Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 74

Chapter 75

Looking at the large screen hanging from the Exoskeleton Equipment Research Center of Longke University

, Li Qingshu muttered:

“I really hope there will be no accidents, the national aerospace has been preparing for a long time for Zhurong.”

“Yes, as China’s first Mars exploration robot, if it can be successfully launched and landed, it means that China’s aerospace has entered a new field.”

Song Yu echoed.

Although neither of them is an aerospace major, they also understand some basic knowledge because of their hobbies.

Dragon Kingdom’s aerospace technology is a rare field that is at the forefront of the world.

Only NASA of the Eagle Country can slightly outperform the Dragon Country in the aerospace field.

“Ten minutes to go, it’s about to launch.”

Looking at the countdown in the lower left corner of the screen, Lu Yu couldn’t help but get nervous.

Zhurong, as the name suggests, comes from the fire god Zhurong in the ancient mythology of the Dragon Kingdom, and is also worshipped as the “god of the stove” by the people, whose real name is Chongli, and was named Zhurong by the emperor because of the identity of the fire official.

As for why the Mars exploration rocket is named Zhurong, it is naturally for a simple and beautiful meaning.

Anxious waiting, always slow.

Finally, there are only ten seconds left before the final rocket launch!

All the aerospace experts in the Longguoquan Wine Space Base

base were nervously watching the behemoth in front of them.


“Five years of hard work…”

The experts clenched their fists nervously, waiting for the moment to decide their fate.

They poured too much into Zhurong, sacrificed too much, and five years of wind and frost, so that their sideburns were a little white.

“Last ten seconds, countdown!”

In the launch center, the commander’s calm voice sounded!

At this moment, everyone’s eyes instantly became sharp, and they looked at the towering launch pad without blinking!

This is the condensation of the five-year aerospace efforts of the Dragon Kingdom, and the achievement is a failure, in one fell swoop!



Every time the countdown sounded, the heartbeats of everyone present trembled!

There are only eight seconds left before the moment of fate


“Eight… Seven…… Six…… Five…… Four…… Three…… Two…”

It’s coming!”

The sound of breathing instantly became dignified!


The last voice of the commander was full of passion, as if roaring!

“Zhurong, ignition! Launch! With

the sound of the “launch” command, a loud bang erupted from the towering launcher!

The roar of the engine instantly enveloped the entire space base!

Blazing flames burst out from the tail of the Zhurong, shining like the blazing sun in the sky, making everyone unable to open their eyes!

“Buzz…” a

terrifying tremor sounded!

With the help of the top aircraft engine, Zhurong carried everyone’s expectations and slowly flew towards the clear blue sky….


Seeing the successful ignition, all the experts in the launch center breathed a sigh of relief.

The excitement slowly subsided, followed by a feeling of detachment, and several people were in poor health, and even dizzy and fell directly to the ground.

However, although their bodies are tired, their eyes are full of relief and excitement!

Five years, not in vain!

The journey of the Zhurong is the sea of stars!

“Comrades, now is not the time to relax, cheer up…” The

controller of the main console just wanted to say something, but suddenly, a piercing alarm suddenly exploded in the launch center:


“Warning! The engine power is abnormal!

“Warning! The engine power is abnormal! The core fan blades are starting to fall off! The

eyes of everyone in the ignition center suddenly tightened: “How come?”

“Quick, hurry up!”

“It’s not time to give up, let’s fight again and re-regulate the engine data!”

A roar echoed through the main control center.

The red light flashed, and every aerospace expert quickly returned to his seat, staring at the big screen with a dead eye, quickly manipulating the subtle data.

It’s a pity….

“Warning, the main engine power is missing fifty percent!”

“Warning, the main engine power is missing seventy percent!”

“Warning, the rocket is underpowered!”

Along with the chaotic noise, the Zhurong rocket in the sky suddenly erupted into a violent roar!


A dazzling red light exploded in the sky!

Under the dazzling light, a tear flowed from the eyes of several aerospace experts:

“It’s over

…” “Five years of hard work, five years of the expectations of hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom, just


Since the landing ceremony of Zhurong No. 1 was livestreamed, the scene of the rocket explosion also appeared on major channels, websites, and social apps in real time.


, on every social app, the failure of Zhurong No. 1 has been thunderous and has reached the top level of hot search.

On Weibo, there are six hot searches in a matter of seconds, and each of them directly reaches the hot search level of “explosion”!

You know, Weibo’s division of hot search is very strict, divided into three levels: hot, boiling, and explosive.

Generally speaking, ordinary hot searches can reach the boiling level, which is already good, usually there is not necessarily a hot search a month, which can reach the explosive level.

The six “explosions” in this instant made Weibo’s servers a little unbearable!

The Internet was boiling, and naturally there were trolls:

“What rubbish!”

“That is, it took so much money from the state to create a firework? Heard a ring?

“I have long said that what aerospace technology of the Dragon Kingdom is a scam!” Compared with NASA in the Eagle Country, it is far worse!

“And what about experts, academicians? If I may say, none of them are useful!

“I suggest that the state thoroughly investigate, such a large project, there must be a lot of scientific research funds, is it greedy by these wine sacs and rice buckets?”


The unbearable foul language, under the control of certain forces, quickly occupied the major forums in the country.

Although some positive voices appeared, they were quickly submerged in the “cesspool”.

“Failed…” There

was a dead silence in the Exoskeleton Equipment Research Center of Longke University.

Everyone’s faces were a little unwilling and regretful.

Although, they are not the heads of “Zhurong”, and they are not even involved in aeronautics.

But as a member of the scientific research community of the Dragon Country, they all sincerely hope that Zhurong can be successfully lifted off and the aerospace industry of the Dragon Country can go to the next city.

“Big guy, don’t get discouraged.”

Zhong Lao stood up and enlightened: “Although Zhurong’s launch failed, as the saying goes, failure is the mother of success.

“Failure is temporary, and as long as the lessons of failure are learned, then this launch has its value.”


Everyone present nodded solemnly.

Although Zhurong’s launch failed, their mission has only just begun.

Don’t let negativity continue to spread throughout the lab!

Everyone returned to their workstations, trying to put aside their feelings and regrets about Zhurong’s failure, and continued to devote themselves assiduously to the work at hand.

Only Zhong Lao quietly came to Lu Yu’s side:

“What are your thoughts?”

“It’s a bit of a pity, a pity.”

Lu Yu said honestly:

“But there are not many other ideas, although this time it failed, but I believe that our next space program can shock the whole world!”


Elder Zhong was slightly startled and said, “Tell me in detail.”

Lu Yu glanced at the screen and analyzed:

“According to my observations, the root of the problem should be in the engine after this launch failure.”

“If our controlled nuclear fusion technology can be improved, then the aerospace field of the Dragon Kingdom will enter a new world.”

“At that time, we can rely on nearly endless clean energy to travel all over and even out of the solar system!”

“Although for other countries, this is still just a distant dream, but for our Dragon Kingdom, it is only in the morning.”

Zhong Lao’s eyes showed a look of surprise, and he said in a deep voice:

“Ambitious, not bad!”

“However, at present, we cannot be too ambitious, we must strive to be down-to-earth and solve the problem step by step.”

Lu Yu bowed his head slightly and agreed: ”

Your opinion, I agree.”

Although space and spaceflight have always been Lu Yu’s greatest ideal, for the current Dragon Kingdom, people’s livelihood and military are still more important.

Therefore, the primary and secondary relationships cannot be reversed.

“The funds you want, I will fight for them in the fastest time!”

“I hope that the development of our exoskeleton equipment can go smoothly.”

Zhong Lao sighed a little and left the laboratory with a sigh and began to prepare for the issue of funding.


Scientific Research Management Department

: “Your two elders are the pillars of their respective fields in China, and besides, we can be regarded as half an academic exchange.”

“Be kind… All right?

Minister Sun looked bitterly at the two white-robed old men in front of him, his eyebrows twisted into a mess.

“Kindness? Am I not angry? I didn’t beat this old puppy, count me as kind enough! ”

Hands-on? The surname is Zhou, do you move one to try it?

“If you don’t shut up again, Lao Tzu will really beat you!”


Minister Sun hurriedly said, “Stop, stop! Two, what is there to say.

“Elder Zhou, you are not too young, if there is any mistake, it is the loss of our entire country, count me begging you, calm down, okay?”

The old man known as “Elder Zhou” snorted coldly and shook his hand: ”

Hmph, look at Minister Sun’s face, let this old boy jump for a while.”

“The field of new energy is the way to develop people’s livelihood in the future, and aerospace technology is just a face before it is completely mature.”

Zhou Lao is a leading expert in the field of new energy vehicles in China.

And the one who debated with him, Li Pengfei and Li Lao, is the president of Kyoto Aviation University and one of the pillars of the aerospace field of Longguo.

And the reason why the two fought here and almost made a move is actually very simple.

Research funding!

“Face goods?”

Li Lao smiled and shook his hand: “Short-sighted!”

“You call me short-sighted?”

“If you don’t talk about you, who else can you say?”

Elder Li sneered and said, ”

Aerospace is the game stage of the world’s top powers!” Our country’s Zhurong launch plan has just failed, and the entire scientific community of the world is laughing at our dragon country!

“If you don’t shame it, it will greatly damage our country’s reputation!”

“Besides, didn’t the top allocate a special fund to your new energy field?”

Minister Sun sighed and said, “Elder Li, Elder Zhou.”

“Don’t worry about the funding matter, let’s talk about it.” Besides…”

He was about to continue with the mud, but at this moment, an assistant walked quickly and leaned over and muttered something in Minister Sun’s ear.


After confirming the content repeatedly, Minister Sun’s face suddenly changed: “Is the source of the news reliable?” ”

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