Tesslia: Can I Survive Being a Pet of a Sadistic Vampire?

Chapter 26: Weak Paper Girl…


Chapter 26: Weak Paper Girl…

(Tesslia’s POV)

After a series of tests that, apparently, were very extensive, Risa declared me… weak to a silly degree. Truly, I was weaker than wet paper; it seems…

With no other options, it was decided that I must be… drugged! No, really. Rather, it was just medicine, and I am being silly.

Frankly, in my past life, I had to be very serious most of the time. And that went for my ENTIRE past life. In this life… can’t I afford to be a little whimsical?

Besides, Risa and Karlena seem to like this… whimsy of mine. Anyway, for my treatment, I had to wear four bands. Two on my wrists, and two on my ankles.

Like with my tag, they seemed to be made of the same material. Oddly, despite them being thin as all hell, these bands somehow produce medicine every day.

Each day, I will get a dose from them, but I felt no pain. Risa said that the needles were extremely thin, and that I shouldn’t worry about it. Worry? Sorry, but what kind of sci-fi bullshit is this world!?

Tesslia: “What year is it?” I ask.

Risa: “2285, if I remember correctly.” She answered.

Tesslia: “…”

Oh, okay, never mind. Sorry, I am just an outdated country bumpkin in this dimension. No wonder their tech is so advanced. Do I even need to ask if these vampires are space faring? They probably were…

Risa: “Finger.” She ordered.


Pointing my finger to her mouth, the woman sucked on it for a bit. No, this wasn’t sexual at all. I mean, it sure felt sexual… But she was just numbing up my finger so that she could test some of my blood.


She pricked my finger and squeezed some blood out. I could see a desire in Risa’s eyes, one which told me that she would very much like to drink my blood. But the good doctor resisted the urge, so she reluctantly put the blood in some sci-fi machine.

I have been in her hospital for a week now, and this blood testing has been a common occurrence. But nothing came out of it, yet. The machine needed to be recalibrated to be able to do anything with my blood. After so many times… it should work now.


A holographic display showed up above the machine, and Risa looked over it. Ah, that beep… I just made it up in my mind. You see, these vampires are enlightened beings. For what reason should technology ever have a right to make noises at us?

The vampires were… clearly a serene race. There was very little noise pollution in this world, and even lights were sparingly used. Like those depicted in novels, movies, etc. In my dimension, I am sure that vampires here can see in the dark.

After all, I have caught her working purely in the dark, multiple times, doing her work without any challenge. Aw… I want night vision powers!…

Risa: “Ah, as I had expected… Tesslia, though your body was created in a lab, just like most humans, you have no vaccines.” She informed.

Tesslia: “Oh… is that why I am sick?” I reply with a head tilt.

Risa: “…Please don’t tilt your head like that! You’re making me too horny to work…” She said with a stern tone.

Tesslia: “…”

Hey, wait a minute… Was it my fault that both you and your daughter find me tilting my head to be attraction? I feel wronged…

Risa: “It won’t solve all your problems, but it will at least make you healthier. How are you with needles?” She asked.

Tesslia: “Magic fog that makes me sleep, please.” I answer in reply.

Risa: “You’re such a child… the needles won’t hurt.” She said with a laugh.

Tesslia: “Spoken like a true doctor… Anything to do with surgery, regardless of how invasive, I would prefer to be sleeping through it.” I explain.

Risa: “Very well. Though this is expensive, you’re clearly worth it. Oddly, I find the idea of making you upset to be a very disturbing one.” She agreed.

Tesslia: “Thank you. I’ll make sure to pay you back in blood and sex.” I say with a smile.

My manipulation is working! Practically multiple times a day, Karlena shows up to sex me, or to drink my blood. Usually at the same time, or one after the other. Risa was no different. Soon… I will have them hook, line and sinker. Then I can… be the pretty pampered princess that I always dreamed of being!

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