Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #6

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 6

Technomancer in MCU


After a while, the carriers were emitting so much energy that for a second, I thought that they were going to just bomb the entire city. 

Fortunately, the three carriers simultaneously emitted three beams of azure blue light aimed at the spaceship. The spaceship lit up when the energy beam struck its pole and then, all hell broke loose. 


S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier

–Nick Fury–

There was a huge commotion at the bridge and no doubt at every agency and country that had eyes on the event.

It was a scene straight from a sci-fi movie scene, there was now a spherical barrier covering the entirety of Manhattan, probably the same tech they used with the previous barriers but just at a level unthought of.

Seeing the commotion below, I shouted, “Silence! Silence! Get back to your stations.”

With that, the commotion finally subsided but he could still see hushed whispers as the crew discussed the frankly world-changing scene going on in front of them.

I saw Hill walking toward me, shaken, she said, “Sir, the energy readings of this barrier are not making any sense. Even if they had an advanced version of Stark’s reactor, there is no way they are making anywhere near the necessary energy output required to sustain the shield for however long they plan to.”

Sighing, I replied, “Hill, these guys have broken all our expectations and have managed to become a more shocking factor in an event that contains literal aliens. All this speculation will lead us nowhere.”

“Prepare for initial contact with them. The team has secured a meeting after the invasion. Make sure that we reach there in time for the meeting.”

“Me, sir?”, she asked.

“Is there a problem with that?”, I asked back, eyebrows raised.

She snapped out of it, “No, sir.”

I nodded, dismissing her.

–Tony Stark–

Well, that wasn’t something I had expected to happen.

To think they had the tech to make barriers of this level.

More importantly, the fact that they were able to make this barrier portable, even if three huge air carriers are pushing the definition of portable, was of immense significance to the current world order.

Man, just thinking about the politicians in DC nearly shitting their pants after seeing this, brings immense joy to my heart.

“..Sir, activity above the portal..”

“...Somebody’s leaving the ship, sir.”

Oh joy…

“Come on, people. Let’s meet whoever the hell this guy is. I don’t know about you but I have a lot of questions for our mysterious benefactor.”

Gesturing to Romanoff and Barton, I said, “I imagine Fury has some words of choice for him as well.”

They nodded back.


“Alfred, let’s make a badass entry, shall we?”, I asked my best buddy.

“...Only the best, sir.”, he replied.

A huge floating platform ejected from one of the Prime carriers and came flying towards the ship at blinding speeds, stopping just short of touching the hull of my ship.

Snickering at the thought of the aneurism the analysts of the spy agencies of the world must be having, I exited my ship in my suit, floating over, and landed on the platform with my hands behind my back.

Man! This was embarrassing. According to Alfred, though, this was one of the cooler poses.

The sun glinted off the armour.

The suit itself was a monstrosity of epic proportions, rivaling the Hulk in sheer size and even outclassing him in terms of its destructive potential.

The outer hull was built from a freak accident I had when trying to make the ultimate exotic material cocktail. It was made from a mixture of Vibranium, Adamantium, and Uru. The resulting material, once cast, made what was the closest possible thing to an unbreakable metal.

So, naturally, I built my personal suit from it.

The inner shell was built using standard Vibranium nanites so that I can upgrade the internals as I go on advancing technologically and making breakthroughs in material sciences.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I saw that the platform was hovering just above the Avengers and they were all staring at me or more accurately, at my next move.

Deciding to give them what they wanted, I jumped from the platform and landed on the pavement, completely destroying it and creating a small crater around me.

I sighed internally. There was no reason that should have happened, with Uru in the mix, Alfred was able to completely alter the density of the outer hull as per his commands. He did this deliberately as a show of power.

They all jumped at that and stared at or rather, up at my suit with only the Hulk being able to look me in the eye.

Not letting any of my nervousness bleed in my body language, I casually replied, “Apologies. Battlefield preparations.”

Not offering any more explanation at their silent questioning looks, I stared at them silently.

Tony, as expected, was the first to break the silence, “Riiiight. You needed battlefield preparations when you came at the end of the battle. Completely understandable, of course.”, he said, sarcasm dripping from every word that came out of his mouth.

Just as I was about to reply to his unasked question regarding my absence from the battlefield, we all heard a loud roar.


We all looked, only to see a total of 6 Leviathans coming at us with Loki at the helm, his face twisted in a rictus of wrath.

Seeing the Avengers tensing in preparation for an attack, I waved them off, “Alfred, be a dear and take care of them, will you?”

“Gladly, sir.”, he replied, taking control of the suit.

The chest cavity opened up and the internal nanite suit took hold and brought me out of the armour.

I noticed Tony giving the closing suit behind me a look for consideration.

The suit closed itself up right behind me and near silently took off in the direction of the incoming horde.

With that taken care, I said, “So?”, taking their attention away from the absolute beat-down Alfred must be giving them, “I can tell you have questions on your mind. Ask away.”

Eyes lighting up, Tony was about to go into a whole tirade of questions about my tech but somebody else beat him to it.

“Why do all this?”, Steve asked me, his entire demeanour serious.

Head tilting to one side, I asked innocently, “Do what?”

Visibly frustrated by my non-answer, he took a deep breath and said, “I might still be playing catch up with the rest of the world but from what we have seen today even I can tell that with the power you have available to you, you could have stopped Loki a dozen different times since he came to Earth. My question to you is, why didn’t you?”

“Why did you let hundreds of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and thousands of innocent people die?”

“Why did you let New York become a battlefield and get completely destroyed?”, he nearly shouted.

Breathing heavily, he looked at me with a determined gaze.

I looked at each of them in the eye and it was clear that if I didn’t give an answer that satisfied them then they might just attack me here.

They wouldn’t be able to do anything of course. The only ones with the potential to hurt me were Thor and Hulk but both were years away from unlocking their true potential.

But that would burn any bridge I could build with them in the future. They were needed to help safeguard this world.

Sighing internally, I thought about how to go about replying to this question without them instantly attacking me.

Shoulders slumping slightly, I raised both my hands and said, “Alright! Alright, I will answer your questions.”

They all relaxed visibly.

I raised a finger, “BUT not here, we have prying eyes here”, I said, glancing at an inconspicuous corner of the building.

Gesturing to the platform that had floated down silently behind me, I said to Natasha, “After you.”

Raising an eyebrow at me, she nodded and went on ahead to step on the platform.

One by one, everyone boarded the platform and with a mental command, the platform rose steadily and took us out of the shield boundary.

I spy from the corner of my eye, Tony taking scans of everything like a kid in a candy store with an unlimited budget.

Breaking the silence, I say, “I know you will not like my answer but here it is anyway. For a lesson. It was all for a lesson…..”


To be Continued..


Word Count - 1465


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