The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Her face was dark and full of anxiety. It’s like being trapped in a dark maze.

The two got off their horses and led the horses to a place under the shade of a tree.

“——Cao Shurui.”

Allen called Cao Shurui’s name, but just looked away after intersecting his eyes. Then Allen repeated the action just now, and Cao Shurui still patiently waited for her.

No matter what it is, nothing can be started without saying it.

On weekdays, Alan is a person who just talks and talks. But now, she couldn’t speak for some reason.

Then his eyes crossed for the third time, this time Allen didn’t look away. She bit her lip and looked at Cao Shurui as if she was enduring something. Finally, she opened her mouth and said shocking words.

“…Can I go back to Gistat once?”

Seeing her so tangled and difficult to speak, Cao Shurui was mentally prepared. Nevertheless, Cao Shurui could not hide his surprise after hearing this sentence.

“…What happened on Gista’s side?” Cao Shurui chose to understand the situation first, without entangled in anything like “This is how you can be irresponsible in the war.” In fact, if you want to say which side is more important, then Cao Shurui will definitely answer that Alan is more important to him.

It is very far from Gistad. And Allen shouldn’t be able to reach the border, so the distance should be farther than expected, and it will take a lot of time.

On this point, Allen definitely knows better than anyone.

That’s why she thought hard, and after she made up her mind, she was lost again.

——In other words, is it very difficult to handle?

After thinking about it calmly, Cao Shurui narrowed his eyes. Even if it’s just a round trip, one month is definitely not enough. And since it was a problem that had troubled Allen for so long, two or three days would definitely not be enough to solve it.

Even assuming the shortest period of two months, in such a long time, the fact that she left the team will not only make the people who stay behind feel extremely difficult. Even the main force of the army, the Gistad army, is likely to collapse because of the loss of centripetal force.

Allen smiled bitterly and opened her mouth slightly. Her cherry lips were shaking. There seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes.

“There are two warriors who own the territory bordering Lightmeliz. One is Lyudmila you know. The other is Sasha… Alexandra-she is my benefactor and my best friend. ”

The first meeting was two years ago. At that time, Allen had just become a warrior.

The two met as soon as they met, and Alan later learned all kinds of things from Sasha.

“Sasha’s territory Regunize was invaded by a warrior. I must protect her.”

Cao Shurui frowned. The war girl Sasha is a sick beauty. There is no difference between letting her fight and asking her to die. Although she was able to exert a fighting power comparable to that of the heyday when fighting, the price was her own vitality.

“Sasha and I fell ill not long after we met. When I went to see her this summer, she couldn’t even walk on her own. But even so, Sasha’s dragon still didn’t plan to leave her. Obviously there is no fighting strength…”

Cao Shurui suddenly remembered what he heard in the Tatra Mountains. It suddenly dawned on him.

——That’s it. In other words, if the dragon tool chooses to leave, the original holder will no longer be the war girl…

In other words, even if you are seriously ill, as long as the dragon is not going to leave, the holder will have to continue to survive as a warrior.

At this time, Cao Shurui truly understood what kind of responsibilities Sasha had on his back, and the reason Allen wanted to help her was also clear.

“We have sworn. Whenever one of us is in distress, the other side must go to the other side even if we put everything aside.”

This is a sacred oath that must not be broken between the two of them.

“–I understand.”

Cao Shurui nodded slowly and seriously.

“But this can’t be a reason for you to leave me, Allen.”

“Hey?” Allen blinked, bewildered.

“Listening to your tone, it seems that you want me to stay. This is not good, I am your guard, how can I leave your side. Also, this matter must be explained clearly to Tagler. That’s fine. Otherwise, there will be rifts in our relationship. I will ask him out at some time. Then, you must explain to him well.”

“…Hmm!” Allen sobbed, then rushed to hug Cao Shurui. She encircled Cao Shurui’s hands and held his clothes tightly behind his back. She buried her head deeply into Cao Shurui’s chest, hiding her crying face.

“Thank you, Cao Shurui. Really…thank you very much.”

The two kept holding each other until Allen recovered.

The word “contract” on the system panel gradually started to glow hot. And Cao Shurui didn’t even know.

After that, the two made an appointment with Tagler and had a serious conversation.


After leaving behind a thousand cavalry headed by Lulick beside Tygler, Allen, Cao Shurui and Lim are preparing to take away all the other Gistas. Along with Allen, Sophie will also return to her motherland.

“Tiger Will Mudqing. See you next time.”

Guanghua Yao Ji hugged Rooney the young dragon and smiled lightly. Although she also knew Tagler’s current difficult situation, she still showed a gentle smile. Moreover, it is not without optimism.

“Although there is no Gista, but Brune’s knight will be your partner next time. So please bear with me for a while.”

“Thank you. We will definitely meet again.”

Tagler smiled and shook Sophie’s hand. He touched Rounier’s head smoothly. The young dragon just squinted his eyes as if it was itchy, and didn’t make any other movements.

Allen announced to the soldiers that they were about to return to Gistat for rescue. Then, pick out a thousand cavalry who are willing to stay on Tiger’s side and let them stay.

Brunei also had nearly a thousand soldiers. This part is directed by Mashaas.

When it took several days to reorganize two thousand soldiers, Tagler received news of Roland’s death.

“Roland was…?”

unbelievable. Such a powerful knight died outside the battlefield.

Before he fully recovered from his surprise, new bad news came.

“Mogineer’s 20,000 troops have broken through the southeast border. Please support immediately.”

Unlike the Gistad army led by Allen, the real invaders appeared.

The winter of the Kingdom of Brunai is about to be enveloped by new wars.

And Cao Shurui and the others will also face the enemy war girl. At this time, Cao Shurui’s strength was very different from when he left Gistad.

“Even Zhan Ji, dare to make Allen sad, although I can’t kill, I won’t be merciless.”

Although Tyler left Durandal as a token of safety, Cao Shurui was still confident. After experiencing a battle with Roland, the strength of the warrior’s rank is no longer a threat to him.

PSP: Oath (HX) gun. . Yes, this is a very sensitive word

Chapter 34 is going to Gistat

The Vosges Mountains are connected by steep mountains that stretch along the border between the Kingdom of Brunei and the Kingdom of Gista. As few people travel between the two countries through the mountains deliberately, there are not many mountain roads and no one has repaired them.

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