TF Amethyst

TFA2 23.2 – Brigadier Ugla’s Circumstance

Command Center, Castle Harra

As soon as he received Captain Jose’s reports, Colonel Harper immediately sank into contemplation. He couldn’t help but recalling the outbreak of deadly disease in the south coast of Buriek Continent one month ago. The disease infected dozens of villages and killed more than five thousand people.

Every single means that Kingdom of Buriek used to fight the outbreak bore no result. In the end, Kingdom of Buriek could only isolated the infected villages and let the villagers waited for their death. Kingdom of Buriek had also tried to hide the outbreak from TF Amethyst, but IDG managed to sniff it. 

Medic Quarter then sent a small medic squad to check it and turned out the disease was chickenpox. This chickenpox actually was not as deadly as chickenpox from earth. Kingdom of Buriek failed to overcome it because their medical level was simply too low.

With ease, Medic Quarter then invented an effective vaccine to eradicate the chickenpox. After that, Amethyst Merchant sponsored an immediate mass vaccination both in Kingdom of Buriek and friendly Regions in Amstell Continent.

As for chickenpox that infected the slaves in Renne, Ranna, and Ronno, Captain Jose and his team concluded that it was carried by migrating seagulls from south coast of Buriek Continent. In the middle of journey, those seagulls landed on Battle Group C’s warships for a short rest, and slaves who tasked to catch and cook them had physical contact with the infected seagulls.

‘Fortunately, we already acquired a perfect mean to overcome it,’ Colonel Harper muttered as relief filled his heart to the brim.

Then, a staff officer approached Colonel Harper and reported, “Sir, medevac team had just finished their adjustment. They are ready to go.”

“Send them,” Colonel Harper calmly ordered.

Wasting no time, the staff officer carried out the order. A few minutes later, 9 units V-22 Osprey took off from Port of Kandai. Each Osprey had been configured as medevac air lifter with capacity of 12 stretchers and three senior medical attendants.


Slave Camp, Renne Island.

In swift manner, the medic squad separated the slave into two groups. First group was the healthy slaves, and Buriek paramedics would handle them. The second group was slave in critical condition, and personnel from Medic Quarter would handle them personally.

The Medic Quarter’s personnel would be able to stabilize the slaves in critical condition, but those slaves would still need an intensive care. The nearest facility that had personnel and equipment to carry this task was field hospital in Port of Kandai. Coincidently, this hospital had also become the primary means to overcome the chickenpox outbreak in south coast of Buriek Continent.

Meanwhile, from one of watch towers in the slave camp, Brigadier Todak observed how his men skillfully guided three Ospreys to land in emergency helipad they built. After that, they help the evacuation for the slave in critical condition.

“I’m glad our men carry their job properly.”

Lieutenant Karsi who stood next to Brigadier Todak firmly replied, “Aye Sir, and it seems they also enjoy it.”

Brigadier Todak then turned his gaze towards third batch of healthy slave that would be transported to Port of Kandai using LCAC. They sat neatly inside LCAC while enjoying warm barley tea and sweet bread. It was easy to see the happiness in their expression, especially on the slave children who heartily ate the sweet bread. Those slave children made Brigadier Todak remembered his own toddler who had also become a fanatic lover of sweet bread.

‘Well, it’s good that everything goes smoothly,’ muttered Brigadier Todak. ‘And fortunately every citizen of Kingdom of Buriek had received chickenpox vaccination, so this disease is no longer a threat for them.’


While glided across the sky, Brigadier Torri observed the opposing final defensive line in Renne Island. It was only a small defensive, consisted around a thousand defenders. His unit would easily wipe them out to the last man, but unfortunately he didn’t have green to attack them.

Command Centre in Castle Harra had put the evacuation of the slaves as primary objective, and if the opposing side chose not to disturb it, then all Buriek’s element would avoid any contact with them. Considering that even the smallest mistake in a fight against ready to die opposing force could put the evacuation and medic personnel into a dangerous circumstance.

Then, seven unidentified blips suddenly appeared in the display tablet. They took off from western Renne Island and flew in maximum speed to the northwest. Brigadier Torri concluded they would flank Sommer Island, crossed the Guise Sea, and then landed on the closest Region on Amstell Continent.

Wasting no time Brigadier Torri said, “Be ready, some rats are trying to escape.”

“Copy,” replied Weapon Officer Obba.

Coincidentally, Brigadier Torri was the closest Rider to the unidentified blips. Without delay he took his Cloud Hawk to conduct a hot pursuit. Meanwhile, from his display tablet he saw a dozen of his men followed him tightly. Then, a radio call came in.

[Charlie Hotel to Bravo 0-1, cease your chase, let them escape.]


[Charlie Hotel to Bravo 0-1, I say again, cease your chase, let them escape, and stay on your designated area.]

Brigadier Torri immediately pressed PTT button and replied, “Bravo 0-1 to Charlie Hotel, most likely they are high value target, maybe Prince Dellan is among them.”

[We have considered that possibility, but we will stick to our primary objective. If we truly want to bag Prince Dellan, we will directly attack their Command Centre from the beginning. High Command has their discretion as why they don’t do it. We can only obey it.]

‘Damn.’ Even though he was deeply disappointed, Brigadier Torri was not stupid enough to disobey a direct order from Command Centre. He immediately replied, “Received and understood, Bravo 0-1 over and out.”

A moment later, Brigadier Torri and his men had returned to their designated area. They casually glided across the sky, and ready to intercept any threat to their primary objective.


After his men secured Camp Forrez, Duke Harare immediately returned to Castle Harra. He arrived in Castle Harra at afternoon. Then, after dinner he casually sat in the balcony of his study while enjoying a bowl of raisins. An hour later, Brigadier Ugla came and sat next to him.

Wasting no time, Duke Harare cheerfully opened the conversation, “I thought you would have dinner with me here.”

Brigadier Ugla took a handful of raisin as he answered, “I had to have dinner with my men. Brigadier Todak invited us.”

“I see,” Duke Harare replied as he slightly nodded

“How did the fight to seize Camp Forrez go?”

“What fight?” Duke Harare paused for a moment before continued, “Your regiment had destroyed the defender both in body and mind. They surrendered as soon as they saw my men. Bringing in two infantry divisions is overkill.” 

“Well, it’s better to bring more rather than to regret later.”

“True.” Duke Harare then turned his gaze towards Brigadier Ugla, “What about your next mission? I heard more than 80% Battle Group C’s warships blockade Sommer Island.”

“I have proposed to Command Centre to put an end to the blockade as soon as possible.”

“Good idea. Then, what about the remains of Battle Group C in Renne, Ranna, and Ronno?”

“Medic Squad concludes they have been infected with chickenpox. It will take some time, but in the end they will die if we don’t help them.” 

“Does Command Centre plan to let them die?”

“No, IDG want to dig intel about Makai Royal City as much as possible from them. Tomorrow, some Riders from 12-1 Squadron will drop flyer to warn them that they will die if they don’t surrender.”

“I see.” After heaving a deep sigh, Duke Harare said, “Sorry Ugla, you have to bear a heavy burden because your foolish uncle made a fatal mistake.”

“Don’t worry. I can handle it.”

In silence, Duke Harare and Brigadier Ugla recalled General Griek’s insubordination by executed children from Sandhur Region. Even though Buriek Royal Hall didn’t blame Harare Family for General Griek’s insubordination, Duke Harare didn’t just sit and do nothing. He tried his best to redeem it and proof the loyalty of Harare Family. And as the only successor of Harare Family, Brigaider Ugla naturally got the biggest share in this effort.

As he looked deeply at Brigadier Ugla, Duke Harare said, “I know you can do it, Son.”

Both Duke Harare and Brigadier Ugla then continued their conversation in a light mood. Mainly, they were talking about the family issue and the latest development in Haldon City.


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