The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Bizarre shadow creature

Chen Xi subconsciously canceled the conscious connection to the light group, the picture disappeared immediately, and his fearful mind slowly calmed down.

After recovering, Chen Xi found goose bumps on his arm.

What a joke, as soon as he came up, he came up with a sentence calling it to live forever, and Chen Xi was afraid it would be swallowed in the next second.

After gaining experience, Chen Xi closed his eyes and felt more light spots.

Except for the dazzling light group with a diameter of ten meters, the larger light groups are four or five meters in diameter, which is far away from him, and the psychological distance is ten meters away.

What is left are light clusters less than one meter in diameter, which linger within five meters around Chen Xi.

Small light spots a few centimeters in size are like fireflies in the night, circling around the edge of the summoning circle, waiting for Chen Xi’s luck.

Chen Xi has a psychological shadow this time, so he dared not pick a large light group to get his eyes addicted, so he directly picked a light spot with a diameter of one centimeter to connect consciousness.

Gray wilderness, gloomy weather, black river.

The dark shadows sway in the wilderness, with four shaggy legs, the head of a dog, the tail like an iron chain, and the whole body is fluffy.

It walks down on the ground in a two-dimensional posture, silently, like an assassin living in the shadows.

This was the first time he saw a shadow that would move on its own, and he couldn’t help but be surprised.

And he also discovered that the consciousness of this shadow is very ignorant, it is a newborn baby, and only Sa Huan runs, eats, and is curious.

It is this curiosity, coupled with its own very strange characteristics, which happened to be selected by the Summoning Array.

“A creature with such a simple mind should be easy to control.” Chen Xi thought of this, and his heart moved.

Chen Xi tried to express friendly faith in this strange dog-like shadow.

The shadow of the dog like a chain-tail immediately looked over, barking several times, making excitement, and wanted to play with Chen Xi.

Facing such a simple and straightforward mind, Chen Xi was even more excited, “Should I try to summon one?”

The target of this summoning circle is not only powerful creatures, but also weak creatures.

He didn’t dare to call, but now it is possible.

This weak newborn is very suitable for a novice summoner like Chen Xi.

Newborns do not have powerful means of attack, nor do they have a strong sense of attack, so they are easy to control.

After a while, Chen Xi calmed down the puppies with strange tails and said that they would be summoned later.

The shadow circled happily, and stood up from the ground state, turning into a gray shadow-like thin plate, and the chain-like tail swayed left and right, looking weird.

This kind of scene is like the dog’s billboard that was originally down on the ground, but now it’s standing up again.

But Chen Xi had no brains to do it as soon as he was hot. There are still a few minutes before the end of the summoning array. There are so many small light spots. Shop around slowly.

exited the consciousness connection, he looked at other small light spots again.

The next light spot.

is still the endless gray wilderness, and the weather above it has been in a gloomy state.

The colorless black river shuttled by, a shadow slid over, and when it was about to hit the black river, he suddenly turned his head and fled back.

This is the shadow of a man with two legs and two hands. His body looks like a human, with a humanoid upper body, humanoid legs, and humanoid arms.

But he has no head!

Chen Xi feels a little scary and retreats.

And the shadow sensed Chen Xi’s will coming here, and said in surprise:

“Are you a summoner, hurry up and call me, I don’t want to stay here, it’s too dark, there are people of the same kind who want to eat me every day, and I can help you eat other people’s shadows and be your shadow beater.”

The humanoid shadow speaks another language. The pronunciation of this language is strange, and Chen Xi can’t understand it, but it has the automatic translation function of Summoning Array, so understanding is not a problem.

Hearing the shadow of eating, Chen Xi’s heart moved, “If you eat someone else’s shadow, what will happen to that person?”

Hearing these words, the headless figure was stunned, “You are not a summoner, why don’t you even know the basics of summoning things?”

After that, the shadow said to himself: “No, the summoning formation did choose me. You are the real summoner. But you did not use the summoning guide to choose me. Is it a new type of summoning formation?”

Chen Xi remained silent, listening to this shadow muttering in weird language for a long time, and already had a preliminary understanding of the profession of a summoner in his heart.

First of all, the summoner summons all kinds of creatures, and there is a guide for the summoning.

For example, when the black robe girl summoned Chen Xi last time, the summoning guideline used was: “A smart life from an ordinary country in an unknown world, a human-like appearance, a weak body, and you who are doomed by bad luck.”

And Chen Xi’s abnormal summoning array doesn’t even need a guide, and he domineeringly connects him with thousands of unknown beings who are eager to be summoned.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter! Please call me, I am useful!” The headless shadow suddenly said loudly. UU reading

“Huh?” Chen Xi made a puzzled voice.

The headless shadow knew what Chen Xi meant, and began to show Chen Xi his value.

“If I eat someone else’s shadow, that person will be in a state of malaise for a short time.”

“Why sluggish?” Chen Xi asked back.

“You can understand that when I eat the shadow, I absorb his energy. Of course, the shadow is recoverable. As long as he regains his energy, the shadow will regenerate. In addition, I can hide in your shadow at ordinary times, even if I don’t eat it. The shadow can survive forever, and your energy will not weaken, so the cost of raising me is very low.”

Chen Xi heard this and tentatively said: “But you only have this effect. I have a better choice than you.”

“Don’t don’t, I’m still useful! If you want to kill an enemy but don’t want to do it yourself, I can help you. Our shadow creatures are the top killers in the dark. But my current strength is too weak to interfere with the matter. Ability, if you can wait until the shadow of me swallowing others grows up, it will be much smoother to help you kill.”

After listening, Chen Xi shook his head and refused his request.

“What if you turn around and kill me when you grow up?”


The headless shadow got stuck for a while, and two seconds later, he said: “The summoning array has a contract. I will never violate the contract. Please rest assured, Master!”

“Oh, isn’t it?” Chen Xi’s speech changed abruptly when he heard this, and his tone became intriguing. “A few minutes ago, an old man who wanted to be summoned by me told me that he turned around and ate me better than those who came. The creatures are much more reliable, how do you think this sentence should be explained?”

After Chen Xi’s words came out, the scene was silent for a while, and the invisible atmosphere of killing permeated the land.

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