The Adventurer’s Academy

Rin, The Adventurer, Part Twenty-Six


As Rin gazed upon the mysterious woman, her eyes widened in astonishment at the sight before her.

The lady stood with an air of regal elegance, she had amethyst-purple skin and eyes mirroring the same hue with an ethereal glow, all contrasting heavily with her heavenly white clothing. 

A pair of black horns adorned her head, curving gracefully upwards, while a slender tail swayed gently behind her.

Despite her slightly off-putting appearance, there was a captivating beauty to her features, accentuated by her lustrous, onyx-black hair and the alluring curve of her figure.

Rin couldn't deny it. Just looking at this woman made her feel... drawn to her in a way. 

Initially, she wondered if everyone around her was feeling the same thing, but the way the woman's eyes landed on her, and remained on her, told Rin something was going on here. 

Maria stepped forward, her muscles tense with the anticipation of battle. She didn't look too interested to find out who this was.

But, Alea's hand on her arm halted her advance.

"Hold on, hold on!" Alea's voice cut through the tension, calm yet firm. "We should find out what she knows, at least!"

Reluctantly, Maria acquiesced, though her gaze remained wary as she studied their unexpected visitor.

"D-Don't tell them anything!" Mr. Harlan called out. "Don't-" 

"Would you rather we both simply die here?" The woman asked, her voice so smooth that Rin pulled back. It was nearly enough to hypnotize her on its own. "Conversation is the only way forward, as far as I can tell." 

The lady inclined her head gracefully in acknowledgment of Alea's intervention, her lips curving into a faint smile of gratitude.

"Greetings," she finally said. "My name is Elmistrae. I am a succubus." 

Rin couldn't help but notice the shock that rippled through the group at her revelation.

Maria and Cara, in particular, appeared stupefied by the revelation, their expressions a mix of disbelief and confusion.

Dylan, whom Rin recognized as an incubus, also seemed taken aback by Elmistrae's presence, for understandable reasons. 

[Right, incubi and succubi exist,] Rin's eyes widened, looking back at the lady. [So, this is what a succubus looks like?] 

Rin furrowed her brow in confusion, silently wondering what could possibly be causing such a reaction.

It was Cara who finally voiced the question that lingered in the air, her voice laced with disbelief.

"... You can talk?" She asked. 

A soft cackle left Elmistrae's lips. 

"Indeed, I can. And, I rather enjoy it." 

"Uh," Rin stepped closer. "Is... Is that not common?" 

Cara, still staring at the lady, shook her head. 

"No. No, it isn't. Succubi are usually feral, rabid creatures. They're violent and like to toy with their prey, in... in the way you might imagine a succubus would." 

Although that bit of information was terrifying, something did come to mind that Rin wanted to address. 

"... Feral, rabid, violent, and unable to speak," Rin muttered. "Like water sprites?" 

The mention of that type of "monster" finally made Cara look over at her. 

"Yes," Cara replied after a pause. "Like water sprites." 

Elmistrae's smile widened at the group's astonishment, her eyes sparkling with amusement at their incredulity.

"I'm afraid water sprites are not a species I've interacted with a lot, so, I cannot tell what they must be like in these current times. But, I can speak on behalf of succubi."

She took one step forward. 

Maria instinctively flinched. 

Rin also walked forward. 

Again, Elmistrae's eyes roamed to her. 

"A good portion of my sisters are as you say, 'rabid and feral'. After the Change, many of us became that way. But, I can assure you, my ability to speak is not the only difference between me and them." 

Rin, her curiosity piqued by the mention of "the Change," stepped forward, her brow furrowed in concentration as she posed her question.

"When you say 'the Change,' do you mean 'the Split'?" Rin asked, her voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling within her.

Elmistrae's amethyst gaze met Rin's, and a faint smile graced her lips.

"I believe that is what you humans call it. Indeed, you are correct," she confirmed, her tone tinged with a hint of melancholy. "After the Split, many of my sisters succumbed to madness, their minds consumed by feral instincts. However, again, I can assure you, I still have my wits about me." 

Rin absorbed Elmistrae's words, her mind racing with newfound understanding.

[Another species affected by the Split,] she thought. [Humans had half of our people disappear, but... it looks like everyone else had half, or more, of their people go crazy.] 

Before Rin could delve further into the conversation, Maria interjected, her skepticism evident in her tone.

"Forgive me for doubting, but it's hard to believe that your intentions are entirely benevolent, especially considering the lives lost during this project," Maria remarked, her arms crossed in front of her as she regarded Elmistrae with a wary gaze.

Rin walked forward, her expression one of earnest inquiry.

"Please, explain yourself," Rin implored, her voice gentle yet resolute.

Elmistrae nodded in acknowledgment of Rin's request, her gaze drifting to the ground as she gathered her thoughts.

"The reason for my presence here is simple," she began, her voice steady despite the gravity of her words. "I recalled the existence of a powerful tome rumored to be hidden within these ruins, a tome that possesses the knowledge I seek."

Rin's brow furrowed in confusion, her curiosity piqued by Elmistrae's cryptic words.

"Uh, what 'knowledge' do you seek?" she inquired, her voice laced with intrigue.

Elmistrae met Rin's gaze once more, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and resolve.

"The ability to transfer Essence from one individual to another," she replied. 

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