Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 83

Chapter 84

Fruit Company Asia Pacific Branch

“Friends, get excited!”

“Next, we will get countless knife music, countless knife music!”


On the table, there was a lot of champagne, and the whole room smelled of alcohol.

Looking at the growing pre-sales on the wall, Mr. Smith jumped up and down with excitement!

Originally, on the day of the pre-sale, the pre-sale amount had reached an extremely high

number, however, through his discredit on HW, this number began to grow again at an alarming rate!

Many angry HW mobile phone buyers felt that they had been deceived by Mr. Ren and began to cancel HW’s pre-orders in large batches, and turned their attention to Fruit Fourteen.

This time came and went, the

sales of IPhane14 climbed

to an extremely terrifying height in just one day!

And Mr. Smith, even more smiling so that his mouth is almost closed, in his eyes, this rising pre-sale amount is a green dollar!

Yachts, babes, parties!

He has decided that after the release of IPhane, he will return to the Eagle Country for a vacation and have a big celebration party to treat himself!

“Stupid Dragon Country.”

“Without high technology, with your cheap labor, what can you compare with us? Hahaha!

“We only need a licensing agreement to easily take advantage of your cheap labor and reap countless rich profits!” Ha ha! Just

when Mr. Smith was laughing so hard that his mouth could not close.

The anxious figure of the secretary, suddenly, appeared in Smith’s room.

“Mr. Smith, Dragon Kingdom… Dragon Kingdom has made a breakthrough in the field of chips!

The blond secretary reported breathlessly.


Mr. Smith had not yet woken up from his state of excitement.

He grinned and waved his hand: “Calm down, even if they have a breakthrough, what?”

“Say, did they break through the 32nm chip and achieve mass production?”

In Smith’s cognition, the level of Longguo’s chip industry is extremely low, and the ability to mass-produce 32nm chips is already a big breakthrough. ”

No, Mr. Smith.”

“Isn’t it?”

Mr. Smith was slightly stunned and frowned: “Could it be that they broke through to 28nm and successfully achieved the large-scale mass production of 28nm chips?”


In his cognition, it seems that only Modu Microelectronics has the ability to mass-produce 28nm chips.

Other Longguo chip manufacturers do not have this ability.

“No, Mr. Smith.”

The blond secretary took a deep breath and said, “The Dragon Kingdom official just announced… Their optical quantum chips, up to… Achieved 14nm accuracy.

“Moreover, mass production has already begun!”


“How much? Ten…… Fourteen nanometers?!

After hearing clearly what his secretary was saying, Mr. Smith instantly jumped up from the sofa in shock!

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

“They haven’t even been able to achieve 28nm chips, how can they achieve 14nm mass production?”

“It must not be!”

The remaining drunkenness in his mind instantly dissipated!

The 14nm chip means that Longguo has officially entered the threshold of high-precision chips!

And if the Western world wants to sanction the chip industry of the Dragon Kingdom, it will pay many times the price in the past, and the benefits will be minimal!

Can…… This can’t be!

Mr. Smith jumped off the couch, took out his phone, and quickly began to read the news.

After a while,

his face turned blue and purple for a while.

“Mr. Smith, do you think we need to report to headquarters in advance?”

The secretary asked nervously.

“It must be the technical cost, definitely!”

Smith almost growled, “Bring the phone, I’m going to call headquarters!”

“This must be a technical fraud, their results, it is impossible to progress so fast!” We want to expose their false lies in front of the whole world! Soon

, the call from headquarters was dialed.

“Mr. Keku, you must have received the latest news from the Dragon Kingdom, right?”

Mr. Smith took a deep breath and said angrily:

“Such technical fraud is defiling the entire chip industry!”

“We should immediately ask the FBI for instructions and let them expose the lies of the Dragon Kingdom!”

“14nm chips have entered the threshold of high-end chips, without our help, how can Longguo achieve mass production?”

On the phone, there was a sigh.

Immediately, Mr. Keku’s helpless voice slowly sounded at the microphone:

“Mr. Smith, I can understand your anger and excitement very well, but according to the information of some of our informants, the news of the Dragon Kingdom is most likely true.”

“According to the intelligence of the informant, the Dragon Kingdom has launched a large-scale production chain.”

“Soon, countless 14nm optical quantum chips will appear in the market, unfortunately, our plan to curb the rise of the Dragon Kingdom with the help of chips has failed…”

Mr. Keku’s mood is also extremely complicated at the moment.

He also did not expect that in such a short period of time, Longguo would really be able to achieve the mass production of 14nm chips!

At the first time, he used the informant of the fruit company in the Dragon Kingdom to probe the truth of the news.

The result… Naturally, there is no need to say more.

“Impossible, impossible… Wait a minute! Mr

. Smith suddenly thought of something, and his expression suddenly froze!

Immediately afterwards, his face became extremely ugly.

“What’s wrong, Smith?”

Mr. Keku heard something wrong and asked with a frown.

“Didn’t… It’s nothing.

Mr. Smith took a deep breath and pretended to be calm:

“I… I previously bought a batch of Alstom and Isma-backed chips at a high price in advance, and wanted to take advantage of the chip ban to sell them to some less threatening companies at a high price.

“How much did you buy, Smith?”

Mr. Keku asked seriously.

“I, I bought about two years of our consumption.”

Mr. Smith said in a trembling voice.

“Are you crazy?”

Keku’s tone immediately became uncalm: “I warn you, dispose of that batch of chips as quickly as possible!”

“Otherwise, you won’t get a single cent of the shares promised by the board of directors!”

“Immediately, immediately!”

Mr. Smith was a little flustered: “Yes, yes!” ”

Actually, he did it right.

After the Western world strengthened the chip ban, there is no doubt that the price of chips in the Dragon Kingdom will definitely skyrocket.

And hoard a large number of 14nm chips in advance, and then sell some of them in batches at extremely high prices.

It can not only increase more revenue generation for fruit companies.

I can also fill part of my own pockets, make my own pockets, and become bulging….

But the problem is that the basis of all these ideas is based on the fact that Dragon Kingdom cannot mass-produce 14nm chips!

Once the optical quantum chip of the Dragon Kingdom, it really began mass production.

Then in the Asia-Pacific region, and even the entire European and American markets, the price of 14nm chips will begin to fall at an alarming rate, which is what Longguo people are best at doing!

For Longguo, which has a complete industrial chain

, it only needs to master technology, and in the absence of lack of resources, it can be like explosive production, so that the once unattainable “high-tech products” fall into the dust.

“Mr. Keku, don’t worry, I will try my best to strike at a fair price, no…” Before

Smith could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a flurry of footsteps.

“Mr. Smith, something has happened!”

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