The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 – As A Child 6

Less than a month after the start of school, the first monthly exam was ushered in, followed by the parent meeting.

When she was in elementary school, Yunmao’s parents never attended her parent-teacher meeting, but it was an elementary school after all, and other parents often didn’t go either. But junior high school is different. The teacher pays special attention to the parent meeting and requires every student’s parents to be present.

How to do it? Father would definitely not care about Yunmao, let alone stepmother.

Yun Mao Mao thought for a long time with a bitter face, and finally his eyes lit up, looking at Xia Ruan who was reading a book beside him. Xia Ruan is almost 1.7 meters now, she is already a little adult, she can be her parent.

“Maomao?” Xia Ruan noticed her gaze and blinked in a daze.

“Soft, soft~” Yun Maomao took Xia Ruan’s fingers and said coquettishly, “Tomorrow we have a parent meeting…”

Xia Ruan pursed her lips, understood what Yun Mao Mao meant, and asked weakly, “I’m going to be your parent?”

Cloud Cat nodded heavily.

“is it okay?”

Xia Ruan still nodded shyly with the idea that “other children have it, so we cats should have it too”. Anyway… She watched the parent meeting on TV, that is, she went to sit in the classroom, so there shouldn’t be any problem.

The next day, Xia Ruan took out Wang Xiaoning’s white shirt from under the bed and put it on. Before going out, she washed her face and **** her hair, trying to make herself look more mature.

As soon as Yunmaomao saw her, his eyes lit up, and he held her hand and chattered non-stop, extremely excited.

Xia Ruan always had a smile on his face.

The classroom was noisy and full of people, but besides Xia Ruan, there were also a few other brothers and sisters who came to the parents’ meeting. Xia Ruan mixed in, but it didn’t stand out.

At first, Xia Ruan was really nervous, but Yun Mao Mao was always by her side, holding her hand, and Xia Ruan’s beating heart gradually calmed down.

Later, the students were kicked out of the classroom, and only the parents were left inside. Xia Ruan kept a straight face and said nothing, listening to the teacher and looking at Yun Mao Mao’s report card.

Yun Mao Mao has good grades and is the first in the class. Even the teacher praised her several times.

Xia Ruan has never been to school, part of the primary school homework is taught by Wang Xiaoning, part of it is self-study, it is a bit difficult to learn after junior high school, but she can barely understand it. After flipping through the papers one after another, she scanned the red ticks one by one, her eyebrows and eyes became more and more curved.

When she finally turned to the Chinese paper, Xia Ruan blushed for a moment, she closed her eyes, as if she had made up her mind, she turned to the composition at once, and read it with relish and a little shame.

The title of the composition is “My Sister”, as for the content… Naturally, it was written by Xia Ruan.

Seeing the back, Xia Ruan’s cheeks were getting redder and redder. If it wasn’t for the parents and teachers around, she would have buried her head in the paper and laughed softly for a while.

At the end of the parent meeting, Xia Ruan was about to get up and leave, but she looked at the supervisor inquiringly, “Are you Yun Xiaoxiao’s sister? Can you come to the office?”

Xia Ruan bit her lip and followed in.

“Your name is…Xia Ruan?” The class teacher smiled, “My surname is Zhang, you can just call me Teacher Zhang.”

“Ms. Zhang.” Xia Ruan’s voice was very low, but she still tried to stand up straight in order to support Yun Mao Mao.

“Hehe, don’t be nervous.” Teacher Zhang smiled, “I know all about Xiaoxiao’s family situation. I called you to come to the office this time, mainly because I want to talk to you about that child.”

“Please tell me.”

“Xiaoxiao is very smart and has good grades. If she can keep studying, her future will be immeasurable. But she has a bit of a temper…” Teacher Zhang shook her head. After getting up, we almost fought a few times after all, we are only teachers after all, we can’t control her. So I thought, if it’s convenient…Xia Ruan, please persuade her, teach her, don’t let her go astray. “

fight? Zhang thorn?

Maomao didn’t tell her.

Xia Ruan frowned, and her voice was louder than before: “Thank you, Teacher Zhang, I will talk to her about it when I get down.”

Yun Mao Mao sat on the steps outside the classroom and waited and waited. After waiting for a long time, he finally saw Xia Ruan’s figure. But Xia Ruan frowned tightly, and her expression was extremely severe.

Yun Mao Mao didn’t know what happened, but she still shuddered. When she ran in front of Xia Ruan, her voice was much weaker: “… Ruan Ruan?”

Xia Ruan ignored her.

Yun Mao Mao panicked all of a sudden, and held Xia Ruan’s fingers: “Ruan Ruan? Did the teacher speak ill of me?”

Xia Ruan originally wanted to shake her off, but as soon as she moved her fingers, her heart softened.

In the end, Xia Ruan just stopped and sighed heavily: “Maomao, the teacher told me that you fight with others on the first day of school.”

Cloud Cat: “!”

She shivered and lowered her head guiltily.

Xia Ruan said in a cold voice: “Are you hurt?”

Yun Mao Mao: “No, no!”

Xia Ruan looked at her and said nothing.

“Really not!” Yun Maomao said loudly, as if Xia Ruan would not believe it, she rolled up her sleeves, “If you don’t believe Ruan Ruan, look, I can take it off for you when I get home! There is absolutely no injury!”

Xia Ruan still didn’t speak.

Yun Mao Mao’s voice weakened: “…just a little bit of bruise, which has recovered. It doesn’t hurt.”

“Where is it?” Xia Ruan asked.

Yunmaomao was stunned for a while before realizing that Xia Ruan was asking her where the bruise was, and she hurriedly pointed to her elbow.

Xia Ruan held her arm, looked at it for a while, then suddenly lowered her head, kissed the once bruised area with her soft lips, and took a long time to withdraw.

Yun Mao Mao froze for a moment.

My heart was inexplicably warm, as if my soul was suddenly pulled out for a moment, and then sent back into my body.

“Maomao.” Xia Ruan stood up straight again, and said seriously, “From now on, you are not allowed to fight with others casually, and you are not allowed to hide your injuries from me, and you are not allowed…”

Listening to Xia Ruan’s voice, Yun Mao Mao actually wanted to refute a few words – she didn’t fight at random, nor did she deliberately hide Xia Ruan, she was just afraid that Xia Ruan would feel distressed.

But Xia Ruan’s voice stopped at this moment. As soon as Yun Mao Mao raised his head, he saw Xia Ruan’s almond eyes filled with tears, and the tears fell down patter.

Xia Ruan’s eyes were filled with the word distressed.

“Soft, soft…” Yun Maomao panicked instantly, “I was wrong, I was wrong… I, I, I… I’m sorry, I will never do this again…”

She almost cried too.

In the end, Yunmaomao spent a lot of effort to make Xia Ruan, who was crying, happy.

Not long after the parents’ meeting, a crew went to Yunmao’s school to cast a role. Under Xia Ruan’s suggestion, Yun Mao Mao participated in the casting of the crew and was successfully elected as the heroine. Later, she signed with the company and changed her name to Yun Fei Wu.

In just one year, their lives suddenly changed drastically.

next summer.

The movie “Darkness” was finished, Zhou Hanchi, as Xinghui’s boss, in order to celebrate the success of the company’s first young actor, took time out to personally take Yun Feiwu and Xia Ruan to the amusement park in the city to finish the day.

Zhou Hanchi was only 19 years old when he first started his business, a freshman. Now that Xinghui has been established for five years, he is only 24 years old. He is obviously still young, but his behavior is unusually calm and mature.

The first ones that Xinghui signed were all old entertainers from the theater troupe in Yuncheng, and there were even two monkey performers. At best, they only went to local variety shows. Zhou Hanchi’s accumulated connections in the film and television industry were nowhere to be used until he signed Yun Feiwu.

At the beginning, the big company Xingyao also wanted to sign Yun Feiwu. Zhou Hanchi didn’t hold out hope at first, but he didn’t expect that the little girl chose their Xinghui in the end.

It wasn’t until later that Zhou Hanchi accidentally chatted with Xia Ruan that he realized that it was Xia Ruan’s idea. After Xia Ruan carefully compared the information of the two companies, Yun Feiwu chose Xinghui. One is that Xinghui is very sincere, and almost put the entire company’s framework in front of it, and the other is that Xinghui is a small company, so clean that it is almost transparent, and the bottom can be seen at a glance. For Yun Feiwu, who has no background It is very safe for newcomers, and the third is because Xinghui is currently only Yun Feiwu who can do it. Of course, he will do his best to praise her, but Xingyao’s side is different.

It turned out that Xia Ruan’s choice was correct.

Zhou Hanchi felt at that time that although Xia Ruan was introverted and not talkative, she was delicate and intelligent. She must have a talent that others could not see. As long as that talent showed up one day, she would definitely become a blockbuster.

Of course, these are things for later.

Time goes back to the day when a group of three went to the amusement park.

It was the first time for the two children to go to the amusement park. As soon as the car parked outside, they opened their eyes wide and looked straight at the amusement facilities inside the gate, especially Yun Feiwu, who stuck his head out of the car window up.

After getting off the bus, Zhou Hanchi went to buy a ticket. Yun Feiwu held Xia Ruan’s hand, squatting outside the ticket gate with bright eyes, and the auntie who saw the ticket was a little embarrassed.

“Little sister, is it your first time to play?” Taking advantage of her free time, the ticket checking aunt asked them.

These two girls, one introverted and the other outgoing, are both juicy and attractive, making people like them just by looking at them.

“Yeah!” Yun Feiwu nodded heavily, his eyes bent into crescents.

Xia Ruan didn’t speak, but her cheeks were a little blush.

The ticket-checking aunt continued to ask: “Did your family bring you here?”

“Yeah! Our Uncle Zhou is buying tickets and will be here soon.” Yun Feiwu tilted his head, “Auntie, what fun items are there, can you recommend some?”

Xia Ruan’s eyes also lit up.

She saw it in an idol drama. The hero and heroine went to the amusement park together, and played roller coasters, carousels, and Ferris wheels. . Then the carousel and the Ferris wheel are very romantic and suitable for falling in love. I just don’t know if there is a big difference between the amusement park in reality and the idol drama.

“Okay.” The ticket-checking aunt smiled, “little sister, do you like exciting or not exciting?”

“Exciting!” Yun Feiwu said loudly.

“Then the roller coaster, the big pendulum, the jumping machine, the roller coaster we have here is really fun, it is the first suspended roller coaster in Quanyun City, little sister, you must experience it.”

Although Yun Feiwu didn’t quite understand, he still nodded seriously: “Remember, thank you, auntie.”

Zhou Hanchi came over with the ticket at this time, and a group of three people checked the tickets and entered the park. Yun Feiwu took Xia Ruan’s hand and jumped forward for several steps, then turned back and waved to the aunt who checked the ticket: “Goodbye, auntie!”

Like a radiant little sun.

The author has something to say: Aww (there will be another update later)

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