Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 81

Chapter 82

“Yes, Mr. Smith, I will contact Mr. Dong now.”

The secretary nodded slightly and agreed.

Mr. Smith thought of something again, and spoke again:

“Don’t forget, send the ticket first.” Tomorrow, we must make sure that Mr. Dong leaves the country smoothly, and there can be no accidents, understand?

“Yes, Mr. Smith!”

The secretary resigned.

“Mr. Smith, you said Mr. Dong…”

a gray-haired white executive asked suspiciously.

Not everyone was involved in Smith’s plan, and some executives were kept in the dark.

“Don’t worry, you’ll know all tomorrow.”

Mr. Smith grinned.

Looking at the executives on the board, Mr. Smith’s smile became more and more proud.

Tomorrow, Mr. Ren will definitely be very unforgettable!

Longke University Exoskeleton Equipment Experimental Fellowship Center

“Chief Engineer Lu, can I trouble you to come over?”

A gray-haired professor looked at the screen nervously: “The last test is about to come, can you help see, is there any problem with my equipment parameters?” ”

Here it is.”

Lu Yu got up from the main control room and came to the professor’s side.


The professor respectfully gave up his seat.

Lu Yu lowered his head, his eyes focused on the screen of the instrument, and after thinking for a moment, he smiled: “In fact, there is no big problem, that is, the stability coefficient of the quantum state, which is a little worse.” ”

I’ll do it.”

He sat down and tapped his finger on the instrument screen several times.

After dividing the quantum state three times by two, Lu Yu smiled and said, “Okay, you’re looking, there should be no problem.”


The professor nodded slightly and re-checked the experimental instruments.

Sure enough,

the slightest bit of something wrong that I had felt before disappeared completely at this moment!

“Chief Engineer Lu, your level is really breathtaking.”

The professor praised with emotion.

At the beginning of the project team, although I knew that the young man in front of me was the leader of the controllable nuclear fusion project, after all, the age of the two was here, and I always felt a little uncomfortable calling him “Chief Engineer Lu”….

It can be accompanied by deeper and deeper research.

The three words “Chief Engineer Lu” are more and more comfortable and more and more convinced.

“Let’s get one last preparation, it’s the final experiment soon.”

Lu Yu said with a smile: “As long as the experiment is successful, after our project is landed, we can immediately start large-scale mass production.”

“Yes, Chief Engineer Lu.”

The professor nodded excitedly.

At this moment, Zhong Lao’s figure appeared in the main control room.

“Junior Brother, how are you preparing?”

“Everything is ready, I only owe you this east wind.”

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said, “The parameters of the experimental instruments should be fine, just waiting for you to come.”

“Well, without further ado.”

Zhong Lao’s eyes became solemn: “The experiment, let’s officially begin.”


Lu Yu returned to the main control room, and his eyes became sharp: “All groups pay attention, the light quantum chip landing experiment has officially begun!”

“Yes, Chief Engineer Lu!”

All the scholars said in unison: “Group 1, start the simulated quantum computing!” ”

Group 2, start the stability test of quantum entangled states!”

“3 groups prepare in advance to test the efficiency of optical quantum chips!”


a moment, the originally quiet laboratory became noisy.

Lu Yu stood in the main control room, with his hands behind his back, looking down at the busy scholars below.

Don’t look at him as if he is just standing here doing nothing, but in fact, he is the heart and brain of the whole project!

“Junior Brother, how many percent of confidence do you have?”

Elder Zhong asked with a smile.

“Nine into nine, the more equal to ten percent.”

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said seriously.

In order to cooperate with HW, although he has accelerated the progress a little, he has not neglected the quality.

“If we can successfully complete this experiment, it means that the chip industry of my dragon country has taken a big step forward.”

Zhong Lao sighed: “The powers of the Western world think that locking our chips can limit our development.

“But with my Dragon Kingdom, tens of millions of scholars, how can they get their wish?”

Lu Yu bowed his head slightly, nodded in agreement

, and said, “Yes, this is the same as hundreds of years ago, our feudal dynasty thought that as long as they did not dump tea leaves, they could thirst to death.”

“It’s funny to think about.”

Lu Yu believes that

even without him, the Dragon Kingdom will one day be able to break through the blockade of the Western chip ban.

His presence only accelerates the process.

“It’s just a pity that the quantum simulation limit of optical quantum chips can only achieve 14nm accuracy at present.”

“Otherwise, we will be able to completely bypass the problem of the lithography machine and start mass production of chips with 3nm accuracy.”

Lu Yu has some regrets.

Just between the two of them, the landing experiment below is also in full swing!

“Analog accuracy, ninety percent!”

“Group 2, improve the particle full passability and Hami coefficient again!”



On the computer in the main control room, there is basically only five percent left before the final progress of the successful experiment.

Looking at some coefficients on the computer in the main control room

, Lu Yu’s brows frowned slightly, and he took out the microphone: “Re-modify the evolution time of quantum walking!” 2 groups, synchronously modify the corresponding Hami coefficient. ”

A hundred feet, it’s one step away!”

The groups below immediately responded:

“Yes, Chief Engineer Lu!”

With the Lu command issued, the quantum walk evolution time in the laboratory, the parameters were re-modified.

Finally .

. A shiny light quantum chip appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Under the verification of the three groups, one team member excitedly announced:

“Chief Engineer Lu, we have succeeded!” The chip runs successfully, the value is exactly the same as we expected, and most chips with 14nm accuracy can be equal! ”

We… It worked?

“It worked!”

After a brief moment of stunned, a warm cheer erupted in the laboratory!

Even Zhou Qingshu and Song Yu hugged together excitedly and shouted excitedly: “We succeeded, haha!” ”

Their tasks in the laboratory, although they only give Lu language miscellaneous, they don’t understand the corresponding professional content.

However, after working hard for so long, they were also completely ignited by the enthusiasm of everyone and devoted themselves to their work!

How can you not be excited to see the success of the project with your own eyes?

“Whew, good.”

Lu Yu slowly exhaled, and a satisfied smile finally appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As long as the landing experiment is successful, the optical quantum chip can be mass-produced according to the parameters of the experiment!

And this can definitely greatly improve the comprehensive strength of the Dragon Kingdom!

“Elder Zhong, go contact Minister Sun.”

“I’ll contact HW directly in a moment, and I can get their technical inspection department to come over.”

Lu Yu thought of something, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became even bigger.

Everyone in the project team has put in a lot of hardship for this project, and it is time for them to get the rewards they deserve.

Lu Yu patted the microphone and said with a smile:

“Everyone, tell everyone the good news and the better news, which one do you want to hear first?”

Good news?

And a better news?

The expressions of everyone present who were cheering were slightly stunned, and some did not react.

“Chief Engineer Lu, what are you talking about…”

asked a spectacled scholar named Tang Can suspiciously.

“The good news is naturally that our project has been a great success and successfully completed the landing of optical quantum chips!”

Lu Yu smiled and said, “As for the better news, everyone will know it immediately.” ”

HW Headquarters

” Ren Zong, Longke University came to the news.”

The secretary reported excitedly:

“Lu Yuan… Mr. Lu said that their chips have been successfully landed, and with the industrial production chain, they will soon be able to achieve large-scale production! ”

She should have called Lu Yu Academician Lu.

However, considering the problem of the confidentiality agreement, he quickly changed his name and changed his title to Mr. Lu.

“Good, great!”

Rao is President Ren, who has always been unfazed, and there is also a touch of excitement in his eyes.

He waited too long for this news!

“You let the people from the technical department go over and try your best to cooperate with Mr. Lu and complete the handover work!”

Mr. Ren took a deep breath and spoke again:

“Let the media management department prepare again, tonight is the press conference, we must show the demeanor of our dragon country!”

The problem of the chip was like a big stone, firmly pressed against the bottom of his heart and unable to move.

And at this moment, after the big stone was removed, he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

“By the way, President Ren

…” The secretary suddenly thought of a question, lowered his voice and asked: “Director Dong’s side, let’s…”

President Ren waved his hand and said, “It’s too early to start now.”

“When their flaws are revealed on their own, it’s never too late for us to do it.”

“Put a long line and catch big fish.”

The secretary understood the meaning of President Ren and said with a smile: “President Ren, brilliant.” In

the blink of an eye, President Ren specially

prepared a high-end suit to participate in the press conference of the M50 series today.

And the reporters had already gathered here, holding “long guns and short cannons”, shooting at President Ren for a while, and the dazzling flashes were shining around with the click.

Mr. Ren, who had long been familiar with the process, was not surprised at all.

“Guys, if you have any questions, just ask.”

Mr. Ren smiled slightly and said kindly.

This sentence has just been spoken, and the hand is raised underneath.

“Mr. Ren, I want to ask, do you have confidence in the M50 mobile phone?”

A reporter stood up and asked.

“Of course.”

Mr. Ren said sincerely: “The M50 is equipped with HW’s latest 5G technology, which is a big breakthrough in technology compared to the past M40.

“We at HW are committed to bringing users the best possible experience.”

The reporter sat down, and another blonde reporter stood up and asked

, “Mr. Ren, what do you think of yesterday’s fruit pre-sale?”

“Do you think that in the next competition, will your company’s M50 be better, or will the Fruit 14 be more popular?”

Hear this question.

Off-screen, many viewers watching the press conference raised their eyebrows slightly.

This reporter asked “there is a level”!

“There is an old saying in our Dragon Kingdom, which calls each flower into each eye.”

In the face of the battle, Mr. Ren did not panic at all, and said with a smile: “I believe that the 14 series of fruit companies and HW’s M50 are leaders in the mobile phone market.”

“As for who can be better.”

“Let’s leave this problem to the market.”

The blonde reporter sat back in his seat: “Thank you for your answer, Mr. Ren.”

A look of admiration flashed across her cheeks.

Faced with his own “leading the war” question, Mr. Ren’s answer can be described as elegant and atmospheric.

Neither blindly boasting about the M50, nor losing self-confidence and avoiding talking about it, but using an atmospheric way to eliminate the meaning of “leading the war” in the problem into invisible.

“Okay, anyone else has a problem?”

Mr. Ren smiled slightly and said.


Several reporters wanted to rush to answer.

But at this moment, a piece of the latest news suddenly came from their headsets.

And the expressions of all the reporters present suddenly changed!

“What happened?”

Mr. Ren was also in the air, smelling a touch of something wrong.

It’s just that before he could figure out what happened

, “President Ren, I don’t know if you received the news?”

A reporter, with a solemn face, stood up and asked: “Just now, your HW broke out a big scandal.

“Now, the whole network and the media are talking about you.”

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