TENSURA: Accelerando Ex Nihilo

Frozen in Regret: Literally

The next morning, I got down from the tree I slept on like a corpse– and immediately went hunting. You see, I don't like prancing around the morning without breakfast to fill my stomach.

"Hahhh… old habits die hard. Even in my new life, I still carry my habits to wake up early in the morning for food… food is nice, food is great, food is life." I spoke with a longing smile on my face.

"Mmm…" I let out a strained moan as I stretched my body to the max. Got to warm up before doing intense movements, don't want any late and punishing consequence to occur to me while I'm in a jungle teeming with dangerous wildlife.

I pulled out my other sword, not Chōetsu, but my other unused blade. "Let's take you around for a spin, shall we?" I smiled as I felt the sword hum in agreement. "Must be my imagination." I muttered.

"We're off to a great start!" I shouted as I ran around the forest, trying to find some decently sized prey. With my enhanced senses, I immediately found quick prey, it was a pretty dear, I mean literally.

"It looks aesthetically pleasing to the eye." I spoke as I sneaked up on it and rode it, and the dear immediately went haywire and pranced around in a crazed manner trying to get me off its back.

"Hahahaha!" I laughed with glee for a few minutes as the dear finally got tired, me too, it was fun, but it didn't last. "It was fun, it truly was fun." Making an Overlord reference, I slit the dear's throat.

It immediately got limp as I practically dragged it towards the temporary base I had, a very tall tree. It was noticeably taller than any other tree in the surrounding radius.

It's already been a month since I had arrived at this mysterious and quite expansive forest in the middle of nowhere. I quickly lit up a small fire beneath a cleanly cut slab of rock.

It resembled a grilling table that gets heat on the bottom and transfers the heat up to the other side and cook the meat. "Ah, yes. I forgot to mention." I was consistently eating meat and exercising.

And so in the span of a month, I had a dramatic growth spurt. I'm now as tall as 170 cm or 1.7 meters tall. I'd say that this body also had quite the development on other parts too.

I'm going to stay quite about that part though. The smell of roasted meat entered my nose as I happy flipped the pieces of meat over to cook the other side too, can't leave the other part uncooked.

I took out the cooked meat and placed it on a wide leaf– wide enough to hold five pieces of meat and placed new pieces of meat on the heated stone slab. I controlled the flame to increase in heat.

Although I'd not risk ruining the meat, I'm quite hungry. After a few minutes of cooking, I was finally finished preparing the food. I did a quick silent prayer of thanks for the food and immediately dug in right after.

"Hm~" I relished in the sweet taste of the dear meat and the juices it releases every time you forcefully bite down on it, just like when you beat someone up and force the tears out of them.

"Oops~" Haha! Bruh, I had some minor personality change over the past month, I kind of turned into a minor sadist as I enjoyed crushing– fighting! Fighting… strong opponents with my overwhelming strength.

I spit out a bone that probably broke and embedded itself into the meat. I looked over to the frozen dear meat that I saved in satisfaction. "I'm going to have dear meat this lunch and dinner too~"

I thought. At least I thought so. That was until something fast took the whole left over dear and ran in my exact opposite direction. "Hey! Fucker…" I shouted at the giant red insect looking thief.

I stood up and immediately chased after it, "Ugh…" I stuffed myself with too much food! "Me and my gluttonous appetite!" I cursed at myself as I followed the ant looking thing closely.

Soon enough, we encountered a clearing and it speed off into the giant mound in the ground. "Dammit!" I tried chasing it down into the ant nest, but immediately large soldier ants blocked my path and attacked me.

Tens, dozens, no hundreds of ants swarmed me as reached out to my hips, neither of my swords were with me. "Shit…" I cursed again as I closed my eyes for a moment in frustration.

"You forced me into this, fricking ants…!" Blueish-violet flames with golden tips shone with great heat as it quickly spread to my immediate vicinity. "Holocaust of Anger: Devourer!" I shouted.

Golden-violet flames that seeked to devour everything in its path burst forth from my frame as it really did consume everything in unending heat, until nothing but scattered atoms were left.

"The beat of the march, feel it in your chest. As cold as your fears made manifest. Giants that peek over mountains, in the thousands: covering the sun–" I spoke in a slow tone as the fire cleared out.

Everything in the radius of 50 meters got burnt until there was nothing, but scorched earth left. But nothing out of the radius was harmed, showcasing my immense control over my powers.

But as soon as the fire faded out, hundreds– thousands of ants came out crawling of the giant ant hole. I smirked as the temperature dropped down to below zero in an instant.

"–Glaciers of Regret: Fimbulvetr." I spoke as everything within and entering the fifty-meter radius lost their acceleration, then velocity, obviously, speed. Hails of ice fell from the heavens along with snow.

Everything inside 200 meters lay frost and utter decimation of life. The trees were frozen solid, blocks of spiky ice protruded from the ground, and the ground was littered with frozen corpses.

I felt a strong pull coming from my soul, I extended my hand forward as I grasped the thin air– but what surprised me was that one of my two swords, the unnamed one, was in my hand.

"Why are you here?" I asked myself as my mind reckoned for answers. "Is it because this was the first time that I unleashed my powers to this degree?" I mused, "It could be possible."

An idea quickly sparked inside my brain as a maniacal smile appeared on my face. "Theoretically it should be possible if this sword– no. Nèizài, meaning "immanence", is here."

Nèizài shown in a blue hue as I stabbed it to the ground. "Holocaust of Anger: Harbinger of Wrath!" My immediate surrounding burst with a pillar of fire reaching to the sky in act of defiance to natural order.

I felt a similar but different tug as Chōetsu appeared on my hand. "Hahahaha!" Who knew it would actually work? "Burn!" I shouted as Chōetsu ignited with purple flames that held golden flames.

A new swarm of ants came towards my direction as I swung Chōetsu at their direction and instantly all the ice melted with, replaced with raging wrathful flames that left not even steam.

In a twinkling of my eyes, all those insignificant entities evaporated, gone, reduced to mere atoms as the fire from that attack literally increased their vibration down to an atomic scale so much, they separated.

"Ahahahaha! Ain't that fucking neat?" I rhetorically asked to none is particular as I brandished Nèizài and raised it to the sky as it immediately darken, a colossal block of ice blotted out the heavens.

"The frozen prison of heaven," I reverse gripped Chōetsu and stabbed it into the ground as the dirt floor instantly gave way and melted into viscous magma. "And the wrathful flames of hell."

The temperature increased several fold as rumbling from underground erupted, and the giant glacier was obliterated by a powerful explosion from built up pressure of trapped steam from the collision of ice and fire.

It rained snow– hail to be precise, along with violent flames. Everything in front of me was just chaos. Flames, frost, corpses, unearthed boulders, craters, green blood, and some people staring at me.

I put both swords on my hips as I turned around and faced the direction of the people spying at me. My vision zoomed in on my targets due to {<Eyes of Laceration>} and I immediately identified the culprits.

"Huh? Interesting, how did they even managed to survive with that amount of destruction. And it seems none of them even died, they're just scared as fuck because of… me? It was quite the power display after all."

Appearing in front of the group almost instantly, I arched over to look what seemed to be their leader in the eye. "Who are you guys?" The group of people I mentioned, were actually measly goblins.

"I-… wha-… I-I…" The goblin stuttered. "Calm down, it's not like I'm going to eat you guys, you won't be able to provide me any nutritional value after considering it, I'm just curious and all."

"So you even considered eating us in the first place!" The goblin's face was basically screaming that. "Oh c'mon. I'm not that scary, am I? It's not like I'm releasing this horrid aura or anything." I spoke.

The goblins kneeled to the dirt in a dogeza position in fear as the little guy spurt courage to talk. "Strong one, we apologise for spying on you, we didn't mean to. Please don't kill us!"

The poor guy practically begged me. "Woah." I spoke as I took a step closer towards them and they instantly sweated like the world was 160 percent hotter or something. "Am I really releasing this horrid aura?"

I asked the goblins as they immediately nodded their heads like their lives depended on it. "Yes, strong one! You are releasing quite the overbearing amount of magicules passively!" They answered.

"Magicules?" I lifted my hand and grasped my chin by habit. "Mana, perhaps?" I asked myself as I decided to see for myself, literally. "{<Eyes of Laceration: Magicule vision>}." I spoke, and what I saw immediately made me frozen in regret of my decision.


A/n: God! I wanna cry, just as I return back home I have to write another chapter immediately! Damn, creation is hard, cheer me up with comments guys! Also, if you like it, please add to library! If you guys have some idea about my story, you guys should comment it and let me know 'cause I seriously take comment seriously, SERIOUSLY. JK! I don't, but I do reply for funsies!

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