Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #64

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 64

Technomancer in MCU


Listening to the Lord’s voice and receiving positive feedback from the link he had with Lord Alfred that he had closed off from the fear of hurting himself was a godsend. Now, he could finally go back home without worrying about his Lord and Savior. He tried his best to send thoughts of questions to his Lord and what he received were orders. Orders to go back to the system and make sure that order is restored properly. Orders to make sure no pirate comes anywhere near the systems and to start utilizing the defense systems in order to do so. He was also allowed to personally enter the battlefield, something that was expressly forbidden due to his own enhanced nature. They didn’t want to appear too warmongering like the Kree to the wider cosmos but it would seem that the major powers testing their defences at a time of vulnerability had pissed him off.

Good. He was hoping for that. Now, he could go home and do the job he was selected to do.

With that in mind, he turned to Miss Daisy, “Miss Daisy, I thank you for your hospitality but since Lord Alfred has turned out to be fine and I have since received my orders, I will take my leave. Since you too are under our Lord’s command, we’ll be happy to accept you in the church should you come to our planet. I bid you leave.”

Then he teleported to the Asterisk’s hangar, his blessings allowing him to bypass the wards laid down in the protected areas of the Asterisk. As soon as his feet touched the ground, one of the ships nearby lit up and floated over to him with the back bay open. Truly, Lord Alfred worked fast.

Entering the ship, he was further greeted by a hologram that contained all the work he would have to do upon his return to the Church of Lord Alfred. 

It was a good thing he left as soon as he received his Lord’s instructions, for he had a long list of things he had to fix as soon as he reached home, which included removing some of the high-level priests in the Church who had been dealing with entities outside of the organisation.

It would seem that with his return, Lord Alfred’s reach has only increased and he was all the more glad for it.


Floating above the Triskelion

–Daisy “Quake” Johnson–

All around her, she could see her team getting kicked out of their control consoles as Alfred took control of each and every facet of the mission, as he did previously.

Did he even realise the amount of work she had to put in to train and assign people to man different stations for the hundred different types of things the damn carriers can do?

“Miss me, Commander Johnson?” came the infuriating voice of the one and only Alfred from seemingly all directions within the ship only with a slightly more humane voice. She wondered what happened to his voice for that to happen.

“You? Nah. But your work? Sure.” she replied while looking at the astonishing figures of assets being deployed at a pace her eyes could hardly keep up with. The one good thing that came out of Alfred’s absence was that they had to ask for a higher number of combatants from the recently settled Inhumans and the people they had sent resulted in much better coordination between their teams and the Inhumans, which boded well for future collaborations, especially since they were on the cusp of their public reveal now.

The floating island given to the Inhumans was another shock to her when she was given access to the allies list of the organisation. She was not aware that flying islands could just be built and given out willy-nilly but apparently, she had not yet grasped the heights to which Ed and Alfred rolled with. To them, the price of a floating island in exchange for securing an alliance with a race of superpowered humans was a paltry sum.

The island itself was a thing to behold. They had expanded the space of the island because that would require turning it into its own dimension which Alfred had been wary of doing so due to the unpredictable nature of Inhumans’ terrigenesis process. He was not sure what effects it might have on the wards powering the space or on the person who would have undergone the terrigenesis process.

As the last of the carriers was destroyed and the staff started cheering, she looked on the screen as the members of Avengers just floated there looking slightly flabbergasted at Alfred’s intrusion in their mission. She could understand their confusion, after all, Alfred did come and ruin all their efforts since he basically took care of the entire mission within seconds.

“Alright, boys. Time to come back now. We have to begin with the next phase of the plans." She spoke to Frank and Eric who were talking with Captain America and Sharon Carter. Speaking of Carter, she had express orders from Peggy Carter to have her niece delivered back to her in safe and sound condition and she didn't know why but she had a feeling that she would come to regret it if she didn’t follow those orders to the letter.

Peggy Carter was one scary old woman. So, she gave the automatic override orders for Sharon Carter’s suit to become invisible and enter the carrier with Frank and Eric.

“Alfred, you ready?” she asked Alfred, knowing that his part would be crucial going forward with their plans, especially their public reveal.

“Just a minute,” he said. 

She could hear the low whine of air travel through the comms with the sounds of bombs going off in the distance. “Alfred, where are you? What are you doing? Are those bombs going off?” she rattled off while signalling one of the junior techs to track down Alfred’s location.

“Ah, nothing to worry about Commander, just a little detour I have taken. See you in a bit.” Alfred replied and cut off the comms, leaving her extremely confused.

Why would Alfred not do whatever it was that he was doing and talk to her at the same time? And the way he phrased that sentence. It was like…

Her eyes widened as she realised what Alfred had done.

“Son of a bitch,” she whispered as she realised that Alfred had gone and built himself an actual body.

“Frank, Alfred got himself a body. He did it,” she shouted over the comms to Frank in her excitement.

She could see him wince a bit at her volume down below on her screens and carry on with the conversation he was having with them without even replying to her. 


Soon, he shook hands with everyone and took away the suits he had given to the other members, and along with Sharon, turned on their respective stealth modes and floated back to the carrier.

“Do you guys need a ride?” She hacked the comms that Romanoff was using to communicate with Fury. She could see Romanoff looking around, trying to spot her. “Don’t bother. You won’t find me,” she said as she looked at the screen that was showing Pierce being escorted out of the building by Rumlow and his team after they had killed off the entire World Security Council in the hopes of pinning it on Rogers and the others. If he hoped to discredit them and salvage a modicum of control over the agency, he was living in delusion.

Eventually, Romanoff replied, “No, thanks but we still have one more person to find before we can hightail it out of here.”

She chuckled as she gave the order to snipe Pierce and his gang of cartoons from the carrier. As the screen showed kills confirmed, she chuckled into the comms, trying to project a mysterious and menacing air about herself, “Don’t worry, Miss Romanova, I have already taken care of the loose ends. You’ll find that Secretary Pierce somehow tripped on one of the stairs while he was running and fell down on one of his security team members who took it as a threat and shot him down. You know how trigger-happy American Law Enforcement is.”

She could see the way the entire team stiffened that they were very uncomfortable with the thought of talking about killing someone even if the man was the pinnacle of a Nazi in this day and age.

“And I assume that no evidence would ever tie it back to you?” Rogers spoke out in the comms and she could see why Peggy fell for him back in the day. That voice alone was enough to send butterflies through her stomach. 


Even then, she had a job to do so she replied in a fake somber tone, “What evidence? It was a pure accident. Oh, no! Look at the fire that spread out because of a nearby electric car that exploded. It would seem that by the time the firefighters get there, there wouldn’t be much left of Secretary Pierce or his personal security team. What a shame.” Then she switched back to her usual cheerful tone and said, “Now, I am seeing a lot of suits converging on your location and I’m sure that they are going to have a lot of questions you guys just don’t have the answers to. So, I suggest you take the help offered.” She released a single hoverboat to escort them back to the base Fury was staying at.

It rapidly descended on top of them only to slow down at the last moment and reveal itself to them. As the doors opened and Captain America looked inside, his entire body became rigid in shock as he saw his best friend, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes in the back seat, unconscious but physically fine. Just his prosthetic arm was replaced with one that was less weaponised and more similar to that of a real hand.

“Oh right, I forgot to tell you about that. That is a courtesy gift from our organisation as a thank you. All his mental traumas are healed up and as long as he doesn’t acquire even more traumas, he should be fine and have no more suicidal tendencies. I also believe his memories have been restored and a word of advice, some of them are pretty damning so please keep an open mind. Daisy Johnson, Commander of the organisation, over and out.” She said as the hoverboat sped off, taking them to their destination. Oh, she had always wanted to say over and out, and in the stress of it all, she had forgotten to use the opportunity to do it but with Alfred back, she could go back to being her carefree self without having the burden of handling an interplanetary organisation on her delicate back.

Just as she was celebrating her little moment, red alerts began showing on the HUD screen. Hurriedly checking it, she saw that Ed was getting out of the bed, overriding any and all protocols kept in place to keep him in the ward.

She had forgotten that he was the one who had built the entire place from the ground up and all the people on that base worshipped the very ground he walked on. So, she watched on as he passed hurdle after hurdle without even trying and finally made it to the hangar where his personal ship was already turned ON and waiting for him.

Before she could try something, anything really to try and stop him from getting off the base, she felt a hand on her shoulder, “Don’t bother. No one can stop him when he gets like this. Plus, with Alfred back, we have little to worry about. Just wait and watch. I have a feeling we have a spectacle of a lifetime ahead of us.” Frank said and left the cabin without saying another word.

She slumped as she realised what he said was correct and without a second thought, ran after him, all the thoughts of running the ship gone from her mind as Alfred was back and she could finally dump all the responsibilities on him.

Plus, the vision of Alfred cursing her for putting all the extra duties on him was like a balm to her overworked soul.


Word Count - 2174

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head on to my P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.


A/N : It was a rollercoaster of a chapter to write.

First of all, Ajax got his orders and is back on his way home and he has some interesting stuff to do back home as well.

Alfred is collecting the ten rings from Wenwu and was encountering some resistance that he used as an opportunity to hone his newfound combat abilities(runes and stuff)

Then, a little backdrop on the deal the Inhumans signed with Ed about their relocation.

Yes, Bucky was collected by them early on and they used the MENTAL HEALING DAGGER on him to remove his suicidal tendencies(That can come back if he falls back into depression). He still has all his memories though, so cant say anything about the future.

More importantly, the next phase of Ed's plan regarding the public revealing of their organisation has started and for that, Ed has decided to make a personal appearance, disregarding his health issues.

Stay tuned for more!

Thank you for reading!



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