That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World

Chapter 181: What Did He See

April 30th, 624


I sat on my bundle of blankets and sheets, leaning against the wall with a cradled Orb in front of me. On it was my advancement formation, all of its headache-inducing complexity on full display. I stared at it for a bit longer before waving it off and closing my eyes. 

I dragged my hand through the air, moving it with a weight greater than the resistance the air would’ve offered, and opened my eyes to watch lines, runes, and circuits flow into existence before me. 

It shaped itself into a vaguely circular formation before the edges started stretching, hundreds of tendrils reaching for as-yet nonexistent connections. I repeated the process again, less pressure against my hand this time, and drew the tendrils, one by one at first, then by the bunch, together, binding the two into something triangular. Hundreds of tendrils still wavered before me, eventually bound by the third formation I summoned. 

With that, I finished a disconcertingly non-cubical structure, interlaced in a thousand different ways. Leaving it to the side, I formed another one, practiced motions coming to me smoothly. It only took a couple minutes, and the third took less. 

Now came the hard part. I took the shapes, shining with Psyka, and brought them together. They fought against me, repelling and slipping against each other like magnets, only bending to my will after I injected more Psyka into the gaps. Tens of thousands of connections reached across the highly-concentrated Psyka filling the gaps, finding their pairs naturally, like they were merely rejoining the same whole rather than forming a completely new joint. 

It all amalgamated to form a single, 3 dimensional structure of overlapping circles, runes, and geometric formations. 

I sent a pulse of power through it. It came back cleanly, amplified, after flooding through the innumerous connections in a giant whirl of energy. Nothing hurt. Nothing felt off. There wasn’t the slightest hint that something was wrong. 

It was as it was meant, and when I plugged in my advancement crystal, I could feel that power stream through my mind. 

My mind was empowered, the complex formation working to change the way my Psyka worked, making it denser, faster…

More than that, I felt other changes. 

Shutting my eyes again, my vision shifted until I could ‘see’ the inner spaces of my mind. 

The Spark, a most luminous king reigning over the sea of stars scattered about it in the dark aether, floated in a foggy mist – my Psyka. 

Lines started tracing themselves between some of the stars, thin and spidery at first, then thicker and thicker, jumping from one node to another, forming a lattice of infallible memories. From just one point, I could access every other node simply by following the bridges, tracing memories by whichever mechanism my mind determined most effective. 

Memories I would never forget. 

The sea of Psyka in the middle sped up with my heart rate, turbulence briefly misting up the Spark before its radiance sucked in the white mist. This advancement, at least until I formed the next Spark, would make my memories perfect, my mind eidetic. 

Unfortunately, now wasn’t the time for advancement work. I was finally capable of completing the advancement formation, and now I could begin cultivating power for the actual advancement. 

It was morning right now, though, and I had obligations. 

Shutting everything down, getting dressed, throwing on my gas mask, and hoisting the air tanks, I left my room and ventured out into the base. 

I wasn’t fucking around with that red gas, and as I had guessed, it was wreaking havoc on those who had exposed themselves. 

Symptoms – blistering, vomiting, weakness, and a whole host of other miserable afflictions – had started manifesting. Whatever this disease was, it was at least in the same family as whatever had been inflicted on the wounded in sickbay. 

However, the most seriously affected were the ordinary people in the base, which was a small portion, and the warlocks and summoners. Knights were generally able to fight off the disease with their vitality. 

It didn’t affect everyone exposed either. The base was filled with newly sprouted medical tents to care for the thousands of people who had started suffering, but there were still plenty of soldiers to fight the war. That wasn’t to mention the fact that we continued to receive trickling reinforcements. 

Quarantine areas were set up within the outer walls and kept away from high traffic areas. My knowledge was being spread as fast as the disease, and some people would occasionally call me up to get some help or advice, mainly the healers in charge. They had it the worst, and I didn’t mind helping them out. I made a lot of valuable friends that way. 

However, my attention was ordered to solely focus on hunting down Bombardos. 

The best way to fight chemical and biological attacks was to avert them entirely, and that’s what I was in charge of ensuring. 

Well, I wasn’t in charge. Major General Quill was, and Polly and Jasmine were still senior to me. I wasn’t disregarded though and was allowed much more leeway in the missions I drew up. Every recon mission I proposed was accepted and carried out as soon as our troops were able, and whenever there were confirmations of Bombardos, strike missions were quickly assigned. 

However, I still maintained a certain degree of caution. 

“Another confirmation. Five Bombardos, sector seven. Nice predictions…”

Major General Quill commented, leaning back in his seat. He was no longer so elusive to me, deciding to interact with me directly instead of letting Polly mediate. She was still there, of course, but I was no longer so hidden in the background. 

I was definitely stealing some of her thunder, but this wasn’t about me becoming popular. I was trying to keep this base from getting bombed to hell so I wouldn’t go down with it. Thankfully, she understood that and decided to work with me. 

I nodded. 

“A good target.”

“Let’s draw up another mission then. You said the Snow Doves were ready to deploy? We can send them and the Sixth Warlock Company.”

“... Hang on.”

I paused his hasty writing, checking out the map. 

“Something wrong?”

“... It seems too easy.”

“What does? Finding them?”

“... I’m not sure exactly, but if anything left an impression, it was the fact that the Scourge used the Bombardos a few days ago to bait in the Marshal. This terrain.”

I pointed at the area around the confirmed sightings. 

“Messy, isolated, with no easy retreat routes. Too convenient for them.”

“We can’t let a little difficulty get in the way of killing five Bombardos.”

A hint of bloodlust leaked from his grimace. 

“We also don’t want to lose another Brigadier. We don’t have to walk ourselves into a trap. Instead…”

My finger moved down dozens of miles, finding another area, a relatively flat path that led southward. 

“We’ve been getting a lot of reports about Scout activity in this area. I’m thinking they’re trying to hide something since they haven’t been attacking. They want to bait us in and draw our attention away.”

“Away from what?”

“Well that’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?”

I smiled a bit, thinking I was onto something. 

That southward path led into a mountain. It went nowhere, so I couldn’t be sure what they were hiding over there. There was no way they could pass Bombardos through without getting spotted, but at the same time, I refused to believe it was nothing. 

I tapped the mountain. 

“This place. We should check it out.”

“That’s directly west from here. You think they could’ve moved their troops that far down without getting noticed? We’ve already scouted that northern area three times.”

“They’ve already done it once. I see no reason why they couldn’t do it again.”

“Hm, very well. We’ll get a knight platoon to do it.”

“Actually, I was thinking we could send a small team. Three or four people, just to get a look. We’ll have them circle around the mountain and check everything out, make sure the Scourge isn’t setting up some secret base or something.”

I rubbed my chin, Major General Quill shrugging. 

“Just make sure they don’t get killed. As for the five Bombardos, we won’t ignore them, but we’ll remain cautious for now and watch. If that is indeed a trap, they won’t be moving anywhere for a while. We’ll just keep an eye on them and let them sit on their asses. Draw up a few plans for if and when they start moving.”

“Wise decision, sir.”

“Damn right it is. Get your team formed tonight and send them out by morning.”


I saluted as Quill got up to leave, leaving us to work. 

Once he was gone though, I went over and plopped down into a chair, sighing. 

Jasmine scooted over in her chair. 

“Alright there, Envoy?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“What’s got you down?”

“Well… I’m close to Authority 6”

“Oh, congratulations!”

She clapped a few times, making me smile. Her enthusiasm was infectious… although maybe that wasn’t the best way to describe it.

“Thanks. I wanted to be in the Capital for the advancement though. That requires me to take some leave. Disregarding the likelihood of that request being accepted, I don’t want to leave when I’ve been given a big job like this. I’m seeing no good ways to go about this advancement.”

“You can’t delay it?”

“I can, but I’m wondering for how long I’ll have to. I want to advance as soon as possible so I can start on the next formation.”

“Makes sense…”

She nodded, thinking for a bit before sighing as well.

“Sorry bud, I got nothing.”


“I mean, nobody could’ve predicted that all this shit would happen. It’s just bad timing. They’re getting the Rail set up though. Once it’s finished you’ll have a better chance of getting leave.”


I shrugged. I had some time but I knew the cultivation period wouldn’t take that long. Depending on how much effort I put in, there was no reason why I couldn’t reach the cusp within a month. 

And this shit show going on definitely wouldn’t be over in a month. Still, I’d try my luck and see if I couldn’t get at least a week back at the capital. Even a day, just to do the advancement and get the next formation. I’m sure they’d understand that reason. Investment was important.

Besides, after serving for a year, everyone was supposed to get some vacation. My first year was about to conclude, so if nothing else was enough, that would have to be. 

We sat around for a bit, mentally processing everything before starting another batch of work. 

When we were about to begin filling out papers though, I suddenly got a ring on my Aerial. 

It was from one of the wall guard agents responsible for handling all the sentries. I had talked to him multiple times before so having him in my Aerial was good for quick communication. 

His words made my eyes widen. I shot out of my chair, and after letting Polly and Jasmine know the situation, threw on my gas mask and sprinted out of headquarters. 

“He’s right here.”

“Chief Reginold!”

My legs carried me across the dozen meters between me and the Chief. 

One of our infiltrators was back!

One of them…

But where were the others?

I slowed down as I approached, thoughts running wildly through my head. 

As I reached out with my Aura, I almost recoiled and withdrew it. Some miasma hung over Chief Reginold, itself invisible to the eye, but its effects were telling: his emaciated arms, sunken eyes, and dead gaze whispered of malevolent trials. 

He was almost unrecognizable. 

My excitement was quickly doused. He looked at me, as if I weren’t even a person, before reaching out with a shaky hand. 

He slipped off the ring on his finger and handed it to me. 

It was unbonded, so I could access it. A quick glimpse inside returned almost a hundred pages of reports, filled to the margins with scrawled text. They started neat and mundane, but grew more hurried, to the last page, which looked as if a madman had scratched it on the walls of his asylum.

There was also an Orb with pictures on it. 

They had brought the intelligence back. 

Chief Reginold mumbled. 

“I don’t know… if they’re dead…”


I remained silent. 

For a moment I had forgotten. Death was the preferable end. If they weren’t killed, then they were captured. 

I didn’t want to imagine it. 

I clenched the ring in my hand. This information had come at the cost of two Chiefs. Whether Chief Reginold would ever be combat ready again was up for debate as well. It looked like he had trekked the entire distance back from the eastern crossing, without enough food to sustain him for most of it. 

“Do you think it was worth it?”

I asked him, looking into his eyes. 

I had to know. 

He thought for some time before muttering. 



I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. I didn’t think it made me feel any better.

“...You were right… I… I can’t speak…”

Reginold suddenly started gasping for breath, his Aura darkening, filling with fear. 

“It’s an invasion…”

“Get a healer! Reginold, stay with me. Focus here.”

I grabbed his arm, sending out a few orders to the guards around me. Some of them ran off. 

Before I could do anything more though, Reginold passed out. 


I cursed and put my fingers against his throat. He still had a pulse, but it was weak and fast, his breathing shallow. 

Thankfully the medical tents were nearby. A healer arrived and started casting spells, stabilizing his condition. 

Polly and Jasmine arrived not long after, gathering around. Jasmine ran up to Reginold, and Polly stopped by my side. 

“... What the hell happened?”

“I don’t know…”

I looked down at the ring. 

“But it cost two Chiefs… I’m going to go through this report.”

“... Go ahead. I need to talk to Nonnen.”


Another thing I didn’t want to think about. I had killed two of his Chiefs, and one looked like he was on the brink of insanity. 

I needed to know what he saw. 

I needed to know why, despite everything, he thought it was worth it.


“Fuck, Polly. What the fuck happened?!”

“I don’t know. John is going through the reports.”

“How long ago did he arrive?
“About 15 hours ago.”

“Dammit. I just had to be gone…”

Nonnen stomped out of the room, Polly following as he made his way to the medical tent. 

He directly entered and found Reginold. 

No, he found his corpse.

His fist clenched. Veins bulged on his arms. 

“Reginold showed up at the wall, handed off the ring, and then passed out. He died four hours later, despite what the healers tried to do for him. Nothing worked…”

“... He should’ve died long ago.”

Nonnen concluded as he scanned Reginold’s body. 

“I don’t even know how he got back…”

“Yes, I don’t think I’ve ever seen something like this before. The healers said something similar. He got here on sheer willpower.”

“... What the fuck did he see…”

Nonnen muttered, turning. 

“Where’s John?”

“At headquarters. He’s been going through the report ever since he got it.”

“Take me there.”


“Take. Me. There.”

Nonnen commanded, Polly’s half-opened mouth shutting as she led him out of the medbay. 

The two walked to headquarters, entering and finding the office. 

John was inside, his face buried in a pile of papers, another neat stack in front of him. Jasmine was curled up in a chair in the corner, breathing lightly.

It was a full report, and his Aura was practically radiating Psyka. 

Nonnen walked over, looking down at the completed report, seeing John’s bloodshot eyes. 

“Tell me what happened.”


John was silent, like he wasn’t acknowledging Nonnen’s existence. However, Nonnen could feel his thoughts compile through his Aura. It was an open book, and the mental power behind it was incredible. 

His mouth opened. 

“Chief Reginold, Chief Vipul, and Chief Prasanna all proceeded from the eastern crossing to the north, traveling until they reached the first Scourge establishment. It was a farm nest, a small forest of Gut Roots and Pustules, all of them at least 50 times larger than anything previously seen on our side of the Pass. It was theorized that the Scourge is passing a form of nutrient paste through these Gut Roots and the fungus they spread across the land. 

“From that farm nest they continued to travel north until they picked up on large concentrations of Aura. They evaded hundreds of thousands of troops in the process, finding dozens of camps, bases, and nests. Some nests were for breeding, some for processing food, some for performing cannibalistic battle. One thing of note though was that not a single Royal was sighted. 

“Not until they reached the epicenter about a month into the mission.”

John grabbed an Orb, projecting an image. 

It showed a picture from the top of a mountain, and across the image that spanned a small mountain range, they saw a massive fleshy intestine sprawled between these mountains. It had to have been hundreds of meters in diameter to fill the image like it did. 

“They found two of these gargantuan intestines and followed them. Eventually, they converged on a single structure.”

He changed the image, revealing a mountain of not rock, but flesh. It was an unholy construction of bone and amalgamated muscle and organs. It was alive, and it was massive. 

“They called this the Epicenter. Five of the gargantuan intestines converged here, the other three spreading eastward, likely reaching to other epicenters northward of other human bases. This Epicenter contained thousands of Royals, the collective Aura so powerful that they couldn’t estimate how many high Authority Royals were there. They believed that the presence of a Sovereign-level Royal was likely. 

“After encountering this Epicenter, they felt in danger so the three decided to make their way back. However, they were discovered only a week after leaving the Epicenter. It was during a battle with an Authority 10 Royal that Chief Vipul and Chief Prasanna sacrificed themselves in order to let Chief Reginold burrow and escape with the information they had collected. It was suspected that they had been spotted long beforehand, though they don’t… didn’t know how.”

John changed the image once again, showing the eastern crossing. Back when the Chiefs had been sent over it was generally clear. 

Now though, sprawled across the ravine was a growing gargantuan intestine. 

“On the way back, Chief Reginold got this picture. It was his last, and shows the gargantuan intestine making its way into our territory via the eastern crossing. He said that there were feeders growing off the intestine and dipping into the river below. It’s theorized that the intestine is the primary method of supply to the frontline armies of the Scourge, capable of feeding entire armies using the stuff produced by Gut Roots. I have a theory that the fungus growing across the land is actually laying the foundation for that intestine to grow, perhaps a sensory network to determine where the best growth path would be. Either way, it's coming toward us, and along with it, millions of monsters. Chief Reginold estimates between 2 and 6 million based on what they had encountered going there and back.”

John set the orb down, brushing his fingers over the small report he had formed. 

“This report is a summary of everything in the collected intelligence. Chief Reginold believes that this is an invasion we can’t stop. It’s clear that the Scourge has infrastructure capable of supporting millions on hostile territory. And in my opinion…”

John turned his head, Nonnen meeting his eyes. 

He could sense Anarchy. 

“If the Kingdom doesn’t mobilize far more than it has here, it’ll lose this base and the entire western front beyond the River of Desolation before two years have passed.”

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