Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #54

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Chapter 54

Technomancer in MCU


“Who the fuck is the white lady?” His enhanced hearing picked up on Wilson asking Rogers that question.


–Nick Fury–

Listening to Agent 13’s explanation of the ordeal she went through a short few days ago, he was completely shaken inside.

He never thought that the reason Peggy Carter became active again was due to Alfred and Ed.

Seriously, did those fellows leave anybody unaffected by their presence?

He hadn’t thought much of Peggy’s recommendation regarding some promotions in the agency, mainly because he was busy and also because the candidates were pretty much perfect for the position so much so that if not for Peggy, he would have recommended them himself.

Now, seeing all the information that Agent 13 had bought from Peggy Carter, he was glad that he did so. The only other way to gather this much information would have been to go through them, he thought while glancing at Frank and his partner.

He still could not digest the fact that Frank would work for someone but then again, Maria wouldn't hesitate to order Frank around. She was the only one who could rein him in anyway and looking at him, he could see that his previous anger had melted away and all that remained was single-minded focus.

Not on the level of John Wick, that man was still a legend, even after retiring but Frank was pretty close.

He spoke up, interrupting Romanoff’s discussion with Agent 13, “Agent 13, I hope you have some good news for us. I don’t know about everybody else but I am in dire need of some bloody good news.”

Agent 13 grimaced but tapped her forearm, causing a hologram to pop up in front of her, showing a scene of the hangar showing the helicarriers.

He sat a little straighter at the scene.

“While the distraction these guys provided-” she gestured to Frank and Eric, “-did help but Pierce, in his fear and paranoia, has accelerated the work on the carriers. He has brazenly brought in personnel from outside the agency who have been working on the carriers round the clock, accelerating the timeline significantly. He has become adamant on making sure that the carriers become airborne as soon as possible. All other systems have been put on the back burner in favour of the repulsion systems.”

“Which means that the carriers are defenseless? Well, that makes our jobs much easier then.” Wilson said.

He internally shook his head at that. It was naive to think that a military vessel wouldn't have any other defenses. Honestly, did he suffer a head injury during his service? It was possible since he was the test pilot for a heavily experimental technology.

As expected, Agent 13 shook her head, “Unfortunately, that is not true. While the biggest weapons on board, the E-canons, are inoperational on 4 carriers, Pierce has made sure that at least 2 of the carriers are loaded to the brim with weapons should they need them. The only advantage we might have is the time it takes for the cannons to cool down but honestly, even a single shot would ensure that not even ashes remain of us. Well, everybody except them-” she gestured to Frank and Eric, “-their suits should be more than capable of protecting them, just like mine.”

All of them, including him, looked at Frank with accusing eyes. It was a testament to their incredible collective will that managed to make Frank sigh and avert his eyes.

He then seemed to make up his mind and said, “Fine. You can have them but only the basic protection package. Nothing fancy like the ones they-” he gestured to Romanoff and Rogers as he continued, “-used during the battle of New York. Those are custom issue units that need Ed’s or Alfred’s authorisation to take out of the base. I don’t have that authority, neither will I request it since this is not that bad of a situation.”

Romanoff shrugged and said, “Well, something's better than nothing. I’d feel a lot safer if I had one of those on me. Speaking of which, where’s Alfred or Ed? I don’t think Alfred would miss out on an opportunity like this.” She then looked questioningly at Frank.

Frank’s face became blank as he replied, “They are currently otherwise occupied else they would have been the ones here instead of telling me to come here and help your sorry asses survive.”

That was odd.

From what he had read from reports gathered from eyewitnesses and testimonies from the Avengers, Alfred was someone who could rival Stark in his ability to generate trouble for others. And from the brief conversation he had with Ed, he could tell that he was the type of man who would absolutely make sure to be present during an event like this. Even if they did make light of it, even a single one of those carriers could cause catastrophic damage to the human civilisation as they knew it.

“So, Bald guy, I heard you say that the carriers used a series of satellites for their targeting systems so what if we destroyed the satellites themselves? Then, even if the carriers did take off, we could destroy them with very little or no damage to civilians.” he heard the guy who came with Frank address him in such a manner.

Before he could give that fellow a piece of his mind, Frank said, “Won’t work. They took that into mind as well. It’s not just a small cluster of satellites responsible for the targeting systems, are they Fury?”

So, they knew about that as well? Well, it seems only obvious now, despite the hundreds of measures to make sure that it remained a secret.

In fact, they spent close to a hundred million dollars on launching the fake satellites into space, hoping to fool anybody who had eyes on the carriers before their launch sequences.

He nodded,” You are correct. There is a cluster of satellites that is responsible for secondary targeting systems but the real stars of the show are the thousands of small satellites that provide Satellite internet for a large majority of the planet. Elon was all too happy to get the subsidies for allowing us to install tiny modules that allowed for DNA-level tracking of targets throughout the globe. Last I checked, they were at a staggering 82% of land coverage and nearly half of ocean coverage for the tracking systems. So, yeah, the only option you guys have is targeting and bringing down the carriers before they can fully sync with the satellites and take flight because once they become airborne, the automatic activation sequence would kick in and the weapons onboard would activate automatically.”

He then looked at each and every person who was going to participate in the fight tomorrow in the eye and said, “I know that I have not been the most trustworthy person but believe me, this was not my intention and it pains me immensely to do this, but the carriers must be destroyed and I hope that you all succeed in that endeavour. All I can say is good luck.”


The Triskelion

–Phil “Touch my L.O.L.A. and die” Coulson

When he heard that Director Fury was dead, the emergency protocols that had been seared into his mind kicked in. Immediately, he ordered his team to go dark and immediately headed to the Theta Protocol.

Once there, he removed a pager from his pocket that he brought with him everywhere. It was made of the same technology that the one Director Fury had to call Captain Marvel if the need came. This one was built differently though. It was designed to activate only when it was in a certain location at a certain time in the presence of a certain someone. 

With all the conditions of the pager fulfilled, he waited for the message to come in. He prayed against all odds that the message came in because if it didn’t, he didn’t know what he would do.

Well, he was sure that finding another job with similar benefits was going to be tough.

He was lost in his thoughts when the pager rang in front of him and he immediately began to write down the code.

Seeing that the code was correct, he sighed in relief and immediately began to head outside.

The code didn’t specify it but he ordered the staff there to prep Theta Protocol just in case.

When he returned back to The Bus, the team was understandably full of questions. But the team hadn’t yet gained his full trust and thus, he ordered a blanket communication ban and ordered May to pilot it to Washington DC.

When he reached the given coordinates, he was surprised to see Director Fury fully healed.

Smiling, he resisted the urge to hug him and instead went for a handshake. 

Ignoring Maria Hill’s shocked face, Director Fury shook his hand and gestured for him to the helicopter waiting behind them.

He nodded and after signaling to May to leave with the team, he went after Director Fury.

“B-Bu-But you died. I went to your funeral. We all did. How are you still alive?” Hill asked him, shell-shocked at seeing me alive and well.

 Well, he wouldn’t blame her for that. Anybody would be shocked. After all, according to the reports he had read, his heart did stop beating but somehow, Director Fury managed to bring him back. He was still not privy to how that happened but he was fine and that was all that mattered to him.

“The news of my demise was greatly exaggerated, Agent Hill. Nice to see you again.” He always wanted to say that dialogue to someone. He could cross another one of his bucket list items today. Right after fighting with Captain America in the field.

“Ladies, you can chit-chat later. Right now, we are on a mission. We need to make sure that at least a single one of the boats is secured. Coulson, I hope Theta Protocol is ready?” Director Fury asked him.

He nodded in affirmative.

“Great. Hill?”

“Yes, Director?” Hill asked the Director,

“Make sure that Coulson is there when the fighting begins. There are a few things in the Triskelion that he needs to retrieve. Your objective is to provide cover and safe passage for him. I’ll leave him to you, alright?”

“Yes, sir,” Hill replied. Then she tapped something on her upper forearm. The next moment, some sort of silvery liquid began to spread all over her body, and within seconds, a nanite suit formed over her body, hugging her body and leaving nothing to the imagination.

The only thing that came to his mind at that moment slipped out of his mouth, “That is so cool! Do I get one?” he asked Director Fury with stars shining in his eyes.

If yes, it would fulfill another one of his bucket list items.

Sadly, “No,” Director Fury denied it.

He did not pout but it was a very close thing.


Word Count - 1871

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