Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 62

Chapter 63

“Guys, what’s wrong?”

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhong Lao’s eyes.

Under the gaze of a group of experts, he scanned the contents of the paper ball, and then his expression changed slightly.

“This… This is not what I wrote.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhong Lao shook his head and said, “Yes, definitely not!” ”

The various data formulas on the paper ball involve some very new content, and Zhong Lao does not seem to have left this paper ball in the laboratory in his memory.

One of the most critical pieces of data in the paper ball involves major modifications to the chips used in most projects.

This almost… Will completely change the heart of the entire project!

“You mean to say… Someone left this lump of paper in the lab?

Several scholars bowed their heads slightly, all understanding what Elder Zhong meant.

That’s right, how could an old and heavy pillar like Zhong Lao suddenly change the core chip of the exoskeleton armor on a whim?

Isn’t this taking the whole project, kidding?

One of the scholars was a little puzzled and proposed: “But the security level of our laboratory is very high, and ordinary people should not be able to enter.” ”

Could it be…” Several

people looked at each other, all with some surprise in their eyes.

As the saying goes, day and night defense, family thieves are difficult to prevent.

Although it is difficult for outsiders to enter a laboratory with a high level of security, it is reasonable if it is the hands of the people inside the laboratory.

“I don’t know, let me ask first.”

Zhong Lao’s face sank, and he dialed the phone numbers of Zhou Qingshu and Song Yu.

The project had not been officially launched before, so the laboratory had been managed by Qiao Lao’s two apprentices, Zhou Qingshu and Song Yu.

If something happened, these two should know a little.

Soon, after a phone call, both of them hurried to the laboratory.

“Elder Zhong, what happened?”

Looking at the scholars gathered in the laboratory, Song Yu’s expression was a little nervous.

She also did not expect that this project was so huge that it had mobilized so many well-known experts in various fields before it was officially launched!

“Elder Zhong, you called us here in such a hurry, is…”

Zhou Qingshu took a deep breath and suddenly remembered something.

The two looked at each other, and a sense of foreboding suddenly arose in the minds of the two.

Have you seen this paper ball?”

Elder Zhong’s expression was very serious, and his tone was also extremely stern.


Under Zhong Lao’s scrutiny, both Zhou Qingshu and Song Yu felt pressured.

“Just say it if you know!”

Elder Zhong’s brows furrowed slightly, “This is a very serious matter, you must not think about hiding it, otherwise the consequences will only become more serious.”

“I know…” It

seemed that he was frightened by Zhong Lao, and Song Yu’s face turned slightly white.

In this laboratory, only she and Song Qingshu are supervising, and in addition, only Lu Yu has come in. Combined with the words of Lu Yu before, the owner of the paper ball… Obvious.

She sighed in her heart, and said helplessly: “Junior brother, junior brother, I have reminded you, you still don’t listen, it’s no wonder Senior Sister and me.” ”

Actually, she just wants Zhong Laoxun to train Lu Yu, who would have thought that it would be so big?

But now, she can’t cover up Lu Yu.

Song Yu fixed his mind and said in a trembling voice: “It should be… The undergraduate students you brought, Lu language. ”

He… What he left. ”

Lu language?

Zhong Lao was slightly stunned, and then his tone slowed down: “Is it really him?”


Zhou Qingshu next to him bowed his head slightly and added.

Looking at Zhong Lao’s solemn expression, he and Song Yu both began to pray for Lu Yu in their hearts….

“Alas…” Before

waiting for Zhou Qingshu to sigh for his junior.

I saw Zhong Lao slowly pick up the paper ball and carefully examine it:

“I didn’t look at it carefully before, but these few details, after being changed, are indeed better polished.”


Hearing Zhong Lao’s words, not only Zhou Qingshu and Song Yu, but even the experts and scholars behind him were stunned.

Zhong Lao means, is there no problem with the data on this paper ball?

“Zhong Lao, I am in the chip industry, I don’t know about other places, but I still understand some of this major.”

A scholar stood up and pointed to the paper ball:

“According to China’s specifications, the 28nm chip is enough to meet a series of requirements for exoskeleton armor.” With a 14nm high-precision chip, it is a cow slaughtering knife for killing chickens.

“And…” Speaking

of this, his expression was a little uncomfortable: “With China’s current chip capacity, there is no ability to mass-produce 14nm-level chips.”

When this last sentence was spoken, some other experts engaged in the chip industry present had a somewhat ugly expression.

It’s hurtful, but it’s also true….

“He did it, and there should be a reason for him to do it.”

Zhong Lao shook his head slightly and said, “I believe that he modified the 28nm chip specification to the 14nm chip specification, which is definitely not untargeted.”

“Elder Zhong, are you sure?”

Hearing Zhong Lao’s words, the expressions of all the experts present became even more confused.

They don’t know about the [Red Sun] plan for the time being, let alone what role Lu Yu plays in it, the only thing they know is that Lu Yu is an undergraduate student who participated in the project.

As for why undergraduates can participate in large projects of this level?

Mixed seniority, mixed name!

This kind of thing is not particularly rare in academic circles.

The background is large enough to stuff a mascot into a project team is not a big deal.

Can…… Listening to Zhong Lao’s words, his attitude towards this “mascot” is not ordinary!

“Elder Zhong, how about we call him over and ask?”

Zhou Qingshu said.

Calling Lu Yu over to ask carefully should be the best solution at this time.

However, his proposal was directly rejected by Zhong Lao.

“No hurry.”

Zhong Lao shook his head slightly, glanced down at his watch, and said, ”

It’s only 7 o’clock, he may not be awake yet, don’t disturb him at this time.” At noon, when the project is ready to officially begin, I will bring him again. ”

Hit… Excuse him? Zhou

Qingshu and Song Yu thought they had heard wrong.

But when they found that Zhong Lao didn’t seem to be joking, the expressions on their faces froze.

What is it called, don’t bother him at this time?

The corners of Zhou Qingshu’s mouth twitched slightly.

Just now, it’s not 7 o’clock, at most less than 6:30.

As soon as Zhong Lao called, the two people rushed to these non-stop, but how could the role be changed to Lu Yu, so don’t bother him?

Is the gap between people and people so big?

Moreover, Lu Yu is only an undergraduate, and he and Song Yu are both graduate students!

Zhong Lao did not care about the psychological activities of Zhou Qingshu and Song Yu, and after he entertained a kind of professor and scholar, he took a small paper ball and quietly studied it.

Sometimes frowning, sometimes smiling.

Don’t say, it looks weird….

Finally, with the blazing sun slowly rising at noon, Lu Yu’s figure finally appeared in the laboratory.

“Elder Zhong, is our project about to start?”

Lu Yu walked in with a big grin and asked, “Why are there so many people?” Seeing

this scene, Zhou Qingshu and Song Yu’s hearts suddenly tightened:

“Find death!”

You know, the laboratory can gather the big experts of the entire Dragon Kingdom’s scientific research community!

In addition to Zhong Lao, who is at the top pillar level, the others are also first-class well-known figures in their respective fields.

As a junior, shouldn’t you greet the big guys respectfully when you come in, and then come in again?

Where is there such a thing?!

However, something unexpected happened again.

Instead of saying a reprimand, Zhong Lao stepped forward with a smile:

“I haven’t seen you for a long time, your mental head looks a lot better.”

“Haha, isn’t this about to start new research? The mental head must be well nourished, after all, the body is the capital of the revolution.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said.

He actually knew that the refresh of his mental outlook should be because of the small pill of the system.

However, it was naturally impossible for him to explain these to Elder Zhong.

“Ahem, since the protagonist has arrived, then our project should be officially launched.”

Zhong Lao coughed twice.

Immediately, Zhou Qingshu, Song Yu and the other scholars were stunned.

Under the leadership of Captain Liu, a group of heavily armed SWAT officers rushed into the laboratory, and in an instant, the door slowly closed and was completely locked!

A group of older scholars can remain calm.

But Zhou Qingshu and Song Yu, who were in their early twenties, were stunned by such a battle:

“This… This is?

They looked nervously at Lu Yu, but found their junior brother standing calmly in place.

The face is rosy and the expression is natural.

As if, this would have been expected to happen!

“You don’t need to be nervous, this is a normal process, didn’t your mentor tell you?”

Elder Zhong also saw the nervousness of the two and comforted him.

“Our mentor…”

Zhou Qingshu swallowed a mouthful of spit nervously, and said in a trembling voice:

“He only said, let’s come over and assist an undergraduate, and the rest has not been explained.”


Zhong Lao didn’t hold back a little and smiled.

This old Qiao, actually used to deceive?

However, this is no wonder Dean Qiao, after all, you don’t use a little language to express art, so how can you fool two graduate students to give a new student a hand?

Anyway, the purpose is good.

“Ahem, don’t worry, this will be an opportunity for you.”

Zhong Lao patted the shoulders of the two and comforted.

While speaking, Captain Liu had asked his special police to send a confidentiality agreement to everyone.

“Please go through it carefully before deciding whether to sign it.”

“Once signed, there is no room for manoeuvre.”

Captain Liu solemnly warned.

“Non-disclosure agreement?”

The scholars did not hesitate and signed their names directly.

They all know that exoskeleton armor has always been a research project that the state attaches great importance to, therefore, it is normal to sign a confidentiality agreement.

And Zhou Qingshu and Song Yu, after a short hesitation, excitedly signed their names.

“Okay, since everyone has signed it, let me introduce it to everyone.”

Elder Zhong smiled slightly, pointed at Lu Yu and said

, “This is my junior brother, Academician Lu, the chief engineer of the [Red Sun] Project.”

“At the same time, it is also one of the leaders of our exoskeleton armor project.”

Academician Lu?!

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