That Time I Got Reincarnate As A Medic In The World Of Warhammer 40k

Chapter 20: The Blank's Gambit

Eve followed Commissar Voss through the war-torn ruins of what had once been a hab-block. The sounds of distant gunfire and the occasional earthshaking explosion served as a grim reminder that the battle for Armageddon was far from over.

Commissar Voss led them to a partially collapsed building, its ferrocrete walls pockmarked with bolter holes and las-burns. He gestured for Eve to enter, his face an unreadable mask of stern Imperial authority. As they ducked through a crumbling doorway, Eve noted the thickness of the walls and the absence of windows. A perfect place for an execution, should things go poorly.

The room they entered was spartan, containing only a battered metal table and two chairs that had seen better days. Dust motes danced in the weak light filtering through cracks in the ceiling. Voss closed the door behind them with a resounding thud that seemed to echo the finality of their situation.

"Sit," Voss commanded, gesturing to one of the chairs.

Eve complied, her movements deliberate and controlled. She watched as the Commissar paced the length of the room, his hand never straying far from the bolt pistol at his hip. The tension in the air was palpable, thick enough to cut with a chainsword.

Finally, Voss turned to face her, his eyes hard as adamantium. "Now, guardsman. If that is indeed what you are; you will explain yourself. And know that your very life hangs upon your next words."

Eve met his gaze unflinchingly, a slight smirk playing at the corners of her mouth. It was an expression entirely alien to Lilith's face, and she saw Voss register the change with a narrowing of his eyes.

"Very well, Commissar," Eve began, her voice carrying confidence that Lilith had never possessed. "I'll speak plainly, as our time is short and the Orks won't wait for us to finish our chat."

She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. "The girl you knew as Lilith is not here at the moment. I am Eve, and I share this body with her."

Voss's hand tightened on his bolt pistol, his knuckles whitening. "Possession? Heresy!" he spat, the word dripping with venom.

Eve raised a hand, her demeanor remaining calm. "Not possession, Commissar. Coexistence. And before you reach for that executioner's pistol of yours, let me remind you of something crucial: I am a blank."

The word hung in the air between them, heavy with implications. Voss's brow furrowed, confusion warring with ingrained suspicion on his face.

"Impossible," he muttered. "A blank cannot be possessed. The very nature of their soullessness—"

"Precisely," Eve interrupted, allowing a note of smugness to creep into her voice. "Which is why this is not possession. Lilith and I... we are an anomaly. A paradox. She is a psyker, yes, but I am the blank you witnessed earlier. Two sides of the same coin, Commissar."

Voss shook his head, his hand still hovering near his weapon. "You expect me to believe such nonsense? That a single body can house both a psyker and a blank?"

Eve shrugged, leaning back in her chair with an air of nonchalance that seemed to infuriate the Commissar further. "Believe it or not, it's the truth. And more importantly, it's a truth that could be of great value to the Imperium."

"Explain," Voss growled, his patience clearly wearing thin.

Eve's eyes glinted with a predatory light. "Think about it, Commissar. A soldier who can alternate between psychic abilities and a null field. The tactical advantages alone are staggering. Not to mention the potential for research into the very nature of the Warp and those who interact with it."

She could see the wheels turning behind Voss's eyes. The Commissar was no fool; he understood the potential implications of what she was saying. But decades of indoctrination and suspicion were not so easily overcome.

"And why should I trust a word you say?" Voss demanded, his voice low and dangerous. "For all I know, you could be some Warp-spawned abomination, trying to trick me into sparing your miserable life."

Eve's smile widened, and she played her trump card. "Because, Commissar, the Salamanders have already expressed an interest in our... unique situation."

Voss's eyebrows shot up at this. "The Astartes? What do they know of this?"

"Sergeant Taelon of the Salamanders has offered to help us understand our condition," Eve explained, her tone maddeningly casual. "He seems to think we might be of use to the Imperium. And let's be honest, Commissar… who are you more inclined to trust? Your own limited understanding of the Warp, or the judgment of a Space Marine?"

The Commissar's face twisted into a scowl, but Eve could see the doubt creeping into his eyes. She pressed her advantage.

"I propose a compromise, Commissar Voss. Allow us to continue serving the Emperor under the watchful eye of the Salamanders. If we prove to be a threat, I have no doubt that they will deal with us far more efficiently than you ever could. But if we're telling the truth, we can be an asset to the Imperium rather than executing us here and now, that would be a waste of a valuable resource."

Voss remained silent for a long moment, his internal struggle evident in the tightening of his jaw and the flicker of his eyes. Finally, he spoke, his voice a low growl.

"And what guarantee do I have that you won't turn on us the moment my back is turned? That this isn't some elaborate ploy by the Ruinous Powers?"

Eve's expression sobered, all traces of smugness vanishing. She leaned forward, her eyes locking onto Voss's with an intensity that made the hardened Commissar take half a step back.

"Because, Commissar, despite what you might think, we want nothing more than to serve the Emperor. Lilith has known nothing but devotion to the Imperium her entire life. And I…" Eve paused, a flicker of genuine emotion crossing her face, "I have seen the horrors that lurk in the darkness between the stars. I have no desire to see them unleashed upon humanity."

She stood slowly, her movements deliberate and non-threatening. "We are an anomaly, yes. But we are an anomaly that could tip the scales in the Imperium's favor. All we ask is the chance to prove our worth."

Voss stared at her for what felt like an eternity, his hand still resting on his bolt pistol. The only sound in the room was the distant rumble of artillery and the soft hiss of wind through the cracked walls.

Finally, the Commissar's hand fell away from his weapon. He straightened, his bearing every inch the Imperial officer.

"Very well," he said, his voice clipped and formal. "You will be remanded to the custody of the Salamanders for further evaluation. But know this: I will be watching you. One step out of line, one hint of heresy or corruption, and I will personally ensure that you meet the Emperor's judgment."

Eve nodded solemnly. "Understood, Commissar. We ask for nothing less."

As they prepared to leave the room, Voss fixed Eve with one last, penetrating stare. "One last question: why reveal this to me now? Why take such a risk?"

Eve paused at the doorway, a sad smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "Because, Commissar, in this grim darkness that surrounds us, trust is the rarest and most valuable commodity of all. We hoped that by extending it to you, you might find it in yourself to extend a measure of it in return."

With that, she stepped out into the war-torn streets of Armageddon, leaving a thoughtful and troubled Commissar in her wake.

As they emerged from the building, the chaos of the ongoing war assaulted their senses once more. The sky was choked with smoke and ash, casting an apocalyptic pall over the ruined cityscape. In the distance, they could see the massive forms of Imperial Titans striding across the battlefield, their weapons unleashing devastation upon the Ork hordes.

“*That was scary! How do you manage to keep your confidence?*” Lilith whispered on the back of their mind.

“*Are you scared to die, Lilith?*” Eve replied back to Eve. “*One can only have such confidence in front of death if one doesn’t fear it*”

“*I am… I wish I can be like you*” Lilith lets out a sigh as she thinks how Eve must be so strong to face death with confidence.

“*Don’t be. Being unafraid of death isn’t something to be envious for*” Eve closes her eyes as she remembers her days when she was still a prisoner, but she shakes her head off.

Eve's eyes scanned the area, quickly locating Sergeant Taelon's towering form amidst a group of Salamanders Space Marines. The Astartes were a sight to behold, their emerald armor scorched and pitted from battle, but still radiating an aura of transhuman might.

As Eve and Commissar Voss approached, Sergeant Taelon turned to face them. His helmet was off, revealing a face that was more scar tissue than unmarked skin, his eyes glowing with a soft, ember-like light—a signature trait of the Salamanders gene-seed.

"Commissar Voss," Taelon rumbled, his voice deep and resonant. "I trust your... discussion with the young guardswoman was illuminating?"

Voss's face tightened almost imperceptibly. "Indeed, Sergeant. It seems we have quite the enigma on our hands."

Taelon's gaze shifted to Eve, his expression unreadable. "And you, little one? Are you still Lilith, or...?"

"Eve," she replied simply, meeting the Space Marine's gaze without flinching. "Lilith is... resting, for lack of a better term."

The Sergeant nodded, as if this was a perfectly normal state of affairs. "I see. And what has been decided regarding your fate?"

Before Eve could respond, Voss stepped forward, his bearing rigid and formal. "The guardswoman or rather the guardswomen as the case may be, will be remanded to Salamander custody for further evaluation and potential utilization of her unique abilities."

Taelon raised an eyebrow, the motion pulling at the scar tissue on his face. "A wise decision, Commissar. The Forgefather will be most interested in this development."

Eve felt a flutter of anxiety in her chest which is Lilith's influence, no doubt. The Forgefather was a figure of legend, the master of the Salamanders' Techmarines and keeper of the Chapter's most closely guarded technological secrets. The thought of being subject to his scrutiny was both thrilling and terrifying.

"What happens now?" Eve asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil she felt within.

Sergeant Taelon's expression softened slightly, a flicker of compassion passing across his features. "Now, young one, you come with us. The battle for Armageddon is far from over, and we can use every asset at our disposal."

He turned to Commissar Voss, his tone becoming more formal. "With your permission, Commissar, I would like to integrate... Eve and Lilith into our tactical operations. Their unique abilities could prove invaluable in the coming engagements."

Voss nodded stiffly. "Granted, Sergeant. But I expect full reports on their activities and performance. The Departmento Munitorum will want a thorough accounting of this... anomaly."

"Of course," Taelon replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "The Administratum's thirst for documentation is rivaled only by their love of filing systems."

Eve couldn't help but smirk at the subtle jab, and she saw Voss's eye twitch in barely contained annoyance. The Commissar turned on his heel, striding back towards the Imperial Guard lines without another word.

As Voss's form receded into the smoke-filled distance, Eve felt a weight lift from her shoulders. She turned to Sergeant Taelon, allowing some of her weariness to show.

"Thank you, Sergeant," she said softly. "For trusting us. For giving us a chance."

Taelon's scared face creased in what might have been a smile. "The Promethean Cult teaches us to value the human spirit in all its forms, young Eve. You and Lilith... you represent something unique. Something that could change our understanding of both the Warp and the nature of humanity itself."

His expression grew more serious. "But make no mistake: you will be tested. The path ahead will not be easy. Are you two prepared for what lies ahead?"

Eve straightened, squaring her shoulders. In that moment, she felt Lilith's presence stirring within their shared mind, a warm current of determination flowing between them.

"We are, Sergeant," Eve replied, her voice ringing with conviction. "Whatever trials await us, we face them in the Emperor's name."

Taelon nodded approvingly. "Good. Then let us return to the battle. The enemies of mankind will not wait while we stand idle."

As they moved to rejoin the Salamander squad, Eve felt a strange mix of emotions swirling within her. After all, fighting always seems to get her excited.

The sounds of battle grew louder as they approached the front lines once again. Bolter fire and the screams of the dying formed a hellish cacophony, punctuated by the earth-shaking footsteps of war machines. Eve took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come.

*"Are you ready?"* she thought, directing the question inward to Lilith.

*"As ready as I'll ever be,"* came the reply, tinged with nervous excitement. *"Let's show them what we can do."*

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