The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 862

Chapter 862


There was no response to Shatia’s words, the Supreme Supreme was silent, took a step forward, and then opened his hands greatly.

Nine of the bones’ fingers have rings on them.

Cao Shurui wouldn’t think it was just decoration. I’m afraid, every ring has a corresponding ability.

The red light cast a “line of sight” towards Cao Shurui from behind the hollow of the eye socket, and the chin of the skeleton fell:

“My name is Ainz Ul Christine. Let me give my name, undead.”

The pitch black magic power that can only be described as majestic, with this action of him went straight to the sky.

The air became tense, and the flickering atmosphere made Xia Tiya tense.

However, to her surprise, the supreme supreme, who made her feel terrified, couldn’t let the wild ancestor change even a little expression.

His face still has a constant, shallow smile.

It’s just that this smile seems to be becoming hideous little by little.

“Undead or something… please call me God Killer Thank you. My name is Cao Shurui, and I will use K as the code name for the activity here.”

Seeing Ainz, who was slowly increasing the pressure exerted on the outside, Cao Shurui’s heart beats more and more vigorously.

“…That’s great. How long hasn’t it been? This kind of refreshing feeling all over the body.”

Ainz in front of him, even if he claimed to be the master of the undead, there was no problem with the horror, and his strength did not exceed Cao Shurui’s expectations.

If you really want to compare, in terms of overall strength, he and Xia Tiya should not be too far apart.

However, the extraordinary magic power and the specialization of “death” that can be seen at a glance make him more threatening than Xia Tiya.

Not to mention, he is regarded as the supreme supreme, how could he not have the strength to overwhelm Xia Tiya?

So, either the way the power is used is different, or the person has a strong skill.

——However, none of the above is a problem.

What really makes Cao Shurui feel comfortable is that the presence in front of him has triggered his side as a godslayer.

The extremely purified black aura on his body is almost the same as Athena’s death aura in nature.

Thanks to this, “something” that was far more powerful than adrenaline swam all over Cao Shurui’s body in an instant.

The blood was boiling, and the fighting spirit was burning.

The curse power that was once suppressed was also working vigorously.

This kind of natural enemy caused Cao Shurui to find his state again.

The spirit became high, and the corners of his mouth could not be restrained.

Even if there will be a death fight next, he will keep smiling to greet him, and then win the victory.

However, before that–

“I said, you guy is actually a traverser, right? Levels and props are all terms for games.”

“——You, were you originally a player of a certain game?”

He must confirm this point that aroused Cao Shurui’s curiosity.

Otherwise, wouldn’t he just wait here for nothing?


Was easily shaken.

The performance of majesty is like a performance.

The body didn’t make any unnecessary movements, and naturally there was no expression on his face. However, behind him chaotically released a variety of different auras and special effects.

If it is a real main god-level existence, how can it not even be unable to control his own power. But if he was a guy who had just gained this power, it would be normal.

Even if controlling power is like instinct, the gap in proficiency cannot be easily crossed.

“It looks like I got it right. It’s really funny. I said, if there are such a strong alien species in the local area, how can it be possible to establish its own country if it has such a strong alien species? Even if it is not annihilated, it becomes a slave or even food It’s not impossible.”

With the strength of Cao Shurui and Ainz, the human country can be razed to the ground at will.

“…You who know the player are not from this world, right.”

Perhaps it was the effect of some passive skill. Ainz, who was trembling slightly under Cao Shurui’s words, suddenly recovered his calm.

“Of course. I came to this world with a purpose, and it has been achieved. Just when I was about to leave, I was stopped by your subordinates.”

Nodded generously. This kind of thing has been exposed since he said the word player.

“Purpose? I’m very interested, can you talk about it?”

“It’s very simple. There are things in this world that I need in the next deathmatch, so I came to get it.”

“Come to fetch…. It seems that I misheard it. ——Do you have a way to leave this world?”

The red dots in his eyes shook violently, and Ainz’s tone also became impatient and uneasy.

“How can it not. I’m a firefighter running around in different worlds.”

Spreading his hands, Cao Shurui smiled mockingly.

“In the past, even ordinary human soldiers had to fight very hard to defeat, and later became able to defeat weak monsters. After that… Warriors of both demon and martial arts, powerful gods, and mythical creatures that have survived from the gods to the present… To this day, I am almost out of shape.”

As he said, he shook hands gently, and made a harsh air burst, bringing out a wave of ripples in the air.

The power that Cao Shurui has accumulated now is terrifying even in the eyes of Ainz.

Therefore, he planned to chat with Cao Shurui first, waiting for the other guardians to gather around.

However, when he really started to talk, his heart couldn’t stop shaking.

The man in front of him, if everything he said was true, then what he experienced must be a genuine epic. Even if I have experienced various adventures with my friends in the game, my true self is just a mortal.

Trying to use imperfect power to defeat a living epic is no longer arrogant, but stupid.

The reason why Xia Tiya was able to entangle him may be because the NPC had already mastered the power, so it was able to fully use it. But myself…

It is true that Ainz can use all his power like instinct. As a **** krypton player, he also remembers various PVP routines.

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