Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #20

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 20

Technomancer in MCU

The Borders of Birnin Zana, Wakanda


Snapping my neck sharply, I looked at Ed and his guard, only to stagger back in shock.

Almost immediately, my hand went to my ear, “STAND DOWN! I repeat STAND DOWN! “

“Do not engage.”

Lest they invite doom upon us.



Never in my lifetime had I felt such a technological chasm between Wakanda and someone.

Even the Inhumans on the moon with their leftover Kree technology were no better than us. They didn’t have the crucial materials that the Kree probably had aplenty in their home system but didn’t exist at all in our solar system.

We had checked.

Finding out that aliens existed was a shock.

Their experimentation on ancient humans and creation of what were essentially super soldiers was mind-numbing.

They searched far and wide on Earth for any sign of Kree technology.

Even though we found some signs of Kree tech and traced that to the Inhuman colony on the moon, they were very much manageable.

Plans to contain and if required, destroy them were made.

Funnily enough, the easiest way to destroy even the strongest of the Inhumans on the moon was just germs. 

Common cold germs of Earth would easily kill even the most powerful of their Kind, King Black Bolt.

A terrifying being capable of causing pure destruction at the level of multiple cities with just his voice.

Hearing T’Challa’s voice, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.

He had removed his helmet and at some point in my introspection, I had fallen down on the grass.

How unsightly of me.

Getting up, I am asked by T’Challa, “Baba! Why did you refuse Backup.”

He said, gesturing to their fleet floating outside the barrier menacingly, “They have brought more than enough backup. I say we call the Border tribe squad at the very least.”

Shaking my head, I said, “Wouldn’t have worked.”

“Our people, I have noticed, are a bit too prideful. And they should be. Wakanda is a utopia. But that pride wouldn’t have helped in this situation. It would have backfired instead.”

He looked confused at that.

Sighing, I gave my command to the people undoubtedly listening in on this conversation, “No matter what happens, unless they attack us, no armed forces will move from their positions.”

I stood with my back straight, hands behind my back, every bit as confident as the King of Wakanda should be.

They both soon reached us.

Standing in front of me was Ed, the man who according to the reports of government agencies worldwide, was the number one most wanted person in the world.

A person capable of destroying and destabilising countries on his lonesome.

The person who came with him looked familiar for some reason but I had never met him before, of that I was certain.

His words of me coming here with T’Challa even though they were informed that I would be coming alone was a good attempt at provoking us.

Fortunately, I had been handling the merchant tribe’s elder for longer than this person had been alive.

T’Challa on the other hand.

Even from the corner of my eye, I could see that his body language exuded anger and small amounts of frustration.

Ed’s statement regarding making a deal with 2 successive monarchies and his backhanded remark regarding my impending retirement made T’Challa growl.

Sighing at the fact that he was able to get under T’Challa’s skin so easily, I raise my hand in front of T’Challa.

He stops instantly.

The foolish boy was about to charge at our guests. An absolutely suicidal move.

After a moment of silence, I sigh and ask, “Why have you come here, Ed?”

“If you are in search of more vibranium for your army, I am afraid that the elders will not agree.” I continued.

He raised an eyebrow at that statement.

“And you?” he asked me.

I shrug in a rare show of casualness, “I am King. It is my first and foremost responsibility to protect Wakanda. A little bit of vibranium here and there won’t affect us much but someone of your powers can endanger the entirety of our country. I can’t have that.”

He looked at me in surprise at that statement, his jovial attitude vanishing like a fleeting wisp of smoke, leaving behind a somber and contemplative aura.

He then replied, “I am surprised.”

“To be honest, I expected a much stiffer attitude from you, King T’Chaka.”

I reply, “If it were anybody else other than you, they would not have gotten nearly so much accommodation from me but these are exigent circumstances and I as King must change according to the flow.”

“Eh, Fair enough.” Ed shrugged.

“Before we begin though, I and my companion here would like a formal tour of Wakanda. Both of us have heard that it is the closest thing to a utopia on Earth,” he said, gesturing to his guard and himself.

T’Challa and I both gave him intensely suspicious looks at that request.

As I was about to refuse, citing my citizens’ safety as the reason, he raised his hands and said, “Any deal we make will be contingent on that tour. So reply wisely, King T’Chaka.”

That made me shut up immediately.

Thinking about the implications of this decision on the citizens, the pros and cons to Wakanda, I sighed and said, “Very well. You will have to wait here for a moment as we prepare.”

“We weren’t exactly prepared to receive a State Guest. We’ll have a landing party prepared for you soon, to get you the best possible experience of Wakanda.”

Ed waved me off, “Yeah..Yeah.. I know you probably expected me to come in here guns blazing, destroying property, and all that jazz. Look, I come in peace.”

“And so does he” he gestured to his guard.

Curious about his identity, I ask, “Who exactly is he? From your words, he doesn't seem to be your guard.”

He looked surprised at my words.

His face then lit up and then he replied with a smirk, “What gave you that idea, King T’Chaka? Far be it for me to have a Prince of a nation to be my guard.”

“I mean, I am pretty high up on the global power scale but still, a Prince?” He rambled on.

But I stopped listening after he said the word 'Prince'.

Dread pooled in my gut as I looked at the Guard’s face.

My face paling, I stagger back in shock. I would have fallen down had T’Challa not stopped me.

The reason he looked so familiar despite me never meeting him was..

Because I had met him.

When he was just 10 years old

Before I killed his father, my brother with my own two hands.

And then left him there, to the wolves.

Raising a trembling hand towards him, I ask in a broken voice, “Are..Are you his s–son?”

He looked utterly dispassionately towards me as he nodded, “My name is N’Jadaka, Prince of Wakanda.”

T’Challa looked so confused as he said, “What? Who are you? What did you do to my Baba?”

I understood why this Ed didn’t come here with an army to conquer Wakanda.

He didn’t need to.

He had someone on his side who could tear apart Wakanda from the inside.

Then he could easily conquer the remnants.

Looking at my nephew’s face, I could see the resemblance.

With dread, I thought of the Civil War that would happen should the council come to know of his existence.

I didn’t know anything about him and he had a solid chance of becoming Black Panther.

Looking at Ed, a chill ran up my spine as he looked so coldly towards me.

My mind ran furiously at the revelations.

No, it is certain that N’Jadaka will become the Black Panther.

They wouldn’t have risked coming here without the absolute certainty that N’Jadaka will win.

Something broke inside me at the thought that another one of my sins had come back for retribution. Only this time it threatened the entirety of Wakanda.

Something must have shown on my face when Ed said, “Crown Prince T’Challa, I would suggest you take your father for medical assistance. He is old now, and probably can’t handle too many shocks at once.”

T’Challa’s hold tightened on me.

“We will remain here, awaiting your response,” Ed said resoundingly. 

“Go on.”, he waved us off.

I stood up with the help of T’Challa.

Giving both of them a look, I hobble back towards the Talon.

The only thing that was going on through my mind was how would I explain this to the council.

How would they react?

Would N'Jadaka defeat me and become King through the traditional ways?

Would N’Jadaka even allow me to live?

Would I even blame him?

All these thoughts rang hollow inside my head.


Word Count - 1503

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