The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-12 A trip to the woods

They were together in their room at the Inn as the morning sun filtered through the window. Roric took each woman once and then sat them on the edge of the bed so he could see their character sheet.

“Well, that's useful,” Roric said as he looked at Jaina's character sheet. “You’re fourteenth level.”

“I can change my height up and down almost a foot and switch sexes now,” Jaina said. “I can even mimic clothing.”

“You can change into a man?” Evalynn asked in surprise.

Jaina smiled and reached up to remove the slave collar. Then in the blink of an eye, her form changed, and she was an exact copy of Roric.

“Now we can both ravage you,” Jaina said in his voice as Evalynn blushed. She then changed again and was clothed in his armor so perfectly Evalynn couldn’t tell the difference.

“That will come in useful,” Roric said as he considered her appearance.

“I also have new kissing powers,” Jaina said as she changed back and replaced the collar. “I can boost strength and endurance with a kiss.”

“That’s a seductress power,” Roric said. “What did you get from the sex slave?”

Jaina held out the sheet so they could both look at it as Evalynn gasped at the power called “it all tastes good.”

“What are you gasping about?” Jaina laughed. “You will have the same power with the collar on.”

“I guess I see the usefulness in that considering what the class is,” Evalynn said and looked away. “But it feels strange to talk about it so openly.”

“You are slowly out leveling me,” Roric said as he looked away. “And we haven't been here very long.”

“It goes so fast,” Jaina said as she put her sheet away. “It must be all the sex.”

“What does sex have to do with it?” Evalynn asked as she looked at her own character sheet.

Jaina laughed and explained how the sex slave class earned experience by having sex. Evalynn looked stunned for a moment, then blushed and checked her experience history. She blushed even deeper to see the rewards and quickly put the sheet away.

“What level are you now?” Jaina asked as she turned to Roric.

“Eleven,” he replied and stood from the bed to pace a little. “But I am not worried about that. First, I have to decide what I want to do in light of recent events. We are making a great deal of gold and experience here, but Alexandria is still a problem.”

“You think we should leave,” Jaina surmised as he tossed his head.

“This area is only good until about level ten anyway,” Roric said.

“But it's great for income, and the way we earn experience makes it so easy to come by,” Jaina insisted.

“We can earn money and experience in any town,” Roric insisted.

Jaina nodded as she considered his point. It was true that they could easily do what they were doing someplace else, but then she had another thought.

“What about my girlfriend?” Jaina asked.

Roric smiled a little and looked her firmly in the eyes. “Have you done anything about that?”

“Not yet,” Jaina admitted. “We have been kind of busy, and you only give me free time in the mornings.”

“I see,” Roric answered and paced a bit.

“Not that it's any of my business, but what are we talking about?” Evalynn asked.

Jaina explained how part of Roric's order to be a lesbian was also to become Chandice's girlfriend. It was meant to give her away to express her new feelings, but now that they had Evalynn, maybe they didn't need her.”

“How do you feel about it?” Roric asked. “Would you feel more enticed if the woman was your girlfriend?”

“I guess I would,” Jaina admitted. “Making love to Evalynn is nice, but she's another slave. With Chandice, I could seek her out when I want to because I hunger for it.”

“Then I want you to talk to her about it today,” Roric said. “Do it while I am talking to the innkeeper.”

“And if she says yes and wants to start spending time with me?” Jaina asked.

“You have my permission to date your girlfriend,” Roric replied. “But if you leave the inn Evalynn goes with you,” With that, he caught Evalynn staring at his groin, so he stood directly before her and placed a hand on the back of her head. Then, he pulled her closer as she reached up and grabbed his sheath, pulling it down to begin sucking the at the tip.

“You’re a good master,” Jaina said as she smiled to see him hardening in Evalynn’s mouth. “You know she loves to do that.”

“She doesn't have any choice,” he said as her head began to bob. “I like her submissive like this, and I might just make her do this at least three times a day.”

Evalynn pulled away but continued stroking with her hand as she looked up with a smile. “Have you considered that Alexandria might be afraid to act now that she knows the town is not with her?” She put her lips back and resumed her work as Roric considered the point.

“I want to say I believe that, but that woman feels too determined. I doubt she is ready to give up,” Roric replied. “More than likely, she will bide her time and strike a week from now when things have calmed down.”

“Can you believe Gisley came to our rescue like that?” Jaina said. “She looked pretty determined to stand her ground.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as he pondered that point. “You know, she wasn't chosen to be your helper at random. The innkeeper says she volunteered.”

“She volunteered?” Jaina repeated. “Did he say why?”

“That’s all I know,” Roric said and then let a low growling moan as he played with Evalynn’s hair. “You are so good at this.”

Jaina watched a minute more and then went back to thinking about Gisley. She knew the girl had a strange fascination with what Jaina did but seemed too shy to ask what she really wanted to ask. She began to wonder why Gisley volunteered and decided to ask Chandice about it later.

Roric let out a deep sigh, and Jaina heard Evalynn swallowing the reward for her work. Roric held her head in place as he promised her that he would have a massive camp full of gnoll NPCs for her suck one day.

“I wonder if NPCs react like players do?” Jaina said as she pondered it. “I mean do you think they can become aroused and hungry enough to initiate sex?”

“I am sure you can seduce them,” Roric said.

“I am sure I can too, but let's assume Evalynn spends her time in camp sucking the NPCs. After a while, you would assume they would want more from her, or they might seek her out when they want it,” Jaina suggested.

“I honestly have no idea,” Roric said as he continued to hold Evalynn to his cock while she sucked it firmly. “I suppose it would matter how smart my NPCs are. Do you remember that story about a woman who married an NPC because of how lifelike he was?”

“I do,” Jaina said as she thought back to the article. “He even started buying her gifts and telling people how much he loved her.”

Roric finally let Evalynn go, who came off with a kiss and smiled up at her master.

“You do that too well,” he smiled and brushed her cheek. “Thank you for being my slave girl.”

“Thank you for being my master,” Evalynn replied and looked at Jaina, who nodded in approval.

“So, why don’t you get dressed and come with me,” Roric said. “Let’s give Jaina some time to find Chandice.”

Evalynn put on a light dress and then her armor before taking up her weapon to follow Roric. They headed out and left Jaina alone to ponder how she would approach the subject with Chandice. The maids always had chores in the morning, so maybe she could catch her alone in the back rooms. Then she supposed the best way to go about it was to be direct. She had already eaten the woman out once before. So why wouldn't she be open to it again?

She headed downstairs in nothing but her cuffs and collar and stopped at the doorway to the common room. Roric was there, discussing the issue with the innkeeper as Evalynn leaned against the wall like a bodyguard. Gisley was busily stacking mugs on a shelf behind the bar as two other maids straightened chairs and wiped down the table.

Chandice was nowhere to be seen, which meant she might still be in the back. So with bare feet, she crept down the hall looking for the missing woman. She knew there was a workroom near the back where the maids all had small rooms. Maybe she would find her here or in her room itself. As she hoped, Chandice was in the workroom, folding a dress and looking decided sexy in her maid’s outfit.

“Chandice?” Jaina said nervously as she entered the room.

“Oh, is there something you need?” Chandice asked like an innocent barmaid but smiled as the knowing secret was shared between them. Jaina smiled back and stepped close so the two could whisper.

“I have a very personal thing to ask you,” Jaina said.

Chandice folded her arms before urging her to go ahead with a curious expression.

“I was just wondering if maybe, I could taste your pussy again?” Jaina whispered.

“Well,” Chandice replied with a smile. “You really enjoyed that night, didn’t you?”

“I loved it so much that I can't stop thinking about it,” Jaina said as she ran her hands down Chandice's arms. “You were so delicious and wet. I wanted to spend all night between your legs.” She was laying it on as heavy as she could, desperate to make this work. She dreamed of being able to tell Roric she was eating Chandice regularly just to see the pleased look on his face.

“So you want another taste?” Chandice said with a happy smile. “I could give you that.”

“It isn't just a taste that I want,” Jaina said as she began to twist in arousal. For some reason asking another woman to be her lover was starting to make her crazed. Before she knew it, her heart was racing again, and that strange tension of nervousness and arousal coursed through her veins. “I was hoping I could eat you regularly. Maybe a couple of times a day?”

“You want to do it that much?” Chandice asked as Jaina nodded. “What’s brought this out all of a sudden?”

“I’m a lesbian,” Jaina admitted.

“Why would a lesbian be serving a master like Roric?” Chandice questioned. “There are plenty of women who would love to have you.”

“Roric and I are playing a little game. He’s trying to break me of my habit and make me prefer men instead,” Jaina said as she repeated his instructions.

“Is he now?” Chandice said as her smile grew. “No wonder he keeps throwing you to the men.”

Jaina smiled and took her hands, giving them a little squeeze while looking deep into her eyes.

“What I really need is a woman I can love and call my girlfriend,” Jaina said suggestively as she laid out the offer. “I was hoping it could be you.”

“What about Roric?” she asked.

“He and I talked about it. He said if you wanted to be my girlfriend, he would allow it. I have permission to love you whenever he doesn't need me.” Jaina answered.

“So the hot sexy naked dancer wants to be my girlfriend?” Chandice asked.

“I was hoping so,” Jaina replied, unable to gauge how Chandice was responding to her request.

Chandice smiled wider and then pulled on Jaina's hands, leading her to a doorway and into a tiny bedroom. She shut the door and then grabbed Jaina's face before planting a long passionate kiss.

“It looks we are a thing,” Chandice panted as Jaina’s hands began to pull her maid skirt up. “Now get down there, and show me how much you love me.”

“With pleasure, my love,” Jaina replied and dropped to her knees, eager to live up to her promise. She felt nervous again as that skirt came up to reveal white panties that Jaina quickly pulled off. It was even exciting to slide them over Chandice's firm thighs, and Jaina found she was anxious to get them apart. Once Chandice stepped out of the panties, she parted her legs and tossed her hair as Jaina leaned in. For the second time in her life, she tasted Chandices sweet folds, licking at the woman with tender swipes.

Chandice began to moan almost immediately, putting her hands on Jaina's head as she was lavished with passion. Jaina focused on teasing her lover, eager to share in the coming orgasm. She realized she could have all the orgasms she wanted by eating Chandice.

Chandice breathed deeply as Jaina worked away, pressing her tongue in as deeply as possible. She wanted to taste every flavor Chandice had to offer until she knew her from memory. As she slipped into the moment, her hands wandered around Chandice's thighs and cupped at her rear. Eventually, they slid inward, and she pushed two inside.

With a gasp, Chandice trembled as Jaina began to thrust, stimulating the woman with all the energy she could. It didn't take long before Chandice's voice grew loud, and then they both swam in the joy of a rolling orgasm.

Jaina savored the orgasm as it renewed her lust to keep having them. She decided to share one more with her lover, but Chandice stepped back, panting.

“You did that well,” Chandice said with closed eyes. “Now, get in bed.”

Jaina smiled and sat on the bed as Chandice knelt before him and pulled open her legs. Jaina laid back and closed her eyes as a warm tongue came to her body, and her lover returned the favor. Chandice came faster, her easy-going skill making it easy to cum. Afterwar, Chandice crawled over her chest to share a long passionate kiss.

“Now, you still have to sleep with Roric,” Jaina said. “In fact, by being my girlfriend, he probably expects it.”

“You have nothing to worry about there,” Chandice said as she snuggled with Jaina in bed. “But how is he keeping up now that he has two of you?”

“He spends a lot of points on stamina and stamina recover,” Jaina laughed and pulled her in closer. “I wanted to ask you something else. What do you know about Gisley?”

“Gisley?” Chandice replied with a shrug. “I don’t have much to tell. She was here before I got her, and she’s always worked at the Inn. I heard a rumor she looked into working at the brothel, but she and Alexandria collide like fire and ice.”

“Everybody collides with Alexandria like fire and ice,” Jaina sighed.

“Well, I’m told she takes good care of her girls and is well connected,” Chandice said and tossed the thought away. “But getting back to Gisley, the girl has some serious eyes for you.”

“She does?” Jaina asked in surprise.

“She talks about you all the time,” Chandice said. “She says you're brave to do what you do and that she admires how happy you are doing it. I heard her say she wished she could be like you to one of the other girls.”

“I wonder why?” Jaina said as she tried to work it out. “What race is she anyway?”

“Some kind of fairy,” Chandice answered with a shrug. “She doesn't like to talk about it, but she goes out almost every night after her shift and doesn't come back until morning. The other girls and I have a bet going that she's got a lover someplace.”

“Do you know anything about her classes or her past?” Jaina pressed.

“Something to do with magic is all I know,” Chandice replied. “As for her past, she never talks about that either, but sometimes she says things in Japanese, especially when she's mad.”

“Your sure it’s Japanese?” Jaina asked as she began to wonder.

“It sounds like it to me, but your guess is as good as mine,” Chandice replied.

Suddenly, there was a bang at the door, and the innkeeper asked if she was planning on doing any work.

“I will be right out!” Chandice replied and turned her smile on Jaina. “I guess we will have to talk later.” She planted a kiss on Jaina's lips and then got out of bed to pick up her panties. Jaina slid them back on for her, and they shared one final kiss with a promise of more to come before going their separate ways.

Roric was still in the common room, eating with Evalynn, who had a surprising amount of sausage on her plate.

“Hungry?” Jaina asked as she sat down.

“She eats like three men,” Roric laughed. “You will have to dance for an extra hour a night, so I can afford to feed her.”

“I do not eat that much,” Evalynn protested. “It’s just being a heavy tank makes you hungry.”

“Uh-huh,” Jaina said with a smile and turned her head to look at Gisley.

“Something wrong?” Roric asked.

“I asked Chandice about Gisley and the girls, a bit of a mystery. She apparently thinks highly of me, sneaks out at night, and is gone until morning. Nobody is sure what her race is other than it's some kind of fairy, and she never talks about her classes or her past.”

“That is interesting,” Roric agreed.

“Oh, and she has been here a long time,” Jaina added.

“Well, order yourself something to eat, and we will go out looking for something bigger to kill. I want to see what we can kill now that Evalynn is part of our team,” Roric said.

Jaina ordered some pancakes and marveled at how they looked exactly like they did in the real world. She chewed on a few of them then decided to play with her ability to absorb food.

[lvl 5 Morphic skill: Absorb] Your fluid body can absorb sustenance from any organic material it touches, drinking and breathing through the entire surface of your skin. The rogue ability strangle has no effect on you.

She stuck her finger into a pancake and watched as it started to merge with her finger and be absorbed. Then she went back to chewing normally while twirling her finger in a glass of water as it slowly drained.

“That is rather disturbing,” Evalynn said as she watched the display.

“Eh, it saves time from eating,” Jaina replied. “But the level nine sex slave power saves even more.”

“Do I even want to ask what it does?” Evalynn said.

“You should. It's a skill you could make good use of,” Jiana said and brought up her character sheet for them to look at.

“That's useful,” Roric said as he looked at Evalynn, who was aghast at what she was reading. “That's going to save me some money.”

“It counts as a full meal?” Evalynn choked.

“You’re swallowing it already anyway,” Jaina said as she closed the sheet. “You might as well get something extra out of it.”

“I wonder if she will gain weight once I have the NPCs?” Roric pondered. “That could be like a dozen meals a day.”

“Do we have to talk about this?” Evalynn gasped as she looked around, hoping nobody else could hear them.

Jaina laughed, and Roric suggested they finish up and get going. They were out on the street a few minutes later as people waved and smiled at Jaina and Evalynn. Roric took them to the leatherworker first and went inside to pick up Evalynn's collar. He returned with one that was a metal band with dark leather padding. It had two large blue stones on either side and a metal ring in front. Over the top of the ring, written in small bluestones, were the words sex slave.

Evalynn trembled as he secured it around her neck and stepped back to admire it as the woman smiled nervously.

“It looks good on her,” Jaina said as she looked it over. “She was born to be collared.”

“I wanted it to be metal to match her armor,” Roric said as Evalynn touched it. “And, of course, it needed gems to match her beauty.”

Jaina snerked as Evalynn blushed three shades of red and started to smile like a girl flirting with a boy. Roric noted the response took them down the street to the baker. He filled another basket with cakes and treats and then led the way with his two girls in tow.

“We haven’t gone this way before,” Jaina said as they left the town by a different gate.

“There is supposed to be a forest just over the hills. I am told it is infested with gorlocks and there are fetch quests for their tusks,” Roric said.

“And what’s the basket you packed full of food for?” Jaina asked.

“We are going to spend the night in the forest,” Roric said as they headed down the road. “I wanted to make sure I had enough sweets to feed you.”

“So, I don’t have to dance tonight?” Jaina asked.

“That's what I was talking to the innkeeper about,” Roric said. “You're taking the night off to spend it with me.”

“A whole night with my master?” Jaina laughed. “What will we do with the time?”

Roric put his arm around her and pulled her into a hug, keeping her close as they walked. For nearly an hour, they talked about where they should build their camp and what they would do once they did. Eventually, the trees came into view, and the group followed the road into a forest of thick trees and dense ferns.

“So gorlocks live in the rocky areas about a mile in,” Evalynn said and pointed them in the right direction.

“Sheesh, you know this too?” Jaina asked.

“I know a lot about this area,” Evalynn admitted. “I spent a lot of time leveling up here.”

“So what level are these gorlock things?” Jaina asked.

“Ten to fifteen,” Roric replied. “They should be a decent challenge for me, not so much to you, and child's play to Evalynn.”

“And when you're ready to settle down, I know a clearing where you can put the tent,” Evalynn added.

“Good,” Roric said and buried his spear in the ground. “Now, I just need some buffs.”

Jaina smiled as Evalynn blushed, the two women knowing what was coming next. Without being told, she put her arms behind her back and turned them to him. He quickly them and pushed her to her knees before unbuckling his armor.

Jaina smiled as a familiar pressure began to slip into her body. Roric worked his way in until she could feel his knot swelling inside. She took deep breaths as he tested the fit and was satisfied she was held fast. Then he took her wrists and began his brutal assault on her tender pussy. She accepted her purpose with a broad smile, yearning for the orgasms that were sure to come. Less than a minute later, easy-going triggered, and she had her first, crying out for joy as her addiction was fed. One wasn't enough, though, and a minute later, she had the second as sexual escalation made it better.

“This seems like a good time to try out a new skill,” Roric said as Jaina groaned in absolute joy. He smiled and activated a new skill called submit to me.

[lvl 10 Conqueror skill: Submit to me] Increases pleasure slave receives during sex while also buffing slave stamina 20%

Jaina felt the difference instantly as her body shook to the core. She started to cry out, begging him to be harder as her body teetered on her third orgasm. When it finally came, she shouted yes, again and again, her lust never fully sated, but Roric wasn't done.

LVL 5 Conqueror skill Boone of the flesh] – Increases masters strength and health pool by having sex with a slave. Effect stacks for each slave used. Duration: 1 hour. (Increases the buff and duration per point spent on it.”

Jaina saw the red flash as he used her body to trigger his buff. She was delighted that this was her role, to provide a willing pussy for his savage needs. As she twitched in the height of sexual power, he pulled back on her arms and buried himself deep in her flash. Shared orgasm forced her to endure his climax as her body melted under the power. He held her fast until he was thoroughly drained into her body, then pulled her back to his chest. She leaned against him, panting as he licked the side of her face with his long tongue.

“You are a good slave,” he said as she smiled, her arms still tied. “But I’m not done with you yet.”

Jaina cried out as she suddenly started again. Holding her upright as he thrust into her body with such force, she nearly came off her knees. He pounded her like that until her legs started to feel weak, and her orgasms started again. Three later, he allowed her to fall forward so he could grab her hips and pull her into his thrusts. It was a sound and punishing fucking that ended with him diving in as far as he could to fill her once again.

Jaina shared that orgasm, too, as she moaned in satisfaction. She used to doubt coming here was a good idea, but now, she wished they had done it sooner. Roric let her face plant to the ground and untied her hands so she could lift herself while they waited for his knot to fade. It came out a minute later with a plop, coated in the flavors of rough sex. He turned to Evalynn with an expecting look, and she smiled before sinking to her knees. She put her hands to his waist as her lips parted, and she took her master into her hungry mouth.

Jaina saw what was happening and crawled to Evalynn to take her collar off. She replaced it with the one from around her neck, giving Evalynn the sex slave buffs.

“There you go,” Jaina said as she brushed some of Evalynn's hair from her face. “Now, you can share in your master's joy.”

Evalynn smiled in her work, picking up the pace to hasten her impending orgasm. Roric closed his eyes as his head went back, savoring the labor of his slave. To make the moment more pleasurable, Jaina reached between his legs to fondle his balls, gently rolling them between her fingers. He sighed as the moment built, the women laboring to bring about one more orgasm. He had to use a second wind to boost his stamina, but it was worth it to enjoy this moment. Evalynn’s lips were like silk, her tongue lavishing her master with sticky warmth.

The pressure mounted, and Roric kept his eyes closed until finally, his two beauties pushed him over. He heard Evalynn groan as she shared the orgasm with her master while swallowing another beastly load.

“And theirs one meal down,” Jaina giggled.

“Hmmm,” Evalynn said with a smile and took off the collar to give it back to Jaina.

“This changing collars like this almost feels like cheating,” Jaina said as she put it back on.

“It works well,” Roric said as he buckled his armor on. “But I can only use my slave buffs on the one who has it on.”

“I have plenty of armor and skills,” Evalynn said as she took up her spear. “Jaina is the one who likes to prance around naked, so she needs your protection.”

“Only because he makes me,” Jaina countered. “Or I would prance around in sexy lingerie instead.”

“Let’s go to that clearing first so I can put our basket inside the tent,” Roric suggested.

Evalynn led the way down a side path, and a few minutes later, they were on a clear hillock beside a small stream. Roric placed the tent and pulled it open, and as promised, the items placed inside were just as they left them. They put the basket and his pack inside then Evalynn took them to where the creatures had some caves. It took another thirty minutes, but they reached a densely forested series of cliffs and caves cut into the hills.

Outside the cave were two creatures roughly six feet tall with humanoid frames. They had wart-covered leathery olive skin, with unusually long arms and hands that ended in sharp claws. On their head were three eyes in a row high and a wide mouth with jagged teeth.

“So those are gorlocks,” Jaina said as they crouched low in the brush.

“They aren't too hard to kill,” Evalynn said. “Just don't let them get both hands on you, or they will try to wrestle you down to bite.”

“How many are in the caves?” Roric asked as he considered the numbers.

“Probably no more than a dozen,” Evalynn replied. “But they will start pouring out once the battle begins. I have died here twice when I was lower level because of adds.”

“We can avoid the adds,” Roric said and turned to Jaina. “Get their attention and lure them back here.”

Jaina smiled and stood up, shaking out her hair as she activated allure. The power worked perfectly, drawing the creature's gaze so she could hit them with a seductive smile. Now aroused and enamored, the two creatures immediately began to approach, eager to breed the naked woman. Jaina felt her heart beat faster as their long cocks stretched in anticipation of the sex to come. She found herself aroused and wondering what would happen if those creatures reached her. She envisioned one in front and the other in the back, hammering her soft body until they were done with her. The thought of all the orgasms she could have played out in her mind and made her twist in desire. But she pushed it aside and focused on her task to lure them out for her master. Jaina turned her rear at them and shook it as she walked away slowly, dragging them farther from the caves. Just as they passed Roric and Evalynn, the two jumped from their hiding place, and the battle began.

Evalynn had hers slain in moments, but Roric took a few hits longer. In the end, the fight was relatively easy, and Roric checked his character sheet to see what they were worth.

“They aren’t too bad at my level,” he said as he looked through the history. “But sex is almost as good.”

“Then let’s just do that all day,” Jaina offered with a smile as her addiction craved more.

“Are you really that horny?” Roric asked.

“Yes,” Jaina moaned. “I hate to go an hour without an orgasm.”

“I just took you less than an hour ago,” Roric protested. “If we have to stop to keep feeding you, we won't get anything done.”

“I can’t help it,” Jaina moaned as she started to play with herself. “The collar makes the orgasms so delicious. I just want more and more.”

Another gorlock wandered out of the cave sniffing at the air. Roric realized that Jaina was so wet and aroused that the creature could probably smell her. He suddenly had an idea as the creature took a step toward their hiding place, following the scent of Jaina’s pussy.

“Use your charms on that one,” he said as he and Evalynn moved back. “Only this time, Evalynn and I will wait until it's through with you.”

“Through with me? Jaina said as her heart began to thunder. “Do you mean?”

“That’s exactly what I mean,” Roric said with a smile. “You’re going to be fucked by that gorlock.”

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