Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 28

Lesson 28: 10,000 troops

I warmed up to my shoulder, and Pooh was just getting better.

“By the way, Princess Meer, did you know there’s an admissions party the day after tomorrow?

Rafina has heard.

“An admissions party? Ha…”

Meer tilted her neck.

If I don’t remember hearing about that, I don’t remember the previous timeline.

Why the hell? Such a Meer question is quickly dispelled.

“It’s a dance party to welcome freshmen, don’t you think? I thought someone was already asking me to dance.”

The moment I heard it was a dance, a lightning bolt ran on Meer’s spine!

– That’s right. Wow! I completely erased that abominable time from my memory.

In the previous timeline, Meer just thought it was about dating Prince Zion.

So naturally, I believed that the invitation to the dance party was something that came from the other side, and I was blowing around like that.

That’s why she sees hell that day.

Anyway, Prince Zion doesn’t care. But no one wants to invite themselves to the dance because of what they said beforehand.

When the party is halfway over, those who finally realize it will speak up, but it’s all about the familiarity of their country’s face.

Besides, if there was a carefree, troubled smile sticking to that face, there was no way Meer’s self-esteem would accept the offer.

In the end, Meer will be enjoying the Botch party that day.

– Oh, oh, that thought, I’m sorry again!

Fortunately, this time the promise of Scion and dance, etc., has not been lied about. I have an application……, it should be, I have to be crazy!

– Oh, may there be…

And so on, I almost prayed weakly, and Meer shook her head in advance.

– You can’t be so weak. Plus, this is a great opportunity to build connections!

Yes, two things Meer lists in her goal.

Don’t build connections with people at risk, and build connections with people who help you.

The first is at stake as early as possible, but the second is coming. I want to be aggressive about my chances.

Once, Meer thought of shooting the best boy, Theon Saul Sankland.

Anyway, Theon is handsome. The smile is very refreshing.

Meer is more of a delicacy.

Plus swordsmanship is so much so that no one, not even the upper classmates, lines up.

At swordsmanship competitions, for example, if the opponent is brave enough to stand up to himself, but usually gentle and calm enough, he can’t complain.

At least that’s what Meer thought.

… It was a big mistake.

Whether not directly, Meer, who was guillotined because of him, had found his character to be false (which is what is happening in Meer!

But it’s impossible in the first place, such as taking the first prince as his son-in-law, as a pre-personality issue.

From an empire that has no successor other than Meer, it would be impossible for Meer to go out to his daughter-in-law, nor, as the side of the Kingdom of Sankland, would it be possible to send Zion out to his son-in-law.

– Rather, the goal is that the right to inherit the throne is not that high since the second prince.

When I thought about it that way, Meer had one person in mind.

Even if it does not extend to the Tiermoon Empire and the Kingdom of Sankland, the two first-tier states, it is a relatively large and yet militarily enriched country within a middle-sized group of states.

Furthermore, a country just opposite the Kingdom of Sankland, although somewhat distant from the Tiermoon Empire.

The name of the country is called the Kingdom of Lemno.

And fortunately, Abel Lemno, the second prince of the kingdom of Lemno, is a classmate of the Meers.

If Abel were to be my son-in-law or, at the very least, my love friend, I would be able to ask for reinforcements when the Kingdom of Sankland attacked me.

That way, with a sandwich, you can take Sunkland.

– I’ve been trying to take a slow approach since school started, but I can’t seem to say that either!

After the joint bath, as soon as he entered the room, Meer told Anne.

“We’ll have an operational meeting, Anne. We’re going to get your romantic knowledge together.”

Listening to Meer’s decree, Anne corrected her posture all the time.

“I understand, Master Meer. Shaw, let me squeeze all my spirit and wisdom for this Anne, Dear Meer.”

To her temperamental reply, Meer nodded satisfactorily.

… Meer doesn’t know.

That Anne’s romantic knowledge that she relies on is based on a romantic novel her sister was writing.

No way, such as that Anne, five years older than herself, is a novice in love who hasn’t even fallen in love yet…

I didn’t even imagine…

“It’s tremendous, Anne. I feel like I have 10,000 troops on my side!

That 10,000 troops are just Haribote, etc.

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