” Roric asked.

The woman looked Gisley up and down and then added a garter belt and white silk stocking to her outfit. For Evalynn was a black dress and a corset top that only wrapped her chest. Her stomach was exposed, and matching black garters and hose were added to her legs.

“You know, if you really intend to use these three as prostitutes, you might want to give them rings of naughty things,” the woman suggested.

“What are those?” Chandice asked out of curiosity.

“A ring that will create a magical tattoo on any exposed skin. When somebody looks at them and thinks they would like to fuck them, words like fuck me or sex toy might appear. They vanish a few moments later, so nothing is permanent.

“Oh, those sound fun,” Chandice said with a smile. “I want one for Jaina.”

“I want two more for the others,” Roric said, and the woman hurried off to get the rings. She returned and handed them over, with Chandice smiling as she slipped one onto Jaina's gloved finger.

Jaina looked at Chandice in alarm as the woman smiled and had a dirty thought. She looked down and laughed as the words pussy slave appeared in pink writing across Jaina’s chest. She was shocked by the sudden appearance but even more when Chandice told her to turn around and bend over.

“You know,” Chandice said as she squeezed Jaina's exposed cheeks. “If these are going to be on display all the time, why don't we dress them up.”

“Dress them up how?” Jaina asked as she wondered when this was all going to end.

“Madame,” Chandice said to the woman. “Where are your plugs?”

Jaina was taken to a glass case to wait nervously as Chandice looked over the contents. She eventually pointed to something, and the woman nodded and got it out. What came out was a thick wooden plug that tapered to a point. It had a narrow shaft at the end capped by a red gemstone. Chandice took the plug to Jaina as she licked the tapered end while giving her a predatory smile.

“Bend over, my love,” Chandice said sweetly.

“Chandice, is this really what you want for me?” Jaina asked.

“I would prefer a bigger one, but this will do, and it matches your dress,” Chandice replied. “Now turn around and show me that beautiful little rear.”

Jaina felt her heart pounding as she did as she was sold, presenting her rear to Chandice and then leaning over slightly. Chandice sucked on the end of the plug as she ran her fingers through Jaina's folds, getting them wet and using them to lubricate Jaina's tight hole. Jaina closed her eyes as something firm pushed at her rear and slowly began to slide in. Chandice got down on her knees as she stroked the plug in gentle pushes, working it deeper and deeper into Jaina's ass. Just before it was about to pop into place, Chandice pulled it back, causing Jaina to groan. Then she began a firm thrusting, using the plug to fuck Jaina's ass while the shopkeeper and the others watched.

Jaina moaned and put her hands against the wall, leaning over to thrust her rear out to make it easier. The words fuck me appeared on her ass as Chandice worked the plug in firm, hard strokes. Jaina started to squeeze her hips together as the collar forced her to feel the sensation much stronger than normal. She realized that she was going to orgasm from this and started to plead with Chandice to fuck her. Less than a minute later, the orgasm came as she writhed while crying out to mark its arrival. She dripped from her pussy as her thighs became wet, leaving little drops on the floor.

“She really is a good whore,” the shopkeeper laughed. “She loves to be fucked.”

“Do you want to try it?” Chandice asked and held out the plug.

“I don’t mind if I do,” the woman said and took it from Chandice’s hand.

Jaina let out a little squeak as that stranger ran a hand along her rear. She felt the tip of the plug test her tender flesh, and then suddenly, it shoved in with such force she was thrust forward. Her rear closed around the narrow shaft as the woman grabbed hold of her thigh and yanked, pulling it free.

“Oh!” Jiana cried as her ass was suddenly vacated, causing her legs to shake.

The woman laughed and shoved it back in as she leaned over to kiss one of her cheeks. “Show me what you're thinking, whore,” she said as everybody started to laugh.

“What?” Jaina moaned and tried to look back to see what had appeared on her bare skin.

“It says fuck my ass,” Chandice laughed and reached around to squeeze one of Jaina's breasts. “Well, you better do what she wants.”

The shopkeeper nodded, and a brutal fucking began with the plug being shoved all the way in before being completely removed a second later. Jaina cried and moaned as her body was forcefully pleasured, a second orgasm coming in less than a minute.

“She orgasm’s with ease,” the woman said and pushed the plug in to set the gemstone.

“She’s a good little slave girl,” Chandice said as Jaina panted. “And I love to see her dressed like this.”

“Will you be needing plugs for the others?” the woman asked as Gisley and Evalynn shook their heads.

Gisley thrashed and bounced on her toes as her plug finally went in, leaving her feeling profoundly full. Evalynn twisted and wiggled her ass, feeling that strange sensation of something being there yet unable to remove it. Roric and Chandice paid for the stuff and took them into the street, where the three found walking with the plugs in very different.

“I can feel it,” Gisley said as she rubbed at her rear.

“I can, too,” Evalynn said and had another thought. “I wonder what it feels like to sit on it?”

“Summon a disc for them,” Roric said as he smiled in a wicked sort of way. A minute later, Jaina and Evalynn groaned as they sat on the disc, putting pressure on the plugs in their rear. Chandice laughed to see them so uncomfortable, but the crowning moment was Gisley. Roric put her back on his shoulders, and it was easy to see her purple butterfly plug with her rear exposed.

Dressed for their roles, Roric paraded his girls around town as he learned the layout and location of shops. Dozens of people got to see Gisley's little ass with its decorative plug sparking in the sunlight. A few asked why they were dressed like sluts, and Roric explained they were his prostitutes and would be working tonight at the inn. A few people promised to come and sample the wares, and by the time the sun moved low, Jaina knew the inn would be full.

“I hope you’re ready for a busy night,” Evalynn said as they headed home.

“Are we dancing together again?” Jaina asked.

“Yes,” Roric replied. “I want to repeat that act until people know Evalynn is available all the time. Then, when you dance alone, she can get a head start on the rooms.”

“Don’t forget, Gisley is taking a client tonight,” Jaina reminded.

“I haven't forgotten,” Roric said as he looked back at Gisley. “After showing your rear off all day, I am sure several people are waiting to have you.”

Gisley blushed deeply purple as Jaina and Evalynn laughed. They headed for the inn to get ready for the dance, eager to show the audience their new plugs.

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