Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #10

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 10

Technomancer in MCU



His entire body relaxing, Steve replied, “At least the city can be rebuilt then.”

Ed’s face lit up with a mischievous smile.

He wordlessly gestured to the city.

All of us looked back, only to jerk back in shock.


New York City

–Tony Stark–

I thought that the nuclear radiation absorption technology was the end of surprises for today.

But, apparently, I thought wrong.

The nanite wave was now spreading vertically and slowly moving forward towards the edge of the barrier.

Behind the waves, I could clearly see brand new pristine buildings being built from scratch, appearing out of nowhere.

“That nanite wave can reconstruct matter from existing matter, albeit at an exaggerated energy cost. It’s a good thing we had all the radiation from before absorbed, right.”, Ed explained.

I could only nod jerkily.

“So…ahem…So the city will be rebuilt back to how it was?”, I hated how my voice broke there.

“Better than before. The nanites don’t compromise in quality”, Ed winked back.

That bastard.

“With this, we can officially conclude that the Battle of New York is over.”, Ed declared.

With that statement, all the fight blew out of me. I just collapsed back on the cushy ground.

I could also see similar looks of exertion on Barton and Romanoff.

Seeing their looks, Ed explained, “It’s the CHI dose withdrawal. For the entirety of the invasion, the suits were pumping micro dosages of CHI into your system for your optimum operation. Now that it has been stopped, your body has been overdrawn and needs to rest.”

“My suggestion would be to drink plenty of fluids and complete bed rest for a few days, except Tony”, he pointed at me. 

“You need a few weeks, so your chicken body can get better.”

I goggled at his audacity.

He just smirked at me.

“On a serious note, the reconstruction of the city should be completed within a few hours at best. The residents can move in by tomorrow. Until then the barriers will remain active.”

“The nanites might look harmless but those particular ones are built to devour any matter to build the required product, even organic matter can be consumed.”, he said seriously.

Eyes widening in realisation, I said, “Which means the aliens–”

“Yes, even the alien bodies and all their technology will be consumed to make the required matter to build back the city.”

“Which means–”

“Yes, nothing is left for S.H.I.E.L.D. or the other spy agencies to salvage from the invasion. No dangerously incompatible technology that can be stolen by people not having the best interests of humanity at heart.”

Romanoff interjected, “You know this means that they will hound you with even more ferocity than before. This means that they will have nothing to show for the invasion. No advanced technology, no credit for saving the city. Essentially no benefit but bad PR from this incident.”

Ed rolled his eyes, “Well, First of all, they can try. Second of all, the tech wouldn’t have helped anyway. It was mostly weapons systems and low-level propulsion systems.”

“Honestly, with the right power output?”, he gestured to me, “His repulsor tech would be your best bet for advanced propulsion for orbital and sub-orbital transportation.”

“And Tony?”, he pointed at me, “Be nice. Share some of the tech you have. A first-generation ARC Reactor built for the city to have near unlimited green energy would be a good start, don’t you think?”

I thought about it and nodded slowly.

He clapped, “Great. You all can go ahead from there.”

“Honestly, with the energy issue solved, most of the other issues will be solved by great minds like Dr.Banner here working together.”, he mumbled to himself.

He then abruptly said, “Great work guys. I think we should wrap it up here.”

“Tony, Ms.Potts is waiting for you down there. I hope you will make satisfactory arrangements for Dr.Banner here.”, he said gesturing to Banner.

“Don’t worry, nobody will come for him. I will make sure of that.

Banner offered a hesitant thankful nod.

“S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives have cordoned off the area some time ago. They should be able to escort the rest of you out.”

“Gentleman, nice working with you all. May we meet again in nicer circumstances.”

His suit started floating as the platform began to descend.

“Wait”, I yelled at him, “How do we contact you?”

You don’t, I will. Bye-bye now.”, he waved at me.

His suit took off towards the ship above the barrier and soon, he was out of our sight.

Midgard truly is filled with some interesting people. I don’t know why father doesn’t allow us to come here more often for adventure.”, Thor said.

Loki, who was with Thor in special chains given to them by Ed, rolled his eyes melodramatically.

Nobody reacted to that, all of them in their own thoughts.


–Nick Fury–

Watching Stark take control of the missile and take it on a path toward the portal was bittersweet.

On one hand, they were going to save the city but on the other hand, they were also going to lose one of humanity’s best defenders.

Seeing Ed just tackle Stark out of the way and let the nuke explode was maddening.

Waiting for the shields to break from the force of the nuclear explosion was a nightmare in and of itself.

I heaved a sigh of relief after watching the portal close.

It was a conflicting feeling. I was happy that the portal was finally closed but the cost at which the victory came was too high.

An entire city was lost to nuclear irradiation. The worst thing was that the nuke didn’t do anything to the portal. 

The energy surrounding the cube remained impenetrable even by the might of humanity’s strongest weapons.

In the end, the sceptre was the key to closing the portal. 

If the damned council hadn’t decided to go over my head and fire a nuke at a city with a civilian population at close proximity, they would have won the battle and the city would have survived.

It would have been in a rough shape, sure but it could have been rebuilt.

Now, with the nuclear fallout, the loss will be felt for generations.

I felt, more than saw the projectile that smashed into the city.

Watching it take over the barrier and then somehow, start rebuilding an exact replica of the city that was destroyed was mind-numbing.

I felt as if I had aged decades in a single day. It was infuriating.

Speaking of infuriating, I suppose it was time to meet the biggest headache I have encountered in years.

“Hill, how far are we?”, I asked loudly, over the sound of wind in the chopper.

“A couple minutes, tops.”, she replied.

I nodded.

They soon landed in the makeshift helipad in the cordoned-off area.

Getting off the chopper, I was greeted by Special Agent Felix Blake.

“Where is our mystery guest, Agent?”, I asked him.

He pointed to the river, “He is just floating there, sir. Upon questioning, refused to come and down and said that he was just waiting for you.”

“Very well.”, I nodded.

“Clear the area around him. Make sure nobody comes in or out. I don’t want out conversations to be leaked.”, I ordered him.

“Affirmative, sir.”

I watch on as the area around him is cleared out rapidly.


“Yes, sir?”

“Stay here.”, I order her.

Then I walk ahead without listening to her concerns.

I could see him lowering himself the closer I was to him.

By the time I reached the railings, he had landed right beside me.

For a while, none of us spoke.

I was enjoying the view, a moment of peace before the storm.

“So. What can I do for you, Fury?”, he asked in an inherently infuriating voice,

God, I wanted to just punch him so bad.

I turned around to face him fully.

Glaring at him, I asked him the question that had been bugging me the most, “Did you know?”

“Know what?”

“Don’t patronise me. Did you know about the invasion? About Loki? About the Nuke? About all this death and destruction occurring?”, I nearly shouted at him.

He made a humming noise in return.

I was going to strangle this motherf*cker.


Word Count - 1418

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