The Academy’s Professor is Overpowered!

Chapter 12: Everything is Alright?

Thanks to some more sleepless nights by the civil servants, the Princess was now assigned guards with well vetted backgrounds.

Gladwin did not just stop at the guards. Over the next days, he flipped the entire academy on its feet.

From the principal and vice principal to the people running stores inside the academy, even the janitors and even the construction personnel, he checked every single person and removed anyone even slightly suspicious.

Thankfully, there was not a lot of personnel change in the admin and teaching faculty, which was a great relief for Richard. But quite a lot of people were still replaced.

It wasn’t outright suspicion, even the ones he thought would be susceptible to bribes or threats were removed. That included the janitor I had tossed a pint at.

Now, there was nothing to worry about as far as safety inside the academy went.

As long as Iaso Aegean did not step outside the academy, she was truly safe. No. Anyone who would come in from now would be safe.


The princess shifted to the rooms after some convincing, she also started treating herself better instead of being on high alert all the time.

It was nice to have a nose so sharp that you could smell out poison. I wouldn’t have swallowed a morsel in her position.

A few more days passed in the academy, which was visibly more cheerful now.

Just like a rotten branch ruined the whole crop, maybe a single gloomy child also brought gloom to the entire academy. I sincerely wished that was not the case, when all the students come around then this might become a place worse than the battlefield.

Well, the truth was that there was still about a month left before the academy truly began. With just one professor and one student, both of whom were strictly excluded from the talks of the elder folks, it was natural that we decided to hang out.

I was not bothering her because I was bored. I promise.

Anyone could ask Iaso as well.

“Professor, you don’t have any friends, do you?”

Biting down on a cookie, Iaso posed a question that stabbed me straight in my heart.

“That is not the case! Friends are the only asset this weak little old me has. I only have friends.”

Iaso tilted her head. 

The two of us were strolling around the enormous academy. Even though so many days had passed, I had still not seen every inch of this place.

Iaso crossed her arms and nodded, behind us the many horses in the equestrian grounds were trotting about.

“I guess you do. Everyone greets you no matter where you go.”

Of course, I was busying myself making as many friends as I could.

“You see? I am accompanying you because no one wants to leave a child alone.”

“Sure took a while to get to that conclusion.” The catgirl was as cat-like as ever. “Thank you though…”

It was not the first time we were hanging out like this. She had gotten pretty used to the place in just a few days.

Maybe crying had helped her? It is better to let out all pent-up emotions instead of keeping them in, I was told this by a senior on the front.

“By the way, professor. If you’re teaching me, that means you’ll be teaching every other royal as well, right? In the Black Rose Classroom?”

“Of course,” I said.

“Then, are you like, super strong? They won’t put just anyone in charge, right? Maybe someone from the Final Assault Legion?”

I chuckled at her words.

“I am not super strong. I was just a major-ranked official. This role is with me precisely because I am not very strong.”

Iaso clicked her tongue and hooked her arms behind her head.

“When you found me despite my stealth, I thought you might be like the Hero or the Saintess, or even the Archmage. Maybe my stealth has worn off? Or are you just talented in that one aspect?”

“Comparing someone to the Hero party is not good, those guys are not normal people.”

I observed her from the corner of my eyes. She seemed slightly disappointed at the start, but laughed and shook her head.

“Won’t there be many villains targeting our class? All the big shots are gathered.”

She wasn’t wrong. Many, many people were dissatisfied with the ruling class after the war.

I was one of them.

But I wasn’t planning to do anything. Others, I can’t say the same.

“When something like that happens, I’ll keep you safe, professor.”

What’s with that?

Did this child see me as someone she could trust?

That was flattering. Extremely so.

I smiled and patted her head.

“You do that.”

“Mhm! Where do you buy these cookies by the way?”

“You want more?”

We continued talking for a while longer. Laughing at the smallest things.

As we neared the eastern ends of the academy grounds, my eyes fell on the black cat that I had been seeing since the start.

“Oh, look at this.”

The black bombay cat rushed closer on its own and started rubbing its cheeks on my legs. It was surprising, this evasive little one was suddenly affectionate.

Was this Iaso’s princess power in play here?

I crouched down and tickled the cat’s chin. It purred happily and snuggled closer.

“Is this cat acting like this because of you?”

I turned back to face Iaso, only to find her wide-eyed.

She gulped and shook her head.

“N-no… maybe, haha… Let’s go somewhere else now, professor.”


“Sure,” I said. I took a cookie from the bag and left it for the Bombay before turning away.

The cat did not stop meowing as we left.

Iaso followed right behind me, but she seemed oddly uninterested in any conversation. As if she had something on her mind.

When we neared the plaza near the Edmond Training Center, she suddenly pushed my back.

“Professor! That cookie, you gave mine to the cat.”


“Buy me more.”

“Just go and get them yourself.”

“No, you gave it to the cat. You buy it.”

Yeah, this seemed more like how cats were. Kinda salty about the weirdest things.

It was still a far cry from how this lady was back when I first met her, so I didn’t mind it much.

“Alright, fine. I’ll buy them.”

“Go go!”

Iaso pushed me away toward the store and stayed behind herself. I rushed to get the cookies, and when I came back.

Iaso wasn’t anywhere around.

A sigh left me.

People should at least try to not be suspicious.


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