TF Amethyst

TFA2 5.2 – Gas Attack

TFA2 5.2 - Gas Attack

War Strategy Room, Cruiser Ship Geko-01

As he frowned, Duke Fogel looked at the leader of Crystal Communication Maintenance Team. "Supervisor Braak, even if it's just an assumption, give your opinion about what is really going on?"

"Ser Duke," Supervisor Braak nervously replied, "to be honest, I have never experienced a situation like this."

"What situation?"

"There is no damage or malfunction in our crystal communicator. It is just that someone sends a very accurate signal of disturbance. I suspect this is the act of TF Amethyst."

"Why do you think this is a new situation?" A question mark filled Duke Fogel's forehead as he continued, "As far as I remember, sending a signal of disturbance is not a new tactic and we can counter it with switching channels.

Fortunately, Battle Group B has more than a hundred crystal communicator channels. I believe it will be difficult for TF Amethyst to find the channel we use. And even if they find it, we can switch the channel again.”

A deep frustration appeared on Supervisor Braak's face as he replied, "We already tried it. We had changed the channels fifty times in row, but every channel only lasted for 6-8 seconds."

"Impossible! How did they find the channel we use in such a short time?"

With a face full of disbelief, Duke Fogel looked at Supervisor Braak, and for a moment his mind spun wildly. Meanwhile, Prince Portho and Admiral Shank could only frown in silence, and it was very normal that the three had difficulty in understanding the situation.

The reason was, crystal communicator worked in a direct channel as if it was connected by an invisible cable, and not in open air like a radio wave. Therefore, to disrupt a crystal communicator network, someone had to track the channel that was being used, and then conducted a trial and error to find the right signal of disturbance.

It was not easy because every channel had a unique attribute, and an effective signal of disturbance for a certain channel was not necessarily effective for other channels. In short, it was almost impossible to disturb a crystal communication network that had more than a hundred channels. 

But of course, that scenario was only valid in front of analog technology. In front of computers and digital technology, various complex analyses could be done in a matter of microseconds, as long as a right program was properly written for the right device.

IDG even set a target that the anti-crystal communicator pod had to be able to analyze and send the right signal of disturbance within 0.05 second. Therefore, the targeted network did not have any chance to send any message even if they used the basic tactic of switching channel.

After a long silence Duke Fogel said, "For now, use visual signals to communicate, but keep trying to counter the disturbance in our network."

"At your command," Supervisor Braak replied firmly before going back to his station.

Then, Duke Fogel was about to close his eyes and sigh deeply when the Leader of Crystal Sensor Team approached him.

"Supervisor Sett, I hope you don't bring bad news."

"Ser Duke, honestly, I don't know if this is a good or bad news."

Duke Fogel calmly said, "Explain it."

"We just got six return signals, approaching the outer perimeter on the east at 250 km/h and altitude of 3000 Feet."

"Do these return signals are similar to the dozen return signals that circled above our formation when TF Amethyst launched artillery salvo?" Admiral Shank asked curiously.

"No, Ser Admiral. This time they are slightly stronger. But there is another one that coming from something that currently is circling above our formation, and this one is very strong."

In an instant a question mark appeared in Prince Portho's mind. "How strong the return signal and what is the detail of its flying profile?"

"It's as strong as return signal from a medium dragon, coming from the east before circling above us at 400 km/h, at an altitude of 24,000 feet."

Admiral Shank immediately said, "It is true that only a dragon can fly that high. But if our guest is truly a medium dragon, then we must have arrived in afterlife right now."

It was known that dragon never bothered to circle their prey like an eagle. When in a hunt, they would just approach their prey directly and grill it using its flame tower. Therefore, Admiral Shank confidently concluded that their guest was not a dragon.

"I think it's one of TF Amethyst's assets. Our intel said they also had a big-sized aerial transportation." Duke Fogel paused, then continued in a curious tone, "Though, I don't know what objective they want to achieve by flying above our formation."

As relief filled his face Prince Portho said, "Well, if our guest is TF Amethyst's asset, then we don't need to worry. They will not attack our assets that have human shields. "

"I hope so." Duke Fogel replied.

Then, a senior sailor from Signal Team suddenly entered the war strategy room and reported. "Sir, our corvettes in the east perimeter sent a signal. They were attacked by six flying carriages that could spit fire arrows like rain."

"I see." Duke Fogel replied calmly. "Send a warning to all of our elements that a similar attack might come to them, and I want them to send a sitrep every one hour."

"As you command, Sir." Without delay, the senior sailor carried the order.

Then, silence filled the War Strategy Room. Duke Fogel, Prince Portho, Admiral Shank, and every staff officer at the War Strategy Room were fully aware that the attack on east perimeter was just a diversion, which usually came together with interference to communication networks. And so, they were vigilantly waiting for the main attack that could come at any second.

However, no one thought that what TF Amethyst wanted was their beachhead. Of course, their experience and knowledge warned them that a beachhead was a favorite pick up for whoever opponent they may face. But unfortunately, the assumption that TF Amethyst would avoid targets that were protected by human shields was already rooted deeply in their minds.


A few stars twinkled in the sky, as a long convoy moved towards Sandhur Beach at medium speed. The drivers drove with the help of NVG, while the passengers sat in silence. In short, the convoy moved in the dark and almost silently.

In total, the convoy consisted of 487 units of various Humvees and trucks. Most Humvee were ridden by 436 personnel of Ground Combat Group, while around 90 trucks were ridden by 560 personnel of Tuscan Guard, and 6000 personnel of Buriek Guard.

At a distance of 6 km from the Battle Group B's camp the convoy slowed down, and then formed a defensive perimeter before fully stopping.

Meanwhile, on one of the Humvees in the leading position, Lt. Colonel Luther observed the aerial reconnaissance from Reaper through his tablet.

"What a lively camp," Lt. Colonel Luther muttered under his bread.

When he arrived at Castle Lagra with QRF element, Lt. Colonel Luther harbored great hopes for tasting his first ground combat. But he had to be disappointed because Kingdom of Buriek was willing to sit at the negotiating table before contact on the ground broke out. Fortunately, in the end he had the opportunity he desired for, and it was a large offensive.

'Let's not waste our time.' Lt. Colonel Luther immediately got out from his Humvee and approached the Leader of NBC Team.

"LT, you can start smoking our target."

"Copy that." The Lieutenant immediately gave a signal to NBC Team to prepare the gas attack, and then he pressed PTT button on his radio, "Nano Bravo Charlie to all units, put your gas mask on. I say again, gas mask on."

Once the wind was confirmed blowing to south, and the safety seal of 20 gas cylinders at the rear bed of five units M1152 Cargo was off, the Lieutenant immediately wore his gas mask and pressed PTT Button once again.

"Nano Bravo Charlie to all units, be advised, gas in the air on ten, nine, eight, . . . . three, two, one, now!"

Hisssss! Hisssss! Hisssssssss!

A colorless gas came out from the gas cylinder and fused with the night air, and then was silently carried away by the wind into Battle Group B's camp.

From his tablet, Lt. Colonel Luther observed the effect of the gas attack. Soldier, slave worker, women, children and even animals, all of them did not able to avoid it. Most of the victims collapsed to the ground almost instantly, while some of them tried to crawl or got up before collapsing again, and fully passed out.

Wasting no time, Lt. Colonel Luther gave orders through his radio, "Night Shepherd to Vanguard Leader, you have green, make it swift and clean, we don't have much time."

[Received and understood, swift and clean, Vanguard Leader over and out.]


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