The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-21 The lusty Mermaid

Roric walked over the small bridge with Gisley sitting on his shoulders, smiling as the wind blew her long lavender hair. Behind them came the magical disk with Jaina, Evalynn, and Chandice riding along. It had been hours since they left the village and Alexandria behind. Thus far, they had encountered several small player towns and a few scattered homes. Soon they would look for a place to spend the night, but for now, they were engrossed in an embarrassing conversation.

“So you let them have you?” Evalynn asked as Jaina held Chandice tight.

“Why is this such a big deal?” Chandice groaned.

“It’s just their devils,” Evalynn said. “That’s like what you hear in those dark novels.”

“It's a fantasy world,” Chandice sighed. “They are just NPCs the world calls devils; they don't actually do evil things or steal people's souls.”

“Oh, don't get upset,” Jaina urged and kissed Chandices cheek. “It's the same thing when you think about Roric. We all know he's a man inside that skin, but it's fun to see him as a savage gnoll taking your flesh.”

“Thank you,” Chandice said and leaned into Jaina. “I knew you would understand.”

“I am just surprised you managed to keep this a secret from me,” Jaina laughed. “My girlfriend is so kinky.”

“Says the woman who dances and strips almost every night,” Chandice argued.

“I think bondage and wild sex with demons is a little more extreme than stripping,” Evalynn said.

“I have to agree,” Roric replied and looked back. “And I am looking forward to seeing it.”

Chandice blushed even more deeply as even Gisley looked back to say she wanted to see it too.

“I can’t do that with an audience,” Chandice replied and looked around nervously as the countryside rolled by. “That’s a very private thing.”

“We have all seen you naked and getting plowed by Roric,” Jaina said and rubbed her arm. “Isn't it a little late for privacy?”

“Gisley hasn’t seen it yet,” Chandice said weakly as if that were a defense.

“I want to know what they look like,” Gisley replied. “Can you summon one?”

“You want me to summon one now?” Chandice asked.

“I am curious what they look like, too,” Evalynn said.

“Common, just summon one,” Jaina urged as Chandice smiled slightly.

“Alright, but just one,” Chandice said and carefully stood up on the disc.

“Do we need to stop for this?” Roric asked as he glanced back.

“No, the imp is just a simple spell,” Chandice replied and held out a hand. “The bigger stuff requires a summoning circle or a prepared crystal.” She began a chant that sounded like she was cursing in an alien language, and glowing red symbols appeared around her hand. Her voice slowly went higher as a black cloud began to form in the air, and with a final cry of come forth, the creature appeared.

“That’s an imp?” Jaina said with a wide smile.

The creature was just over a meter tall with dark red skin with long curving black horns. It had short spikes down its back and a thin rat-like tail. In shape, it resembled a spindly human, with long pointed ears and a sharp narrow nose. Its mouth was a wide grin of razor-like teeth that sent shivers down Jaina's spine. The eyes were opaque lights that had a strange green luminescence. However, what captivated the girls most was the long strip of flesh hanging between its legs.

“Goodness, that thing is hung,” Evlaynn said in surprise as the monster began to follow the disc. “No wonder you summon them.”

“Who knew devils were so well-armed,” Jaina laughed.

“They aren’t all like that,” Chandice said as she blushed again. “But I know how to tweak the summoning to call the right ones.”

“What can it do?” Gisley asked from where she rode on Roric’s shoulders.

“The primarily claws with those sharp talons, and they can cast shadow bolt. They are pretty much immune to fire and status effects like disease or poison,” Chandice explained.

“So these things fight for you,” Roric said as he kept walking. “How many can you summon?”

“Two, and only because I put five points in the skill,” Chandice replied. “Though at higher levels, I get a skill called imp hoard that summons a bunch of them at once.”

“Oh, I want to see you bound and helpless for that,” Jaina laughed.

“So do I,” Evalynn admitted and tossed her long blond hair. “Maybe I could help.”

“You two are terrible,” Chandice groaned and stretched out her hand to utter a command word, and the imp vanished in a puff of smoke,

“The perfect boyfriend,” Evalynn commented. “Shows up when you need him and goes away when you're satisfied.”

“Ha!” Jiana cried in agreement.

“I have very strange slave girls,” Roric said as they reached a crossroads and saw a sign. It said a village named the summer glade was a few miles down the branch to the right. Seeing as the sun was already in the six o'clock position, he decided to head that way and look for an inn.

“We can always sleep in the tent,” Jaina said as they passed the sign.

“We could, but the inn will have food and the opportunity to sell my slave girls,” Roric replied.

“Always for the money,” Jaina said and shrugged as she leaned into Evalynn. “Maybe you will get to play tonight.”

“I was thinking you two could do what you did before, where you danced as twins and made love on the stage,” Roric said.

“Oh, I saw that. Wow, that was hot,” Chandice added and fanned her face.

“I saw it too,” Gisley replied with a blush. “I thought you were both very sexy.”

“Well, it looks like we get to play tonight,” Jaina said and looked Evalynn in the eyes. “Are you up to the challenge of being my lover before all those men?”

“I have been looking forward to playing with you again,” Evalynn admitted with a wry smile before leaning forward to give her a kiss.

Roric looked back and sighed to see his harem and wondered how it had grown so fast. The secret, of course, was Jaina and how happy she was being a slave. It drew in the others one by one until he didn't have the collars to keep them all. Only Jaina and Gisley would wear them regularly, with Evalynn wearing the normal collar so she would have full access to her skills to defend her sisters. Chandice was Jaina's girlfriend and not a slave, but she was a welcome addition and never turned down the sex.

Now they were his pets, going where their master went and serving his every need. He couldn’t imagine a better life than this and looked forward to many long years in the arms of his lovelies. Still, he looked forward to establishing a home and spending long days playing with his toys. Of course, that was a little ways off yet, but with the girls' help, it would come much sooner than later.

The town came into view just before the sun moved to twilight, and it felt good to be away from the newbie town at spawn. As they approached, it looked as if this town was perhaps a little larger, with some obvious player houses standing out from the typical fantasy fare. There was no wall to speak of, and the roads passed between two columns to mark the gate. Guards were standing at the columns, but these were box standard human NPCs in simple chain armor and wearing blue livery. They nodded as he and the others passed but didn't notice or react to Jaina's nakedness.

Jaina felt a little tension as they entered a new town that wasn't accustomed to her appearance. She rode on the back of the disk with Chandice and Evalynn drawing little attention at first. Eventually, people began to notice, and it wasn't long before there were pointed fingers and even a few shouts. Jaina focused on being Roric's perfect slave girl, but three men were bold enough to approach the disc when Roric stopped to ask for direction to an Inn.

“Look at the slut slave,” a leopard-looking man said as he leered at Jaina.

“Hey, why don’t you spread those legs for us,” a dwarf with a braided beard added. The third man looked human but had gray skin as he eyed her with a wide smile. Evalynn jumped right off the disc and leveled her spear at them before they got too close.

“You three keep your distance,” she growled. “You do not have permission to approach my master's pet.”

“Oh, are you going to break the law?” the dwarf asked. “You do realize that violence is forbidden in the city?”

“If you didn't want people looking, you should have worn some clothes,” the leopard man said as he walked right up to Evalynn's spear point. “Go ahead. I dare you.” He smiled widely as a cloud of silver glitter appeared over all their heads, and they dropped into the road sound asleep.

Jaina looked over to see Roric frowning while Gisley looked absolutely furious with narrow eyes sparkling with red light. Her right hand was stretched their way and glowing with a silver light.

“Stupid fools,” Gisley snapped as she put her glowing hand down. She looked down at Roric as he looked up and asked if he was mad she attacked them.”

“No,” Roric replied and stroked her leg. “You didn’t attack them either. You prevented Evalynn and I from attacking them instead.”

“Men like that will never understand women,” Evalynn grumbled and climbed back onto the disc.

“Not a good start,” Jaina said as Roric turned back to complete getting directions. The man quickly pointed out the location of an inn and then said he didn't want to get into any trouble.

“We have no reputation here,” Roric said as he moved on, still carrying Gisley on his shoulders. “People will come to understand soon, and then it will be alright.”

“What was that bit about it being against the law for there to be violence in the city?” Evalynn asked.

“Probably something we should look into,” Chandice said as she watched the stores go by. “I have heard of city builders trying to enforce laws on players to keep the peace.”

“How do you enforce laws on people who can’t really be punished?” Jaina asked.

“You can still be ostracized and exiled,” Roric replied as they turned a corner to more shocked looks at Jaina. “And some kingdoms even have prisons that can hold nearly any player.”

“I am aware of one such prison a little further south,” Evalynn noted. “It is relatively close to the dungeon you want to explore.”

Roric nodded as they moved through the relatively empty streets to see a massive multistory inn with yellowed glass windows and an ornate thatched roof. A tower of sorts rose from one corner and went high up in a pointed roof. The sign was shaped like a clam and the name etched below it was the pearl of the sea.

“Is this really a seafood-themed inn hundreds of miles from any ocean?” Jaina asked.

“I have been here before,” Evalynn said with a nod. “I believe it is owned by a nyriad.”

“What is that?” Chandice asked.

“A type of mermaid, from what I know. She has finely scaled green skin and hair like rolling waves. Her hands are webbed, but she seems perfectly content to be on dry land.”

“So she’s some kind of aquatic race?” Jaina asked as Roric steered them toward the door.

“As far as I can tell, she is, but as I said, she walks about like anyone else. I know she has access to water spells, and they use her pure waters to brew their ale,” Evalynn added.

“Well, let's go inside and see what kind of a place this is,” Roric said and put Gisley down. Everyone jumped off the disc and took up the gear before Gisley dismissed it. Then they followed Roric into a rather magical space.

The ground floor was a massive room with high ceilings held up by thick stone columns. These were etched with water themes of waves and fish, so finely crafted they almost seemed alive. A hundred round tables were evenly spaced about the room, with a few long narrow ones placed right against the wall. In the center of the place was a great marble fountain with a statue of a woman holding an urn as water gently poured into the basin. Paintings of underwater scenes covered the walls, but what captivated the mind the most was the great fish tank that made up the entire back wall. It was a dark blue ocean that seemed impossibly wide for the limited space. It was densely planted with underwater growth, and at least a dozen varieties of colorful fish swam about.

“This is rather neat,” Jaina said as she took in the ropes and nets strung about to add to the ocean theme.

“I don't see a stage,” Roric pointed out as he took them closer to the fish tank where the bar was. At least seven women dressed in blue aprons were hard at work bringing mugs to customers, but it was the woman behind the bar they wanted to talk to most. She was just as Evalynn described her, a woman of exotic beauty and a fish-like nature. Her hair rolled down her back in great curls that did indeed resemble ocean waves. Her smile was warm and graceful, but she looked confused when she noticed Jaina.

“May I help you?” she asked in a puzzled tone.

“I need a room for my pets and I,” Roric said, finally drawing the woman's gaze.

“Oh, you’re a slave master class,” the woman said and tipped her head. “You don’t see many of them out here. They always rush in to find the big cities and slave markets.”

“I don’t need to buy any slaves,” Roric pointed out. “I have plenty.”

“I can see that,” the woman replied and looked at all the collars. “What you need is to sell some.”

“What we need is a room with a big bed, and I have an offer to make about how to pay for it,” Roric replied.

“Ahhh, so you have an offer,” the woman said and smiled at Roric. “My name is Natalie, and I am pleased to meet you, master?”

“Roric,” he replied with a twitch of an ear.

“Well, I certainly have a bed that can contain all your beauties, but how did you plan to pay for it?” she asked.

Roric explained the whole process of letting the girls dance and then entertain the customers. Once word got out, the inn would be packed every night, and she would make a decent penny as well as a good chunk of experience.

“I see,” the woman replied and looked at Jaina's exposed chest. “You want to turn my establishment into a house of ill repute, but I have to ask what's in it for the women?”

“I don’t mind the women,” Jaina said with a smile.

“You're a precious thing,” the woman laughed, then stared Jaina down. “Let me be more direct. Wich of you is for me?”

“Oh,” Jaina replied as her smile spread. “That depends on what you like.”

The woman blushed slightly and then admitted she liked to be restrained while taken by someone aggressive. Even as she recounted the details, they started to stare at Chandice, who folded her arms and let out a little huff.

“I can show her what I can do,” Chandice said before anyone asked.

“Oh, this is going to be fun,” Jaina said excitedly. “But, can I watch?”

“You like to watch?” the nyriad woman said with a blush. “I don't mind, but don’t run off telling everyone what you saw.”

“Jaina and Chandice can be trusted to keep a secret,” Roric said. “So, if you agree to the terms, I need to find some minstrels.”

“Not so fast,” the woman said with a raised hand. “I want a sample first.”

“Hmm,” Roric said before looking at Jaina and Chandice. “Why don’t you two take your stuff and go to her bedroom. Give her a sample of what you can do.”

“Just a sample?” Jaina asked with a devilish grin.

“Give her whatever she wants,” Roric instructed.

Natalie was eager to take them into a back hall and then a modest room with a stout bed. Chandice smiled as she set her pack down and began fishing around inside for her bag of magic ropes.

“So, what are you two going to do to me?” Natalie asked nervously.

Jaina slowly drew the woman into her arms before planting a firm kiss, then smiled and told her that she would be taken again and again. The woman ran a finger over Jaina's lips and asked her how, but Jaina only smiled and said she would find out once she was firmly bound.

Natalie trembled as Jaina started to kiss all down her neck, savoring the softness of the woman's fine scales. They were almost not scales at all, but more of a texture on the skin, but she did have webbed hands that were even now clutching at Jaina's rear.

Chandice dug out a set of ropes with four ends and went to the bed that dominated the room. She slid the ropes underneath and carefully wrapped the ends around the bedposts before producing a short white wand. With a few magic words, a round symbol appeared on the bed with a very striking cross pattern that glowed with purple light for just a moment, then faded.

Jaina slowly pulled the woman's clothes away, allowing her simple dress to fall to her feet. She kissed and rubbed to keep the woman busy and her mind away from what Chandice was doing. In truth, Jaina was eager to see this beautiful woman ravaged by infernal imps, and she quickly sat the woman on the bed to pull off her stylish shoes.

“Now what?” Natalie asked as Jaina started to kiss her way up her leg.

“Lay back and put your hands over your head,” Chandice replied and waited till the woman was centered on the bed with her hands held high. “Now pull your legs back and spread them a little. Good, now say bind me until they are through.”

“Bind me until they are through,” the woman said timidly, and suddenly the ropes at the posts glowed purple. Above her head, they stretched out and wrapped her wrists, pulling them together and then straight up to stretch her out. They coiled around her lower legs from the ankle to the knee, then pulled so that her legs were spread wide as Natalie squeaked in shock.

“Now you're bound,” Jaina said and sat on the bed to admire Chandice's handiwork. The magic ropes were a marvel, and now a beautiful greenish-blue pussy was spread like a buffet before her. Without wasting a moment, she leaned in and began to lick, causing Natalie to pull on her ropes as she let out a tiny groan.

Jaina licked her firmly, sucking on her tender lips and firm clit. The woman began to issue long, dragged-out moans as she twisted in her ropes helplessly. Chandice kissed her and ran her hand over those firm breasts before promising her that this was only the warmup.

“I have an idea!” Jaina said excitedly as she considered what was going to come next. She thought of the woman from the night before and how she begged Roric to let her wear the collar. Natalie was obviously looking for some powerful sex, so Jaina reached up and took off her collar.

“What are you doing?” Natalie gasped with a hint of fear as Jaina reached down to snap the collar around her neck.

“Making you a sex slave for the next hour,” Jaina replied with a smile. “I promise it will come off when the ropes do, but until then, you will just have to suffer.” With that, she went back to the woman's body, feasting on her flower until she began to twist and cry out. It wasn't long before easy going forced her into an orgasm, and she smiled as Natalie's legs shook in their binds.

“That was wonderful,” the woman sighed as Jaina sat up and told Chandice to summon her pets.

“Pets?” Natalie asked in alarm. “What pets?”

Jaina lay across her body until they were nose to nose, looking into each other's eyes.

“You're ours until we are done with you,” Jaina whispered. “Now it's time you were taught what a girl like you is for.” Behind her, Chandice was chanting and a black cloud formed in the middle of the room. Natalie glanced to the side as but Jaina moved to block the view. Something made a funny growl, and Natalie started to tremble as Jaina pressed their lips together to hold a kiss.

“Give that a good fucking,” Chandice said, and something crawled between Natalie's legs.

Jaina's kiss muffled her cry as something grabbed her legs and thrust its way in. Natalie thrashed and shook, but she was bound fast as Jaina struggled not to smile. She kept her pinned down and blind as to what it was until her body shook in the first orgasm.

“What is that?” Natalie finally managed to moan as she tore her lips away from Jaina.

“See for yourself,” Jaina said and climbed off, allowing the woman to see the imp's devilish face.

“No!” the woman cried in alarm. “Don't let that thing fuck me!” She pulled at the ropes even as her voice came out in little gasps, the imps impressive cock stretching her little pussy. The beast reached up with a clawed hand to grab hold of one of her scaled breasts. She threw her head side to side, helpless to prevent it from taking what it wanted. A minute later, she arched her back as the second orgasm shook her to the core.

“OH!” Natalie cried as the little beast kept thrusting its hellish cock inside her. Jaina knew the collar would be forcing sexual escalation on her and that every orgasm to come would be stronger. She ran a hand along the woman's stomach, asking her if she could feel that big cock inside.

“Yes!” Natalie moaned. “Oh, why is it so big?”

Jaina made up a story on the spot about how Chandice was a warlock, and she sacrificed women to her devil master in exchange for power. Natalie would be her next victim, forced to have sex with several devils to seal the bargain. The story seemed to have an impact because Natalie cried out with another no, before having a powerful orgasm.

“Summon another one,” Jaina urged as the first imp started to thrust faster. She wanted to make sure there was a fresh one on hand to take its place when he filled the helpless woman with its cum. Chandice took Jaina's arm and pulled her to the side, whispering about something that made her blush.

“If you really want to make this intense, I can put a curse on her that will make imps want to fuck her,” Chandice offered.

“You can?” Jaina asked as the woman behind them continued to moan.

“It's a long story, but a while ago, I met a succubus who taught me a spell they share with warlocks. It's called a womb curse, and it places a magical enchantment on their pussy. The only one I know is the one she taught me to call imp whore. Once I place it on her, she will have a magical mark above her pussy that will flash whenever an imp is around. It will attract the creature to her, and it will do all its best to pin her down and fuck her.”

“How long does it last?” Jaina asked.

“A couple of days, but the timer resets every time an imp fucks her,” Chandice admitted. “But the beauty is it makes the bearer love being fucked by the imp. She will scream for more and beg it to fuck her.”

“I see,” Jaina said and turned back to the woman who was having yet another intense orgasm. “Let's do it, then summon another imp. I don't want her to have a moment to recover, but first, let me set the stage.”

Chandice smiled as Jaina turned back to the bound woman and walked right up to the bed.

“Look at you, a little slut for devil kind,” Jaina said. “I think you like being fucked by imps.”

“I can’t,” the woman panted as her head rolled side to side.

“You don't have a choice,” Jaina replied and put her hand right over the spot where the mark would soon go. “My lover will curse you to crave imp cock, and you will forever desire to be satisfied by infernal lovers.”

“NO! You can't!” Natalie cried, but Jaina laughed as Chandice came to the bed and waved her wand over the woman's stomach. She chanted a series of words that sounded like whore and slut as a purple pattern of lines appeared on Natalies skin.

“I curse you as an imp whore,” Chandice finished as the symbol suddenly blazed with purple light.

Natalie cried out as the imp went wild, hammering at her with a sudden hungry lust. The mark on her belly glowed as if goading the lurid beast on.

“Oh, god!” Natalie cried as she arched her back and thrashed. “Please don’t stop! Fuck me! Harder!”

“Better summon another one before this one wears out,” Jaina suggested.

“They can go surprisingly long,” Chandice said. “But with two switching out, we should be able to keep her constantly fucked for about an hour.” She quickly set about another spell, and a few moments later, a bright red imp waited as the other suddenly thrust in deep.

Natalie moaned in a long pleasure soaked tone as shared orgasm wracked her body. The imp pumped a few loads of its sticky goo inside, then pulled out to spray a rope up her chest all the way to her nose. Jaina watched as it dripped into the woman's open mouth while the magical mark glowed with a sinister light.

“Now switch places,” Chandice commanded. “And keep switching every time one of you finishes.”

The two imps changed places, with the redder one now grabbing a firm hold of those helpless legs. Natalie tried to say something as more devil cum dripped into her mouth, but the new imp started fucking, and the moans quickly began.

Jaina couldn't help herself and went to bed to run her fingers along the long white line until they were coated. She then put them in Natalie's mouth as the woman eager sucked.

“Good little imp slut,” Jiana cooed. “Now, keep begging them to fuck you.”

“Oh, please fuck me!” Natalie cried as her pussy was ravaged by a devilish beast.

Jaina went to the front of the bed to stroke the woman’s sweaty brow as she suffered under the new imps manic attack.

“So can we dance and pack your inn for our rooms?” Jaina asked.

“Yes!” the woman cried with a weak smile.

“And will you give us a couple of small rooms so we can sell our prostitutes?” she added.

“Anything you want!” the woman roared as the new imp gave her another orgasm.

“Oh, why does this feel so good?” Natalie moaned.

“It's the collar,” Jaina said and ran her fingers through some more cum to feed the panting woman. “It makes the sex more intense for the slave girl.” She coated Natalie's panting tongue in the beast's goo and left her to thrash as the fucking went on. She realized they didn't need to be in the room anymore, so they left to find Roric and tell him the deal was on. Roric went to find minstrels who would play for the dance while Jaina and Chandice sat with the others for a drink. Eventually, they went back to the room to find Natalie drenched in sweat with a half dozen lines of cum across her chest.

Her moans were weak as her body was overspent from the endless fucking. The red imp was once again between her legs, giving her a good firm pounding as the magical symbol flashed. Even as they entered the room, the imp thrust hard, and Natalie groaned as yet another load of devil cum flooded her insides. As the imp stepped back, Chandice ordered them to stop and dismissed them both, leaving Natalie to lay helplessly in bed.

“Did we maybe go too far?” Jaina asked as the woman trembled with cum soaked skin.

“She will be fine,” Chandice remarked and let out a little sigh. “I just wish that was me.”

Jaina laughed as she had another idea, so she went to the bed and stroked the woman's sweaty forehead.

“Now, one more thing to our deal,” Jaina said. “You go to Roric’s room every night so he can fuck you.”

“I can’t,” the woman pleaded with a voice barely above a whisper.

“Chandice, summon more imps. She isn’t ready yet,” Jaina said.

“No, wait! I will go!” Natalie pleaded. “I promise I will be there every night!”

Just as she made the promise, the hour expired, and the ropes suddenly vanished. Natalie was able to roll over and press her legs tightly together as she continued to shake from the powerful sex. Jaina crawled into bed to hold the woman tight, using her absorb skill to consume all the devilish cum and sweat. Natalie latched on to her as if desperate to be rescued and struggled to catch her breath.

“You are very wicked girls,” Natalie finally managed to say.

“Let’s just say we enjoy the fantasy quite a bit,” Jaina replied as she stroked that lovely blue hair. “Wait till you see how much money the men will pay to see us strip.”

“How much money the men will pay?” Natalie laughed. “How much will the women pay to be tied to a bed?”

“What?” Jaina asked in surprise as Natalie looked up.

“That was amazing,” Natalie said and looked at Jaina with cheeks so red she almost looked like a devil herself. “I bet women would pay a ton to wear this collar and be ravaged by your pets.”

“I hadn't thought of that,” Jaina laughed and considered the option. The issue was they only had two collars, and they would both be busy tonight. However, there was plenty of time to service a few hungry women during the dance. Chandice could oversee the bondage and imps, giving each woman half an hour to be ravaged. When the dance was done and it was time to service the men, they could claim the collar and switch.

She hugged Natalie tightly and told her this could be the start of a beautiful relationship, and Natalie agreed, provided they summoned another imp. Jaina laughed and told Chandice to go ahead as Natalie lay back and commanded the bed to bind her again.

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