Tauren Lord

Chapter 14 - Marina City

Marina City Exchange.

This is a rather deserted trading place in Binhai City. Generally, the transaction of bulk materials is carried out here, and the transaction of basic resources such as minerals, stones, and wood will be carried out here. However, except for rare minerals that will be purchased by foreign merchants, the trade of basic resources is generally carried out between local lords, and ordinary people are unlikely to need these things. Most of the purchases and sales are from various territories. the noble lord.

Entering the door and turning right is a service desk. The sales of materials need to be registered here, and the purchases also need to be placed here. A young fox man was lying on the table, and he seemed to be asleep.

Barr ignored him and went straight to the second floor.

The second floor is a hall, and in front of it is a huge magic display screen. The middle of the display screen is separated by a black line and divided into two parts: left and right. The information on the left is the purchase information, and the information on the right is the sale of various materials. Barr took a look at it. The purchase information on the left shows that the purchases are basically rare minerals and materials, such as hematite, Alpha Gold Mine, etc., On the right, there is a dazzling array of everything for sale.

He looked around.

There are two humans and a tiger man sitting at the table in the corner on the left. Looking at the clothes, the two humans should be businessmen. As for the tiger man, it should be some noble lord. The three are talking in low voices. Other than that, Barr was the only one left upstairs. This is not surprising. Now is not a time of war, and large-scale material transactions are not frequent.

After arranging his thoughts, Barr walked to the screen.

Watching a tauren walk in, the tiger man sitting by the wall glanced at Baal, then lowered his head and continued to talk to the human businessman sitting in front of him.

This time Barr wants to purchase mainly basic materials. Looking at the sales list, he searches carefully. Barr is trying to find the sales information of the villages and towns closest to his territory. Barr has not established a village or a market yet, and the materials are still needed. Hire a caravan to transport it, naturally, the closer it is to one’s own territory, the better.

After the market is established, it will be very different. The market will automatically radiate a certain range around it. Between the two markets within the radiation range, materials can be transferred over a long distance, which is convenient and fast. The higher the level of the market, the larger the radiation range.

Good luck.

Baal saw the name of Amos Town Mayor Artimo in the list. Amos Town is the nearest first-level town to Baal’s territory, and the mayor is also a tauren, which is good news for Baal , In Baal’s impression, the Tauren is still very united, so that it can be less troublesome.

I took a look at the resources sold in Amos Town. They have a complete range of resources and the prices are fairly reasonable.

The price of wood and stone is 5 silver coins per unit. Baal intends to buy 10,000 units each, which will cost 1,000 gold coins, which is enough for his own needs in the early stage. In addition, Baal is also preparing to purchase 7,000 units of potato and 3,000 units of Lele dishes, which will cost 300 gold coins. After all, even if the territory is established, there is no way to harvest food in a short time. Bashu’s growth cycle is three months, four harvests a year, and Lele dishes are even longer, so they can’t go hungry together.

After choosing the goods, Barr didn’t stay any longer, and went downstairs to place the order.

Walking to the front of the service desk, Baal was speechless for a while, and the fox-people youth was still sleeping soundly.

“Hey, brother, wake up, wake up!”

Barr tapped the table in front of him hard.

“Who is it? Is it time to get off work?”

The fox-people youth woke up in a daze, muttered a few words in his mouth, got up and rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked at the young tauren standing in front of him, and then realized that this was a guest. .

“Ah, my lord, hello, do you want to buy or sell supplies? I fell asleep accidentally, I’m really sorry, please forgive me.”

The fox-people youth stood up in a hurry. The guests who can come here are all nobles. If he offends someone with a bad temper, he can’t eat and walk around.

“It doesn’t matter, I want to purchase some materials for sale in Amos Town. Please help me place the order. I need 10,000 units of wood and stone, 7,000 units of potato and 3,000 units of Lele Cai.” Bar is not annoyed, Smile.

“Okay, my lord, you need to pay a 10% deposit first. In addition, where is the delivery point? If it exceeds ten kilometers, you also need to pay the other party’s freight fee of 5 gold coins per kilometer.” The fox people said respectfully. .

“This is the deposit. The delivery location is at the entrance of the south gate of Amos Town, but I need the other party to deliver the goods to the location of Mermaid Bay (158, 26). I will pay for the freight separately, and the delivery time will be tomorrow morning. Seven o’clock.”

Barr took out 130 gold coins and handed it to the fox-people youth in front of him. The other party handed over a purchase contract. After completing the filling as required, the deal was concluded. The fox-people youth handed Barr a circular yellow sign and looked at it. The number 1995630 was written on it. This was the transaction voucher, and Barr kept the sign.

“Sir, walk slowly.”

After the transaction was completed, Barr left the exchange.

As for the follow-up, there is no need for Barr to worry about it. The exchange will naturally negotiate with the mayor of Amos Town.

Since it has been agreed that the delivery will be delivered at seven o’clock tomorrow morning, Barr will no longer stay there. Binhai City is not a short distance from Amos Town. It must be there before tonight, otherwise the delivery time of the goods will be missed.

It is not a wise choice to rush to Amos Town on foot, not only is it slow, but it may also be dangerous. Barr intends to take the special car from Binhai City to Amos Town. The so-called special car is actually a convoy of animal vehicles. The team will be guarded by experts, and the safety is very high. The convoy will travel to and from the surrounding towns on time every day.

After inquiring with passers-by, the special bus from Binhai City to Amos Town departs at one o’clock in the afternoon and returns to Binhai City the next morning. The car dealership is located not far south of the exchange. Because it is an afternoon departure, you can go after lunch, but you still need to buy the ticket in advance.

Crossing the street to the south, then turning right, Barr found the car dealership in Marina City.

The person in charge of the car dealership is a middle-aged fox. After paying the fee of 5 gold coins, Barr got a seat on the car and a ticket made of leather. The ticket was engraved with some magic circles. These patterns can play the role of anti-counterfeiting.

“Boss, bring me twenty skewers of grilled squid.”

For lunch, Barr ate at a roadside stall, and naturally he had to eat seafood in Binhai City. The person selling grilled squid on the side of the road is a chubby wild boar uncle. The wild boar is very talented in cooking. Some talented chefs and gourmets are often born in the UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com family.

Seeing Baer gnawing wildly with a large row of grilled squid, the uncle of the wild boar was a little ashamed. The tauren now is really more wild than the wild boar.


The team of animal carts leading to Amos Town set off in a mighty manner.

Barr successfully got on the animal cart. The convoy consisted of thirty-two animal carts, one after another in a long line, which looked quite spectacular. On the left of the team is a group of wolf cavalry of the wolf clan, a total of six people. The wolf cavalry is a level 70 fourth-order arm, with strong mobility. Among all the fourth-order arms, its strength is considered to be above average. This is the **** team sent by Binhai City this time.

At first, Baal looked at the surrounding scenery with interest, but he got bored after a while. The road was quite calm. There were wolf cavalry soldiers here, and the low-level monsters were scared away from a distance. In addition, this place belongs to the official road. , Binhai City will regularly send troops to clean up, and the number of monsters is very small.

In the Rand world, the higher the level of monsters, the slower the refresh rate. This is also a point that players in the previous life criticized very much.

According to this world, after a monster dies, the soul will absorb the elements free in the air to reunite the body, and then generate new monsters. The stronger the monster, the more energy it needs to regenerate, and the faster the rebirth will naturally be. Slow, in theory, monsters won’t really be killed unless their soul source is destroyed.

The newly born monster will lose all the memories stored in the source, and only retain the fighting instinct.

However, I heard that some very powerful monsters can retain their memories and be reborn, so most of the powerful monsters in this world are sealed and rarely killed directly. Of course, these are just rumors, and no one can tell if they are true or not.

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