Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Having Delusion Was a Disease, Cure It!

“If someone is dreaming about my things. No matter it’s a man or thing, it will have the same ending as King Nanchen.”

Helian Jue’s voice was indifferent, like a cup of odorless water, but the content made people shocked.

“Let’s go.” Helian Jue’s last sentence was spoken to Tang Xia, which seemed to be more tender.

Tang Xia turned around, finding Chu Tiankuo’s eyes were like the ice, which showed out coldness and loneliness under the moonlight.

Tang Xia was held by Helian Jue, leaving a silhouette to the others.

“Wait… Zui Linglong…” Tang Xia turned around, but she could not find that slim figure even though Xingyun Tower’s light had scattered on the road in front.

“Are you looking for someone, my love?” Helian Jue’s voice was low and hoarse. The night wind brought him more softness, and even the coldness on his face was decreased.

Tang Xia thought for a while. She was afraid of provocating more affairs, so she just said, “Nothing.”

The night scene today was good. The stars were shining in the sky, connecting one by one, which twisted Tang Xia’s thoughts.

Helian Jue brought Tang Xia to Jiaofang Palace. The eunuchs who stayed at the Jiaofang Palace had lighted the white candle at every corner, which made the room was as bright as daytime.

“Your Majesty.” Tang Xia stepped to the gate and shared her appreciation to Helian Jue. Her waist was suddenly held by an arm. Just for a second, she was pressed against the gate by Helian Jue.

“You’re really attractive today, my love.” Helian Jue’s eyes focused on Tang Xia’s beautiful face.

The cold moonlight poured on her delicate face. Her eyes were shining with waterful waves, which were like attractive stars. Helian Jue could not move his eyes away from her.

Tang Xia’s face turned pink for a second. Her lips were slightly opened. The wooden door behind her was a little cold, but the temperature on Helian Jue’s body was high.

“I’m appreciated for your praise…”

Before she could finish her words, her lips were touched by Helian Jue’s fingers. His originally peaceful eyes were as dark as a pool of water. “You don’t have to be that restrained, my love.”

“I have no time to see you for a few times, but now I can fulfill my previous commitment.”

His voice was low and melodious, reminding Tang Xia of that person. That man who had a cold and arrogant face dressed in silver armor and was able to attract people’s minds no matter where he was.

Helian Jue’s words became more ambiguous, while his long fingers pinched Tang Xia’s chin and lifted it up slightly. “Your lips are really beautiful, my love.”

Tang Xia’s eyes were full of emotions. However, she turned her head and moved her lips away when Helian Jue leaned forwards her.

They were both stunned at once.

“There are too many happy events tonight, so I can’t accept them all for such a short time. I’m afraid that you will feel uncomfortable when I serve you, Your Majesty,” Tang Xia said with her face turning pink. She bit her lips. “Can you come over here a few days later? I must try my best to serve you.”

Helian Jue’s eyes were hidden in the darkness. His shoulders were swinging widely and even his breath became deep.

“Your Majesty……”

“I will come a few days later.” Helian Jue put down his fingers on Tang Xia’s chin, only leaving a piece of warmth.

Helian Jue’s silhouette was lonely and straight under the moonlight. His shadow was scattered on the ground. Tang Xia sighed with a sigh of relief, but her eyes got wet.

After a while, Anran stepped out from the other side. “Your Grace… why the emperor just leave…”

The red on Tang Xia’s face had not faded away. She just took a long sigh. “Nothing.”

“Should I spread the news that the emperor has come over here? You’re in favor of the emperor. This news could enhance your authority, which must earn more respect for you.” Anran was scheming for Tang Xia sincerely, but Tang Xia did not have any mood to think about the gains and losses this night.

“Just arrange it as you like.” Tang Xia turned into the palace. The temperature was high inside. She took off her dress and was sleepless all night.

When she woke up the next day, Anran just pushed in. “Your Grace, the Xingyue Tower has been under construction. It is worthy to be called the power of the Union Countries. Everything is well-prepared even if it’s such a large project.”

Tang Xia answered in a low voice. “Do you know what this tower is constructed for?”

Tang Xia frowned and found that even the comments of the bullet screen area said that there was quite a lot of difference from the original novel.

Anran shook her head. “I don’t know. I only heard that the Xingyun Tower was originally built for a concubine of King Chu in former dynasty. Then, I know nothing more.”

Hearing Anran mentioned King Chu’s concubine again, Tang Xia asked with interest, “Do you mean that Lady Lan?”

But the answer was negative. “It said that Lady Lan was the favorite concubine of King Chu, but King Chu had no right to build the Xingyun Tower for her.”

Tang Xia turned her eyesight. “Why?”

Anran thought for a while. “It said that Lady Lan was not qualified enough. The Xingyun Tower was built for King Chu’s first concubine, the queen of the last dynasty. Therefore, it was titled with “Yun” and its name was Xingyun Tower.”

“Then, what’s the meaning to build that Xingyun Tower?” Tang Xia followed her words, but Anran showed out an unenviable expression.

“Your Grace, I’m just a little maid. I only heard about those things from Eunuch Shun. Those are just topics after lunch, which might not be the truth.”

Tang Xia nodded her head and did not ask her more.

After some dressing, Little Yuzi pushed the door of Jiaofang Palace and entered.

He lowered his head and his eyes were showing up a little panic. “Something bad, Your Grace.”

Tang Xia raised her eyebrows slightly. “What’s wrong. Tell me.”

Little Yuzi lowered his head more. “Your Grace, all the people in the harem are scattering a rumor that you become arrogant with the emperor’s favor and always abuse your servants.”

Little Yuzi’s arms were slightly trembling, which could tell that he was really terrified. His words made Tang Xia frowned.

“Who is the one starting spread this rumor? Which palace does he or she come?” Tang Xia got the cup of tea from Anran. The water in the cup was rippling. She put the tea in the cup aside and took a sip.

“Your Grace, it’s from the palace of Lady Lengmei.”

Tang Xia took the last sip and put the cup down. Nobody could tell any expression on her delicate face.

“Let’s go to see the Lady Lengmei.”

Tang Xia broke in before she asked someone to inform Lengmei.

Lengmei was sitting in the palace with her hand holding her tender check and eyes half opened.

“What do you mean?” Tang Xia stepped forwards without any expression on her face. She raised her eyebrows slightly and looked extremely intolerant.

“You really become bolder and even dare to break into my palace directly.” Lengmei pinned all her hair up and wore an ironic smile. She looked at Tang Xia, while the sunshine set her face more serious. Even Anran felt a little bit scared.

“Are you too proud of yourself? Why shouldn’t I come to your palace?” Tang Xia wore a scornful smile. Her big eyes were as clear as the spring under the sunshine, waterful and clever.

Lengmei’s eyes condensed, while she raised her eyebrows. “You just attend an international conference with our emperor. You really think it’s a big deal? You even dare to be rude in front of me. Such a county girl without any experience.”

Tang Xia sneered and her smile was a little bit ironic. Even her amorous eyes were also bringing a bit of irony.

“Ah, you’re really too proud of yourself.” Tang Xia’s words made Lengmei’s delicate eyes add a little angry.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you really have delusional symptoms.” Tang Xia slowly walked to her side. She deliberately dressed in blue, because she knew that Lengmei always dressed in blue.

There must be a better one between the two dresses, so were Tang Xia and Lengmei.

“Which eye do you use to see I am happy for attending the international conference?” She sneered. “Which ear do you use to hear about this? You really think that I said you’re stupid just because I attended that conference?”

“Should I just use this small conference to show off in front of you? It’s your delusional symptom. You have to cure it!”

Lengmei was successfully irritated by her and her eyes were full of angry. “Who is delusional as you said?”

“It’s you.” Tang Xia’s smile deepened gradually. “Just relying on your IQ, how could you play tricks in the harem? Do you know you could die in many ways for spreading rumors in the harem?”

Tang Xia squatted her eyes into a crescent moon, leaning forwards Lengmei without any smile.

Lengmei tensed her eyebrows. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“You still try to pretend.” Tang Xia cleared her throat. “Little Yuzi.”

Hearing her voice, Little Yuzi kneeled on the ground.

“Answer me, where did the rumor that I abused my servants come from?” Tang Xia raised her eyebrows, showing out coldness. Her voice had no emotions.

“Your Grace, it came out of Lady Lengmei’s palace.”

Tang Xia proudly raised her eyebrows and looked at Lengmei scornful.

The latter bit her lips and her eyes were cold. “It’s just words of a servant. You think it a truth? Besides, your Jiaofang Palace is just a small one. but my palace is not like yours. I have so many maids there. They would talk about something after meals. If you did not abuse your maid, why are you afraid of others talking about this?”

Lengmei’s words hit on Tang Xia’s mind. In the end, Tang Xia seemed to become the costive one who would believe the words of a servant.

“Since it is so, Anran.” Tang Xia’s ironic smile deepened. “Carry on my order that Lengmei is hitting me in her palace and saying that our emperor has bad behaviors.”

Lengmei changed color. “What do you mean?”

Tang Xia’s smile did not fade away. “Lady Leng, how can you be this kind of costive? I just make a joke on you. If you did not do it, why are you afraid of others talking about this?”

Lengmei’s expression turned darker and darker when looking at Tang Xia’s smile.

“You’re really unruly.” She wore a cold smile and seemed to look down upon Tang Xia. “You could spread it as you like. The one who makes the rumors in the harem must have quite a lot of ways to die.”

“Ah, you’re really educatable that you can learn my words.” Tang Xia raised her eyebrows, while the latter became more serious.

“Yu Ji!” The anger nearly burst out of her chest. But when she met Tang Xia’s smiling eyes, she finally put down her anger.

“Come on.” Her voice was lowered. “Throw Yue Ji out of my palace.”

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