Terrarian in the Dungeon

Chapter 5 Partially commissoned

Seshat and Sir Flufflykins the First, then made peace with one another after I and Seshat both got exhausted when running around, with me running away from my goddess with said chattering squirrel and Seshat chasing the squirrel in my arms.

"Maybe you did make some progress in the dungeon." Seshat panted as we were both lying face down in one of the stacked-up bedding in her sunning room.

"Doubtful, ugh..." I groaned as I rolled onto my back and held a hand to cover my eyes from the bright light coming in from above.

"Well Jake, I got wonderful news for me." Seshat said cheerfully and I looked over to my goddess as she reached into the small satchel she kept on the side of her hip and from it she withdrew a rather formal-looking letter with what looked to be gold lettering on it.

"Ouranos has sent out a very important message to all deities of Orario." She said to get my attention and my eyes sharpened at such news as no such thing had happened in my knowledge of canon, but her words kept on coming. "Due to the dungeon spreading its influence not only Vertically through the dimension that holds together Genkai but even Horizontally, in order to prevent such spreading after the side dungeon Knossos integrating and strengthening the main dungeon, Ouranos will be focusing on suppressing the dungeons expansion so that it doesn't open another entrance to the world." Seshat then looked at me, and her eyes carried some kind of pity and I gulped at the sight.

"Therefore with Ouranos suppressing the dungeon's growth rather than lulling it into a stupor, the nascent will within the dungeon will be more aggressive meaning more monster parties, more mutated monsters, more aberration level monsters, and most importantly the dungeon itself will be more active in killing people through its monster control." Seshat explained before getting into how the stronger mutated or aberrant monsters albeit more dangerous were actually a bit of a boon for Orario as their monster stones were more valuable as well as the challenge of killing the monsters will help the massive number of weak adventures finally get stronger.

That or they will die.

"So, do you plan to get into a party or something? The dungeon is going to be very dangerous while everyone gets used to the new changes." Seshat asked me and I groaned as I buried my face into the pillow in denial.

"I am just going to make a new summon staff that can help me and some other stuff... Do we have a lot of iron and copper stored up or do I need to go mine for some?" I asked my goddess with my mind completely focused on what the hell was going on that made this world follow Danmemo's dungeon with the different forms of monsters.

'If this world is going to go off of Danmemo lore does that mean Titans from Attack on Titan is going to be here???' I thought somewhat hysterically before I recalled I was now an adventure and had access to Terraria stuff... I could literally craft wings and fly away from anyone causing issues.

"Why in the world would you go mining for ores? This is Orario you can just go buy whatever metal you need and yes, I have plenty of copper and iron for some of my projects what do you need it for?" She asked after huffing at my stupid ass question about whether I needed to go mine for it myself.

"I need to make a furnace and an anvil to help my crafting, then I am going to make a summon that will be very useful," I muttered and my goddess huffed at my non-answer before giving Sir Fluffykins, the First a look as though wondering I meant another semi-sentient being like his fluffiness.

Once I absorbed the fact that the dungeon was going to be quite a bit more dangerous than I expected and that I was unlikely to be able to steamroll my way through most likely with my lower-level Terraria gear, I decided to get to work making the bread and butter in getting started in a Terraria world in the iron anvil and furnace.

"So in what confounded way are you going to make a furnace this time?" Seshat asked me as I walked into her working area and with a hum, I took a bunch of remnants of some marbling work and some wooden chunks from some carpentry she left behind.

"Wood and Stone are all I need really," I said mostly telling the truth as I just needed to use my mana to light the wood on fire as I was assembling the stones into the furnace's shape and unlike the damned workbench, I created previously, I could easily move the stones around if they weren't in the right place so even though it took me a couple of hours, I was able to successfully create an indestructible ever-burning furnace that meltdown my scrap metal I had collected while running around Orario.

No literally, it called all the scrap metal bits and ends I collected just 'scrap metal' in my inventory so thankfully it only took up one slot in the said inventory.

"Forty ingots of iron, some tin, and finally a tiny bit of some gold and silver," I muttered nodding at the small haul I got through it was nowhere near what I wanted but, in the end, an interesting thing to note was that my ingots didn't have the same indestructible nature the other things I had created had, so I could sell these or something.

"Alright, I am going to try to make an anvil now," I announced but then awkwardly noticed that as I was so absorbed in making my ever-burning furnace that Seshat had left already.

Thankfully making the anvil itself was another very easy task as all the mental recipes had me do was make a cast out of some sand and pour the molten metal into the sand depression and then sand down the rough edges of the casted anvil.

Instantly the moment I finished the final bits of sanding, my ability considered the anvil to be good enough I felt my mind fill with ever more crafting recipes such as the Wulfrim scraps and how to make the Wulfrim controller and other accessories that will buff the weak machine summons/weapons/tools.

"Alright now to make a Wulfrim Controller," I muttered as I cracked my neck already honestly feeling sore from moving all the metals around and sanding down the anvil which was a lot of work in and of itself.

The Wulfrim Controller similar to my Squire Squirrel Staff would summon a minion to help me, but whereas Sir, Fluffykins, the First was a sentry and thus unable to move from its position, the drones the Wulfrim Controller would summon were very much not, a static turret of sorts. They were circular drones that could fly around and had laser batteries on them that could shoot small red lasers at hard enemies as well as small sets of tools on them for picking up stuff.

I am hoping I can have the drones be my supporter but if this doesn't work, I can just keep at what I am doing until I can get another more humanoid summon to do said work.

Orario had deep waters and my abilities could put a target on me that I couldn't handle just yet.

I continued working on making the Wulfrim Controller well and throughout the entire day basically, I had to learn how to make the Wulfrim metal alloy that was a mix of Iron and Tin, and then I had to make weird circuity boards with said hunks of Wulfrim metal and then finally once I assembled all the pieces of Wulfrim my abilities wanted I filled up the palm-sized drone remote control with my mana to activate it and make it 'finished'.

With a loud series of beeping noises that rang out through the workshop, the head-sized flying circular drone appeared out of nowhere and began flying around me.

As I took in the drone honestly, I thought I was going to hate it for being a weird thing to have in the middle of fantasy land Danmachi but with its green tone and... How emotive it was flying and making its beeping and blooping noises.

"What the hell is that racket, Jake Barris!?" Seshat yelled stomping into the workshop and froze seeing the flying drone flying around me and I saw that Sir Fluffykins, the First who was riding on Seshat's shoulders wave to the drone and the drone responded in a series of loud beeping noises and flew up and down quickly seemingly as a form of greeting.

"Fuck it... It's past 7 PM it's time for my fourth nap, no more banging on that damned anvil, go get cleaned up, eat, and go to bed, I need my beauty sleep." Seshat muttered taking Sir Fluffykins. the First into her arms and as she went down the hallway, I heard Seshat call back to me.

"I am keeping this squirrel as a shop alarm by the way!" She yelled and for a moment I wanted to deny her as I wanted to snuggle his floof but then I shrugged as I realized I could just summon him back later on in the dungeon after I deal with the Guild and talk to whoever is going to be set as my guild advisor.


The next day when I finally got Seshat to wake up I was able to get her to update my Falna in order to see my growth with the single day in the dungeon as well as the crafting I had also done.

Jake Barris

Level 1

Strength 17 I

Endurance 22 I

Dexterity 15 I

Agility 17 I

Magic 24 I


The Terrarian- Enforces Terrarian world logic upon the user, restricts acquisition of development abilities and Falna-backed spells in order to host mods, mods may not be taken/disabled/traded for another mod. The user's alien logic to the world prevents mental status effects from affecting the user.

Development Mod-

Calamity and all add-ons. Allows the creation and summoning of Calamity mod objects.

Looking at my Falna I nodded at the information within and was rather happy with my stat growth as it wasn't like I had Bell's super cheat, nor did I imagine I would get something like that as my Terrarian body prevented me from getting normal development abilities and magic itself from like a Grimoire... But nothing is stopping me from making a magic staff or something that could do crazy magic bullshit and by that logic with my inventory I could easily run around with twenty different magic items and have a spell for every occasion.

"Not bad growth for the first day. Anyway, make sure to bring home some actual money today, you couldn't buy a day's worth of food with what you brought in yesterday, let alone pay rent and such." Seshat said making me want to retort with how it was my first day in the dungeon, but I swallowed it as I saw my goddess's eyes were looking at me with some kind of pride.

She just wanted me to work harder, longer and just to do more for my own sake, so I nodded before speaking. "I will be back home for dinner then."


Heading off to the Guild was an uneventful trip until I actually reached the very guild itself and saw a decent-sized protest of... Poorer adventures all standing outside the Guild chanting something I couldn't make out in the mass of noise.

"What are they saying?" I asked a human who was like me watching the protest and probably wondering how we could actually get into the Guild itself for whatever number of reasons.

"What else could it be, last night more than five percent of the level ones all died in the dungeon in the matter of a couple hours. People are pissed and want things to go back to what they were like before." The man shrugged and then he seemed to take me and in and noticed that although I was wearing wooden armor it was well made and probably mistook my copper sword for some kind of alloy or something.

Now wooden armor and weapons here in Danmachi isn't something to be ashamed of, as elves were notorious for lording how they could cultivate and treat a single branch over the course of years that could make a metal sword snap under the magical wood's durability.

"You been in the dungeon and saw the changes yet?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nah I got out just after lunch as I go in typically pretty early... Any advice to the changes, how common are the new monsters?" I asked the more pressing question and the man hummed in thought making me think he wanted me to bribe him or something.

But it turned out that he just wanted someone to lord over his new information as he coughed and looked around furtively. "Me and my squad are pretty decent level ones with all of our stats above the C rank but when we were testing out the whole usual Killer Ant farm technique where you have them call their friends, we damn near got overwhelmed as there were like one in every five Killer Ants being a mutation, and one in every twenty being one of those damned aberrations..." When he mentioned the aberration, I saw him clench his fist as the thought of it maybe him tense up.

"Are those Aberrations really that bad?" I asked and the man didn't respond only staring ahead into the crowd for a moment before he finally spoke low and softly.

"My best friend who is a very strong dwarf and has beaten newer level twos in pure strength had his shield ripped off his arms destroyed in the pincers of the ant and even worse, his Warhammer couldn't crack the golden armor the aberration Killer Ant had..." The man spoke honestly sounding haunted as he brushed a hand over his face and shook his head.

"I have seen that man tank punches from a Silverback on that tower shield, but that damned ant just ripped it out of his hands like it was nothing. But then again the ant was literally the size of a small pony so maybe it's that whole ant being so strong for its size haha." The man weakly laughed before he took in the protesting crowd and spoke one last time. "We aren't the heroes of the Loki and Freya Familia; we just want to earn a living. But in this new dungeon, a lot of us may not survive floors we had long conquered, so be careful kid, no one knows what's coming next." The man said patting me on my shoulder before merging into the crowd surrounding the Guild.

"I want to go home..." I muttered groaning at how Ourano's change to the dungeon will likely lead to an untold number of deaths as in all honesty, most adventures had gotten set in their ways in not getting past level three and just farming the monsters before Rivira.

"Fuck it, let's see if I can talk to a receptionist at least," I muttered heading through the crowd of protesters until I finally broke through the line and saw that there was a number of Ganesha Familia members standing guard in front of the Guild keeping the rowdy adventures from doing anything stupid.

"Halt! What is your business with the guild today!" The guard roared leveling his halberd in my direction making me raise my hands up in surrender.

"I am a member of a new Familia and was told to report here to meet with my new Guild Advisor," I answered and the man frowned as having an appointment with the Guild itself should allow me in.

"Alright go on ahead, but don't pull anything, my Familia members are taking no shit today with all the chaos." The man warned and withdrew his halberd and with a look to his fellow guard, they made some space for me to enter the thankfully quiet Guild to hopefully get some information.

The guild was miraculously empty with only a couple of adventures silently talking with some of the Guild employees so seeing a berth of empty lines and free to be spoken to the receptionist I decided to take a chance and go talk to Rose Fannett the crimson-haired dog-ear girl who was seemingly resting her eyes in her empty hands with how empty the guild was.

"Hello, I am here for my guild appointment to speak with my appointed Guild Advisor," I spoke softly and Rose's eyes snapped to me from her resting position and for a moment I saw her struggle with my face for a moment before she snapped her fingers as she recalled.

"Ah yes Jake, you wanted to join a crafting Familia. One sec let me get your paperwork." She said turning around to head into the back of the Guild, but I noticed her eyes twitching seeing me in adventure gear. And I had a wry smile come to my face as I kept in mind that she merely wanted to keep her distance from adventures because she got really depressed after several of her protégés that were in charge of advising got killed in the dungeon.



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